Global Research News

The Case of General Michael Flynn: The Use of Law as a Political Weapon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 20 2020

The audacious corruption of the FBI and the US Department of Justice (sic) is demonstrated by their frame-up of the three-star general, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump. 

US Department of …

Israel Strikes Syria to Keep the USA in the Levant 20 Years After the Unconditional Withdrawal From Lebanon – What Has Been Achieved? By Elijah J. Magnier, May 20 2020

Following its defeat in the second war on Lebanon, Israel discovered that its only way to suppress Hezbollah would be to close the supply line between Lebanon and Syria. That could only be achieved by removing President Bashar al-Assad from

Israel and Iran Face Each Other in Cyberspace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 20 2020

Cyber ​​warfare is one of the main bellicose activities of contemporary times. Through technologically advanced and powerful weapons, the great world powers face each other on the international stage in an invisible field, far from media attention, where the most

Coronavirus Is Just the Latest Excuse to Expand the Surveillance State By Mike Maharrey, May 20 2020

Federal, state and local agencies have teamed up to operate a warrantless cellphone tracking program to monitor compliance with COVID-19 social distancing requirements.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, the program provides information on people’s movements …

“Travel Bubbles” Would be Best if They Were Based on Regional Trade Blocs By Andrew Korybko, May 19 2020

Every regional trade bloc could put this strategy into practice so that the final phase of this plan could see them all eventually opening up with one another. Be it the East African Community (EAC) or Economic Community Of West

Why Thinking Makes it So: Donald Trump’s Obamagate Fixation By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 19 2020

The “gate” suffix has been wearing thin since the break-in scandal that gave it its birth.  Since Watergate, virtually anything dubious and suggestive, and much more besides, is suffixed.  Which brings us to the issue of President Donald Trump’s

5G Wireless Radiation: Scientists Warn Harmful Biologic, Health Effects. “We Are Flying Blindly” By Ashley Curtin, May 19 2020

New 5G cellular wireless technology is already rolling out in some states. But as a country, there is little to no research on the health effects of the new technology. As one United States’ senator put it, we are “flying

Listening to the Coronavirus ‘Experts’ Has Led to Death and Despair By Rep. Ron Paul, May 19 2020

On April 21st the Washington Post savaged Georgia governor Brian Kemp’s decision to begin opening his state after locking down for weeks. “Georgia leads the race to become America’s No. 1 Death Destination,” sneered the headline.

The author, liberal …

Poverty Forces Chileans to Cook in ‘the Common Pot’ By Massoud Nayeri and Telesur, May 19 2020

Capitalism is a system to accumulate capital. People are only a commodity in this system. The Coronavirus crisis has enabled the capitalists to pay less for the healthy laborers to make more profit. The rest are left to their own

Afghanistan: Will U.S. Finally Withdraw? By Junaid S. Ahmad, May 19 2020

Al Jazeera reports Monday: “Afghan intelligence officials killed in Taliban car bombing.”

He said today: “With the recent spate of attacks in Afghanistan, the so-called ‘peace agreement’ between the U.S. and the Taliban signed just a few weeks

COVID-19: Testing Testing By The BMJ, May 19 2020

The following article published by the British Medical Journal provides a critical perspective on the health impacts and political implications of  the Lockdown. 

Lockdown is a crude instrument. On its own it can’t eliminate covid-19, but it buys a

News Stories Avoid Naming Israel By Philip Giraldi, May 19 2020

There are two stories that seem to have been under-reported in the past couple of weeks. The first involves Michael Flynn’s dealings with the Russian United Nations Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. And the second describes yet another bit of

Is the Lockdown the Greatest Policy Disaster in U.S. History? By Mike Whitney, May 19 2020

“Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question. A nation of people who just do what they are told by the “experts” without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny.” —Ron Paul

Donald Trump

In and Against the Brazilian State By Leo Panitch, May 19 2020

Following the demise of the communist regimes, and the collaboration of so many social-democratic parties in neoliberal, capitalist globalization, a strong anarchist sensibility emerged, quite understandably, on the radical left, and remained influential for a considerable period of time. From

Canada Does Not Deserve a Seat on the UN Security Council By Yves Engler, May 19 2020

Despite its peaceful reputation, Canada is not acting as a benevolent player on the international stage.

