Global Research News

Trump Regime Scheme to Transition from Democracy to Tyranny in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2020

When WW II ended, fascist tyranny wasn’t defeated.

It was transplanted from Berlin, Tokyo, and Rome to the US — under new management.

Today it’s infinitely more menacing to world peace, stability, equity, justice, and the rule of law because …

USA: An Unparalleled Killer Virus State Threatening Humanity By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2020

No nation in world history did more harm to more people over a longer duration than the US.

None more gravely threatens humanity’s survival today because of its rage to control planet earth, its resources and populations.

Is COVID-19 a

Dangerous Gifts: Coronavirus and Trump’s Sanctions Regime By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 02 2020

The global effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic has been one of stutters and staggers.  There are go-it-alone instances of severity, and cases of blasé indifference.  State ministers and leaders have not escaped the chance to demonise and point accusing

Locked Down and Locking in the New Global Order By Colin Todhunter, April 02 2020

On 12 March, British PM Boris Johnson informed the public that families would continue to “lose loved ones before their time” as the coronavirus outbreak worsens. He added:

“We’ve all got to be clear, this is the worst public health

Neglected Medical Swine Studies that We Need Today By Edward Curtin, April 02 2020

While there is much talk these days about “fake news,” omitting important news is perhaps as widespread and egregiously harmful to an informed public.  This is especially true in these days of coronavirus when data about the virus is confusing

Abe Shinzo and Japan’s One-Strong (Ikkyo) State By Gavan McCormack, April 02 2020
US Navy Aircraft Carrier Commander Seeks Evacuation of Entire Crew to Stem Outbreak of Coronavirus By Patrick Martin, April 02 2020

The commander of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has sent a four-page letter to his superiors appealing for the Navy to move nearly his entire crew into quarantine on the US Pacific island territory of Guam, where the vessel

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Authorization to Kill 72 Grizzlies Near Yellowstone By Center For Biological Diversity, April 02 2020

The Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club filed a lawsuit today challenging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision to allow 72 grizzly bears to be killed to accommodate livestock grazing in Wyoming’s Bridger-Teton National Forest, near Yellowstone National

Trump Regime War Department Concealing Numbers of COVID-19 Infected Military Personnel By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2020

On Monday, the Pentagon admitted that over 1,000 US military personnel are infected with COVID-19 — how much over not explained.

On the same day, it ordered commanders on all US bases worldwide to stop revealing numbers of infected personnel …

Trump Administration Shuns Leadership Role in Responding to Coronavirus Crisis By Michael Jansen, April 02 2020

Instead of rushing to the rescue of peoples around the globe from the coronavirus, the Trump administration is shunning friendly governments and stepping up punishment of unfriendly ones. As Iran reported 38,900 infections and more than 2,600 deaths from the

US Knew of a Novel Coronavirus Threat, Failed to Prepare By Stephen Lendman, April 02 2020

According to a Nation magazine report, Trump deceived the public by falsely claiming the emergence and spread of COVID-19 was “unforeseen,” that it “came out of nowhere.”

The Nation obtained a 2017 Pentagon draft report that refutes his Big …

US-China Relations: Could COVID-19 Reshape Global Geopolitics? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 02 2020

As U.S. COVID-19 cases double every few days and the death toll mounts, the U.S. seems to be caught in a “worst of both worlds” predicament: daily life and much of the U.S. economy is shut down, but no real

Covid-19 and the Forgotten Working Class By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 02 2020

We hear a lot these days about providing benefits and income for the tens of millions of workers who are being laid off, required to ‘stay in place’ by government orders, or out of necessity have to stay home with

U.S. Accusations of China Over COVID-19 Aim to Divert Attention from Own Failure: Expert By Živadin Jovanović and Xinhua, April 02 2020

While China appeals for international cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19, Washington is slandering Beijing with an aim to divert attention from its own problematic response to the pandemic, said a former Serbian diplomat.

