Global Research News

Moscow COVID-19 Lockdown: Administrative Self-isolation, QR Codes and No More Than 2 Personal Trips Per Week By South Front, April 13 2020

On April 11, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree on the procedure of processing and using special digital passes in the city. The decision to introduce a special digital pass system to enforce coronavirus lockdown rules in the Russian

The COVID-19 Lockdown: Devastating Economic and Social Consequences. Trump Wants the Economy Reopened by May 1st By Stephen Lendman, April 13 2020

The way to defeat a highly infectious disease like COVID-19 is by instituting policies to prevent it from spreading.

Social distancing, sheltering in place, and lockdowns are emotionally draining and anxiety provoking.

According to psychologist Shauna Springer,

“we’re missing the

COVID-19, Smartphone Surveillance, and the State By Kurt Nimmo, April 13 2020

For the state, there is one primary imperative—to remain in power at all cost. If this imperative is to be successful, the state must impose, by stealth or deception, a system capable of monitoring all individuals who may pose an

A Year Since the Arrest of WikiLeaks Publisher Julian Assange By Oscar Grenfell, April 13 2020

Today marks 12 months since WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by British police and security officers after being illegally expelled from Ecuador’s London embassy, where he had lived and worked as a political refugee for seven years.

The sight …

Video: Medical Martial Law 2020 By James Corbett, April 12 2020

As the lockdowns go into place and the military takes to the streets in country after country, the decades of preparation for medical martial law are finally paying off for the pandemic planners.

Today on this emergency edition of The

Cuba – The Endless Cruelty of US Sanctions – The US Intercepts Chinese Medical Supplies to Cuba By Peter Koenig and Press TV, April 12 2020


Cuba complained recently that a shipment of test kits, masks and respirators, donated by the Chinese Alibaba group, didn’t arrive because the American company tasked with transportation feared breaching U-S sanction rules. Washington imposed an embargo on Cuba in

Venezuela Announces 6-month Rent Suspension, Guarantees Workers’ Wages, Bans Lay-offs By Paul Dobson, April 12 2020

The Venezuelan government announced a series of measures on Sunday in attempts to protect the population from the economic effects of the coronavirus crisis.

Speaking on a live televised address, President Nicolás Maduro instructed that all commercial and residential rent, …

The OPCW Is Used as a Political Tool Against Syria By Steven Sahiounie, April 12 2020

OPCW Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) has determined that chemical weapons have been used or likely used in Syria. The first report of the OPCW was released April 8 and points a finger at the Syrian Arab Air Force concerning 3 attacks

Fitting Together the Pieces of the Coronavirus Puzzle By Mark Taliano, April 12 2020

The as yet unfolding story of Coronavirus is a story of corruption and conflicts of interest. Some pieces of the puzzle remain missing, but the big picture is increasingly apparent.

The big picture speaks to the unaccountability of Big Monopolies …

COVID-19: Devastated Saudi Royal Family Seeks to End Yemen War By Joe Lauria, April 12 2020

5th UPDATE: At least 150 members of the Saudi royal family have been infected and as a result Riyadh is seeking to end its five-year disastrous assault on Yemen.


As the coronavirus continues its assault on members of the …

Freedom from Fear: John Pilger Discusses Coronavirus Propaganda, Imperialism, and Human Rights By John Pilger and T.J. Coles, April 12 2020

John Pilger is a world-renowned journalist and filmmaker. The author of several books and maker of over 60 documentaries (the latest being The Coming War on China and The Dirty War on the NHS), Pilger has won dozens of prestigious

Post-Republic “Weimar America”, Here We Come! Virus Hysteria Adds $10 Trillion to the National Debt By Mike Whitney, April 12 2020

There’s no doubt that the Coronavirus is a serious infection that can lead to severe illness or death. There’s also no doubt that ‘virus hysteria’ has been used for other purposes. Wall Street, for example, has used virus-panic to advance

There Is No Iranian-American Agreement and No Truce in Iraq By Elijah J. Magnier, April 12 2020