Rather, Canada ranks among the twelve largest arms exporters and its weapons have fueled conflicts across the globe, including the devastating war in Yemen.

Right Off the Right Wing Radar Screen! By Philip A Farruggio, May 19 2020

Ok, let me be perfectly clear here. I know, from years of studying the real American history from writers like Parenti, Chomsky, Zinn, Chossudovsky, even Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznik, that the fix has always been in. Meaning, that this

Sports Without Fans in the Stands By Stephen Lendman, May 19 2020

MLB, the NBA, NFL, NHL, and NCAA tout the surreal idea of playing in empty stadiums.

The roar of the crowd for home teams is part of the game.

I don’t follow sports like I did long ago after my

The 2006 Origins of the Lockdown Idea By Jeffrey A. Tucker, May 19 2020

Now begins the grand effort, on display in thousands of articles and news broadcasts daily, somehow to normalize the lockdown and all its destruction of the last two months. We didn’t lock down almost the entire country in 1968/69, 1957

Video: ISIS Terrorists Attack Syrian Army Near Al-Sukhna By South Front, May 19 2020

About 2 dozen Turkish-backed militants have been killed or wounded in a recent series of clashes in northern Syria. 14 of them were reportedly killed in a failed attack on positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near Kubrlik overnight

The Soviet Victory Over Nazism 75 Years Ago, China and COVID-19 By Andre Vltchek, May 19 2020

How could the Great Patriotic War in which the Soviet people (including many members of my own family) lost at least 25 million lives, have anything in common with the latest outbreak of the novel coronavirus?

You think this is

Another U.S Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus By Ellen Brown, May 19 2020

When the Dodd Frank Act was passed in 2010, President Obama triumphantly declared, “No more bailouts!” But what the Act actually said was that the next time the banks failed, they would be subject to “bail ins” – the funds

China’s “Two Sessions” in Beijing Against a Backdrop of COVID-19 By Tom Clifford, May 19 2020

Even though it’s being held on its home turf, Beijing will play second fiddle for the next week as thousands of delegates pour into the capital to debate, argue and socialize amid the “Two Sessions”.

The sessions, taking place after …

Trump’s Threat to End Relations with China: Is It a Distraction From His Coronavirus Mishandling? By Paul Antonopoulos, May 19 2020

The anti-China campaign in the U.S. is nearing its climax. Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn wrote a letter to colleagues calling for them to be careful when working with Chinese officials, or better, to avoid contact with them. Last week, Republican

Washington Places Cuba and Venezuela on “Terror” List By Bill Van Auken, May 19 2020

Less than two weeks after an abortive mercenary invasion aimed at overthrowing Venezuela’s government and murdering its president that was hatched by the Trump White House, the US State Department on Wednesday renewed it classification of the country as “not

The Warp Speed Push for Coronavirus Vaccines By F. William Engdahl, May 19 2020

The US White House has appointed a coronavirus “Vaccine Czar” from Big Pharma to oversee something dubbed Operation Warp Speed. The goal is to create and produce 300 million doses of a new vaccine to supposedly immunize the entire US

Video: Dr. Anthony Fauci Stated in 2017 There Will be a “Surprise Outbreak” Coming Administration Will Face By Dr. Anthony Fauci, May 19 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci, member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, stating in January 2017 that there will be a “surprise outbreak” the coming administration will face.


Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. …

US Donates War Equipment to Kiev By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 19 2020

Apparently, Washington is helping to increase the violence in the Donbass. In the midst of a pandemic and the civil war at a softer stage, Kiev is promoting a gradual increase in the actions of pro-Maidan paramilitary groups in the

The End of Mercosur By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 19 2020

For many years, the situation of the South American integration project has been moving slowly and with strong signs of decay. The various political, economic and social changes that have taken place in recent years – marked by a strong

The Myth of a COVID-19 Vaccine to the Rescue By Stephen Lendman, May 19 2020

Aided by establishment media fear-mongering, the public mind is being manipulated to support COVID-19 mass vaxxing as a way to protect against coronavirus infections.

