Global Research News

New Study Warns of Dire Human Impacts if Wildlife Extinction Crisis Continues By Center For Biological Diversity, June 02 2020

A scientific study published today concludes that natural life-support systems crucial to the survival of humanity could collapse if action isn’t taken to save wildlife populations.

The study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences examined 29,400 species of …

Trump Opens the Door for a Deadlier Arms Race, and the Danger of ‘Limited’ Nuclear War By Prof. Inderjeet Parmar, June 02 2020

His decision to walk away from the Open Skies Treaty is part of a pattern aimed at converting the bipolar era arms control regime into one which could unrestrain the US and hold China down.


US President Donald Trump

Floyd Murder Sparks Violent Protests in US – Citizens at Breaking Point with Police State Oppression? By Joachim Hagopian, June 02 2020

How many times are we going to see another appalling episode of racist white cops maliciously murdering another unarmed black man, before we realize this repugnant injustice fueling our anger at this point is multilayered, penetrating to the core of

African American Mayors and Sheriffs Stand Among George Floyd Protestors in Central North Carolina By Danica Jorden, June 02 2020

Four years ago, Rakeem Jones was punched unawares by John McGraw at a Donald Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina on March 8, 2016, as police looked on. Today Jones, a young black man who wears his hair in long

Anti-Racist Demonstrations Continue Despite Escalating Government Repression By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 02 2020

When the videotaped public execution by a white Minneapolis police officer of African American George Floyd, 46, was posted in social media, a firestorm of opposition, protests and rebellion swept throughout the United States and internationally.

In just a …

A Superpower in Chaos By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 02 2020

Minneapolis could not have happened at a worse time for the US elites. While violence perpetrated against African Americans by White police officers has happened a number of times before, its occurrence right in the midst of a huge health

Listen to the Doctors, End the Lockdowns By Rep. Ron Paul, June 02 2020

Six hundred physicians recently signed a letter to President Trump calling for an end to the coronavirus lockdowns. The physicians wrote that, far from protecting public health, the lockdowns are causing “exponentially growing negative health consequences” for millions of Americans.

Will Italy be the Next Country to Leave EU? By Paul Antonopoulos, June 02 2020

On May 27, the political movement Italia Libera submitted a constitutional bill to the Supreme Court of Cassation demanding a referendum for Italy to leave the EU. After years of discussions, the foundation stone was laid for Italians to debate

Sweden’s Triumph; Staying Free in a Lockdown World By Mike Whitney, June 02 2020

Why is the media so preoccupied with Sweden? And why is the media so determined to prove that Sweden’s approach to the coronavirus is wrong? Are we supposed to believe that the same MSM that promoted every bloody coup, intervention

Global Research: Reader-funded Research and Insight By The Global Research Team, June 01 2020

Dear Readers,

While we must always hold on to hope, true peace can only be achieved through awareness and action. With recent tragic events in the US, we are reminded of Professor Peter Dale Scott’s words: “The future of our

Beijing Sees Trump’s Hand and Won’t Fold By Pepe Escobar, June 01 2020

Stranger things have happened.

Everyone was expecting US President Donald Trump to go nuclear by de facto sanctioning China to death over Hong Kong. In an environment where Twitter and the President of the United States are now engaged in

The Great COVID-19 Vaccines to the Rescue Hoax. “Making A Billion Dollars” vs. “Harmful Side Effects” By Stephen Lendman, June 01 2020

Instead of serving the public interest by reporting truthfully on major issues, establishment media serve as press agents for powerful interests.

Their managed news misinformation and disinformation includes the myth of barbarians at the gates to support endless wars on …

Racism in the United States By Robert Fantina, June 01 2020

If anyone needed another reminder that Black lives simply don’t matter in the United States of America, the police in Minneapolis have clearly demonstrated that fact.