Mustafa Al-Kazemi has been chosen Prime Minister after difficult negotiations marked by intra-Shiite disagreement. The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, had exploited this disagreement when he boldly challenged the majority Shia in Iraq by his choice of an anti-Iranian

Julian Assange: One Year in Belmarsh By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 12 2020

It should not be a matter of distinction, but Julian Assange is a figure who is becoming the apotheosis of political imprisonment.  This seems laughable to those convinced he is an agent without scruple, a compromiser of the Fourth Estate,

Social Devastation and Despair. How Coronavirus Threatens India By Arundhati Roy, April 11 2020

Below are selected excerpts from Arundati Roy‘s article

As an appalled world watched, India revealed herself in all her shame — her brutal, structural, social and economic inequality, her callous indifference to suffering.  The lockdown worked like a chemical

Vaccines and the Liberal Mind By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, April 11 2020

This article was originally published in June 2018.

Instead of demanding blue-ribbon safety science and encouraging honest, open and responsible debate on the science, too many online outlets are silencing critics and shutting down discussion on this key public health

COVID-19: Coronavirus and Civilization By Diana Johnstone, April 11 2020

As time goes on in close confinement, even people bound by love may start to find each other unbearable. On a larger scale, in this crazy mass confinement, people brought together by a common rejection of the lies of our

Total System Failure Will Give Rise to New Economy? By Pepe Escobar, April 11 2020

Nobody, anywhere, could have predicted what we are now witnessing: in a matter of only a few weeks the accumulated collapse of global supply chains, aggregate demand, consumption, investment, exports, mobility.  

Nobody is betting on an L-shaped recovery anymore – …

A New World Is Being Born: What Will It Be? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 11 2020

We are hearing from many that the world after Covid-19 will be different.  The question is:  Different in what way?  Will it be better or worse?

Elites are working to make it better for them, and worse for the rest …

UN Ceasefire Defines War As a Non-Essential Activity By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 11 2020

At least 70 countries have signed on to the March 23 call by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres for a worldwide ceasefire during the Covid-19 pandemic. Like non-essential business and spectator sports, war is a luxury that the Secretary General

The Coronavirus State: New Zealand and Authoritarian Rumblings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11 2020

It’s all about the lever of balance.  Laws made for public protection, within which public health features prominently, provide grounds for derogation authorities can exploit.  Like plasticine, the scope of power during times of an emergency extends.  But at what

US Doctors and Nurses Becoming Infected with COVID-19 By Stephen Lendman, April 11 2020

Doctors, nurses, and other medical staff are on the frontlines of combating COVID-19.

What happens if their ranks are infected with the virus?

Who’ll be there in enough numbers to treat patients needing healthcare without them remaining safe on the …

Syrian Army Kicks Off Large-Scale Security Operation against ISIS in Homs Desert By South Front, April 11 2020

Fierce clashes between the Syrian Army and ISIS terrorists erupted near the villages of al-Sukhnah and Wadi al-Waer in the province of Homs on April 9 evening.

According to pro-government sources, the army and local militias backed up by the …

Jesus of Nazareth. Time for Reflection and Understanding By Philip A Farruggio, April 11 2020

First published on Good Friday 2018

As I write this column it is Good Friday, the most somber day in the Christian religion. This is the day that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. It is a time for reflection and

Covid19 Death Figures “A Substantial Over-Estimate” By Kit Knightly, April 10 2020

A few weeks ago we reported that, according to the Italian Institute of Health (ISS), only 12% of Italy’s reported Covid19 deaths actually listed Covid19 as the cause of death.

Given that 99% of them had at least one

Trump to Reopen US Economy in May? By Stephen Lendman, April 10 2020

Social distancing, sheltering in place, and lockdowns are unprecedented and painful for everyone.

The unemployed are harmed most, out of work and unable to freely seek new sources of income needed for essentials to life and welfare.

It’s unclear how …

Information Warfare Behind Chloroquine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 10 2020

As the new coronavirus pandemic advances around the world, several side questions are raised. Many controversies have been discussed around the treatment of COVID-19, with countless speculations about the efficiency of experimental methods, and defenders and opponents of the application

The One Paragraph You Need to Read from the JFK Assassination Files that May Change Everything By Zero Hedge and Douglas P. Horne, April 10 2020

This article was first published on Global Research on October 30, 2017.

