Global Research News

Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs China By Andre Vltchek, April 30 2020

It is getting ugly, extremely ugly.

It is increasingly looking like a war – at least a new ‘cold’, ideological war.

But in the shadow of COVID-19, it goes almost unnoticed.

The blind horseman, who hates China intuitively, without knowing …

Boris Johnson Returns to a Barrage of Criticism over Covid-19 By Johanna Ross, April 30 2020

3 weeks is a long time in politics these days, and a particularly long time in this coronavirus pandemic. As UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson returned to 10 Downing Street on Monday, it was to a different Britain from the

Big Banks Profit Amid Pandemic By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 30 2020

It is no secret the global new coronavirus pandemic is causing an unprecedented economic crisis, but this crisis does not seem to have the same effects for everyone. Undoubtedly, there are those who are profiting from the global crisis and

Turkey’s “Mask Diplomacy” Mends Bad Relations with U.S. By Paul Antonopoulos, April 30 2020

A letter from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to U.S. President Donald Trump accompanied medical supplies sent to the U.S. from Turkey. There is little hiding that the U.S. is the most affected country from the coronavirus pandemic with over

Video: US Coronavirus ‘Bailout’ Scam Is $6 Trillion Giveaway to Wall St – Economist Michael Hudson Explains By Prof Michael Hudson, Ben Norton, and Max Blumenthal, April 30 2020

Facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Congress rammed through the CARES Act — which economist Michael Hudson explains is not a “bailout” but a massive, $6 trillion giveaway to Wall Street, banks, large corporations, and stockholders.

Max Blumenthal and Ben

Video: How the US Makes Countries Pay for Its Wars: Economics of American Imperialism with Michael Hudson By Prof Michael Hudson, Ben Norton, and Max Blumenthal, April 30 2020

Economist Michael Hudson explains how American imperialism has created a global free lunch, where the US makes foreign countries pay for its wars, and even their own military occupation.

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the economics of Washington’s empire,

Diabolical Chinagate, the New Russiagate By Stephen Lendman, April 30 2020

While Russiagate still simmers, Chinagate is coming to a boil — both highly politicized, nothing credible supporting them.

No evidence in modern memory suggests US election meddling by other countries.

If attempted, they’d accomplish nothing because of the US political …

Seniors, Prisoners and the Plight of the Detroit Majority By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 30 2020

Statistical indicators from the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan reveal that the rate of infections and deaths resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic are on the decline.

During the early weeks of April the state of Michigan was …

Giulietto Chiesa: Lets Free Ourselves from the Virus of War By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, April 29 2020

GIULIETTO CHIESA remained on the front line of the fight, to implement Article 11 of the Constitution, to take Italy out of the “War System”. 

Giulietto Chiesa passed away a few hours after the conclusion, on the 75th Anniversary of

Syrian Resistance to the US Occupation Escalates By Steven Sahiounie, April 29 2020

US President Trump ordered a surprise withdrawal of US troops from Syria in October 2019; however, he bent to pressure from aides and Pentagon officials and soon reversed his decision. He then ordered about 500 US soldiers to occupy the

COVID-19: ‘It’s the System, Stupid!’ Black Alliance for Peace By Black Alliance for Peace, April 29 2020

The current disaster exists in large part because the U.S. healthcare system is the opposite of what is needed. It is fragmented, discriminatory and designed for corporate profits, not the well-being of the public. Even before the pandemic, the United

COVID-19 Sweeping Through US Immigrant Farmworker and Meatpacker Ranks By Danica Jorden, April 29 2020

“We work shoulder to shoulder. We’re very close to each other…. I’ve had a fever and flu symptoms, but I take Tylenol and keep working.” María, worker from Butterball. Español

On April 7, Tyson Foods announced it was closing an

Western Accusations of Russian Interference in Libya in Favor of Haftar’s LNA By Paul Antonopoulos, April 29 2020

Marshal Khalifa Haftar of the Libyan National Army (LNA) has declared that his forces will take control of Libya, arguing that the UN-negotiated unity agreement is dead. The statement was made during a televised speech, in which Haftar reported