It will be a long time before I will forget the picture of Derek

How Much Violence and Destruction Is Enough for Depraved American Leaders and Their Subjects? By John Stanton, June 01 2020

Without trampling through all the historical details, we can designate the entire history of [Americans]—the glorious past so eulogized by our fathers—as the history of shame, for in that history there is more betrayal, apostasy, perfidious intrigue, ignominious defeat,

Rage Against the United States of Institutionalized Inequality and Injustice By Stephen Lendman, June 01 2020

Public rage in dozens of US cities goes way beyond the killing of African American George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Like countless others in the US, Floyd was a victim of institutionalized racism, inequality and injustice.

I’m the Pied Piper. The Need for a Mass Movement in America By Philip A Farruggio, June 01 2020

In 1966 Crispian St. Peters wrote and sang the hit song ‘The Pied Piper’. It resonates well in 2020 with this current Snake Oil Salesman:

The Pied Piper

Crispian St. Peters

With your masquerading, and you
Always contemplating

“Let’s Burn the Whole Thing Down”: Death, Protest and George Floyd By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 01 2020

Mobs are unruly, headless things.  The message is the action.  The platform is often violence.  But what is happening across the United States cannot simply be labelled as a looting-leads-to-shooting episode.  It ranks as another chapter of enraged despair.  


Mueller Investigated Former Lebanese Phalangist, Trump Advisor, for Ties to Egyptian Dictator By Richard Silverstein, June 01 2020

The ranks of Republican consultants are filled by hoaxsters, swindlers and crooks.  In the era of Trump, this phenomenon has become even more pronounced.  One of them is Walid Phares, a former ideological commissar for the Lebanese Phalangist militia

Palestine: Even During a Pandemic, Israeli Soldiers Shoot Holes in Water Tanks at Kafr Qadum By B'Tselem, June 01 2020

In recent weeks, soldiers have repeatedly shot holes in water tanks on the roofs of homes in Kafr Qadum. The shooting takes place during the weekly protests against the closure of the eastern exit from the village, which connects the

Franck Report Issued in June 1945 by Nuclear Physicists Against Using the Atomic Bomb Against Japan By vtwilpfgathering, June 01 2020

You can be forgiven for never hearing about The Franck Report that was issued on 11th June 1945, it was kept highly secret at the time and is one of those many WWII documents whose un-censored versions have only become

Arms Control and Disarmament: A Failed Marriage By Prof. Richard Falk, June 01 2020

The ongoing pandemic makes us obsessively aware of the precariousness of life, and if from the U.S., the mendacious incompetence of our political leadership. Yet, it also makes most of us as obsessively complacent when the threats seem remote and

Coronavirus Propaganda Mimics War Propaganda By Jeff Deist, June 01 2020

In the period leading up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Bush administration and its media accomplices waged a relentless propaganda campaign to win political support for what turned out to be one of the most disastrous

Libyan War Escalates as Regional Powers Attempt to Gain Stronger Influence By Paul Antonopoulos, June 01 2020

Alarms are sounding in Europe as Turkey, Russia and Arab states could potentially agree on shared influence in Libya, and therefore the entirety of the eastern Mediterranean, according to some experts. This comes as European states have no influence over

Nationwide Uprisings Against Failed States Triggered by Police Killings By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, June 01 2020

The nationwide uprising sparked by the murder of George Floyd and other recent racially-motivated events is a response to the bi-partisan failed state in which we live. It comes in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic and the largest economic

From Soft to Hard Fascism: “Get in Your House Right Now!” By Kurt Nimmo, June 01 2020

There can no longer be any doubt—America is now a full-blown fascist state. In the past, authoritarian fascism was kept reserved in the shadows, largely out of the public eye, but in a remarkably short period of time it has

Corona Crisis and Leviathan: Big Brother Comes to Your Town and iPhone. Drones and Contract Tracers By Mary L. G. Theroux, June 01 2020

Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois is proposing the Orwellian (and improperly capitalized) COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, offering states and locales $100 billion with which to become total police states.

