Global Research News

The Diabolical “Game” with Fear as an Instrument of Domination. The Reflex of Obedience By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, May 12 2020

Anxiety is a widespread phenomenon that often accompanies people from the earliest days of childhood until old age. It is part of life and has many causes. When unscrupulous despots – whether medieval popes, modern dictators or so-called philanthropists –

Low-Balling the Unemployed in the Era of the 2020 Great Recession By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 12 2020

This past Friday, May 8, the US Labor Dept. released its latest jobless figures. The official report was 20 million more unemployed and an unemployment rate of 14.7%.

Both mainstream and progressive media reported the numbers: 20 million more jobless …

South Africa: COVID-19 Crisis Unmasks Dangers of Profit Oriented Healthcare By Salimah Valiani, May 12 2020

The pandemic has shown the need for medical care and interventions that have nothing to do with profit. But not even SA’s proposed National Health Insurance would fit the bill.


Covid-19 has been linked to a number of truth …

Strained China-US Relations. Renewed Trade War Ahead? New Cold War? By Stephen Lendman, May 12 2020

Sino/US relations are more dismal than at any time since Nixon’s 1972 meeting with Mao during his weeklong visit to China.

Are bilateral differences irreconcilable? Is the breach between both countries too great to restore more cooperative relations?

Is a …

UK Jewish Students and Youth Movement Oppose “Unilateral Annexation of West Bank” By Lee Harpin, May 12 2020

More than 500 UK Jewish students and youth movement members have put their names to a letter urging the Board of Deputies to speak out against what they claim are the Israeli government’s plans for the ‘’unilateral annexation of the

Germany Wants to Replace Poland’s “Patriotic Government” with “Europhile Puppets”? By Andrew Korybko, May 12 2020

The former Polish Minister of Defense accused Germany of conspiring with a few other foreign actors to replace the patriotic Polish government with Europhile puppets, arguing that the country’s latest political controversy over the date of its presidential elections is

The Important “Plandemic” Documentary that Has Justifiably Gone “Viral” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, May 12 2020

The powers-that-be behind the banning of “Plandemic” and the disparaging and slandering of Dr Judy Mikovitz are obviously afraid of something that will expose them for planning something evil. Tyrannical corporate forces, starting with Google and YouTube and the CDC

“Operation Volute”: Covert UK Propaganda Efforts in Syria May Have Broken UK Law By Ian Cobain and Alice Ross, May 12 2020

The UK’s covert propaganda programmes in war-torn Syria were poorly planned, probably illegal and cost lives, according to a scathing internal review of the initiative that has been seen by Middle East Eye.

Using news agencies, social media, poster campaigns …

Will the Current Serious Economic Recession Evolve into a Full-fledged Global Economic Depression? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 12 2020

“I was 21 and looking for work in 1932, one of the worst years of the Great Depression, and I can remember one bleak night in the Thirties when my father learned on Christmas Eve that he’d lost his job.

Video: Al-Qaeda Launches Large-scale Attack in Northwestern Hama Under Cover of Ceasefire Deal By South Front, May 12 2020

The southern part of the Idlib zone has once again turned into a hot point with the Syrian Army and al-Qaeda militants openly clashing with each other.

On May 10, fierce clashes erupted between the Syrian Army and forces of …

Botched Infiltration of Venezuela Leaves Guaidó Tainted Beyond Repair By Adrien Gromelle, May 12 2020

The latest chapter in the ongoing effort to overthrow the Venezuelan government reads like a bad spy thriller: a group of mercenaries piloted speedboats from Colombia to Venezuela; half of them were killed or captured by Venezuelan security forces immediately

Cuba to Begin Mass-Scale COVID-19 Testing By Telesur, May 12 2020

Dr. Francisco Durán, national director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, reported on  Sunday that a considerable part of the population will be given tests to detect possible positive cases of COVID-19.

Durán explained that a …

Madagascar Slams WHO for Not Endorsing Its Herbal Cure By Felix Tih, May 12 2020

Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina has slammed the World Health Organization for not endorsing its COVID-19 herbal cure.

