Global Research News

US Supreme Court Rules for Dreamers By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2020

From inception, “America the beautiful” was and remains pure fantasy.

Throughout US history, its “lamp beside the golden door (alone welcomed) huddled masses yearning to breathe free” of the “right” race, ethnicity, and religion.

The welcome mat for people of …

Is Kashmir a US Trap to Confront Russia and China? By Germán Gorraiz López, June 20 2020

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), founded in 2001 by the Shanghai Five (China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan) and to which Uzbekistan, India and Pakistan were later added would be the ALBA and Iran countries hard core of resistance to world

The US Supports New Kurdish Unity to Destabilize the Middle East By Steven Sahiounie, June 20 2020

The Kurdish National Unity Parties (PYNK), a newly-established umbrella group consisting of 25 parties, was formed on May 20 to support the Kurdish unity talks, which have resulted in a “common political vision” on governance and partnership following a series

Trump vs Biden: Lose/Lose for Palestine By Robert Fantina, June 20 2020

With the Netanyahu regime of Israel on the cusp of violating international law once again, this time by annexing large parts of Palestine, the United States is not only not opposing, but actually encouraging this crime. Of course, the U.S.

America’s Dysfunctional Economy. Massive Unemployment. Economic Collapse By Stephen Lendman, June 20 2020

The US ruling class bears full responsibility for the economy’s unprecedented dysfunctional state. What was unimaginable long ago is reality today, redefining what house of cards economic conditions are all about.

It’s an unsustainable situation certain to implode ahead with

US Military Presence Everywhere. The Arctic, the Middle East, The South China Sea, The Caribbean… By Kim Petersen, June 20 2020

Tensions in the skies. RT presented a news story of the United States intercepting a fleet of Russian bombers off the Alaskan coast. Four Russian Tu-95 bombers, accompanied by Su-35 and MiG-31 fighters jets, flew from Siberia toward Alaska where

Video: COVID-19. The Unspoken Truth. The Most Serious Global Crisis in Modern History By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 20 2020

This video featuring Prof. Michel Chossudovsky is part of a Global Research series on the corona virus crisis. First released on April 10, 2020

The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext to powerful financial interests

Video: Covid Nurse Exposes New York Hospital. People Have Been Lied To. It’s Destroying Life. The Numbers are a Lie By Journeyman Pictures, June 20 2020

Registered nurse, Erin Olszewski, spent a month at the epicenter of the epicenter, Elmhurst Hospital in NY.

After witnessing the same malpractice matching testimonies of other outspoken nurses in the U.S., she decided to wear a hidden camera to

From 1945 Until Today – 20 to 30 Million People Killed by the USA By Manlio Dinucci, June 20 2020
The study documents the wars and coups d’État executed by the US in 30 Asian, African, European and Latin-American countries. It reveals that US military forces are directly responsible for between 10 and 15 million deaths, caused by the major wars – those against Korea and Vietnam and the two wars against Iraq.
Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation? By Kevin Ryan, June 20 2020

First published June 3, 2020

Governments have used psychological warfare throughout history to manipulate public opinion, gain political advantage, and generate profits. Western governments have engaged in such tactics in the war on terrorism as well as in its predecessor,

Coronavirus – The Aftermath. A Coming Mega-Depression… By Peter Koenig, June 20 2020
Scientists, microbiologists and medical doctors from all over the world, are questioning the worldwide shutdown because of the corona virus. They all say, these draconian measures are not necessary to contain a pandemic with a relatively low fatality rate.
The Milgram Shock Experiment: “Obedience to Authority” By Saul McLeod, June 20 2020

The Corona crisis is marked by “Obedience to higher authority” despite the lies and fabrications. The lie is sustained by a fear campaign.

“Milgram (1963) was interested in researching how far people would go in obeying an instruction if it …

Reverse Logic: Trump Sanctions the International Criminal Court By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 19 2020

The decision by the Trump administration to sanction members of the International Criminal Court defies logic, in so far as there is any logic to sanctions.  As a policy tool, such tools are supposedly designed to target specific members of

Trump Signed a Bill Calling for Sanctions Against China’s So-called “Treatment of Uighurs” By Paul Antonopoulos, June 19 2020

Leaked excerpts from the upcoming memoir The Room Where It Happened has made stunning allegations against U.S. President Donald Trump. Former U.S. National Security Advisor, John Bolton,  claims in his book that Trump attempted to interfere in a

Wikipedia’s Culture of Editorial Chaos and Malice By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 19 2020