The bill would provide funds for localities …

“It’s All Bullsh*t” – Three Leaks that Sink the COVID Narrative By Kit Knightly, June 01 2020

The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:

  • Most people won’t get the virus.
  • Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.
  • Most of the people who display symptoms will
The Corona – An Opportunity to Replace Militarist Security with Individual and Human Security By Jan Oberg, June 01 2020

Parts 1 and 2: introductory, diagnosis
Part 3: the fraudulent threat analysis that fuels militarism
Part 4: some theories and concepts about human security and how those concepts differ fundamentally from state-anchored dominant military policies

Read: Part 1Part

US Tankers in Persian Gulf Will Not be Safe If Iranian Oil Shipments Seized: Political Analyst By Ed Corrigan and Tasnim News Agency, June 01 2020

A Canadian political analyst said the US is well aware that its oil tankers that are freely moving in the Persian Gulf would be exposed to retaliation if it attempts to seize Iranian oil shipments carrying fuel to Venezuela.


Racist Killing and Impunity By Craig Murray, June 01 2020

A social culture where perception of others is not conditioned by skin tone is obtainable. In the process of getting there, a system of law with no impunity for racism and with exemplary punishment for agents of the state in

The Decline of American Liberalism By Donald Monaco, June 01 2020

The American liberal tradition has become increasingly superfluous with the triumphal ascendancy of a corrosive and reactionary conservative political ideology that was consecrated during the ‘Reagan Revolution’ of the 1980s and steadily gained influence in every succeeding presidential administration that

Lenses on Riots, Murder, and Racism in the US and Hong Kong By Kim Petersen, June 01 2020

The despicable police murder of a person, another Black person, who allegedly used a counterfeit $20 bill has caused widespread revulsion among Americans. This time, however, authorities acted relatively quickly calling in the FBI and firing all four police officers

“Social Identity” Is Not “The Answer” By Prof. Robert Abele, June 01 2020

The collapse of the culture of Enlightenment rationality has been filled from within and without by rationality’s enemies: irrationality; uncontrolled desire and emotion; and the deliberate destruction of the academic rational-theoretical disciplines, all replaced by aspects of human activity which

Exclusive Images From Inside British Court Expose Assange’s Un-democratic Treatment, Physical Deterioration By Max Blumenthal, June 01 2020

Photographs surreptitiously taken inside a British courtroom and provided to The Grayzone show a visibly disoriented Julian Assange confined to a glass cage and unable to communicate with his lawyers.


Photographs taken inside London’s Woolwich Crown Court and provided …

Questioning Nationalism, Globalism and the United Nations. Can It be Reformed By Greg Guma, June 01 2020

Imagine living through 1945. As World War II ended 75 years ago, the UN was born and two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. To commemorate and reflect on these pivotal events, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Minneapolis Uprising: COVID and the American Ruling Class Are the Source of Violence. Trump Thanks Law Enforcement Shooter in Advance By Massoud Nayeri, June 01 2020

It is imperative to realize that what is happening in Minneapolis and other cities throughout the U.S. is not only a revolt against the police brutality but also an indication of the potential uprising against an unbearable political and economical

Israel’s Netanyahu Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Palestinians to be “Subjects,” Not Citizens in Apartheid Annexation By Prof. Juan Cole, June 01 2020

In an interview with corrupt casino mogul Sheldon Adelson’s free newspaper, Israel ha-Yom, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu said the quiet parts out loud.

Although he did not use the word, he described an Apartheid regime in the Israeli-controlled Palestinian …

Hundreds of Children Brain Damaged by the Swine Flu Vaccine to Receive $90 Million in Financial Compensation from UK Government By Mike Adams, May 31 2020

First published in April 2015. The H1N1 vaccine fiasco ordered by the (corrupt) WHO Director General is of relevance to the current debate on a COVID-19 vaccine.


