Global Research News

Israel and the US Step Up Efforts to Intimidate the Hague War Crimes Court By Jonathan Cook, June 11 2020

In the near-two decades since the International Criminal Court was set up to try the worst violations of international human rights law, it has faced harsh criticism for its highly selective approach to the question of who should be put

A Nation in Turmoil. Elections Looming. The Militarization of U.S. Police Forces By John W. Whitehead, June 10 2020

“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”— George Santayana

Watch and see: this debate over police brutality and accountability is about to get politicized into an election-year referendum on who should occupy the White House.

Suppressing the Truth, Sustaining The Lie. Censorship is the “New Normal” in America By Stephen Lendman, June 10 2020

Censorship is the new normal in the US. They’re increasingly threatening speech, press, and academic freedoms — how all police states operate.

Tech giants Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others, along with establishment media, are complicit with a campaign to suppress …

Abolish the Police, Abolish the Military, Abolish ICE: Dismantle Systems of Oppression By William Hawes, June 10 2020

In this crucial moment, all of us who desire change should begin to think very carefully about a unified message and a coherent, organizing principle in the fight against endemic racism and police brutality in this country. I believe the

Virus Contact-Tracing for All – Singaporeans to be Tracked by Gov’t in Post-COVID World By Zero Hedge, June 10 2020

Singapore is on the cusp of rolling out a mandatory COVID-19 tracing program that will identify people who had come in contact with virus carriers. The program will distribute tiny microchips to all 5.7 million residents, in what will be

Britain’s Government – Entangled in Its Own Corruption By Rob Woodward, June 10 2020

Thatcherism, as it is known, was made of up of principles comprising economic, social and political ideals that described the Conservative Party that undoubtedly shaped Britain for nearly fifty years. The economic policies that came with Thatcherism really amounted to

Ultimately, All Monuments Are Ozymandias By Craig Murray, June 10 2020

The great philosopher John Stuart Mill probably did more than anyone to map out the proper boundaries of the individual and the state in the western model of political democracy. Furthermore, he talked not just of the state but of

Another Brewing Scandal: Saudi Arms Sales, the Ghost of a Reporter, and America’s Oil War in Yemen By Charlotte Dennett, June 10 2020

The brutal killing of George Floyd by police, followed by the president’s calls for military intervention against protestors, are causing words like “dictatorship,” “authoritarianism,” and even “fascism” to become part of the national discourse. But the president has been dismantling

Rewriting History: The Problem with Toppling Our Monuments By Johanna Ross, June 10 2020

On Sunday a statue to the 19th century English merchant Edward Colston was seized from its pedestal and violently hurled into Bristol harbour by a group of protestors demonstrating as part of the Black Lives Matter movement. The incident has

Still Protesting After All These Years By Robert Fantina, June 10 2020

On Wednesday, June 4, I joined thousands of marchers in Kitchener, Ontario, the town in which I live, to protest racism and police brutality. I have, in the last few years, participated in local events in support of Palestinian self-determination

Two Million Arab Lives Don’t Matter By Kurt Nimmo, June 10 2020

The hypocrisy of the Black Lives Matter movement is astounding. BLM and its followers shout down those who insist all lives matter, regardless of race. In the BLM universe, skin pigmentation is the determinate, as it is for all racists.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Vaccine for COVID-19 By Jeff Harris, June 10 2020

A Glaring Omission

With the 24/7 media circus coverage of Covid-19 I find it particularly interesting that there is an obvious glaring omission of some extremely important facts relative to dealing with a virus, especially one that is allegedly so

Political ABCs: The Difference Between “Cop” and “Crook”, Maybe It Is Just a Badge? By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, June 10 2020

While it may be common knowledge that fire departments originated as private organisations to defend the interests of property insurers, it has probably been forgotten that in the US police were originally the hired gangs of landowners and merchant-industrialists. As