Unmentioned is that all vaccines are toxic and hazardous to human health.

Taking them risks contracting …

Trump Sacks Another Regime Official, a Policy of Purging Critics By Stephen Lendman, May 19 2020

On Friday, Trump sacked State Department Inspector General Steve Linick — reportedly for launching an investigation into how Pompeo runs things.

A White House statement said Pompeo “recommended the move” — to quash an inquiry into his management of the

Zionists Should Return Entire Occupied Lands to Palestinians: Rabbi Weiss By Rabbie Dovid Weiss and Morteza Rahmani, May 19 2020

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, Rabbi Weiss said the Israeli regime was established in Palestine by committing all kinds of crimes against its people, which is a violation of Jewish religious laws towards fellow human beings, adding that

Fear and Uncertainty: The Modern-Day Cult of Corona. “Gotta to Have Faith” By Helen Buyniski, May 18 2020

Fear and uncertainty have dominated the media coverage of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The novel coronavirus is depicted not as a pedestrian pathogen certain to be beaten into submission by the miracles of modern science any day now, but as

The Prospects of Russia and India Jointly Leading a New Non-Aligned Movement By Andrew Korybko, May 18 2020

The ongoing global systemic transition is transforming international relations from its erstwhile unipolarity to what experts agree is either multipolarity or, less popularly, bipolarity. However one chooses to describe the present world order, it’s clear that the US and China

Hacking for Vaccines. Intellectual Property and Espionage By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 18 2020

If you cannot discover or create something, best steal it.  It has been the operating principle for everything from wealth to technology.  With the efforts to discover a vaccine to the novel coronavirus being all but bound by solidarity, the

COVID Coercion: Boris Johnson’s Psychological Attack on the UK Public By Mike Robinson, May 18 2020

Coercion: the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force.

Over the course of the Covid-19 ‘crisis’, scientific advice to the UK Government has been co-ordinated by the Scientific Advisory Group

Beware of The Globalists’ “New World Order” By Will Kesler, May 18 2020

This article was originally published by The Aspen Times in 2011.

Eisenhower’s legendary warning that the industrial-military complex could engender a “disastrous rise of misplaced power” has obviously come true. Notably, in the same speech, Eisenhower also advised of “equal

The Deepening US Health Care Affordability and Coverage Crisis By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 18 2020

The current pandemic is wreaking havoc with the US and global economy, accelerating and deepening the general economic crisis–and threatening to provoke a global financial crisis that will exacerbate the decline and usher in a great depression no doubt even

Influenza Vaccination and Respiratory Virus Interference Among Department of Defense Personnel During the 2017–2018 Influenza Season By Greg G. Wolff, May 18 2020

Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. Test-negative study designs are often utilized to calculate influenza vaccine effectiveness. The virus interference phenomenon goes against the basic assumption of the test-negative

Germany’s Kosovo Policy Shift. Implications for Serbia and the EU By Paul Antonopoulos, May 18 2020

The debate in the German Bundestag on the extension of the mandate of German Kosovo Force (KFOR) soldiers turned into a criticism of long-time Chancellor Angela Merkel and raised speculation that Berlin might adopt a different position on Kosovo. The

The US Is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths. Deliberate Manipulation, Flawed Data By John R. Lott, Jr., May 18 2020

Over 86,500 people have reportedly died in the United States from the Coronavirus, and the fear generated by those deaths is driving the public policy debate. But that number is a dramatic overcount. Our metrics include deaths that have nothing

Brexit and the Sovereignty Delusion By Megan Sherman, May 18 2020

Brexit is nothing if not exclusive and elitist. The government and Conservative party are united in contempt for the sovereignty of parliament, and the sovereignty of the people. The Remain campaign may have been one of the most vibrant and