The 2009 swine flu vaccine caused severe brain damage in over 800 …

Russia Denies US Accusations Concerning Aircraft to Libya By Steven Sahiounie, May 31 2020

US Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander, US Africa Command, released a statement on May 26 accusing Russia of sending Russian military aircraft to Libya to support the Libyan National Army (LNA).  The accusations are detailed and include photos and

Video: Arctic in Flames By South Front, May 31 2020

Of all the theaters of militarized international rivalry in the early 21st century, the Arctic promises to be the most complex and unpredictable. In terms of domain, military operations there would be conducted on land, in the air, on

Racism and the Empire’s Executioners? By Philip A Farruggio, May 31 2020

From a recent report by the Insider publication: “George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin actually worked for the same Minneapolis night club- Chauvin as a security guard for many years, and Floyd as a bouncer during 2019.” It begs the

Drawing Battlelines: US Openly Targets China’s “Belt and Road” By Tony Cartalucci, May 31 2020

Judging by US foreign policy – China is a massive global threat – and by some accounts – the “top” threat. But a threat to what?

AFP would report in its article, “Trump nominee to lead intel community sees

Trump Versus Twitter By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 31 2020

Sawing off the branch you sit on can hardly be the best of policies.  But that all depends on the nature of the branch.  US President Donald Trump has huffed himself into another small historical moment, going on the offensive

Black Alliance for Peace Calls on United Nations to Address Human Rights Crisis in the United States By Black Alliance for Peace, May 31 2020

The extrajudicial murders of African/Black people, such as Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, by agents of the U.S. government and armed civilians have sparked urban rebellions in cities across the United States. Such murderous acts cannot be understood

Video: Turkish Proxies Once Again Turned Afrin City Into Battle Zone By South Front, May 31 2020

On May 28, an intense fighting erupted between Turkish-backed militant groups in the Turkish-occupied city of Afrin. The clashes started after Hamza Division militants shot and killed a child and an owner of a shop that had refused to loan

Racism in US: The African-American Dystopia By Germán Gorraiz López, May 31 2020

The totalitarian drift suffered by the United States during the mandate of George W. Bush caused that in the name of the holy-holy security of the State, in practice, the principle of inviolability (habeas corpus) of people was annulled, de

The U.S. War Machine Needs Oil: A War with Iran Is More Likely Then a War with China By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 31 2020

What happens when the Covid-19 state of emergency ends for the time being? Well, the likelihood of a world war seems more absolute by the day.  

The US and its allies including Israel have been increasing tensions in the Middle …

Systematic Racist Violence in America: Minnesota National Guard and State Police Deployed in Twin Cities Rebellion By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 31 2020

A cell phone videotaped deadly encounter between African American George Floyd and several Minneapolis law-enforcement officers resulting in a brutal strangulation has proven to be a turning point in the long saga of systematic racist violence in the United States.

The Human Heart and the Unspeakable Death of George Floyd By Elizabeth Woodworth, May 31 2020

I am not American.  Nor am I black, nor male.

But my heart broke in a new way while watching the slow, agonized death of George Floyd, as for nine minutes a police officer kneeled on his neck, crushing

China Bashing in High Gear. Sustained by Western Media By Keith Lamb, May 31 2020

Since the outbreak of COVID 19 criticism of China, by both Western political elites in the U.S. and U.K., has seen an upsurge. This intensification of rhetoric is reflected in the simplistic cold war hyperbole spun in the right-wing Western

Trump’s Anti-Beijing Reelection Strategy. Anti-China Agenda Risks Direct Confrontation? By Stephen Lendman, May 31 2020

Trump’s anti-Beijing reelection strategy turned most Americans into China haters by the power of propaganda, along with greatly damaging the bilateral relationship.

His unacceptable China bashing risks rupturing relations if his regime continues its present path — policies hostile to

China “Optimistic” with regard to Post Coronavirus World and Relations with US By Andrew Korybko, May 30 2020

Listening to Mr. Wang was therefore a refreshing reminder that everything really isn’t as bad as Trump says that it is.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held an impressive press conference on Sunday where he answered questions about a wide

Who Are the Secret Puppet-Masters Behind Trump’s War on Iran? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, May 30 2020

On May 6th, President Trump vetoed a war powers bill specifying that he must ask Congress for authorization to use military force against Iran. Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign of deadly sanctions and threats of war against Iran has seen no

Video: Suspicious Man Breaks Window and Starts Minneapolis Riots? By Global Research News, May 30 2020

“This was the first man to break a window at autozone.