President Trump Is Seeking Another Victim By Massoud Nayeri, June 10 2020

On George Floyd final viewing day and celebration of his life (under the Democratic Party supervision), the fascistic minded President Trump is seeking another victim! He has tweeted: “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year

Liberal Leaders Aiding and Abetting Rioters. Just the Latest Campaign Strategy to Usurp Trump By Robert Bridge, June 10 2020

In a fractious election year that has already witnessed Russiagate, impeachment and a pandemic, Americans are now forced to contend with the malignant scourge of rioting and looting following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white

Trump Regime Wants 84 Million Iranians Ill-Nourished and Starved By Stephen Lendman, June 10 2020

Trump regime hardliners want imports of food, medicines, medical equipment, and other humanitarian goods blocked from entering Iran.

They want the world community going along with a high crime against humanity on the Iranian people.

They want them denied treatment …

The Greek “Bail-out” Program: A Colossal Failure By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, June 10 2020

Read Part I here.

A colossal failure

If we judge the Greek program not on the basis of our own criteria, but on the basis of the goals it set itself and of its predictions, we can safely say

Militarized Police, A Gift from Israel? By Philip Giraldi, June 10 2020

The killing of black man George Floyd by white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has produced the highest level of national unrest seen in the United States since the 1960s. Tens of thousands of protesters are demonstrating against racism and

The Corona “Global False Alarm”, the Campaign against Racism and Neoliberalism By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 10 2020

“The media is the most powerful entity on earth. Because they control the minds of the masses, they have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power…If you’re not careful, the newspapers

Racial Segregation in America’s White Supremacist Society By Philip A Farruggio, June 09 2020

In Gary Pomerantz’s recent book on Bob Cousy, “The Last Pass”, he relates a story about the Boston Celtics All Star as to race relations. This was from 1950, when most of our nation was even more segregated than we

Pentagon War Game Includes Scenario for Military Response to Domestic Generation Z Rebellion By Nick Turse, June 09 2020

In the face of protests composed largely of young people, the presence of America’s military on the streets of major cities has been a controversial development. But this isn’t the first time that Generation Z — those born after 1996

Video: Egypt Sends Battle Tanks to Libyan Border as Haftar Forces Retreat Under Turkish Strikes By South Front, June 09 2020

The Turkish involvement in the Libyan conflict allowed the Government of National Accord (GNA) to turn the tide of the battle of Tripoli and even develop further success by expanding control over a notable chunk of northern Libya.

After capturing …

Radical Reforms: Disbanding Police Forces in the US By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 09 2020

“I’ve been saying for the last several years … American policing is at a crossroads.” – Mike Cutone, former Massachusetts officer, June 5, 2020

If you can envisage the commencement of a police force as a band of auxiliaries

Defund, Reform, or Disband US Police? What About the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, US Gulag, and Wall Street Owned Fed Etc! By Stephen Lendman, June 09 2020

Indeed police killings, brutality, and its other unacceptable practices against America’s most disadvantaged are a major societal problem needing correction.

Cutting its funding or even replacing it with an alternate societal control system won’t fix things.

The problem isn’t cops. …

US Dollar Cycle Points to New All-time Highs for Gold By Hubert Moolman, June 09 2020

The US Dollar index is not a true measure of value of the US dollar. It just tracks an “exchange rate” between the US dollar and a basket of significant fiat currencies.

For a true measure of value of the …

The Health Risks of 5G Radiofrequency Radiation Technology By Prof. Tom Butler, June 09 2020


This short critical review explores the findings of extant research on the health risks posed by 5G technologies that emit radiofrequency radiation (RFR)1. It also provides evidence that the processes by which policy decisions have been made concerning the

The COVID-19 War in Japan: Is National Face-Saving More Important than the People’s Lives? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 09 2020

The performance of Shinzo Abe in the war against the corona virus has been less than poor.  

Abe is blamed for having put the policy priority to the Olympics and Abenomics over human life.

