Global Research News

DOJ Seeks to Exploit Coronavirus Emergency to Detain People Indefinitely By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 30 2020

Throughout U.S. history, presidents have exploited national emergencies to exceed their constitutional powers. Abraham Lincoln illegally suspended habeas corpus during the Civil War. Franklin D. Roosevelt confined people of Japanese descent in internment camps during World War II. And George

US ‘Granting Waivers’ to Release Iranian Assets for Coronavirus Fight: Iranian Sources By Rohollah Faghihi, March 30 2020

People in Tehran tell MEE that Washington has granted sanctions waivers to some countries to allow them to release frozen Iranian central bank funds for urgent medical supplies


The United States has agreed to grant sanctions waivers to some …

Cuba – An Example of Solidarity in a Time of Crisis By Nino Pagliccia, March 30 2020

The most frequent qualifier used to describe the global experience of the pandemic we are currently witnessing or affected by, is “crisis”. And I am reminded of political theorist Antonio Gramsci’s words: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that

Putin Says ‘the Rich Must Pay’ for the Coronavirus By Mike Whitney, March 30 2020

Vladimir Putin has decided how Russia is going to pay for the corona-virus.

He’s going to tax the rich.

It’s a remedy that most Americans would support if they were given the choice, but they weren’t asked. Instead, Congress passed

US Sanctions Against Iran: Double Illegitimacy at the Time of Covid-19 By Saïdeh Khadir, March 30 2020

The WHO now calls the Coronavirus epidemic a ‘pandemic’ and calls on all countries to apply drastic health policies.

The rapid spread, morbidity and mortality associated with the disease are all the more worrying as they can quickly deplete health

Coronavirus Shutdown and the Worldwide Corporate Debt Crisis By Christian Parenti and Dante Dallavalle, March 30 2020

After a decade-long, worldwide corporate debt binge, the bill has come due: huge swaths of the corporate world are now at risk of default, with only governments able to save them. This time, any bailouts must place corporate investment under

As World Struggles to Stop Deaths, Far Right Celebrates COVID-19 By Michael Colborne, March 30 2020

The new coronavirus has already infected hundreds of thousands of people, taken more than 20,000 lives and caused a level of economic, social and political disruption not seen in decades.

But for many far-right hardliners, it’s a crisis to be

The Decade of Transformation Is Here: Remaking the Economy for the People By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 30 2020

The pandemic, economic collapse and the government’s response to them are going to not only determine the 2020 election but define the future for this decade and beyond. People are seeing the failure of the US healthcare nonsystem and the

A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus By Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, March 30 2020

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko

Board Certified Family Practitioner

501 Rt 208, Monroe, NY 10950 

March 23, 2020

To all medical professionals around the world:

My name is Dr. Zev Zelenko and I practice medicine in Monroe, NY. For the last

US Senators Request to Ease Sanctions Against Venezuela, Iran By Telesur, March 30 2020

U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy and 10 other lawmakers sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin urging them to alleviate the sanctions that the U.S. keeps against Iran and Venezuela amidst the

With a Quarter of the World’s Population Under US Sanctions, Countries Appeal to UN to Intervene By Alan MacLeod, March 30 2020

The governments of China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Syria, and Venezuela – all under sanctions from the United States – sent a joint statement to the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN’s High Commissioner on Human Rights and

U.S. Troops Out of Iraq By Mairead Maguire, March 30 2020

A petition launched on March 19, 2020

The mass killing and destruction of Iraq that began 17 years ago today, assessed by the most scientifically respected measures available, killed over 1.4 million Iraqis, saw 4.2 million additional people injured, and

Trump Regime Plotting More War in Iraq? By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2020

Former Obama regime chief of staff/Chicago mayor/earlier and current investment banker Rahm Emanuel once notoriously said:

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. I mean, it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not

Coronavirus: Where Did It Come From? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 29 2020

China’s President Xi Jinping spoke on the phone with Donald Trump on Friday March 27.

President Xi offered China’s support in fighting the virus in the US.

The Chinese are astute diplomats.