A move that started the string of looting and damage to businesses. He is seen wearing all black and carrying an umbrella to conceal the hammer he is holding

Video: How to Start a Riot? Police Provocateurs Dressed up as “Activists” at Peaceful Anti-Globalization Rally By Global Research News, May 29 2020

The issue of Police Provocateurs is currently in the news following the police murder in Minneapolis of George Floyd.

This video was first produced in 2007

Today are thoughts are with the family and friends of George Floyd. 

Michel Chossudovsky. …

Trump Is No Longer Interested in Trade Deal with China? By Paul Antonopoulos, May 29 2020

U.S. President Donald Trump is losing interest in the trade deal he made with China, according to his economic adviser, and the reason could be that as we progress further into the election season, fixing relations with China is less

Bolivia’s Parliament Summons “Interim President” Jeanine Áñez to Clarify Corruption Scandal By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 29 2020

The coup d’état carried out in Bolivia was the starting point for a major wave of social, political and economic setbacks in the country. Bolivia is the poorest country in South America, with very high poverty rates, however, during the

The US Violent Failed Coup against Nicaragua. The Falsity of Western Media By Stephen Sefton, May 29 2020

On May 28th 2018, the organizers of that year’s violent failed coup attempt executed a carefully planned, well coordinated attack to destroy the pro-government Sandinista radio station Nueva Radio Ya. During the attack, opposition gunmen fired on firefighters and police

The Great US 2020 Wealth Transfer Heist. Deep Inequalities in US Society By Stephen Lendman, May 29 2020

In less than three-and-a-half years in office, Trump oversaw the Great GOP 2017 tax cut heist.

It handed corporate America and high-net-worth individuals a multi-billion dollar bonanza of enhanced wealth — followed this year by what I call 9/11 2.0,

“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine By Brian Shilhavy, May 29 2020

This article is of relevance to the ongoing debate on vaccines.

It was first published in February 2015

According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls

How Far Will the Trump Regime and Congress Push China? By Stephen Lendman, May 29 2020

The US is waging undeclared war on China by other means. 

Trump and congressional hardliners escalated things beyond where their predecessors went.

What’s going on is all about aiming to undermine China’s growing political, economic, financial, industrial, technological, and military …

Your “Immunity Passport” Future Begins to Materialize as Airlines Call for Digital ID Tracking Systems By Derrick Broze, May 29 2020

The world’s largest airline trade group has called for immunity passports, thermal screening, masks, and physical distancing to be a part of the industry’s strategy for returning to “normal” operations.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents 299 airlines

I’ve Signed Death Certificates During COVID-19. Here’s Why You Can’t Trust Any of the Statistics on the Number of Victims By Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, May 29 2020

As an NHS doctor, I’ve seen people die and be listed as a victim of coronavirus without ever being tested for it. But unless we have accurate data, we won’t know which has killed more: the disease or the lockdown?

The Volleys of an Information War Against China By Leonid Savin, May 29 2020

A strategic information campaign against a particular state usually involves a number of elements and layers. While officials and diplomats gradually increase the aggressiveness of their rhetoric, “independent” media outlets publish a range of articles from life stories to special

Future Perspectives of Russia-Africa Relations By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 29 2020

While celebrating the Africa Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to offer support and participate in the sustainable development processes in Africa. In a videoconference held May 28 with local and foreign media, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman

Political Crisis in UK: Let’s “Move on” From Boris By Craig Murray, May 29 2020

Boris has a new slogan, “Move on”, which he deployed repeatedly today in his appearance before the House of Commons Liaison Committee. Remembering short slogans is fairly well the extent of his political skills, and he contrived to look pleased