The United States, instead of …

Who are the Narco-Terrorists: George H. Walker Bush: The Bush Family and the Mexican Drug Cartel By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 02 2020
Donald Trump has offered to intervene in Mexico "to go after the Drug Cartels" The Mexican president has turned down Trump's generous offer. President Trump confirmed that he is now considering categorizing the Mexican drug cartels as "terrorists". Extend the "War on Terrorism" to Latin America?
Deep Events and the CIA’s Global Drug Connection By Prof Peter Dale Scott, April 02 2020
The global drug connection is a global financial complex of hot money uniting prominent business, financial and government as well as underworld figures.
Video: US Deploys Patriot Air Defense Systems in Iraq. Houthis Attack Saudi Capital By South Front, April 01 2020

The United States has deployed Patriot anti-air batteries to the bases hosting US troops in Iraq, AFP reported on March 30 citing US and Iraqi sources. The first Patriot battery was delivered to Ain al-Asad last week, while the second

‘Fanatical Cruelty’: As Pandemic Rages, Trump Refuses to Reopen Affordable Care Act Enrollment to Help Uninsured By Jake Johnson, April 01 2020

As millions of people across the United States lose their jobs—and their employer-provided health insurance—amid the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump has reportedly decided against reopening Affordable Care Act enrollment to ease the economic pain of the uninsured and help

Biden Opposes COVID-19 Aid to Iran By Stephen Lendman, April 01 2020

Biden and Trump and two sides of the same coin under different labels of the US war party — aka its anti-democratic money or property party.

Biden’s senior foreign policy adviser Thomas Wright “sees (US) war and conflict with Beijing …

The Post-Coronavirus World Will be Far Worse Than the Pre-Coronavirus World By Eric Zuesse, April 01 2020

Signs, especially in the United States, are that the post-coronavirus-plagued world will have even more inequality of wealth, within each nation, than existed prior to the plague. Billionaires are demanding to be included in the bailouts by their governments; and,

Universal Basic Income and COVID-19 Bailout By Ellen Brown and Philip A Farruggio, April 01 2020

Philip interviewed Ellen Brown about Universal Basic Income and how the latest Covid-19 bailout program differs from her vision.


Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on …

Self-isolation May Save Lives, but Exacerbates Mental Health Issues & Loneliness: I See Consequences on a Daily Basis as a Doctor By Tomasz Pierscionek, April 01 2020

Millions of elderly and vulnerable people suffering from chronic loneliness are now facing further isolation due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This will cause and exacerbate a different set of problems such as mental health issues.

There have been almost 400,000

Trump Asks Putin for Help in Oil War By Mike Whitney, April 01 2020

Donald Trump called Russian president Vladimir Putin on Monday to discuss plunging oil prices that are wreaking havoc on America’s shale oil industry. The two leaders talked briefly about the coronavirus pandemic but quickly switched to Trump’s real concern which

More Will Die from the Response to COVID-19 Than From the Virus By Kevin Ryan, April 01 2020

The initial, alarming estimates of deaths from the virus COVID-19 were that as many as 2.2 million people would die in the United States. This number is comparable to the annual U.S. death rate of around 3 million. Fortunately, correction

Amnesty Slams Trump for Classifying Gun Stores as ‘Essential Businesses’ During Pandemic By Julia Conley, April 01 2020

Human rights defenders on Tuesday demanded that the Trump administration reverse its decision to designate gun stores as “essential businesses” during the coronavirus pandemic and warned that increased gun violence during the national public health crisis will only add to

Signing In and Dropping Out: Coronavirus and the Virtual University By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 01 2020

It was made with little thought but a good deal of high-minded urgency: Evacuate your office, take what you can, and prepare for the virtual world.  Fill in a form, tell us if you actually pinched the office computer.  This

International Labour Network: They Are at War… Against Us! By International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles, April 01 2020

Governments and bosses claim to be at war with coronavirus. In reality, it is a war against our social class that they are waging. A war against us for their profits!