At the outset, China was held responsible for

Video: Kurdish Militias Start New Dangerous Game in Northern Syria By South Front, March 29 2020

An armed group named the Islamic Revenge Movement (IRM), hostile towards both Turkish forces and the Syrian Army announced its existence in northern Syria. In a video message released on March 20, the IRM claimed that in 2019 its members

USA Activates New Phase of Violence and Coup d’état Against Venezuela By République bolivarienne du Venezuela, March 29 2020


In the midst of the most recent attacks of the United States against Venezuela, the government of Donald Trump today designated President Nicolás Maduro as part of a supposed narco-terrorist structure and named a price for his arrest or

A Reflection on Trump “The War President” By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 29 2020

Trump likes to call himself a ‘war president’. But his claiming this term turns the definition into a bad joke.

Here’s a few brief thoughts on that theme:

Today Trump announced he was ‘invoking’ the war production act to get …

Corona Pandemic: Oligarchs and Politicians Do Not Let a Crisis Go to Waste By Adeyinka Makinde, March 29 2020

Strict measures -even extraordinary ones- are of course required to deal with the tumult flowing from an unleashed global pandemic.

But the people must be watchful and remain ever vigilant of the conduct of their leaders. There will be threats

Barbaric Decisions: Coronavirus, Refusing Bail and Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 29 2020

“To expose another human being to serious illness, and to the threat of losing their life, is grotesque and quite unnecessary. This is not justice, it is a barbaric decision.”- Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks, March 26, 2020


Italy Leans on Russia After the EU Fails to Deliver. Russian Doctors and Disinfection Units. New Alliances Emerging By Steven Sahiounie, March 29 2020

More than 15 military transport planes flew from Russia to Italy delivering disinfection units, 180 doctors, 100 personnel which include specialists in biological protection, nurses, ventilators, and masks.  The experts sent to Italy have worked on international epidemics including African

“Narco-Terrorism” and the Maduro Bounty Indictment as a Prelude to Panamanian-Style Racist Aggression By Black Alliance for Peace, March 29 2020

We must remind our people that over 150 million Africans live throughout the so-called Americas. We especially must raise this reality at critical moments like this when the corporate media and establishment opinion is legitimizing U.S. gangsterism that could kill

Covid-19 Hysteria Vs. Your Actual (Very Low) Chance of Dying By Ulson Gunnar, March 29 2020

How likely are you to die from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)? Based on the hysteria spreading across the globe, it would seem like the chances are fairly high.

But would report on the actual projected death rate of those …

Video: The Istanbul Canal as an Instrument of Erdogan’s Multipolarity By South Front, March 29 2020

From Father of Turks to Father of Ottomans

Turkey’s president Erdogan will no doubt go down in history as the leader who overturned the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and ended the country’s experiment as a secular nation-state. Perhaps that

COVID-19: Martial Law, Digital Currency, and World Government By Kurt Nimmo, March 29 2020

I certainly don’t claim to be a financial wizard. In fact, at best, I have a rudimentary understanding of how the convoluted funny money economy works. However, you don’t need to fully comprehend the ins-and-outs of rigged monetary system to

Hydroxychloroquine to treat Coronavirus Patients: Are the Nevada Governor and President of France in the Pay of Big-Pharma? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 29 2020

This question is invited by news reports that they are preventing the use of the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.  According to experts, the anti-malaria drugs are effective if used early enough in the infection.  But

Coronavirus: The Likely Causes and Consequences of Its Rapid Emergence By Shane Quinn, March 29 2020

Coronavirus cases are continuing to accelerate as the world’s most affluent countries, for a change, bear the brunt of a serious infectious illness. Yet again it is the bulk of populations that will really suffer, however, as multinational corporations and

Lockdown Lunacy By Hadas Magen and Globes, March 29 2020

Former Health Ministry chief Prof. Yoram Lass says governments can’t halt viruses and the lockdown will kill more people from depression than the virus.


Former Ministry of Health director-general Prof. Yoram Lass has been regularly interviewed by the Israeli …

Corona: An Epidemic of Mass Panic By Prof. Peter C. Gøtzsche, March 29 2020

Almost everyone I talk to, lay people and colleagues (I am a specialist in internal medicine and have worked for two years at a department of infectious diseases) consider the Coronavirus pandemic a pandemic of panic, more than anything else.