Iraq Facing a Great US Threat: Expanding the US’ “Harir” Military Base in Iraqi Kurdistan By Elijah J. Magnier, April 29 2020

No country could fail to be shaken by the kind of profound struggle between all its political groups that currently prevails in Iraq. The US does not need to make any great effort to sow discord between the parties because

Western Media Continues to Spread Fake News About North Korea By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 29 2020

In modern warfare, one of the greatest weapons is the power to manipulate information. In a globalized international society, extremely integrated and connected by an infinite information circulation network, a media which controls the dissemination and content of such information

Video: Free Ourselves from the Virus of War. David Swanson By David Swanson, April 29 2020

David Swanson was to speak at a conference in Florence, Italy, on April 25, 2020.commemorating the 75 anniversary of Italy’s Liberation. 

The conference became a Live Stream. 

This was David Swanson’s speech at this important venue in Italy organized by

Video: Israeli Military Buildup Near Golan Heights Follows Strikes on Syrian Capital By South Front, April 29 2020

Israel has deployed additional units of the Iron Dome and Patriot air defense systems near the borders of Lebanon and Syria. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the country’s military is preparing to repel possible retaliatory strikes from Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed

The Coronavirus 5th “Relief Package” We Need By Howie Hawkins, April 29 2020

The coronavirus depression is fast becoming as deep as the Great Depression. The federal government’s response has been too little, too late.

While sickness and death spread, while unemployment and small business failures soar, while health care and essential workers …

Welcome to the Era of the Great Disillusionment By Jonathan Cook, April 29 2020

This is a column I have been mulling over for a while but, for reasons that should be immediately obvious, I have been hesitant to write. It is about 5G, vaccines, 9/11, aliens and lizard overlords. Or rather, it isn’t.

Death: “The Most Frightening Idea” or “A Simple Idea with a Powerful Punch”? By Edward Curtin, April 29 2020

Since death is one idea that has no history except as an idea and not a reality any of us has experienced, it is the most frightening idea there is and also quite simple. It is the ultimate unknown. It

How to Think Post-Planet Lockdown By Pepe Escobar, April 29 2020

Between unaccountability of elites and total fragmentation of civil society, Covid-19 as a circuit breaker is showing how the king – systemic design – is naked. 

We are being sucked into a danse macabre of multiple complex systems “colliding into …

Millions of US Workers Blocked from Applying for Jobless Benefits By Kevin Reed, April 29 2020

While the US government has proceeded expeditiously to hand over trillions of dollars to the Wall Street banks and corporations, millions of workers who have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic have been blocked from applying for unemployment benefits.

Will China Replace Islam as the West’s New Enemy? By Peter Oborne, April 29 2020

It’s just over a quarter of a century since the American political scientist Samuel Huntington wrote his famous essay on the Clash of Civilisations. It set the tone for a series of wars. 

Huntington was writing after the fall

Data and Privacy Unprotected in One Third of Countries, Despite Progress By UNCTAD, April 29 2020

Only 66% of the nations of the world safeguard people’s data and privacy, despite an 11 percentage point increase in the adoption of data protection and privacy legislation in the period 2015-2020, according to new UNCTAD data.

Results of a

The Myth of V-Shape US Economic Recovery By Dr. Jack Rasmus, April 29 2020

The spin is in! Trump administration economic ‘message bearers’, Steve Mnuchin, US Treasury Secretary, and Kevin Hasset, senior economic adviser to Trump, this past Sunday on the Washington TV talking heads circuit launched a coordinated effort to calm

“Belt and Road” Regionalization: Pakistan’s Gwadar Port Opens Afghan Trade to the World By Andrew Korybko, April 29 2020

The successful opening of Gwadar Port to Afghanistan lays the basis for expanding this trade network to Central Asia and Russia via N-CPEC+, which sets a positive example for how BRI-led regionalization can rejuvenate globalization after the coronavirus is finally

Round Two of the “Paycheck Protection Program”: Another Disaster for US Small Businesses and Their Employees By Barry Grey, April 29 2020

The launch Monday morning of the second round of the US “small business” Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was a debacle. Millions of family-owned entities, desperate for credit and tottering on the brink of permanent closure, were once again shut out

Pandemic Diplomacy: “The Gum on China’s Shoe” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 29 2020

“Australia is always there, making trouble.  It is a bit like chewing gum stuck on the sole of China’s shoes.  Sometimes you have to find a stone to rub it off.” – Hu Xijin, Global Times editor, April 27, 2020.