The global health crisis is largely a consequence of

Former Venezuelan General Hands Himself Over to US Authorities By Ricardo Vaz, April 01 2020

Retired Venezuelan Major General Cliver Alcala surrendered to Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) officials on Friday, vowing to cooperate with a US anti-narcotics probe.

Alcala was indicted by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) Thursday, alongside a series of high-ranking Venezuelan …

US Should Stop Sanctions Against Iran Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 01 2020

Washington is not willing to delay its plans to eternalize its hegemonic power, even in the face of an unprecedented global crisis. Currently, one of the main American targets is Iran, which, in the midst of the devastating crisis of

First, Do No Harm: If Primary Healthcare Remains Shut Down, Toll on Elderly Will be Worse Than COVID-19 By Dr. Gabriela Segura, April 01 2020

I’m a doctor ‘on the front-line’ in the ‘war against COVID-19’. Yes, we have a huge problem, but it is not necessarily the virus itself. The real problem is hidden in plain sight. Let’s see if we can begin to

U.S. Is Killing Iranians and the World Is Complicit By Syed Zafar Mehdi, April 01 2020

A visibly sick and exhausted medic continued to see patients in her small hospital cubicle, writing medical prescriptions with her right hand and receiving intravenous infusion on the left hand. She was a doctor and patient both and had a

Video: Rockefeller Blueprint for Police State Triggered by Pandemic, Exposed By Helen Buyniski and Spiro Skouras, April 01 2020

Currently, the world is in the midst of a global health pandemic, or so we are told. We have been covering all of the events which have preceded the coronavirus outbreak that suggest we are not being told the entire

On “Market Solutions” to the Covid-19 Crisis By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 01 2020

Listening to Trump’s daily press conference, one gets injected with a healthy dose of how market based solutions are already saving us from the virus.

On  a daily basis, Trump tells us what a fantastic job he’s doing, then trots …

Video: “Gaza Fights for Freedom” By Jim Miles, April 01 2020

A story that is not presented in mainstream media is that of the suffering and punishment of the people of Gaza at the whim of the Israeli military in the open air prison that is their home.  In “Gaza Fights

UAE’s Rapprochement with Syria Aimed Against Turkey By Paul Antonopoulos, April 01 2020

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the head of United Arab Emirates (UAE), spoke by phone on Friday in the first such communication since the

Covid-19 – The Facts About the Media, Hysteria and Economic Breakdown By Robert Woodward, April 01 2020

It is true to say that the coronavirus Covid-19 is quite frightening, more so because its modus operandi is covert. It is indiscriminate and likes to pick on the more vulnerable but isn’t fussy about its victims. It creates a

Lawyers File Evidence of Yemen War Crimes in 3 Jurisdictions By Middle East Monitor, April 01 2020

Law firm Stoke White has filed evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity said to have been committed in Yemen. The firm made the submissions in three jurisdictions — Britain, the US and Turkey — on behalf of its

100,000 US COVID-19 Deaths OK with Trump By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2020

Over the weekend, CDC director Anthony Fauci said he expects “millions of (US COVID-19) cases…between 100 and 200,000” deaths.

Comments like the above when most people already are scared to death by a daily drumbeat of COVID-19 fear-mongering facilitate the

The Covid-19 Crisis: Defending Humanity Against the Elite Coup By Robert J. Burrowes, March 31 2020

In a recent article I reported existing evidence on the way in which COVID-19 is being used to implement, but also divert attention from, initiatives being taken by the global elite to consolidate and expand its power in significant ways,

A Coup to Stop a Revolution: The Virus: Taking the Whole World Hostage By K V Ramani, March 31 2020

We are victims of a new Stockholm syndrome. We find ourselves having to trust the very governments we have come to distrust more and more over the years. We are forced to turn to the same politicians and apparatchiks who

How the Education-Tech Industry Is Trying to Profit from COVID-19 By Sarah Lahm, March 31 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has closed school districts across the United States, introducing a new conversation about what schools and teachers actually do and, frankly, whether or not they are necessary at all.