Towards a “Soft Coup” in Spain? By Germán Gorraiz López, May 29 2020

The Spanish State establishment would be made up of the financial-business, political, military, Catholic hierarchy, university and mass media sub-elites of the Spanish State, natural heirs to the legacy of General Franco who would have engulfed all decision-making spheres (according

The Horrific Minneapolis Police Killing of George Floyd By Kassandra Frederique, May 29 2020
With Nation Focused on Pandemic, Trump Interior Dept. to Greenlight Killing of Bear Cubs and Wolf Pups in Their Dens By Julia Conley, May 29 2020

President Donald Trump‘s National Park Service plans to finalize rules this week that will allow hunters in Alaska to kill bear cubs and wolf pups while they are in their dens, reversing Obama-era regulations meant to prevent destabilization of

Fabricated Shocks and Open Windows By Mark Taliano, May 29 2020

Fabricated shocks open the window to Emergency laws and emergency guidelines that would otherwise require more transparency.

The shock surrounding Covid-19 — a virus with Low Infection Fatality rates — precipitated changes to procedures and guidelines concerning the diagnosis of

Minneapolis Police Murder Handcuffed Man with Neck-Kneel By Niko Georgiades, May 29 2020

I can’t breathe” were some of the last words of the latest victim to police terror.

Memorial Day in Minneapolis saw the echoing of the same words as Eric Garner before he was killed by police six years

Video: Dr. John Lott: More Money to Hospitals for COVID-19 Deaths By Dr. John Lott and John Hines, May 29 2020

Dr. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center has said the recorded coronavirus death toll may be a dramatically overstated.

One America’s John Hines sat down with him to learn more.

You have looked at the Numbers.

There is …

Trump the “Peace Candidate”: Contemplating War During Pandemic against Two Global Competitors. Nuclear Weapons “Tests” against China and Russia By Philip Giraldi, May 29 2020

Let us consider why the Donald Trump White House is currently considering detonating a nuclear weapon. It would be the first “test” of a nuke since 1992 and is clearly intended to send a message that those weapons sitting

Video: Turkish Army Suffers Casualties in Southern Idlib By South Front, May 29 2020

One Turkish soldier died and another was injured in an IED attack in Syria’s southern Idlib, the Turkish Defense Ministry reported late on May 27. The incident happened while units of the Turkish Army and the Turkish-backed militant group Sham

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation By Terry Burrows, May 29 2020
Identical Boots Exposed Undercover Police Provocateurs
The Campaign Against Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Sustained by Corrupt Medical Professionals with Ties to Big Pharma By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 28 2020

A few years ago the British medical journal, The Lancet, published a paper touting the safety of HCQ.  But this was before HCQ with zinc was found effective if used earlier enough against Covid-19.  Covid-19 turned HCQ’s effectiveness into a

Video: Russian Warplanes in Libya By South Front, May 28 2020

The US has finally discovered whom to blame for the ongoing escalation of the conflict in Libya.

On May 26, the US African Command (AFRICOM) claimed that Russia had deployed warplanes to Libya to support the Libyan National Army of …

Congress Is Poised to Pass Far-reaching Israeli Wish List By Josh Ruebner, May 28 2020

With the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s passage of the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2020 last week, the current Congress is now poised to enact with little transparency its most far-reaching bill related to Israel at the height

Will U.S. Shale Survive if Oil Price Hits $40? By Irina Slav, May 28 2020

Within a month, the U.S. oil benchmark West Texas Intermediate recorded two first-of-a-kind events. First, it fell below zero on April 20. Then, it soared up so high it is about to book its best month ever, CNBC’s Pippa Stevens 

The Spectre of a “China-centric World” By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, May 28 2020

A spectre is haunting the United States—the spectre of a “China-centric world”. By voicing this concern President Trump pledges to “Keep America Great”. Some of the European allies echo this concern. Others remain conspicuously silent. But what exactly is this