Last month, the Malagasy president officially launched Covid-Organics (CVO), an organic herbal concoction, claiming that it can prevent and cure patients suffering from

Boris Johnson Shifts COVID-19 Blame Game to the Public By Rob Woodward, May 12 2020

Many are very angry at Boris Johnson’s pre-recorded speech last night to the nation, not least, his own cabinet who were essentially left out of the discussion prior to recording. I’ve also spoken with a few members of the Tory

Israel to Annex the United States By Philip Giraldi, May 12 2020

As the Beatles once put it, “I read the news today, oh boy…” One might argue that the “oh boy” has been part and parcel of one’s morning media review ever since 9/11, but depending on one’s own inclinations, the

China Might be a “Silver Bullet” for Countries in the Middle East. Might Jeopardize Relations with Washington By Azhar Azam, May 12 2020

As the Arab states in the Gulf embrace Beijing to ease off their over-reliance on hydrocarbons and diversify economy by seeking Chinese investment and technology, A US official threatened that the shift could jeopardize their relationship with Washington.

Giving a …

UK Government Causes Widespread Confusion with New COVID-19 Guidelines By Johanna Ross, May 12 2020

It was a moment the UK public had been waiting for days, ever since it was reported in several British newspapers that lockdown restrictions were to be lifted from Monday. But although people may be weary after seven weeks of

Authoritarians Using Coronavirus Fear to Destroy America By Rep. Ron Paul, May 12 2020

A Fresno, California waffle restaurant dared to open its doors for business this weekend to the delight of a long line of customers, who waited up to two hours for the “privilege” of willingly spending their money in a business

Cuba Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for Its Fight Against COVID-19 By Orinoco Tribune, May 12 2020

The French organization Cuba Linda has recommended awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Cuban medical brigades for their efforts to eradicate COVID-19.

“The international community is witnessing the solidarity of health professionals who leave their country to provide services and

Fragile Economic System: It Is Much Worse Than You Are Being Told By Michael Snyder, May 12 2020

For a long time I warned that our economic bubble would burst and that we would plunge into a nightmarish economic collapse.  Now it has happened, and it turns out that fear of COVID-19 was the “black swan event” that

Coronavirus and Dodgy Death Numbers By F. William Engdahl, May 12 2020

Not only are the coronavirus models being used by WHO and the most national health agencies based on highly dubious methodologies, and not only are the tests being used of wildly different quality, that only indirectly confirm antibodies of a

Trump Regime Hardliners Want Social Security and Medicare Eliminated By Stephen Lendman, May 12 2020

Social Security and Medicare are insurance programs, not welfare — funded by equal worker-employer payroll tax deductions.

Self-employed workers pay what’s called the Self Employment Contributions Act (SECA) tax.

Both programs are federally established contractual obligations to eligible recipients, the …

The Plandemic Documentary: Dr. Judy Mikovits By Dr. Judy Mikovits, May 11 2020
Effects of US Lockdowns v. Lifting Them By Stephen Lendman, May 11 2020

A University of Pennsylvania Wharton School model isn’t encouraging.

Its analysis is world’s apart from what the Trump regime suggests.

Wharton warned that if US lockdowns are lifted nationwide, businesses reopen, and pre-COVID-19 activities resume, eight million cases and 350,000 …

The Cost of Big Pharma’s COVID-19 Vaccine Will be Paid in Lives and in Billions of Dollars By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 11 2020

Big Pharma and its minions such as Anthony Fauci and Robert Redfield are determined to use Covid-19 to vaccinate us all at the expense our lives and pocketbooks.  They are using the media, grant-dependent professionals,  medical journals, and the presstitute

Victory in Europe Day: These American Corporations Aided Nazi Germany By Alan MacLeod, May 11 2020

May 8 marks the 75th anniversary of the Allied armies’ victory in Europe, the day when they accepted the formal surrender of Nazi Germany after a bitter, six-year-long struggle that saw tens of millions killed in fighting, famines or

May 9th World War II Commemoration: Russian Victory, NATO Defeat By Christopher Black, May 11 2020

This article was originally published on New Eastern Outlook in July 2015.