The British Military Information War Waged on Their Own Population By Mike Robinson, April 29 2020

Last Wednesday, during the daily UK Government Coronavirus livestream, the head of the British Army, General Sir Nick Carter, bragged:

We’ve been involved with the Cabinet Office Rapid Response Unit, with our 77th Brigade helping to quash rumours

Your Freedoms Don’t Have to be Muzzled Just Because You’re Wearing a Mask By John W. Whitehead, April 29 2020

“If 2019 was the year of the street protest, of tear gas and rubber bullets, 2020 might be the year the street protest died, or perhaps fell into a deep sleep, and went online.”—Journalist Christopher Miller

Despite all appearances

It Can’t Happen Here? The Roots Run Deep! By Philip A Farruggio, April 29 2020

Sinclair Lewis wrote an important novel in 1935, It Can’t Happen Here. In the fictitious book, based on the threats at the time of fascism taking root in the USA, we see how this virus spread.

As with Philip Roth’s

Jair Bolsonaro
Brazilian Court Orders Investigation Against Bolsonaro By Telesur, April 29 2020

Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) on Monday ordered an investigation against President Jair Bolsonaro, due to accusations by former Justice Minister Sergio Moro

Moro, who resigned from his post at the Ministry of Justice last Friday, accused Bolsonaro …

The EPA’s Dirty Water: New Rule Discards Science, Ignores Importance of Wetlands and Tributaries By Derrick Z. Jackson, April 29 2020

Water, water everywhere and hardly a drop is being protected by the Trump administration. In its latest act of abdication, the Environmental Protection Agency published its Navigable Waters Protection Rule in the Federal Register on April 21. The rule is

Video: Turkish Army Clashing with Turkish Proxies in Idlib By South Front, April 28 2020

Early on April 27, the Israeli Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes on alleged Iranian targets in the countryside of Damascus. As always, pro-Israeli sources claimed that the missile attack hit and destroyed weapon depots and HQs of

Covid-19 Is the Perfect Catalyst for Trump’s War Against China By Johanna Ross, April 28 2020

The phrase ‘Yellow Peril’ – pertaining to the alleged threat of the Far East – was coined by Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany in the 1880s after he had a dream featuring a Buddha riding a dragon threatening to invade

COVID-19 and the Rise of the Police State By David Skripac, April 28 2020

In December 1917, Europe was immersed in the First World War—one of the most vicious, insane wars the world had ever witnessed. After learning about the high casualty toll and the horrific nature of trench warfare, which included the use

9/11 Truth and Giulietto Chiesa, 1940-2020. His Legacy Will Live By, April 28 2020

The 9/11 Consensus Panel mourns the loss of the great Italian journalist, Giulietto Chiesa, whose life was devoted to upholding the foundations of democracy, not just in his native Italy, but in Russia and worldwide.

The Consensus Panel was …

Video: COVID-19: 70% of Patients Are on Ventilators. Is It a “Solution”?… Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell By Dr. John Whyte and Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, April 28 2020

Welcome to “Coronavirus in Context.”

Today we’re going to talk about whether we’re managing coronavirus correctly; do we need to think about a change in our treatment regiments?

My guest is Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell. He’s a physician trained in

HSBC to Block Donations to Palestinian Aid Charity Interpal By Peter Oborne and Jan-Peter Westad, April 28 2020

British bank HSBC has told customers in the UK that it will stop processing standing order payments to the Palestinian aid charity Interpal from next month.