On the Internet and in real life, teachers, …

The Quiet and Lethal Wars Against Iran. The Weight of the Pandemic By Ted Snider, March 31 2020

Some wars are fought with bombs and bullets. These are the wars in Syria and Iraq, in Afghanistan and Yemen. Then there are quieter wars executed by drone. These cowardly wars also kill people, but not our people. These quieter

White House: Hand-outs for the Rich Guys, No More Help for Ordinary Americans in Need By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2020

During the 2008-09 financial crisis, banks got trillions of dollars of free bailout money. Ordinary Americans got sold out.

A protracted main street Depression remains ongoing since that time, greatly deepening for millions of US households with real unemployment already

This Is a Global Pandemic – Let’s Treat It as Such By Adam Hanieh, March 31 2020

In the face of the COVID-19 tsunami, our lives are changing in ways that were inconceivable just a few short weeks ago. Not since the 2008-2009 economic collapse has the world collectively shared an experience of this kind: a single,

US Medical Staff Unprotected from COVID-19 By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2020

If large numbers of doctors, nurses, and other medical staff become ill from COVID-19, who’ll be there to treat patients infected with the virus and all other medical conditions.

A shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) exists in US hospitals …

Global Research
Global Research: Truly Independent News and Analysis By The Global Research Team, March 31 2020

We cover a diversity of key issues you would be hard pressed to find on any other single online news source. We receive daily submissions from a steadily growing list of expert authors, academics, and analysts dotted all over the …

A Light in the Darkness By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 31 2020

Diana Johnstone’s just published book, Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher, is the best book I have ever read, the most revealing, the most accurate, the most truthful, the most moral and humane, the most sincere

Warnings of Economic Depression By Stephen Lendman, March 31 2020

Over three million US workers filed claims for unemployment benefits last week, millions more likely coming in the weeks ahead.

Never before in US history did this happen so swiftly in such large numbers as now.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll …

Will Coronavirus End the Fed? By Rep. Ron Paul, March 31 2020

September 17, 2019 was a significant day in American economic history. On that day, the New York Federal Reserve began emergency cash infusions into the repurchasing (repo) market. This is the market banks use to make short-term loans to each

William Barr Greenlit Bush’s Invasion of Panama, Is Venezuela Next? By Dave DeCamp, March 31 2020

The US Justice Department unsealed an indictment on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other government officials last week, accusing them of “narco-terrorism.” The move is reminiscent of the 1988 indictment of former CIA asset and Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega.

Pentagon Asks to Keep Future Spending Secret By Steven Aftergood, March 31 2020

The Department of Defense is quietly asking Congress to rescind the requirement to produce an unclassified version of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) database.

Preparation of the unclassified FYDP, which provides estimates of defense spending for the next five …

Chinese Team and Equipment Arrive in UK to Support Virus Fight By Han Baoyi, March 31 2020

China sent an expert team and a large shipment of medical equipment to the United Kingdom on Saturday to help in the fight against COVID-19.

The team, sent from East China’ Shandong province, comprises 15 experts and doctors who are …

Portugal Grants Citizens’ Rights to Migrants During Pandemic By Telesur, March 31 2020

“It is a duty of a society of solidarity in times of crisis to ensure that migrant citizens have access to health and social security,” the Minister of Internal Affairs said.