COVID-19 and Economic Duress: A Pretext to Enhance Police State Powers? Suspension of Constitutional Rights During COVID-19? By Stephen Lendman, March 28 2020

Crises are times when ruling authorities convince people to sacrifice personal freedoms for greater security — not realizing that both will be lost.

Ruling authorities take advantage of times like now by instituting draconian policies they’re unable to introduce during

Racism and “Dreams of Extermination” in Puerto Rico: U.S. Biological Warfare and the Legacy of Dr. Cornelius Rhoads By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 28 2020

Who were the men and women behind the U.S. biological weapons programs during World War II? We know Imperial Japan had biological weapons, specifically bombs made of infected fleas they dropped on China and there were others who committed the

Coronavirus Epidemic in America? Can We Trust the Data? How Much Does it Cost to Get a COVID-19 Test? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 27 2020

So much discussion among virologists regarding the number of COVID-19 “confirmed cases” in the USA. The fact of the matter, is that the existing data base under the helm of the CDC is totally unreliable. Why? Because people across

Covid-19: The Panic Is Worse Than the Pathogen By Tony Cartalucci, March 27 2020

The Corona Virus Disease 2019 or “Covid-19” is a coronavirus similar to the virus that causes pneumonia. Covid-19 is a danger to at-risk groups including the elderly and the chronically ill. 

If you are not elderly and if you are
Media Repeat Phony Trump Regime Narco-Terrorism Charges against Maduro By Stephen Lendman, March 27 2020

Establishment media never miss an opportunity to set the record straight on major issues.

Instead they consistently proliferate state-sponsored Big Lies about designed US adversaries.

The latest exercise in Trump regime mass deception is directed against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro

Whither Coronavirus? When Will It End and What Will Happen Along the Way By Philip Giraldi, March 27 2020

The coronavirus story has generated a number of major subplots.

First is the origin of the virus. Did it occur naturally or was it created in a Chinese, American or Israeli weapons lab? If bioengineered, did it somehow escape or

Western Media Focusses On Big Pharma’s Search for a Coronavirus Vaccine While Suppressing Coverage of High Dose Intravenus Vitamin C to Save Lives in China By Dr. Leon Tressell, March 27 2020

Not a day passes without some hyped up media story of how big-pharma is racing to the rescue of humanity with its search for a coronavirus vaccine. There are over 40 companies now searching for a vaccine. Collectively they are

Why Is the U.S. So Exceptionally Vulnerable to Covid-19? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 27 2020

The United States has become the new center of the global coronavirus pandemic, with over 86,000 cases, more than China or Italy. More than a thousand Americans have already died, but this is surely only the very beginning of this

911 Truth: WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report By AE911Truth, March 27 2020

The destruction of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 in New York City late in the afternoon of September 11, 2001, was not a result of fires, according to the much-anticipated final report issued today by researchers at the

Lockerbie’s Only Convict May be Exonerated Posthumously By Dr. Mustafa Fetouri, March 27 2020

The only man to be convicted of the infamous Lockerbie bombing, Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, died in 2012 and protested his innocence until his final breath. His fellow Libyan and co-defendant, Lamin Khalifa Fhimah, was acquitted and is still living

Why France Is Hiding a Cheap and Tested Virus Cure By Pepe Escobar, March 27 2020

What’s going on in the fifth largest economy in the world arguably points to a major collusion scandal in which the French government is helping Big Pharma to profit from the expansion of Covid-19. Informed French citizens are absolutely furious

Doctors, Not Bombs… “Educated in the Idea of Saving Lives” By Fidel Castro, March 27 2020

Excerpts from Fidel’s 2003 speech in Buenos Aires:

“Our country does not drop bombs on other peoples… our country does not possess nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or biological weapons. Our country’s tens of thousands of scientists and doctors have been

Venezuela Dismisses US Justice Department ‘Narco-terrorism’ Accusations By Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz, March 27 2020

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro rejected US drug trafficking accusations against his person and senior members of his government.