The bank sent out letters earlier this month to account holders who make regular …

The Use and Abuse of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) By Prof Michael Hudson, Dirk Bezemer, and et al., April 28 2020


After being attacked by monetarists and others for many decades, MMT and the idea that running government budget deficit is stabilizing instead of destabilizing are suddenly gaining applause from the parts of the political spectrum that long opposed MMT:

Secret ‘COVID-19 Manhattan Project’ Led by Billionaires Seeking to Influence Trump Admin By Zero Hedge, April 28 2020

Last month Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey called for the bold and urgent launch of what he called “a Manhattan Project-type approach” to fight the coronavirus pandemic given the enormity of the health and economic impact, increasingly even harming US defense

The COVID-19 “Economic Holocaust” … Bankrupting the Nation. “The Shut-In Economy” By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, April 28 2020

For all the uncertainties the COVID-19 pandemic poses to the world, especially in the US, one thing seems evident.  Our neoliberal capitalist civilization has proven itself to be unprepared for unexpected crises and catastrophes. For decades, the US has been

The U.S. Wants to “Purchase” Greenland from Denmark By Andrew Korybko, April 28 2020

The US’ plan to leverage economic aid to Greenland for strategic ends is exactly the same thing that it accuses China of doing in Africa, suggesting that its infowar against Beijing’s Belt & Road Initiative is driven more by jealousy

Pandemic Delays: Postponing the Assange Extradition Hearing By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 28 2020

“Mr Assange will be facing a David and Goliath battle with his hands tied behind his back.” – Edward Fitzgerald QC, lawyer for Julian Assange, April 27, 2020

Julian Assange must have had time amidst cramped and hostile surrounds, paper

Netanyahu Is Back Yet Again. Israel Will Become Much Bigger By Philip Giraldi, April 28 2020

Rahm Emanuel, up until recently the mayor of Chicago and before that a top advisor to the president in the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama White Houses and still earlier a volunteer in the Israeli Army, famously once commented that

Iraq: Official Warns of US Plot to Transfer ISIS Terrorists from Syria to Iraq’s Al-Anbar By Drago Bosnic, April 28 2020

A senior official in Iraq’s al-Anbar province warned of the increasing presence of the ISIS terrorists in the desert areas of the province which are controlled by the US forces.

“These areas are controlled by the US military men and

Jair Bolsonaro
Corruption Scandals Could See Bolsonaro Removed from Power Quicker than One Could Expect By Paul Antonopoulos, April 28 2020

The Brazilian government was shaken by a new controversy on Friday after the General Director of the Federal Police, Maurício Valeixo, was sacked by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Following threats made on Thursday, the Minister of Justice and Public

Is Trump Using the U.S. Military for Regime Change in Venezuela? By Barbara Boland, April 28 2020

U.S. policy towards Venezuela has been a head-spinning series of contradictions lately, with no end in sight. From placing a bounty on the heads of President Nicolas Maduro and a dozen current and former Venezuelan officials, to upping sanctions and

Netanyahu Air Force Bombings Targeted Homes, Killed Three Civilians By Miri Wood, April 28 2020

Americans awaiting their COVID-19 stimulus and unemployment checks will be thrilled to know their taxes continue to be spent via Netanyahu bombing and murdering Syrians in their homes. Israel remains the US’ most voracious welfare state queen, subsidized at more

Video: Venezuela and the Struggle Against Empire: Ajamu Baraka By Ajamu Baraka, April 28 2020

Black Alliance for Peace National Organizer Ajamu Baraka discussed the role of U.S. activists in stopping the U.S. war machine during “An Inside View of Resistance to US Imperialism in Venezuela and How to Build International Solidarity,” a webinar co-hosted

Giulietto Chiesa on the Front Line Until the End By Manlio Dinucci, April 28 2020

Giulietto Chiesa died a few hours after concluding the April 25th International Conference “Let’s Get Rid of War Virus”  on the 75th Anniversary of Italian Liberation and the End of World War II. The streaming conference was organized by

Reports of North Korean Leader’s Death Greatly Exaggerated By Stephen Lendman, April 28 2020

Once again, the good old reliable US major media proved unreliable again — time and again delivering fake news to readers, viewers and listeners.