The Japanese people have the legendary

SouthFront Is Censored Under Cover of Pandemic By Rick Sterling, June 09 2020

Introducing SouthFront

Where do you find daily news, videos, analysis and maps about the conflict in Syria?  Detailed reports about the conflicts in Libya, Yemen and Venezuela?  News about the rise of ISIS in Mozambique?  Original analysis of events in

“Light ‘Em Up”: Warrior-Cops Are the Law — and Above the Law — as Violence Grips America By William J. Astore, June 09 2020

From their front porches, regular citizens watched a cordon of cops sweep down their peaceful street in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Rankled at being filmed, the cops exceeded their authority and demanded that people go inside their houses. When some of them

Video: Ajamu Baraka on George Floyd Protests By Ajamu Baraka and Telesur, June 09 2020

Ajamu Baraka, National Coordinator for Black Alliance for Peace joins Camila on From the South to discuss the rebellion which has come in response to the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

Black Alliance for Peace has called …

The Use of of Damaging Dicamba Pesticides on Farmers in America By Center for Food Safety, June 09 2020

On June 3 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the new over-the-top use registrations of dicamba formulations XtendiMax, FeXapan, and Engenia are null and void, effective immediately. The ruling was crystal clear: These pesticides can

US Elections and Trump’s Sinking Approval. Main Street Depression and Unemployment By Stephen Lendman, June 09 2020

It’s a political lifetime from now to November 3 presidential, congressional, and local elections.

Things can swing back and forth numerous times between now and then.

Most often, Americans vote with their pocketbook. 

If unprecedented main street Depression and unemployment

A Pipelineistan Fable for Our Times By Pepe Escobar, June 09 2020

Once upon a time in Pipelineistan, tales of woe were the norm. Shattered dreams littered the chessboard – from IPI vs. TAPI in the AfPak realm to the neck-twisting Nabucco opera in Europe. 

In sharp contrast, whenever China entered …

Deutsche Bank Close to Bankruptcy By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 09 2020

It seems that collapse of the institution would destroy global financial system.

Deutsche Bank, one of Europe’s largest banks, recently asked hundreds of its managers to voluntarily renounce receiving their monthly salaries, complying with the bank’s program to try to

The Six-Day War: The Myth of an Israeli David Versus an Arab Goliath By Miko Peled, June 09 2020

June 2, 1967, was a tense day at the Israeli army headquarters in Tel Aviv. For weeks, IDF generals had been pushing the government to initiate a war and the atmosphere was tense. Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol,

The Victims of MH17 Deserve More than the Shoddy Lies Perpetrated by Politicians and Media By James ONeill, June 09 2020

The ABCs Insider program broadcast each Sunday morning is one of the ABCs most watched and most important programs. The three guests are drawn from the country’s mainstream media outlets. This is perhaps itself a limitation considering the broad range

Palestinian Lives Matter: Huge Jewish-Arab Rally in Tel Aviv Decries Netanyahu’s Plan to Annex 1/3 of West Bank By Prof. Juan Cole, June 09 2020

Arab48 reports that some 6,000 Israelis gathered in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest the Netanyahu government’s plan to annex one third of the Palestinian West Bank.

The gathering was addressed via video by US Senator Bernie

Coronavirus Shows Why We Need Separation of Medicine and State! By Rep. Ron Paul, June 09 2020

It seems like only yesterday. Americans were denied the right to go to their churches. They were denied the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital. They were denied the right to open their businesses and go to

No-win: Britain’s Inevitable International Car Crash By True Publica, June 09 2020

Leaving aside personal political allegiances for one moment, it should not be forgotten that without doubt, the cabinet run by Boris Johnson is the least experienced to lead the country, probably since the first Labour party win in 1924. It

Poland Wants to Become Washington’s Eastern European Bulwark Against Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, June 09 2020

The “Defender Europe 2020” was to be the most ambitious and largest military exercise by the U.S. and NATO since the Cold War. The U.S.-led multinational exercises are undoubtedly hostile actions against Russia. It is through these military exercises that

Eternal Fixation: The Madeleine McCann Disappearance Show By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 08 2020

The “lost child” endures as motif and theme, the stalking shadow of much literature, the background to a society’s anxiety.  The child, often deemed innocent, becomes the ink blot of loss in such disappearance.  In Australia, it was captured by

Russian Academician Arbatov’s Washington Leanings, Recommends Moscow to Avoid a Strategic Alliance with China By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 08 2020

If there were a Russian version of the website PropOrNot, Academician Arbatov could find himself listed there as “American agent/dupe.”