On February 2nd, 1943, the 6th German Army, under the command of Field Marshall Von Paulus, and elements of the 4th Panzer Army, surrendered to the Red Army

Macron Government Ending France’s Coronavirus Lockdown Beginning this Monday By Alex Lantier, May 11 2020

In a televised address on Thursday afternoon, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe and five other ministers confirmed that President Emmanuel Macron had given the order for an end to confinement and the reopening of the economy on May 11. The government’s

Acknowledging Disorientation After COVID-19: Beyond Horizons of Fear and Doubt By Prof. Richard Falk, May 11 2020

More than earlier crises of my lifetime, including the Great Depression, World War II, 9/11, the COVID-19 pandemic illuminates as never before, how precarious and uncertain is the future wellbeing, and possibly survival, of the human species. The concreteness, immediacy,

Patriotic Vaccines: The Divided Coronavirus Cause By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 11 2020

When it comes to the politics of medicine and disease, the United States has always attempted to steal the limelight, while adding the now faded colouring of universal human welfare.  In 1965, Washington pledged financial and technical support to the

Bees and the “Eternally Not Talked About” By Prof Susan Babbitt, May 11 2020

Dostoevsky said former seminarians (which included many Russian radicals then) were “too complete, too hostile, too sharp and therefore too limited.” That is, they were limited precisely by being too complete, by fitting all the pieces together, in a tight-fitting

Fears of Bolsonaro’s Threat to the Amazon Realized as New Data Shows Rainforest Destruction Up 55% By Jessica Corbett, May 11 2020

“Bolsonaro is not only turning a blind eye as land grabbers, illegal loggers, and miners continue to plunder Indigenous territories during the pandemic, he plans to make things easier for them.”


Greenpeace on Friday warned of far-right Brazilian President

Political Hope Rises By Radhika Desai, May 11 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be peaking in the mostly Western countries worst affected so far, though it will continue to scythe down thousands for weeks to come. The virus could also return for a far worse second wave, and

Nuclear Weapons: The Anatomy of a U.S. STRATCOM “Disinfographic” By John Krzyzaniak and Thomas Gaulkin, May 11 2020

United States Strategic Command, the branch of the US military responsible for the nation’s nuclear weapons, recently released an imperially misleading infographic on Twitter. The graphic is confused—not only about when to use bold typeface, but also about the

Leaked UK Doc Shows Mandated Remote-Working Plan for Obese Brits By Zero Hedge, May 11 2020

Being fat obese can double someone’s risk of going to the hospital for severe COVID-19 symptoms, a new report published by the University of Glasgow concluded this week. With that being said, a leaked document from the UK government obtained

Depression USA By Joseph Kishore, May 11 2020

Yesterday, the US Labor Department released its April unemployment report, revealing a level of joblessness that is without historical precedent. On the same day, the stock market rose sharply, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average finishing up more than 450

Global Research: Breaking Down Divisions and Building Dialogue By The Global Research Team, May 11 2020

On, the view points we put forth are not selected in the interest of pushing a specific narrative, but rather in breaking down divisions and building a dialogue. We publish pieces by a wide variety of specialists including journalists …

Video: Here’s Why Bill Gates Wants Indemnity for Vaccines – Are You Willing to Take the Risk? By Children’s Health Defense, May 11 2020

Why are the world’s top vaccine promoters, like Paul Offit and Peter Hotez, frantically warning us about the unique and frightening dangers inherent in developing a coronavirus vaccine?

Scientists first attempted to develop coronavirus vaccines after China’s 2002

Indifference Toward Public Health and Welfare in America. The COVID-19 Healthcare Fiasco By Stephen Lendman, May 11 2020

The US is the only developed nation without some form of universal healthcare coverage.

The world’s richest country is indifferent toward the rights, needs, and welfare of its ordinary people in more normal times.

It’s much the same at times …

Reinventing History a US Specialty. The Role of the Soviet Union In Defeating Nazi Germany By Stephen Lendman, May 11 2020

The power of endlessly repeated propaganda gets most people to believe almost anything — especially when pounded into the public consciousness by press agent establishment media.