On April 20, the NYT reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “was receiving treatment after

Paranoia and Hybris Syndrome in Donald Trump By Germán Gorraiz López, April 28 2020

Among the “losers of globalization” in the US, in addition to African-Americans and Latinos, indebted university students and white adults over 45 years of age without university studies and with jobs with low added value appear for the first time,

Next in Coronavirus Tyranny: Forced Vaccinations and ‘Digital Certificates’ By Rep. Ron Paul, April 28 2020

In my first week in the House of Representatives in 1976, I cast one of the two votes against legislation appropriating funds for a swine flu vaccination program. A swine flu outbreak was then dominating headlines, so most in DC

Are the US and China on a Collision Course for Greater Confrontation? By Stephen Lendman, April 28 2020

US policymakers from both right wings of the one-party state want China’s rise on the world stage as an economic, industrial, and technological power undermined.

A undeclared Cold War between both countries rages. There’s always risk of things turning hot …

New Anti-China Propaganda Uses Russiagate Playbook By Dave DeCamp, April 28 2020

A rabid anti-China propaganda campaign has spread through the media since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The hysteria seems to be just as contagious as the virus, as Americans are bombarded with anti-China stories from the pages of The

The People’s Choice Between Two Unacceptable Lessers for US President in November By Stephen Lendman, April 28 2020

What passes for US-style “democracy” would make some despots blush. 

It’s more fanciful than real, an illusion of what doesn’t exist.

The nation was created to be run by its rich, well-born, and able, John Adams explained.

John Jay, the …

Thank You For Reading By The Global Research Team, April 27 2020

Over the last few days we have seen a marked increase in readership on the website, we thank you for choosing Global Research as a source of news and analysis. We promise to continue to bring you pertinent (often under-reported) …

Operation COVID-19: Testing the Degree of “People’s Submission”. Activating our “Paranoia Switches”… By Dr. Pascal Sacré, April 27 2020

We are in a world that is globally flabbergasted today.

In other words, stunned, panicked.

Our brains are in a state of excessive, inordinate paranoia.

Our paranoia switches have been activated!

Martha Stout, an American psychologist, describes this in …

Covid-19 Could Have Been Prevented and the Growing Vulnerability of Obese Patients to the Virus By Shane Quinn, April 27 2020

It has yet to become clear just how harmful the coronavirus (Covid-19) will prove to be, with case figures and deaths continuing to evolve. As was anticipated, this highly contagious disease is causing havoc once it enters hospitals, nursing homes

Giulietto Chiesa (1940-2020): An Intellectual of Action By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, April 27 2020

It is with great sorrow that we learned yesterday, April 26th, that Giulietto Chiesa has passed away. One of the most remarkable European intellectuals – activists of our times, deeply enshrined in the “Leninist” tradition of action before

The Restoration of Self-Rule in South Yemen Is the Next Step Towards Independence By Andrew Korybko, April 27 2020

South Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council declared self-rule over the vast regions of the country that they claim as their own in response to the Saudi-backed Hadi government’s repeated violations of last year’s Riyadh Agreement that was aimed at de-escalating tensions

COVID-19, We Are Now Living the “Lock Step Scenario” By Peter Koenig, April 27 2020

The 25th of April is an important date in Italy’s history. It commemorates the 75th anniversary of  Liberation, which is also the Anniversary of the Resistance.

On April 25, 2020, Commemorating the Liberation of Italy. We express our solidarity with

Climate Change: The Fatal Road to 4 Degrees Celsius By Dr. Andrew Glikson, April 27 2020

Global CO₂ rise and warming rates have reached a large factor to an order of magnitude higher than those of the past geological and mass extinction events, with major implications for the shift in climate zones and the nature and

How the Fight Against Covid-19 Has Brought Us a Step Closer to an Orwellian Nightmare By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 27 2020

For many years, we in the alternative media have been warning that when a new crises emerges, a future of social engineering and control would bring us closer to George Orwell’s predictions right to our doorstep.  Since the start of

What Does Post-COVID19 China Look Like? Mutual US-China Mistrust is the “New Normal” By Tom Clifford, April 27 2020

Beijing is not back to normal but there is an air of normality. The Beijing Subway has 23 lines but only one runs on a north-south axis. This is Line 5, the busiest. In February and March its carriages were

Syrians Remember the Armenian Genocide as Turkey Threatens Again By Steven Sahiounie, April 27 2020