In a televised address Thursday evening, Maduro blasted the State Department’s “racist cowboy methods” of offering money for information leading to his …

Video: Mighty “Moderate Rebels” Pressure Turkish Army in Idlib. US-led Coalition Is Crumbling By South Front, March 27 2020

The notorious “moderate rebels” have blown up a bridge on the M4 highway in southern Idlib as part of their effort to sabotage the creation of a security zone in the area. The Kafr bridge is located near the town

Covid-19: Lithuania on the Brink of a Catastrophe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 27 2020

COVID-19 expands in Lithuania. Having registered its first official case in February, the country currently has almost 300 infected people and four confirmed deaths. Taking into account that the official numbers tend to differ from the real ones due to

Real Virus, Fake Shock By Mark Taliano, March 27 2020

The coronavirus is real, but the shock is a fabrication.

The WHO proclaimed a “pandemic” prematurely, without sufficient evidence, no doubt influenced by “vested interests”.

How do we know this?

The UK government recently proclaimed that

“more is known about

Bolsonaro Needs Help to Overcome Coronavirus Pandemic Despite Loyalty to Trump By Paul Antonopoulos, March 27 2020

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro after weeks of downplaying the potential seriousness of the coronavirus is beginning to lose popularity for his irrationality, especially since describing the coronavirus as a “fantasy” and a “minor flu.” While all South American countries, with

COVID-19 Puts Capitalism on a Ventilator. No More Bank and Corporate Bailouts! By Prof. Anthony A. Gabb, March 27 2020

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned that a global recession, “perhaps of record dimensions”, was a near certainty…“We are in an unprecedented situation and the normal rules no longer apply.”

The aftershock of previous pandemics was catastrophic. The fourteenth century …

The Senate’s Coronavirus Relief Package Must be Stopped! By Mike Whitney, March 27 2020

The Senate’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package is not fiscal stimulus and it’s not a lifeline for the tens of millions of working people who have suddenly lost their jobs. It’s a fundamental restructuring of the US economy designed to

Recognizing and Resisting the “Hasbara Pandemic” By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, March 27 2020

Steady media reports on the rising number of the novel Coronavirus infections and its human toll have contributed to a global psychology of fear where entire populations are succumbing their free will to those in positions of authority, elected and

Russia Is Responding Better Than Everyone Else to World War C By Andrew Korybko, March 27 2020

The largest country in the world is faring surprisingly well when it comes to surviving World War C, which is greatly attributable to Russia’s proactive measures in taking COVID-19 as serious as possible, including through border closures and the forthcoming

Boris Johnson Tests Positive for Covid-19 as UK Lockdown Tightens By Johanna Ross, March 27 2020

Make an unnecessary journey and you could face a fine of £60: that’s the message the UK government is sending as it tightens up its restrictions in light of the current coronavirus pandemic. On Monday night, Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Video: Perspectives on the COV-19 Pandemic, A Fiasco in the Making: Dr. John Ioannidis, Stanford University By Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis and Journeyman Pictures, March 27 2020

Perspectives on the Pandemic:

Dealing with Coronavirus, a fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data.

Dr John P.A. Ioannidis is a professor of medicine and professor of epidemiology and population

Coronavirus in Gaza: Just 40 ICU Beds for Two Million People Under Siege By David Hearst, March 27 2020

Hospitals all over the western world are bracing for a tsunami of intensely ill patients suffering from breathing difficulties due to the Coronavirus.

In Britain, car companies are scrambling to produce ventilators. Plans are being laid for the army …

Bernie Sanders Voted for Corporate Bailout Bill. “Hand Outs” to Big Money, Crumbs for Ordinary Americans By Stephen Lendman, March 27 2020

Make no mistake. Legislation that should be called the GOP/Dem-Don’t-Care/CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act is a corporate bailout bill with crumbs for ordinary Americans.