In the US, they’re mouthpieces for monied interests and the imperial state. Following government

Geopolitical Corridors: Did Iran Inadvertently Sacrifice “The India Chabahar Corridor” for the Sake of Afghan Border Security? By Andrew Korybko, May 11 2020

The recent political crisis that exploded between Iran and Afghanistan after the former’s security forces were accused of forcing over 50 of the latter’s illegal immigrants into a river on their shared border (where the majority of them are thought

We Need Urgent Answers About the Massive British NHS COVID Data Deal By Mary Fitzgerald and Cori Crider, May 11 2020

Why is the UK government refusing to release details of its ‘unprecedented’ data transfer to US tech giants? If we don’t get answers, we may seek them in the courts.


This week openDemocracy and Foxglove, a tech justice start-up,

Video: The Well-Known Hazards of Coronavirus Vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interviewed by Dr. J. Mercola By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 11 2020

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,1 son of Sen. and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, both of whom were tragically murdered, has continued in the footsteps of these famously courageous men by

Kashmiri Oppression and Suffering. Self-Determination and the Derogation of Fundamental Civil Rights By Robert Fantina, May 11 2020

There are certain basic freedoms to which all people are entitled. Foundational to all of them is self-determination. Once that principle is enshrined in any nation, such freedoms as speech, press, movement, etc. follow. People who live under any system

Bank of England Secret Bail Out of Big Business – Over £100bn Committed in Three Weeks By True Publica, May 11 2020

While small and independent businesses are struggling to survive, the Bank of England is creating billions in new money to bail out Britain’s biggest companies – in secret. As public money, we deserve to know where this is being spent,

Facebook Removes News Outlets in Latest Orwellian Purge By Dave DeCamp, May 11 2020

Over the past three years, Facebook has been removing accounts for participating in what they call “coordinated inauthentic behavior” (CIB). According to Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, the Orwellian term refers to when “groups of pages or people work together

Reality Check of US Allegations Against China on COVID-19 By Xinhua, May 11 2020

Recently, some US politicians and media outlets have been fabricating preposterous allegations and lies of one kind or another in order to shift the blame to China for their inadequate response to COVID-19.

However, as Abraham Lincoln said, “You can …

Winston Churchill: He Fought for His Class, Never Ours By Dominic Alexander, May 11 2020

Who was Winston Churchill? He was an aristocrat whose overwhelming commitment was to the maintenance of empire. He was a bitter opponent of the workers’ movement in Britain, whether in Tonypandy and Llanelli in 1910 and 1911, where troops

Federal Appeals Court Allows US Military Base Construction in Okinawa Despite Environmental Concerns By Rebecca Salamacha, May 11 2020

A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that the US military can construct a base in Okinawa, Japan, despite environmental activists’ concerns over the base’s construction threatening the local dugong population. The activists filed suit under the National Historic Preservation Act

Holy Land: Heads of Churches Voice Concern About Israel’s Planned Annexation of West Bank Land By Patriarchs and Heads of the Holy Land Churches, May 11 2020

As a result of the stagnation of the Peace Process in the Middle East between the Israelis and Palestinians, an array of plans for Israel to unilaterally annex West Bank land, backed mainly by right-wing factions, raises serious and catastrophic

Venezuela: Full Silvercorp Contract Unveiled, Guaido Involved By Telesur, May 11 2020

According to the Washington Post, the document was provided by Venezuelan opposition officials on the condition that one of the attachments be redacted. Nonetheless, the text showcases the extent of the intervention financed by Juan Guaido and his supporters.

Some …

Don’t Cage Our Oceans By Recirculating Farms Coalition, May 11 2020

On Thursday May 7, 2020, amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the White House issued a controversial Executive Order to streamline permitting for industrial marine finfish farms and gut other protective regulatory processes for managing ocean wildlife and habitat. The move

China Will Not Accept Any US Invasion in Venezuela: Spokeswoman Hua Chunying By Orinoco Tribune, May 11 2020

China repudiates the United States’ attempt of a naval invasion of Venezuela and all interventionist maneuvers against the sovereignty of any country.