The current socialist government in Portugal decided to grant

The ‘Modi Migrants’ Are India’s Self-Inflicted Humanitarian Disaster During “World War C” By Andrew Korybko, March 31 2020

The Indian government so terribly mishandled its 21-day lockdown demand that Prime Minister Modi was compelled to unprecedentedly ask for forgiveness from the nation’s poor after his policy was responsible for suddenly uprooting millions of migrants across the country who

Fool Me Once… By Philip A Farruggio, March 31 2020

Shame on YOU. Ok, one need not be a financial genius or economist to know that in 2008-09 Uncle Sam gave away the store to the failing Wall Street banks and investment corporations. We paid for it, you and

The Virus of Sanctions: Flattening the Curve By George Capaccio, March 31 2020

The violence of this disease was such that the sick communicated it to the healthy who came near them, just as a fire catches anything dry or oily near it. And it even went further. To speak to or go

’Chinese Virus’ Rhetoric Shows Ineptness of U.S. Politicians By Andre Vltchek, March 31 2020

The Western mass media is extremely busy frightening its own citizens and the entire world with statements like:

“A leaked government document has suggested up to 500,000 people could die from coronavirus if the disease is able to infect up

Bob Dylan’s Midnight Message to JFK’s Ghost By Edward Curtin, March 31 2020

“For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with most miraculous organ.”   – Hamlet

On May 1, 1962, President John Kennedy was meeting in the Oval Office with a group of Quakers who were urging him to do more

The Swedish Alternative: Coronavirus as a Grand Gamble By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 31 2020

As draconian lockdowns, punitive regimes and surveillance become the norm of the coronavirus world, Sweden has treaded more softly in the field.  This is certainly in contrast to its Scandinavian cousins, Denmark and Norway.  The rudiments of a life uninterrupted

The Korean Model of the Anti-COVID-19 War: How Successful Is It? Why Is It Successful? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 31 2020

South Korea has accomplished a remarkable success in its fight against fearful virus COVID-19 and it is now the object of global curiosity, envy and even admiration.

More than 100 countries faced with rapid waves of virus attack are seeking

Canadian Crude Selling for “Roughly the Same Price as a Big Mac” By Abizaid N. Alqassier, March 31 2020

Trying to predict anything amongst the Coronavirus pandemic is a fool’s game. But amongst the chaos, one thing is certain. The oil industry is in deep, deep trouble.

For the foreseeable future, the only certainty on the oil price is …

Call for Intervention Before It Is Too Late: PCHR Warns that Gaza’s Healthcare System Would Collapse in Case of Coronavirus Outbreak By Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, March 31 2020

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) follows up with concern the healthcare situation in the Gaza Strip and seriously warns of a catastrophic deterioration that would strike the health care sector in the case of a Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. 

Video: Syria and Turkey Ramp Up Preparations for New Military Confrontation By South Front, March 31 2020

The Syrian Army and Iranian-backed militias deployed a new batch of reinforcements to the frontline in southern Idlib and western Aleppo. According to local sources, fresh troops reinforced by armoured vehicles and battle tanks were placed near Saraqib, Kafranbel, and

German Minister Commits Suicide After ‘Virus Crisis Worries’ By Euractiv, March 31 2020

Thomas Schaefer, the finance minister of Germany’s Hesse state, has committed suicide apparently after becoming “deeply worried” over how to cope with the economic fallout from the coronavirus, state premier Volker Bouffier said Sunday (29 March).

Schaefer, 54, was …

North Macedonia Accession to NATO Aims to Maintain Unipolarity in Multipolarity Age By Paul Antonopoulos, March 31 2020

Bulgaria says there is no Macedonian language but rather it is a Bulgarian dialect. There is academic consensus that the Ancient Macedonians were Greek. Albanians claim nearly half of North Macedonia in their project for Greater Albania. North Macedonia

Brits Unite Against Coronavirus; but How Long Will the Solidarity Last? By Johanna Ross, March 31 2020

Last Thursday night at 8pm, people across Britain took to their doorsteps and clapped to demonstrate their solidarity with health workers, currently on the front line desperately trying to save victims of Covid-19. It was a show which evoked something

Civilized, Barbarians, Savages By Antonio C. S. Rosa, March 30 2020

A civilization or culture is defined as a set of customs, traditions, ethics, values, language, music, dance, gastronomy, clothing, religion, and social and political organization of a people, ethnic group, tribe, or nation.