For clarity…

…the “Surgeon General’s Report” on the assassination stated that the first bullet entered the President’s throat below the adams apple, clearly showing that two persons

Jesus Was Born in a Police State By John W. Whitehead, April 10 2020

First published on December 22, 2017

The Christmas narrative of a baby born in a manger is a familiar one. The Roman Empire, a police state in its own right, had ordered that a census be conducted. Joseph and his

Coronavirus Devastates Italy: Is It the Result of Globalism and Free Trade? By Philip Giraldi, April 09 2020

The devastating impact of the coronavirus on Italy has sparked considerable speculation as to why the country appears to have suffered so disproportionately from the disease. Some initial theories suggested that the deaths might be due to lower standards and

NATO in Arms to “Fight Coronavirus” By Manlio Dinucci, April 09 2020
The 30 NATO foreign ministers (Luigi Di Maio for Italy), met on April 2 by videoconference, and instructed US general Tod Wolters, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, to “coordinate the necessary military support to fight the coronavirus crisis”.
9/11 Truth: Under Lockdown for Nearly Two Decades By Max Parry, April 09 2020
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary” — H.L. Mencken

As the global pandemic grips world attention,

As Russia Sends Aid, US and NATO Sneer and Smear By Ulson Gunnar, April 09 2020

When Russian military planes and trucks arrived in Italy to provide relief for communities hit by the Covid-19 outbreak, the Italian government, elected into power by the Italian people, was thankful for the assistance offered by Moscow.

Named officials within …

Brazilian Military Plan to Overthrow Bolsonaro By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 09 2020

The political situation in Brazil worsens day after day. The irresponsible way in which President Jair Bolsonaro is managing the effects of the pandemic has been causing concern and fury in all sectors of Brazilian society. All the bases that

Social Crisis and the Public Use of Reason By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, April 09 2020

Presently we face a true crisis – a crisis in the fullest sense of the word.  A crisis is defined not simply by the magnitude of the problem – but rather, by how it compels us to question our basic

Trump Signs Executive Order to Support Moon Mining, Tap Asteroid Resources By Mike Wall, April 09 2020

The water ice and other lunar resources that will help the United States establish a long-term human presence on the moon are there for the taking, the White House believes.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order today (April 6) …

COVID-19: Perfect Cover for Mandatory Biometric ID By Kurt Nimmo, April 09 2020

Now that the state and its media have falsely characterized the coronavirus as a pandemic closing in on the 1918 flu pandemic (falsely attributed to Spain), it is time for the global elite and their technocrats to force not only

Martin Khor: Undaunted Fighter for the Poor and Underprivileged By Yilmaz Akyüz and Richard Kozul-Wright, April 09 2020

We are greatly saddened by the passing of Martin Khor, a long-time friend and colleague, an undaunted fighter for the poor and underprivileged, a passionate believer in a more balanced and inclusive multilateralism, a rare intellectual and eloquent orator,

Hard Times for U.S. Forces in Northeast Syria. Army Prepares for Idlib Escalation By South Front, April 09 2020

The Syrian Army and local self-defense forces have carried out an operation against ISIS cells hiding in the desert area on the administrative border of Raqqah and Deir Ezzor provinces. According to pro-government sources, Syrian forces eliminated up to 10

The Smearing of Film Director Ken Loach and Jeremy Corbyn Is the Face of Our New Toxic Politics By Jonathan Cook, April 09 2020

Ken Loach, one of Britain’s most acclaimed film directors, has spent more than a half a century dramatising the plight of the poor and the vulnerable. His films have often depicted the casual indifference or active hostility of the state

COVID-19: New Battle in Capitalism’s War on the Black Working Class By Black Alliance for Peace, April 09 2020

“No Retreat, No Compromise: Defeat the War Against the African/Black Working Class,” announced the campaign of the Black Alliance for Peace before coronavirus, before the collapse of the global economy, before the lockdowns and calls for militarization of our communities,

Detroit on the Frontline in Battle to End COVID-19 Pandemic By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 09 2020

More than 2,000 people working in the healthcare industry have reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 in the Detroit metropolitan area sending further tremors through the already heavily-shaken region which has been identified as a major “hotspot” in the pandemic.