Through a statement, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, stressed again this Wednesday her rejection of …

Democratic Governor and UAW Collude with Auto Bosses to Force Return to Work in Michigan By Jessica Goldstein, May 11 2020

Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Thursday that manufacturing will be officially allowed to reopen in the state on Monday, May 11. The announcement stands in contrast to Whitmer’s same-day extension of the state’s stay-at-home order until May 28.


Trump Regime Further Escalates War on China by Other Means By Stephen Lendman, May 11 2020

In early April, China’s official People’s Daily broadsheet slammed the Trump regime’s unacceptable restrictions imposed on the country’s journalists in the US.

It called hostile US actions a “clumsy performance (that) further exposed the hypocrisy of the self-styled advocate of

The End of World War II. From the Scourge of Fascism to America’s Imperial “Fantasy Democracy” By Stephen Lendman, May 10 2020

WW II had nothing to do with defeating the scourge of fascism, far from it. 

Its belligerent face in the US, West, Israel, and their imperial allies resembles earlier versions in Germany, Japan and Italy with nationality and cultural differences.

Venezuela Bay of Pigs 2.0: The Chuao Beach Defeat of US Sponsored Mercenaries By Jesús Chucho García, May 10 2020

Recently, Chuao, a town on the coast of Aragua State, Venezuela, was put on the geopolitical world map, given the incursion of some mercenaries from the Venezuelan radical opposition and some green berets from the Donald Trump government, who were

Latest Failed Coup Attempt Against Venezuela Made in the USA? By Stephen Lendman, May 10 2020

UN Charter Article 2(4) states the following: 

“All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the

COVID 19 Is a Statistical Nonsense By Iain Davis, May 10 2020

The mortality statistics for COVID 19 have been incessantly hammered into our heads by the mainstream media (MSM). Every day they report these hardest of facts to justify the lockdown (house arrest) and to prove to us that living in

China Forges Ahead Through Chaos and US Threats By Pepe Escobar, May 10 2020

Amid the deepest economic contraction in nearly a century, President Xi Jinping had already made it very clear, last month, that China should be ready for unprecedented, relentless foreign challenges.

He was not referring only to the possible decoupling of …

The Great Russiagate Hoax Exposed. Geopolitical Transition to Chinagate… By Stephen Lendman, May 10 2020

Hoaxes are easy to detect. When accusations lack credible supportive evidence, they baseless.

Not a shred of evidence about alleged Russian US election meddling was ever presented by Washington’s intelligence community, the House, Senate, or farcical Robert Mueller probe.

Russiagate …

Trump Regime Blocks UN Security Council Resolution for “Global Ceasefire” During COVID-19 Epidemic By Stephen Lendman, May 10 2020

Run by warlord members from both right wings of the one-party state, the US geopolitical agenda prioritizes permanent wars against invented enemies to enforce their will on humanity by brute force and other hostile actions.

At a time when containing …

The Fed’s Historic Gamble: Pre-Bailing Out the Banking System By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 10 2020

There’s a historic experiment underway among US capitalists and policy makers. That experiment may or may not succeed. It’s the Federal Reserve PRE-BAILOUT of not only the US financial system but the entire business economy as well.

The Fed has …

Italy’s Biased COVID-19 “Estimates”. Figures and Analysis of Italy’s National Health Institute (ISS) By Swiss Propaganda Research, May 10 2020


According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 10% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased

COVID-19 by “Swiss Doctor Team” By Swiss Propaganda Research, May 10 2020

Our “Swiss doctor” team provided the following information on the current situation in order to enable our readers to make a realistic risk assessment. (Below you will find regular, but not daily, updates on medical and political developments.)


U.S. Plans and Actions: “Foreign Engagement” versus Aggression By Edward S. Herman, May 10 2020

This article first appeared on GR on June 2016.

The double standard in the media’s treatment of U.S. plans and actions (“us”) and those of  our allies, on the one hand, and enemy/target plans and actions (“them”), on the other

Video: Nevada Nurse in NYC: COVID Is Not Killing People – They’re Being Murdered By Brian Shilhavy, May 09 2020

Another nurse who has traveled to New York City to help with treating COVID-19 patients has gone public, describing the horrors she is seeing in how patients are being treated.