COVID Mask of the Beast and “Deadly Distancing” By Julian Rose, May 18 2020

Have you experienced a sense of unease when witnessing a group of individuals wearing masks and/or keeping strictly two meters apart? If so, that’s good news, because it means you’re still sufficiently human to be able to respond to life’s

Trump Bombs Syrian Wheat Fields While Fighting COVID ‘Enemy’ at Home By Miri Wood, May 18 2020

US President Donald J. Trump took time from his domestic fight of battling COVID-19 single-handedly and with one arm tied behind his back to set fire to Syrian wheat fields in Hasakah governate. He performed the ritual of the double-war

Corporate Media Setting Stage for “New Cold War” with China By Gregory Shupak, May 18 2020

Corporate media are laying the ideological groundwork for a new cold war with China, presenting the nation as a hostile power that needs to be kept in check.

The Washington Post (4/23/20) ran an article by Republican Sen. …

Despite Criticisms, Madagascar Moves Ahead with COVID-Organics By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 18 2020

While Western and Europeans and Asians race to find vaccines for coronavirus, Africa can no longer wait for that scientific discovery that experts have said it would, most probably, be ready in a year or two. Some experts have argued

Improved Russia-Pakistan Relations. Moscow’s “New Bipolarity” By Andrew Korybko, May 18 2020

There’s a growing consensus among Russia’s leading experts that International Relations are increasingly characterized by what they’ve termed the “new bipolarity” that’s emerging out of World War C, and it’s within this global context that the continued improvement of Russian-Pakistani

Trump Tightens Restrictions on Huawei, China Threatens Retaliation By Stephen Lendman, May 18 2020

Even during a major public health crisis compounded by economic collapse — a domestic perfect storm — the Trump regime continues waging war on China by other means, including its blame game, wanting Beijing held responsible for its own failures.

Federal Reserve Financial Mismanagement By Stephen Lendman, May 18 2020

The misnamed Federal Reserve isn’t federal. It’s owned and controlled by major Wall Street banks.

It serves their interests at the expense of sound economic policy, ignoring its congressional mandate to “promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices,

Over 250 Artists, Writers Urge Israel to Stop Siege of Gaza By The Levant, May 18 2020

More than 250 global artists and writers including rocker Peter Gabriel, director Ken Loach and actor Viggo Mortensen have appealed to Israel to stop the “siege” of Gaza.

The coronavirus epidemic could have a devastating effect in “the world’s largest …

Covid Chaos: From Lockdown to Body Bags By Rob Woodward, May 18 2020

The national Covid strategy managed by the government is now in disarray. The mood in Tory HQ is migrating away from its beloved Brexit leader. The mainstream media are now causing confusion, the country is heading towards chaos.

What is …

Guaido Was the ‘Commander in Chief’ of the Failed Mercenary Operation Against Venezuela By Patricio Zamorano, May 18 2020

New information divulged this week reveals that Juan Guaidó was designated as “commander and chief” of the mercenary operation that completely unraveled on the shores of Venezuela. The 41 page contract that formed the basis of the already known eight

Britain Warned Against ‘Coup-mongering’ in Venezuela After Embassy Discovery By Steve Sweeney, May 18 2020

Venezuela has warned Britain against “coup-mongering” after the discovery of a “Venezuelan reconstruction unit” in the Foreign Office.

Demanding an urgent explanation, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreeaza lodged a formal complaint with ambassador Duncan Hill, who the minister said confirmed

Revealed: The Secret US-Iran Deal that Installed Kadhimi in Baghdad By David Hearst, May 18 2020

Tehran ordered Shia factions to back the prime minister in return for Washington ‘looking the other way’ over release of assets targeted by sanctions, Iraqi officials tell MEE


The nomination of Mustafa al-Kadhimi as Iraqi prime minister was the …

Iran – Powerful and Determined By Andre Vltchek, May 18 2020

I refuse to describe Iran as a victim. It is not. It is one of the most influential and strong-minded nations on Earth.