It’s a bandaid approach to a public health emergency/economic crisis, the latter mostly …

Lancet Chief Skewers Johnson Government for Its Disastrous Covid-19 Failure By True Publica, March 27 2020

An editorial piece in The Lancet – the world’s most prestigious, and best known general medical journal warned two months ago of the oncoming conflict between an ill-prepared, under-funded national health service and an indiscriminate invisible killer in the form

Tulsi Gabbard Falls on Her Sword: America’s Leading Antiwar Voice Is Destroyed by Hillary By Philip Giraldi, March 27 2020

In American politics, it is not often that one sees an assassination carried out in public, but that is exactly what the Democratic Party establishment did to peace candidate Tulsi Gabbard. She was sidelined right from the beginning of

‘Big Win’: Caving to Pressure Campaign, Gilead Sciences Relinquishes Monopoly Claim for Promising Coronavirus Treatment By Julia Conley, March 27 2020

Government watchdog Public Citizen celebrated Wednesday afternoon as pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences backed off a monopoly claim for its drug that may treat the coronavirus which has sickened more than 487,000 people worldwide. Gilead, Public Citizen said, must now commit

Montenegro Being Accelerated to the European Union in a Face-saving Regime By Paul Antonopoulos, March 27 2020

Italians furious at the lack of help and solidarity from the European Union began removing flags of the Union throughout the country and replaced them with Chinese and Russian ones. As this is happening in a long-time member of the

Trump’s Horrific Reaction to the Coronavirus – Is this What the Hong Kong Rioters Wanted? By Andre Vltchek, March 26 2020

Mainland China is closing down the hospitals in Wuhan, releasing patients who are already cured. Doctors are celebrating, and with them, the ordinary people; in China and all over the world.

It is not the end of the medical emergency,

Nicaragua: Advancing Social Equality and Food Sovereignty By Carissa Brands, March 26 2020

In February, Friends of the Association of Peasant Workers (ATC) and the Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) organized an agroecology and Sandinismo solidarity delegation to Nicaragua. Led by Friends of the ATC’s Coordinator and co-International Relations Secretariat, Erika Takeo,

As the World Turns Its Attention to the Pandemic, Israel Is Moving Forward with Military Raids By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 26 2020

The West Bank situation is becoming increasingly complicated amid the coronavirus pandemic and territorial disputes between Palestinians and Israelis. At first, the Palestinian Authority and Israel showed signs of cooperation in combating the pandemic. A few weeks ago, joint measures

NATO’s Destruction of Serbia and Where Are Serbia, China and the West Today? By Jan Oberg, March 26 2020

It was NATO’s first out-of-area operation, against its own Treaty and without a UN mandate. On March 24, 1999.

Independent Kosovo was established – against UN SC resolution 1244. Thanks to the Clinton administration and Madeleine Albright. CNN’s Amanpour endorsed

Poll: 100% of Americans Expect to Get Coronavirus By Steve Watson, March 26 2020

A new survey has discovered that every single American is convinced they will get the coronavirus, highlighting just how entrenched the message about the crisis has become in the US.

The poll by Survey USA finds that 100 percent of …

US Media Defends Al Qaeda in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, March 26 2020

When is a terrorist group not a terrorist group? Apparently when US foreign policy requires it not to be. This is precisely the case regarding Al Qaeda’s Syrian branch – Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS) – the most recent rebrand

Can South Asia Survive World War C? By Andrew Korybko, March 26 2020

The planet’s second-most populous region will struggle to survive World War C due to its largely dilapidated health infrastructure and widespread abject poverty, but its chances of success would greatly increase if the South Asian security dilemma temporarily disappeared in

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, CARES Act Is Business Giveaway, “Handout” to Monied Interests By Stephen Lendman, March 26 2020

On Wednesday, the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act was unanimously passed by the Senate.

It’s scheduled to be voted on and adopted by House members on Friday, Trump to sign it into law. Its provisions are largely

Trump’s Idiocy Just Condemned His Citizens — The Rest of Earth Must Practise ‘Social Distancing’ from the US By Morning Star, March 26 2020

US stock markets lifted today on a tide of investor enthusiasm following the announcement that the Federal Reserve was poised to give the US economy a limitless cash injection.