April 24, 2020, marks the 105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which was the first genocide of the 20th century.  The starting date is held to be April 24, 1915, in a premeditated and systematic campaign to exterminate

The Big Lie. Senator Jensen: Hospitals receive $13,000 for a Covid-19 Diagnosis, $39,000 for Treatment with a Ventilator By Mark Taliano, April 27 2020

The statistics surrounding the Covid-19 crisis have always been unreliable, yet msm and other sources use these numbers without qualifications. To qualify the numbers would be to dismantle the Lie. The Lie must be maintained because it is fundamental to

Video: The Criminal Indictments against Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning By Colonel Ann Wright, April 27 2020

Last year we met in Florence on the 7th of April, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the founding of NATO. The theme of our conference last year was NATO EXIT.  

On April 25, 2020, Commemorating the Liberation of Italy.

The Era of Mass Strikes Begins on May 1, the First Day of General Strike Campaign By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 27 2020

On Friday, May 1, an ongoing General Strike campaign begins. This campaign could become the most powerful movement in the United States and reset the national agenda. It comes when the failures of the US political system have been magnified

The Unbearable Lightness of China By Pepe Escobar, April 27 2020

As a living embodiment of how East and West shall meet, Mahbubani is immeasurably more capable to talk about Chinese-linked intricacies than shallow, self-described Western “experts” on Asia and China.

Especially now when demonization-heavy hybrid war 2.0 against China is …

China Slams Hostile US Actions, America’s Failed System By Stephen Lendman, April 27 2020

In pursuit of its imperial aims, the US needs enemies. None exist so they’re invented.

Iran is US public enemy No. 1 in the Middle East, China considered Washington’s leading adversary globally — despite no threat posed by either country.

Trump Regime Pushing for Confrontation with Iran? By Stephen Lendman, April 27 2020

Since Iranians ended a generation of CIA-installed fascist dictatorship in 1979, the US has been at war on the Islamic Republic by other means.

The Trump regime escalated it way beyond where its predecessors went, risking confrontation by accident or

The Dengvaxia Disaster Was Twenty Years in the Making—What Will Happen with a Rushed COVID-19 Vaccine? By Children’s Health Defense, April 27 2020

For several weeks, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates have been beating the drum about a COVID-19 vaccine, seeking to keep the world’s coronavirus optics focused on a medical intervention that Gates acknowledges to be risky enough to require indemnification

WHO to Receive $30 Million from China to Fight COVID-19 By Telesur, April 27 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) will receive a $30 million grant from the government of China to use these resources for the containment of COVID-19.

The announcement of the donation was made Thursday by the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Hua

Saudi Arabia: What Happens When the Oil Stops By David Hearst, April 27 2020

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) can no longer plead youth or inexperience.

That time has passed.

What you see is what you get. The misrule, blunders and war associated with him as crown prince will only continue …

Exercise Cygnus: UK Government Exercise Justifies Covid-19 Lockdown By Robin Kayser, April 27 2020

It’s April 2020, and since March, the UK has swiftly commissioned and built vast, temporary, intensive care hospitals, in readiness for a predicted epidemic number of severe COVID-19 cases.

They are called NHS Nightingale Hospitals, and to date there …

As Food Banks Struggle to Cope with Demand, Desperate Farmers Dump Unsellable Produce By Alan MacLeod, April 27 2020

Even as food banks nationwide are inundated with hungry Americans, many of the country’s farmers are dumping or destroying their harvests. Amidst a pandemic that has seen tens of millions of workers laid off, the nation’s food banks have

‘They Massage Horses Don’t They?’ By Philip A Farruggio, April 26 2020

It’s been over 25 years since that glorious warm, blue sky summer day at Belmont Park Racetrack. I not only remember it so well, but I can almost inhale that special racetrack smell, the combination of disinfectant merged with horse

Let’s Call the Geopolitical Operation of the “Global Elite” by Its Name, A Crime Against Humanity By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 26 2020

What do we want to call the geopolitical operation of the “global elite” with its real “depopulation agenda” currently taking place before our very eyes?

The consequences of this gigantic, frightening swindle are being experienced by everyone personally at the …