Coronavirus: Europe Can Go “the Italian Way”? By Paul Antonopoulos, April 09 2020

As coronavirus began spreading across China and devastating the once prosperous city of Wuhan, Western countries should have immediately begun preparing to deal with what would later be announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).  

The results …

Trump Regime COVID-19 Blame Game By Stephen Lendman, April 09 2020

The US needs enemies to pursue its imperial agenda. None exist so they’re invented.

Most often they’re sovereign independent nations the US doesn’t control, making them a prime targets for regime change — notably if they’re oil rich like Iran

Phantoms of “The Operation” By Edward Curtin, April 09 2020

“Tis the times’ plague, when madmen lead the blind.”   – Shakespeare, King Lear

Many thousands of New Yorkers have temporarily moved into the small Massachusetts town (permanent population approximately 7,000) where I live because of fear and panic created by

Who Profits from the Pandemic? By Pepe Escobar, April 09 2020

You don’t need to read Michel Foucault’s work on biopolitics to understand that neoliberalism – in deep crisis since at least 2008 – is a control/governing technique in which surveillance capitalism is deeply embedded.

But now, with the world-system collapsing …

Sanders Quits Race, Endorsement of Corporatist/Warmonger Biden to Follow By Stephen Lendman, April 09 2020

When revolutionary change is most needed, it’s nowhere to be found in the US land of the free and home of the brave in name only — a fantasy democracy, never the real thing, so-called elections part of the charade.

NATO Still Seeks Expansion in Ukraine and Georgia Despite Coronavirus Pandemic By Paul Antonopoulos, April 09 2020

While NATO countries are mostly being devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, a statement by the Alliance’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg about deepening partnerships with Ukraine and Georgia demonstrates that pressure on Russia will continue unabated and remains a priority. Despite

Beyond Words. Assange’s COVID-19 Bail Related Application By Craig Murray, April 09 2020

Yesterday Mark Sommers QC, the extremely erudite and bookish second counsel for Julian Assange in his extradition hearing, trembled with anger in court. Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser had just made a ruling that the names of Julian Assange’s partner and young

Libya War Was Based on Lies, Bogus Intelligence, NATO Supported and Armed the Rebels. British Parliamentary Report By Washington's Blog, April 09 2020

Originally published in September 2016:

Parliamentary Report Confirms What the Alternative Media Has Been Saying for Years

The UK Parliament just confirmed what the alternative media has been saying for years.

Specifically, a new report from the bipartisan House …

Video: Mutant Viruses. Makes Me Nervous with All that Weird Stuff Floating Around By Global Research News, April 08 2020

Click Screen to view Video

Humor from Cheers TV Series



‘Collateral Murder’ and the My Lai Massacre By Joe Lauria, April 08 2020

To gauge the transformation in the response by the U.S. military, the mainstream media and the public to a U.S. war crime, one need only compare the reactions to two of the most heinous American crimes:  the 1968 My Lai

Bureaucrat: Stay Home and Starve By Kurt Nimmo, April 08 2020

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House “coronavirus response coordinator,” said on Saturday all plebs must stay out of grocery stores. She didn’t offer an alternative. Instead, she repeated the hand washing and 6-foot “social distancing” mantra.