Arbatov directs the International Security Center of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of …

What America and the World Need Now: Dismantle Big Money Power, Get Money Out of Politics. End Institutional Racism By Stephen Lendman, June 08 2020

Mass protests in the US and elsewhere over racist killings of Black men like George Floyd aren’t good enough.

They divert attention from an array of core issues ignored by officialdom and establishment media.

Justice won’t be served unless they’re …

Japan’s Streets of Rage: The 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty Uprising and the Origins of Contemporary Japan By Prof. Nick Kapur, June 08 2020
Communalism and Coronavirus: India’s New Strain of Virus By Parul Verma, June 08 2020
Russian Diplomats Expelled from Czechia Because of Likely Fake News Story By Paul Antonopoulos, June 08 2020

The secret services of Czechia had first informed its government in April that it had damning evidence against two Russian diplomats in the country that would warrant their expulsion. It was alleged, without any evidence given publicly, that Russian diplomats

Ten Days that May Have Changed the World. Mass Protests across America By Richard Greeman, June 08 2020

Sparked by the police murder of George Floyd and fueled by Minneapolis authorities’ reluctance to arrest and charge the murderer’s three police accomplices, mass protests have been sweeping across the US with an intensity not seen since the 1960s. In

The Arctic Northern Sea Route: Russia Conducts Record-Breaking Delivery of LNG to China By Malte Humpert, June 08 2020

Russia is one step closer to achieving year-round navigation in the Arctic. An ice-capable tanker made the earliest delivery of LNG to China via the Northern Sea Route.


For the past several years a fleet of fifteen specialized Arc7 …

America’s Fracking Industry: Donald Trump’s Lost Dream for World Energy Domination By Felix Imonti, June 08 2020

Donald Trump has no solution to the crisis in the domestic hydraulic fracturing industry that won’t have dire consequences for the economy.  The survival of the industry lies in Saudi Arabia.

It was not until 2013 that the real potential …

Syria: Will the Great Middle Eastern War Begin in the Levant? By Elijah J. Magnier, June 08 2020

The world is in turmoil. 2020 has already brought major multiple crises, with the Iranian-American clash in Iraq which followed the US assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani, and the COVID-19 health pandemic and economic disaster that struck all

Challenging Authority, the Only Viable Option for Positive Change By Stephen Lendman, June 08 2020

State-sponsored class warfare rages. Ongoing for decades, it’s all about governance of, by, and for the privileged few at the expense of most others.

What’s untenable persists with no end of it in prospect, no plan for improving the lives

FBI Launches Open Attack on ‘Foreign’ Alternative Media Outlets Challenging US Foreign Policy By Gareth Porter, June 08 2020

Under FBI orders, Facebook and Google removed American Herald Tribune, an alternative site that publishes US and European writers critical of US foreign policy. The bureau’s justification for the removal was dubious, and it sets a troubling precedent for other

Colonialism and Racism. To America, Black Lives Only Sometimes Matter By Tony Cartalucci, June 08 2020

There is no doubt that colonialism and racism sit at the root of America’s domestic problems. The push to dominate others abroad is directly linked to the belief that those who are different at home should also be dominated.