Perhaps the greatest farce in the modern history of technology is the perception of Wikipedia as a legitimate encyclopedia. It has none of the qualifications as such but has all of the characteristics of a compromised propaganda machine disguised as

Canada Loses UN Security Council Seat Bid By Jim Miles, June 19 2020

With only one round of voting, Canada lost its bid to secure a Security Council (UNSC) seat at the UN. (Wednesday, June 17, 2020).  The result is what many domestic critics had hoped for, but in both foreign policy and

Video: Idlib Al-Qaeda Promotes Its ‘Successes’ in Fight Against Syrian Army By South Front, June 19 2020

The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces are amassing their troops and equipment near the town of Ayn Issa in northern Raqqah. This town, located near the crossroad of the M4 highway and the Sanliurfa-Raqqah road, has been the

Trade War
Loose Cannon Pompeo. No Breakthroughs in US-China Meeting in Hawaii By Stephen Lendman, June 19 2020

On Wednesday, Pompeo met with China’s Yang Jiechi.

He holds several high-level positions in Beijing, including CPC Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission director.

Both officials met in Hawaii, the meeting requested by Pompeo at at a time of dismal …

The US “Caesar’s Law” Sanctions Regime against Syria. How It Will Affect Lebanon: Israel Will be Targeted By Elijah J. Magnier, June 19 2020

The enactment of “Caesar’s Law” – the new US sanctions designed to “pursue individuals, groups, companies, and countries that deal with the Damascus government” – is apparently directed against Syria but in reality aims to subdue Lebanon and

US to Form Icebreaker Fleet for the Arctic. “Polar Security Cutter” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 19 2020

In the past few months, the United States has tightened its policies in the Arctic, as several measures show. For decades, Washington has not been concerned with strengthening its military presence at the poles, giving greater focus to other regions

Trudeau’s “Colonialism at Home, Imperialism Abroad” Policy Firmly in the Spotlight – UN Security Council By Arnold August, June 19 2020

This article was first published prior to the June 17 vote on non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council.

Canada lost the vote of June 17 to Ireland and Norway.

Norway secured 130 votes, Ireland got 128 and Canada 108.…

Nixon-Trump vs. the Strategy of Tension By Pepe Escobar, June 19 2020

Nixon 68 is back with a vengeance, with President Trump placing himself as the guarantor/enforcer of Law & Order.

That slogan guaranteed Nixon’s election, and was coined by Kevin Phillips, then an expert in “ethnic voting patterns”.

Philips makes …

Colonial History, Gunboat Diplomacy and China Bashing By Nora Fernandez, June 19 2020

I remember a sociology professor that was Maoist, a girl who belonged to a Maoist group and another one who studied Mandarin. A colorful magazine from China sold everywhere, picturing in glossy paper, clean, good looking youth of both sexes

Lawsuit Challenges Trump OK of Commercial Fishing in Atlantic Marine Monument By Center For Biological Diversity, June 19 2020

A federal lawsuit filed today says President Trump’s June 5 executive order allowing commercial fishing in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument was illegal. The lawsuit notes that the Antiquities Act allows presidents to create national monuments to

Dark Clouds of Military Tension Over the Korean Peninsula, North Korea Waited, Disappointed and Now Angry By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, June 19 2020

In 2012, a young man educated in the West took over the power in Pyongyang; he has decided to transform North Korea into an ordinary country where people can live decent life.

His name is Kim Jong-un. He has

Statues and Colonial History: Churchill, Columbus and Leopold Fall Down By Margaret Kimberley, June 19 2020

Millions of white people glorify mass murderers because their sense of identity and place in society is deeply tied to white supremacy.

“It is important to name and shame the mass murderers.”

The perpetrators of crimes against humanity are often …

Why Is the US Still Sanctioning Syria? Beijing Pressures Washington By Tony Cartalucci, June 19 2020

Chinese media highlighted a recent plea by Beijing to the US to lift sanctions against Syria.