When facing mortal danger, its people unite, harden themselves and get ready to face invaders, no matter …

Twenty Years After the Unconditional Israeli Withdrawal From Lebanon, What Has Been Achieved? By Elijah J. Magnier, May 18 2020

“We were Hezbollah trainers. It is an organisation that learns quickly. The Hezbollah we met at the beginning (1982) is different from the one we left behind in 2000”. This is what the former Chief of Staff and former Minister

Ottawa’s Ties with Far Right Colombian President Undermines Human Rights Rhetoric Regarding Venezuela By Yves Engler, May 18 2020

A week ago a former Canadian soldier instigated a harebrained bid to kidnap or kill Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Launched from Colombia, the plot failed spectacularly with most of the men captured or killed.

Still, the leader of the …

Military Spending and the Pandemic By Dispatches from the Edge, May 18 2020

“There have been as many plagues as wars in history, yet plagues and wars take people equally by surprise” –Albert Camus

“The Plague”

Camus’ novel of a lethal contagion in the North African city of Oran is filled with characters …

Attack on Cuban Embassy in Washington Brings Complicit Silence From U.S. Government By Raúl Capote, May 18 2020

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla discussed the April 30 attack on the country’s embassy in Washington with the press yesterday, stating: “Here is the attacker, an AK-47 rifle, 32 shell casings, 32 bullet holes and a statement – by

How Big Wireless Lobbied Governments to Build 5G for Citizen Data Collection and Surveillance By Derrick Broze, May 17 2020

While selling 5G technology to the public as a means for faster downloads, Big Wireless — comprising a web of telecom companies, lobbyists and law firms– is spending millions to lobby governments the world over to implement the next generation

China’s New Crypto-Currency – First Step to Full Dedollarization? By Peter Koenig, May 17 2020

‘We’ll cut off the whole relationship’ – Trump threatened China in a recent Fox-Business interview, suggesting he may cut diplomatic relations with China and thereby saving US$ 500 billion. He didn’t say how, though.

Mr. Trump’s anger referred to what …

Video: Google Manipulations of Votes in Elections. Doctor Robert Epstein, Senate Testimony By Robert Epstein and Senator Ted Cruz, May 17 2020

This video was uploaded in August 2019.

The video below shows Doctor Robert Epstein during his 2019 Senate testimony concerning media manipulation in the 2016 US elections. 

He testified that Google’s manipulation of votes, through biased search results, gave at

Jews to Palestinian Whose Home They Occupy: What Do You Want? By Najwan Simri and Rima Najjar, May 17 2020

“On the anniversary of the Nakba… a tour through depopulated Palestinian villages within Israel … and rare meetings between the owners of the original Palestinian homes and their current Jewish residents” — Najwan Simri, reporting for Al Jazeera (video

Video: Syrian Army Suffers Casualties in Daraa. Militants Attack Russian-Turkish Patrol By South Front, May 17 2020

The security situation has been escalating in southern Syria. Over the past 24 hours, at least 3 pro-government fighters and a civilian have been killed in attacks by gunmen in al-Musayfrah and Saida-al-Taebah. The attacks followed the March 14 and

Why U.S. Must Be Prosecuted for Its War Crimes Against Iraq By Eric Zuesse, May 17 2020

The reason why the U.S. Government must be prosecuted for its war-crimes against Iraq is that they are so horrific and there are so many of them, and international law crumbles until they become prosecuted and severely punished for what

Section 230: Protecting Internet Speech, The Censors and Censorship By Renee Parsons, May 17 2020

With a better world on the horizon, the old order is desperately asserting its last vestige of power.  What the perpetrators of the coronavirus event were not counting on was that the pandemic would usher in a new era of

Chinese Ridicule Trump’s China ‘Cut-Off’ Threat By Global Times, May 17 2020

“Is Trump totally insane?” Experts and the international community couldn’t help but ask this question after US President Donald Trump threatened to “cut off the whole relationship” with China on Thursday in an interview with FOX Business. Observers said that

Remembering Palestine on Nakba Day: Use the Hashtag COVID1948 By Philip Giraldi, May 17 2020