There …

Oil Price Wars, Covid-19 Havoc and the Evolving US-China Trade War By John A. Mathews, June 08 2020

The US-China relationship continues to sour under the impact of Covid-19, with the Trump administration threatening to cut all ties with China in a move that would divide the world into two competing trade entities.1 It’s been a bad

Not Just “A Few Bad Apples”: U.S. Police Kill Civilians at Much Higher Rates than Other Countries By Alexi Jones and Wendy Sawyer, June 08 2020

There is no question that the number of police killings of civilians in the U.S. – who are disproportionately Black and other people of color – are the result of policies and practices that enable and even encourage police violence.

Camouflage: How the Israeli Left Continues to Hoodwink Us with Corrupted Slogans By Rima Najjar, June 08 2020

To reach the hearts and minds of Americans, the Zionist Israeli Left is manipulating the Black Lives Matter movement. The slogans and images of protestors coming out of Tel Aviv continue to hoodwink the world with a sudden and self-serving

The Gaza Strip Under Israeli Military Siege By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, June 08 2020

The following article aims at providing a critical analysis of the Israeli policies towards the colonized Gaza Strip and its Palestinian people. Consequently, it will concentrate on the Military Siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, and on the deliberate Israelipolicy

Give Venezuela Back Its Gold: Case Goes to London Court By Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, June 08 2020

Venezuelan authorities appeared in court in London last Thursday May 28 to demand that the Bank of England comply with instructions to sell part of the 31 tons of gold it holds on behalf of Venezuela.

Venezuelan Central Bank President …

No Compromise, No Retreat: Defeat the War Against the African/Black People in the U.S. and Abroad By Ajamu Baraka, June 08 2020

The justice for George Floyd mobilizations today reflected the state’s worst nightmare – a multi-national and multi-racial action initiated by Black people with Black leadership.

So, we say: Justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland;

Remembering Francois Houtart By Lau Kin Chi, June 08 2020

Three years ago, on this day, Francois Houtart left us.

He died in his sleep in the early hours of June 6 in Quito. It was only when I was working on his autobiography after his death that I learnt

Tear Gas Is Banned in International Warfare––Why Are Police Using It on U.S. Civilians? By Janea Wilson, June 08 2020

On June 2, President Trump threatened to deploy military troops against Americans in response to nationwide protests after the recent murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Trump’s suggestion to use military force against U.S. civilians shocked many—but in fact police

‘Quietly Putting Hundreds of Species at Risk,’ Trump Opens 5,000 Square Miles of Atlantic Ocean to Commercial Fishing By Jake Johnson, June 08 2020

“Ancient and slow-growing deep sea corals, endangered large whales and sea turtles, and an incredible array of fish, seabirds, sharks, dolphins and other wildlife—these are the species and habitats that will pay the price.”


In a move that environmentalists …

Drone Wars at Ten #3: What’s Next? A Peek at the Future By Chris Cole, June 08 2020

In this final post to mark our 10th birthday, I want to peek a little into the future, looking at what we are facing in relation to drone warfare in the coming years. Of course predicting the future is always

Venezuela, Minneapolis, Iran, Europe – Trump’s Last Gasps of Collapsing World Control. Or Is It? By Peter Koenig, June 07 2020

There comes a time when shooting around in circles just hits walls, bullets splinter off sidewalks, and shatter a window here and there. But people are in safety. They watch from a distance and with self-assurance.

Venezuela has received five …

A Voice Is Heard. The Beautiful Spirit of Human Creation… We are all one Race, all Cousins, Living on a Single Blue Planet By Jim Miles, June 07 2020

As global affairs intensify, I often find myself in that category of those discouraged and disillusioned, fully cynical, wondering if anything I can do is worthwhile in the long run.  A global pandemic, an economic collapse preceding the pandemic and

Palestine Is Gone! Gone! راحت فلسطين By Rima Najjar, June 07 2020

Lately, a particular memory/image of my grandmother Sitti Fattoum has been coming back to me vividly. She’d be sitting in a chair, maybe watching TV, or at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee, when suddenly, without provocation, she

Who Is the Source of Violence in the US? By Massoud Nayeri, June 07 2020

The 1% is the source of violence in the U.S.  Antifa is nothing but a flag which is carried mostly by “secret informants” rather than by a few politically confused Antifa disciples!