British scholars of the 19th century classified

Déjà Vu: Why the WHO Faked the H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic in 2009 By Michael Fumento, March 30 2020

This Forbes Opinion Article was first published on Forbes in February 2010 under the title Why the WHO Faked the Pandemic. (edit to the title)


The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying “The sky is falling!”

COVID-19 Lockdown: A Global Human Experiment By Vigilant Citizen, March 30 2020

No matter what’s the origin of COVID-19, the response to this virus lead to a series of drastic and unprecedented changes on a global level. The dystopian future is now. Here’s how this pandemic created the largest human experiment in

Coronavirus Is More Than a Health Disaster – It’s a Human Calamity By Peter Koenig, March 30 2020

The New York Times of March 20, asks rhetorically – “Is Our Fight Against Coronavirus Worse Than the Disease?”

Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China’s novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) categorized  as a viral pneumonia.

A Virologist and Specialist in Coronaviruses and Respiratory Diseases Explains By Marc Wathelet, March 30 2020

My dear fellow citizens,

I am a virologist, specialist in coronaviruses and respiratory diseases, whose views differ significantly from the experts who advise the government on the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The situation is dire and I would like …

Handout or Bailout? Transferring Trillions to the Super-Rich. “Crumbs” for US Households By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2020

The measure agreed to near-unanimously by both right wings of the one-party state is all about transferring countless trillions of dollars from ordinary Americans to the nation’s privileged class.

Deception defines it by including crumbs for about 150 million US

Nepal: Turn Around and Realize Your Neighbor — China By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 30 2020

Involuntarily, week by week Nepal’s population, joined by the global community, will find itself compelled to abandon hitherto starry-eyed views of ‘America’ as redeemer, source of truths, and all things good. (It’s already happening.)

Working in your country for over …

Murphy Organizes Senate Effort to Call for Ease of US Sanctions Hindering Response to COVID-19 By US Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, March 30 2020

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Thursday sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin calling on the United States to

COVID-19, Urgent Reassessment, Diagnosis and Basic Principles of Infectiology: Open Letter from Professor Sucharit Bhakdi to German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, March 30 2020

An Open Letter from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, to the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. Professor Bhakdi calls for an urgent reassessment of the response to Covid-19 and

The Power of Fear By Stephen Lendman, March 30 2020

Fear is an instrument of social control and repression.

Time and again, terrified people bow to the will of their ruling authorities even when harming their own rights and well-being.

The philosopher Seneca once said that

“(t)here are more things…likely

Midnight on Planet Lockdown: Dylan Strikes Again By Pepe Escobar, March 30 2020

What spectacular timing. Like a shot ricocheting at Heaven’s Door as a virus pandemic rages and Planet Lockdown is the new normal, Bob Dylan has produced a stunning 17-minute masterpiece dissecting the November 22, 1963, assassination of JFK – releasing

Murder Most Foul: Dylan Recognizes Another “Hit” When He Sees One By John Kirby, March 30 2020

Bob Dylan has chosen this moment, of all moments, to release his masterful epic on the assassination of President Kennedy, “Murder Most Foul.”  Why now?

Could it be that his artist’s heart feels a world under assault, once …

U.S., Canada Side with Fanatical Coup Regime in Bolivia By Asad Ismi, March 30 2020

On November 10, 2019, a U.S.-backed group of neofascists in Bolivia deposed the government of Evo Morales on spurious accusations of electoral fraud. The coup government’s first act was to unleash the army and police on mainly Indigenous protestors in

Netanyahu Uses Coronavirus to Lure Rival Gantz Into ‘Emergency’ Government By Jonathan Cook, March 30 2020

Benny Gantz, the former Israeli general turned party leader, agreed late last week to join his rival Benjamin Netanyahu in an “emergency government” to deal with the coronavirus epidemic. 

Two weeks ago he had won a wafer-thin majority vote