Nicole Sirotek is reported to be from Nevada, and she …

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense By Etienne de Harven, May 08 2020

The 2007 book Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein presents a tragic message that will, hopefully, contribute to the re-insertion of ethical values in the conduct of virus research, public health policies, media communications, and activities of the

Britain: “The Stench of Corruption Could Hardly be Stronger” By True Publica, May 08 2020

It’s exhausting following this government. They appear to have less boundaries or rules that they won’t break. And there are some rules for those in office because it is they that are supposed to be the ones with the moral

COVID-19: How the Pandemic Was Used by India’s Ministry of Home Affairs “to Grab All Power” By Subodh Varma, May 08 2020

Silently, political power in India has now become concentrated with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the ever present Prime Minister’s Office. This has happened in the name of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and so, there has not been much

The Coronavirus Crisis Has Exposed Germany’s Ambition to Take Control of the EU By Paul Antonopoulos, May 08 2020

It has been repeatedly stated that the management of the coronavirus pandemic will be a barometer of how capable leaders are handling unprecedented crisis. Think how U.S. President Donald Trump has been lambasted all over the globe for letting coronavirus

Selected Articles: Economics and the Pandemic, Where’s the Money coming From? By Global Research News, May 08 2020

Israel: A Lab for “The New Vaccine Order”? Towards a Second Lockdown?

By Joshua Tartakovsky, May 08, 2020

As coronavirus broke out, Israel became the first Western country to close itself off to all flights . It then proceeded …

Trump Administration Suppresses Centers for Disease Control Coronavirus Guidance Document By Bryan Dyne, May 08 2020

The Trump administration reportedly shelved a document from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which would have provided detailed instructions for local authorities on appropriate measures to reopen a variety of businesses and institutions. The document is

Israel: A Lab for “The New Vaccine Order”? Towards a Second Lockdown? By Joshua Tartakovsky, May 08 2020

In the fight against corona virus, when trying to discern in what direction the Western world is going, it is almost always useful to watch the steps taken by Israel, the Zionist State.[1].

Israel is not only a threat to

Mass Joblessness Deepens in US as Corporations Move to Implement Permanent Layoffs. 40.6 Million Unemployed By Shannon Jones, May 08 2020

US government figures to be released today are expected to show mass unemployment in April unlike anything seen since the Great Depression. In numbers released Wednesday, ADP Research said that US payrolls in April fell by an astounding 20,236,000, a

Trudeau Rolls Out His Trumpian COVID-19 Latin America Policy By Arnold August, May 08 2020

On May 4, Canadian Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne tweeted:





Screenshot at 21-30-01

Firstly, let us look at the COVID-19 issue. Under the auspices of Canada, the countries of Peru, Colombia and Brazil are evaluating the impact of the pandemic …

Economics and the Pandemic: ‘Where’s the Money Coming From? Where’s the Money Going To? By Bryant Brown, May 08 2020

When governments announced the huge amounts of money they were to provide to help with the economic shutdown, a friend asked, ‘where’s the money going to come from?’ The question is a good one, better than he realized because of

What Future for American High School and University-College Graduates? Grim US “Class of 2020” Job Prospects By Stephen Lendman, May 08 2020

US class of 2020 high school and higher education graduates face the most dismal job market since the 1930s Great Depression with no near-term end of it in prospect.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, “(g)raduating in a …

COVID-19 Might Cause Mass Starvation in the Global South Unless the World Acts Now By Andrew Korybko, May 08 2020

Provided that developing nations are assured of debt relief (however it be agreed upon) and the world’s leading agricultural exporters can ensure the continuance of their operations (preferably subsidized by the state as emergency aid to the Global South), then

US-China “War of Words”, COVID-19, Economic Collapse, Is the US-China Trade Deal in Jeopardy? By Stephen Lendman, May 08 2020

In December, China agreed to buy an additional $200 billion worth of US goods and services over 2017 levels in the next two years (in 2020 and 2021).

In return, the Trump regime partially rolled back tariffs on Chinese imports