“This is the

End the Shutdown; It’s Time for Resurrection! By Rep. Ron Paul, April 08 2020

For many millions of Christians, Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Others may celebrate the arrival of spring and the promise of new life. Whatever one’s beliefs, after several weeks of mandatory “stay at home”

Life in Gaza: Dispatches From Palestine on COVID-19 By Asmaa Tayeh, Prof. Weeam Hammoudeh, and Aaron Lakoff, April 08 2020

Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) is releasing a series of dispatches from Palestinians and Palestine solidarity activists reflecting on life in Gaza and the West Bank under the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world grapples with the outbreak, and as we organize

Putin Believes that the Situation in Russia with the Coronavirus Is “Complicated but Not Hopeless” By Archyde, April 08 2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin tried yesterday to inspire his fellow citizens by ensuring that the situation with the spread of Covid-19 in the country “is complicated, but not hopeless.” Putin held a new meeting by videoconference with members of the

As Washington Privatized Pandemic Preparation, the National Security State Left Americans Defenseless Against Coronavirus By Gareth Porter, April 08 2020

Responsibility for pandemic preparation was privatized under the Obama and Trump administrations. It’s time to face down the national security state that wasted trillions on imperial wars and abandoned Americans to fight coronavirus alone.


Donald Trump’s failure to …

More People Died of Suicide Last Week in Tennessee Than COVID-19 By Mac Slavo, April 08 2020

As we previously warned, this pandemic will bankrupt and kill more people from suicide than the virus will. When you sacrifice people’s livelihoods, you create a difficult situation of desperation for many who will see no other way out.

We …

Corporate Buybacks Artificially Inflated Stock Prices to Bubble Levels By Stephen Lendman, April 08 2020

For many years on Wall Street, stock prices and true valuations diverged sharply — according to a Sanford Bernstein report.

When companies spend billions of dollars on earlier issued stock, their valuations are artificially inflated.

It’s one of the performance …

UK- Australia COVID-19 Deaths, Deprivation Deaths in Developing Countries, Indigenous Avoidable Deaths By Gideon Polya, April 08 2020

We are all shocked by the Covid-19-related carnage in Western Europe and the US in particular and fervently hope for an early end to the disaster. However it is timely to note huge avoidable deaths from deprivation in the Developing

Prisons: Breeding Grounds for Disease. Julian Assange’s Life in Danger By Stephen Lendman, April 08 2020

The US gulag prison system is the world’s largest by far, the largely unreported in the mainstream shame of the nation. 

Official numbers significantly understate the true number of incarcerated inmates annually.

According to a Prison Policy Initiative analysis, nearly …

Neoliberalism, Climate Change and the Future of Architecture By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, April 08 2020


What is the future for architecture in these times of climate change and economic crises? Should sustainability and affordability be a major factor in the design and development of future buildings? What about aesthetics? There are many individual examples

Video: Infighting Among Turkish Proxies Erupts in Syria. Rocket Strike Hits US-operated Oil Facility in Iraq By South Front, April 08 2020

Infighting among Turkish-backed groups has erupted near the town of Ras al-Ayn. According to local sources, conflicts over the captured houses and looted properties became the main reason of the conflict between members of the Sultan Murad armed group which

Julian Assange and Lockdown Injustice By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 08 2020

Scribes covering the Julian Assange case must surely gawk with a sense of horrified wonder at each proceeding unfolding at the Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London.  Assange is in a battle that can only be described as titanic, seeking to

Open Letter to Condemn Trump Administration’s Hypocritical Indictment on Drug Charges of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and High-Ranking Venezuelan Officials By Alliance for Global Justice and Code Pink, April 08 2020

We, the undersigned organizations and prominent individuals, condemn the false claims of criminal charges by the US government against the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other high-ranking officials with the pretext of their alleged involvement in international

COVID-19 in Democratic Republic of the Congo (CRC): Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst By Dr. Jean-Claude Maswana and Ann Garrison, April 08 2020

This week I spoke to Congolese native Jean-Claude Maswana, economics professor at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, about COVID-19 in DRC.

ANN GARRISON: Jean-Claude, reporting on your homeland, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is always daunting. It’s not …

The U.S. Should Fight COVID, Not Venezuela. The Danger of Military Action By Leonardo Flores, April 08 2020

On April 1, the Trump administration hijacked a COVID-19 press conference to announce the deployment of U.S. Navy vessels and other military assets towards Venezuela. According to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, “included in this force package are Navy destroyers

“The Lancet” on Nicaragua – Cynical Disinformation Posing as Concern By Stephen Sefton, April 08 2020

Coverage of the COVID-19 epidemic in Nicaragua has become yet one more psy-warfare  battleground between supporters of the US government supported right-wing opposition and the country’s Sandinista government.