And in the closed mind of Donald Trump, this is …

Accelerating Albania and North Macedonia Membership EU Tries to Save Face Amidst Coronavirus Debacle By Paul Antonopoulos, March 26 2020

The European Union’s decision to open negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania is a propaganda act from Brussels that attempts to reassure members of the Union that countries, even in the midst of the epidemic, want to become members of

US Stimulus Plan: What’s Needed or Way Short? By Stephen Lendman, March 26 2020

Congressional Republicans and Dems, together with the White House, agreed on a reported $2 trillion stimulus plan late Tuesday night — the text of the bill not finalized.

The devil is in the fine print and how what’s agreed on

A Brady Bond Solution for America’s Economic Crisis and Unpayable Corporate Debt By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Prof Michael Hudson, March 26 2020

Even before the Covid-19 crisis had slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, financial markets were in an inherently unstable condition. Years of quantitative easing had loaded so much money into stock and bond prices that

Video: Unfortunate Adventures of Turkish Army in Idlib By South Front, March 26 2020

Two Turkish soldiers were injured and two vehicles damaged in Syria’s southern Idlib on March 24. Their military convoy was targeted by a roadside bomb explosion near the village of Sfuhun. Turkish troops based at the al-Barah observation post were

Two Hundred and Thirty Years of Rights and Liberties Shredded: Why I Oppose the Lockdown By Brandon Turbeville, March 26 2020

Although it was nearly twenty years ago, I can remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. I remember the shock of hearing about the planes crashing into towers, at first believing it was a tragic accident and quickly learning it to

Our Leaders Are Terrified. Not of the Virus – of Us. By Jonathan Cook, March 26 2020

You can almost smell the fear-laden sweat oozing from the pores of television broadcasts and social media posts as it finally dawns on our political and media establishments what the coronavirus actually means. And I am not talking about the

Goodbye Gabbard By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 26 2020

The Democratic establishment is deriving some delusionary cheer from it.  The line of candidates for the presidential nomination has thinned, many falling out and proceeding, suicidally, to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden

The case of Hawaii Representative Tulsi

Coronavirus and Climate Change: 6 Ways the Trump Administration Has Botched Responses to Both By Dawn Stover, March 26 2020

Here in Washington state, a spokesman for the nursing home that is the epicenter of a coronavirus outbreak said on Sunday that he and his colleagues “had seen some residents go from no symptoms to death in just a matter

The Staggering Collapse of U.S. Intelligence on the Coronavirus By Scott Ritter, March 25 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted the United States unlike any other event in recent history, proving to be far more disruptive to American society, and far most damaging to the U.S. economy, than even the events of 9/11. 

The U.S. …

COVID-19: Misinformation, Education and the Need for Clarity By Hassanal Noor Rashid, March 25 2020

The recent explosion of COVID-19 cases in the South East Asian region has contributed to the globally growing pandemic that has impacted our global social order and may have many dramatic unforeseen consequences to come.

It has exposed the fragility …

Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government” By Whitney Webb, March 25 2020

Though often discussed in relation to nuclear war or a similarly chaotic scenario, “continuity of government” plans can be triggered even by popular, nonviolent opposition to an unpopular war abroad. It exists solely to keep the current system in place,

Like Freedom? Then You Won’t Like the FREEDOM Act By Rep. Ron Paul, March 25 2020

Last Monday, a bipartisan group of Senators and a coalition including libertarian and progressive activists thwarted a scheme to ram through the Senate legislation renewing three provisions of the USA FREEDOM Act (previously known as the USA PATRIOT Act). The

US Senate’s Final Stimulus Bill – Why It Won’t be Enough By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 25 2020

Just after midnight March 25, 2020 eastern time the US Senate passed a compromise bill of fiscal spending to address the accelerating economic decline. Both Democrat and Republican Senate leaders agreed on the terms. US House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy

Doctor Strangelove Takes Care of Our Health. The Real Scenario is Nuclear War? “Senator, I am a Fan of Flexible First-use Policy” By Manlio Dinucci, March 25 2020
The real purpose of Defender Europe 20 was to sow tension and feed the idea of the enemy. The exercise prospected scenario could never occur, because an armed clash between NATO and Russia would also be inevitably nuclear. This is the real scenario which US forces are training in Europe for.