The Trump Administration is using this name to

George Floyd Is the Spark but Systemic Issues Are the Fuel By Keith Lamb, June 07 2020

As a European growing up in the Cold War with the image of America as the land of liberty and freedom the scenes of carnage that we see today are truly saddening.  Superficially this is a problem of racial discrimination

Eight Minutes, Forty-six Seconds … Remembering George Floyd By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 07 2020

Eight minutes, forty-six seconds is a long time: a long time when you are meditating; a long time while waiting for a protest march to pass; a long time with your finger on the video button of your phone following

Gangster State Capitalism By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 07 2020

Hanne Herland of the European Herland Report has just had her book published in which she argues that the ruling elite has resurrected feudalism by financializing the economy and offshoring middle class jobs.  The title is New Left Tyranny,

The Illusion of Economic Recovery Began in the US By Stephen Lendman, June 07 2020

Protracted main street depression conditions have existed in the US since 2008 with no relief for ordinary Americans in prospect.

Before economic collapse this year, unemployment exceeded 20%, Labor Department numbers rigged to pretend otherwise.

The so-called U-3 BLS number …

A Strategy for Global Democracy and Wealth Sharing By Peter Phillips, June 07 2020

It is time for power to the people! 

Global capitalist inequality contributes directly to health pandemics, environmental degradation, and mass poverty. Elite-corporate oligarchs control the governments and political parties. They use established militarized police states to protect their vast empires

Belt and Road: Can China’s Silk Road Survive Coronavirus? By F. William Engdahl, June 06 2020

China’s priority infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), faces enormous problems just seven years after it was proclaimed in 2013. Serious problems and charges of China luring poorer nations into what a leading Indian analyst termed a “debt

The Slippery Slope to Despotism: Paved with Lockdowns, Raids and Forced Vaccinations By John W. Whitehead, June 06 2020

“You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business… And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally

The Truth Behind the Murder of Robert F. Kennedy: Conspiracy and Cover-up By Michael Welch, William Pepper, and Mark Robinowitz, June 06 2020

On June 6, 2020, we will be commemorating the passing of Robert F. Kennedy. His legacy will live. Below is Michael Welch‘s Global Research radio interview with William Pepper. A full transcript is included.

“I went there because I

Video: Let Us Free Ourselves From the Virus of War By Comité No Guerra no Nato and Global Research, June 06 2020
The complete video produced by the Italian Committee No War No NATO, in collaboration with Global Research. Giulietto Chiesa's last words focussed on Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information, and Freedom for Julian Assange.
The Tests: The Achilles Heel of the COVID-19 House of Cards By Dr. Pascal Sacré, June 06 2020

“The tool is not the problem, it’s what we do with it.”

– Tests which are not reliable!
–  False negatives (real patients not detected).
– False positives (patients who are not positive)
– Tests that detect fragments of the …

Beyond Nuclear Files Federal Lawsuit Challenging High-Level Radioactive Waste Dump for Entire Inventory of US “Spent” Reactor Fuel By Beyond Nuclear, June 05 2020

Today the non-profit organization Beyond Nuclear filed an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit requesting review of an  April 23, 2020 order and an October 29, 2018 order by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

The Corona Crisis: BS is Running Wild! Where does One Start? By Philip A Farruggio, June 05 2020

 Well, let’s go to that sea of new human interest corporate commercials saying how they all ‘Care about you during this pandemic’.

All those nice and decent companies want to see you through this, of course IF you use their

The Murder of George Floyd: Racism and the Dark History of Slavery Colonialism. How it Relates to France By Sianny Rooney, June 05 2020

Riots have sparked all over US’ cities for more than a week now for the extrajudicial killing of a black man named George Floyd on May 25 in Minnesota, USA. Similar protests on police’s violence after the death of George