Palestinians worldwide have an annual day of remembrance called Nakba Day. Nakba comes from the Arabic al-Nakbah and means “disaster” or “catastrophe.” It takes place on May 15th, the day after the Gregorian calendar date for Israeli

Information Data
The Online Double-bind. “Digital Revolution, …. Many More People are Crazy” By Edward Curtin, May 17 2020

The trap was set at least twenty-five years ago and the mice jumped at the smell of the cheese.  I am referring to the introduction of the computer as a mass necessity and the Internet that followed. I was slow

China Declares the U.S. an Enemy: Sea-Change in World Affairs By Eric Sommer, May 17 2020

For a long period the Chinese regime has vacillated between seeking accommodation with the U.S.-led imperialist forces to ‘do business’ with the western world, and defending itself against the attempted economic, political, and military encirclement and strangulation of China by

How Biosecurity Is Enabling Digital Neo-Feudalism By Pepe Escobar, May 17 2020

Italian master thinker Giorgio Agamben has been on the – controversial – forefront examining what new paradigm may be emerging out of our current pandemic distress.

He recently called attention to an extraordinary book published seven years ago that already …

Pandemic Scales Up Cases of Mental Illnesses By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 17 2020

The global pandemic of the new coronavirus worsens day after day worldwide, bringing with it a series of harms for humanity. As it is known, in addition to the simple infection by the virus, the pandemic causes problems in society

A Nation of Sheep By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 17 2020

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

To Thomas Jefferson, the fulcrum between the people and the government they have elected was fear. He argued

ISIS Terrorists Confess that They Have Carried Out Many Operations in Coordination with US Occupation Forces in Al-Tanf Base By Basma Qaddour, May 17 2020

During a security operation carried out with the help of the Syrian Badia’s residents, an ambush was set up against an ISIS terrorist group composed of 6 members where 3 of them were killed and the remaining ones were arrested.

Video: Three ISIS-Daesh Terrorists Confess to Perpetrating a Number of Operations in Cooperation with US By SANA, May 17 2020

Three Daesh terrorists confess to perpetrating a number of operations in cooperation with US occupation forces in al-Tanf.

Russia’s COVID Game of Elites By South Front, May 17 2020

Implementing President Putin’s directives, Russian federal authorities intensified their efforts to contain both the economic and social impact of the nation-wide coronavirus lockdown, and also some local authorities’ overzealous efforts. This move was impatiently awaited by the Russian society for

Normalized Relations with Russia Can Improve Baltic Economies During Pandemic By Paul Antonopoulos, May 17 2020

In 2020, Lithuania’s and Latvia’s gross domestic product (GDP) will decrease by seven per cent, according to a European Bank for Reconstruction and Development report published only days ago. Estonia’s GDP is projected to decline by six percent. A six

The COVID-19 Chronicles: China By Ulson Gunnar, May 17 2020

With the US spiraling downward, a downward trajectory merely steepened by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, we’d expect other nations to suffer likewise.

But China, where we are told the virus first appeared, has already bounced back. While it …

Trump and GOP Oppose New House Economic Stimulus Measure By Stephen Lendman, May 17 2020

On Friday, the Dem-controlled House narrowly passed a new $3 trillion stimulus package — by a 208 – 199 majority.

Fourteen House Dems opposed the measure. Republican Peter King, representing New York’s hard-hit 2nd district, supported the so-called Health

Trump Regime Aims to Block Legal Cooperation Between Iran and Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, May 17 2020

The US is at war by hot or others means against all nations unwilling to subordinate their sovereign rights to its interests.

Russia and China top its regime change target list, Iran and Venezuela close behind.

The Islamic and Bolivarian

Cuba’s Biotechnology and “Medical Internationalism”. Monsanto “Bioimperialism” versus Cuba’s “Biosolidarity” By Don Fitz, May 16 2020

Genetically engineered crops are a form of food imperialism. This technology allows mega-corporations like Bayer/Monsanto to patent seeds, lure farmers into buying them with visions of high yields, and then destroy the ability of small farmers to survive.

Genetic engineering …