In the UK, “the Lancet” has long been a leading propaganda outlet …

Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu By Lisa Lockerd Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H., April 08 2020

This comparative analysis by a prominent physician and scholar should reassure people. The media fear campaign tends to describe COV-19 as a dangerous and life threatening infection.


Influenza (the flu) and COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus

They Told Us So. “This Was Not a Strike out of the Blue”. Towards A New World Order… By Jim Miles, April 08 2020

I cannot say “I told you so” because I did not.  But I can say “They told us so” because they did.  “They” being the alternate media that provided news and views that the mainstream media (MSM) would not touch

Coronavirus: The Great Geopolitical Leveller By Johanna Ross, April 08 2020

Coronavirus is indiscriminate. We have seen young and old affected, rich and poor. In the UK alone, we have seen the Prime Minister himself succumb to it and even Prince Charles. But this pandemic has repercussions beyond our nation states

The COVID-19 Catastrophe: A Global Platform to Take Legal Action against the WHO and Corrupt Governments By Jose Francisco Fernández-Bullón, April 08 2020

Although there seems to be a passive acceptance by citizens of the measures imposed due to the fake coronavirus epidemic, this resignation is largely the consequence of the absence of leaders leading an effective resistance against the disguised coup d’état.

Video: US Confirms Deployment of Patriot Missiles in Iraq. Iran Prepares for Conflict in Strait of Hormuz By South Front, April 08 2020

On April 5, a series of large explosions rocked the village of al-Kastan in southwestern Idlib injuring 8 people, including 3 members of the so-called White Helmets. According to local sources, an ammunition depot located in the civilian area inside

Quercetin: A Made-in-Canada Solution to the Coronavirus Outbreak? By Nick Taylor-Vaisey, April 07 2020

Below are excerpts from an important article published by Maclean’s

Fifteen years ago, a medical researcher named Michel Chrétien and his longtime collaborator Majambu Mbikay, a Congolese scientist, unhatched a theory in their Montreal laboratory. In the aftermath of

The COVID-19 Crisis: The Homeless and the Poor. How Can We Help Those under Duress By Hassanal Noor Rashid, April 07 2020

Global inequality and injustice have been heated topics and of deep social concern throughout human history.

In January 2020, OXFAM (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief), a reputable confederation of charitable organisations, declared in a widely circulated report “2,153 billionaires have

Video: Collateral Murder 10 Years On By Kristinn Hrafnsson, April 07 2020

Today April 05, 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the WikiLeaks publication of the Collateral Murder video.

The video shows how two Apache helicopters murdered 11 Iraqi people including two Reuters journalists.

This is one of the publications Julian Assange

Video: New York Medical Doctor: Is COVID-19 Really ARDS? Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome? It’s Not Pneumonia? By Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, April 07 2020

An interesting analysis by Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, emergency medicine physician based in Brooklyn,  New York, affiliated with the Maimonides Medical Center.

According to Dr. Kyle Sidell, COVID-19  is an “Oxygen Deprivation Disease” dissimilar from Pneumonia

“I am a physician

Trump and the COV-19 Hydroxychloroquine Cure By Andrew Korybko, April 07 2020

The intense politicization over the topic of experimenting with the promising drug hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients strongly suggests that the “deep state” has intensified its Hybrid War on Trump’s America at its most vulnerable moment in modern history, all

Letter from President Nicolás Maduro to the People of the United States By Nicolas Maduro, April 07 2020

In greeting you, with affection, I take the liberty of addressing you on the occasion of denouncing the severe events taking place against the peace and stability of Venezuela, at a time when the concern of the States and Governments

‘It Is Disease that Makes Health Sweet and Good’ By Pepe Escobar, April 07 2020

He was known as “the Riddler.” Even “the Dark.”  Heraclitus of Ephesus was one of a kind. 

In his heart of hearts a contemptuous aristocrat, this master of paradox despised all so-called wise men and the mobs that adored them.