China’s CGTN in an article titled, “Chinese envoy asks U.S. to lift unilateral sanctions on Syria,” would report:

A Chinese envoy on

Australia: Are the “Chooks Coming Home to Roost” for the British Empire, and Their Treatment of Slaves Around the World? By Gordon J. Brigsley, June 19 2020
New Film Explores U.S. Suppression of Key Footage from Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Greg Mitchell, June 19 2020
Modi’s Major Himalayan Mistake Crushed the Indian Military’s Morale By Andrew Korybko, June 19 2020
China and India Increase Mutual Violence By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 19 2020
US Court Ruling: You Can Be “Too Smart” to Be a Cop By Melissa Dykes, June 19 2020

Relevant to the present crisis, this article was first published on GR on December 18, 2014

Can a person actually be “too smart” to be a cop in America?  “Considering all the police brutality and officer-involved shootings in the news

The Globalization of “Fast Food”. Behind the Brand: McDonald’s By Peter Salisbury, June 19 2020

This article was first published in The Ecologist in 2011

In the first of a major new series following on from the ground breaking Behind the Label, Peter Salisbury takes a look at one of the biggest brands in the

Cecil Rhodes’ Project for a Renewed Single Anglo-Saxon Empire. Submission of the “Uncivilized World”. “We are the Finest Race” By Matthew Ehret-Kump, June 18 2020

In 1877, while laying out his agenda for the formation of a secret society to recapture Britain’s lost colony of America and the submission of “inferior” races (ie. non anglo-saxon) under the control of a renewed British Empire, Cecil Rhodes,

As a Police Policy Maker, Prosecutor, and Public Interest Lawyer, This Is What I Fear, and This Is What We Can Do Together By William John Cox, June 18 2020

There is a new contagion sweeping across America, more deadly than the COVID-19 virus released by our collapsing environment, and even more dangerous than the world-wide economic collapse triggered by the pandemic. The widening collapse has undermined our local and

Now It’s DPRK-Gate: North Korea to Attack US 2020 Presidential Election? “Don’t Mess with Us” By Stephen Lendman, June 18 2020

North Korea is one of countless numbers of nations that have been grievously attacked and otherwise harmed by the US.

Throughout its post-WW II history, it never attacked another country preemptively — not South Korea or any others, threatening none

“Main Victim of Caesar Act Is the Syrian Citizen.” Ambassador Bashar Al-Ja’fari By Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari and The Syria Times, June 18 2020

The Caesar Act comes at a time when the whole world is suffering not only in the health arena (Covid-19) but also in the financial one.

Syria specifically is suffering from great duress. Coming out of a ten year long …

Demilitarizing the Police and Ending “Qualified Immunity” By Ben Barbour, June 18 2020

Before proposing solutions to demilitarize the police, decrease abuses by law enforcement, and increase accountability for law enforcement, it is imperative to understand how US law enforcement became an extension of the military.

On May 25th, George Floyd

America’s Recessional: Time to Bring the Troops Home By Philip Giraldi, June 18 2020

Two weeks ago a senior Trump Administration official revealed that the president had decided to withdraw 9,500 American soldiers from Germany and that the administration would also be capping total U.S. military presence in that country at 25,000, which might

Lebanon Is Victim of Its Deeply Entrenched Political Elite By Michael Jansen, June 18 2020

Lebanon is the victim of its deeply entrenched political elite, which has refused to adopt and execute meaningful reforms since tens of thousands of Lebanese poured into the streets last October to demand an end to mismanagement, corruption and the

Why Japan Cancelled Installation of American Missiles in Its Territory. US Military Presence Threatens Japan’s Security By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 18 2020

Since 1945, when the United States bombed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons, Japan has entered an era of total submission to Washington, demilitarizing and abdicating its own real sovereignty. Tokyo came under the umbrella of American

USAF Paints Fighter Jet Russian Color Scheme to Prepare for Dogfights By Zero Hedge, June 18 2020

A General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon at Hill Air Force Base, located in northern Utah, recently had an exterior makeover paint scheme that mimics the Russian Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter, reported Defense Blog.

The 576th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron painted …

Video: Idlib Militants Attack Turkish-Russian Patrols as Turkey Shifts Focus to Northern Iraq By South Front, June 18 2020

On June 16, a joint convoy of the Turkish Army and the Russian Military Police became the target of a new IED attack during a patrol along the M4 highway in southern Idlib. The explosion damaged a BTR-82A armored personnel

The Plot to Make Trump a One-Term President? Why Do They Want him Out? Will a Biden Presidency Make a Positive Difference? By Stephen Lendman, June 18 2020

Why would perhaps a majority of the US ruling class want Trump defeated in November?

Even though he’s far from a prototypical Western leader — a businessman/reality TV personality turned politician — he aided and abetted the greatest wealth transfer

From Toxic Food to Agrarian Disaster: Dirty Deals Done Dirt Cheap By Colin Todhunter, June 18 2020

During the early days of the coronavirus lockdowns, in some quarters there was a certain degree of optimism around. Although millions of people were suffering, the hope was that the Covid-19 crisis would shine light on societal and economic systems

Skating on Thin Ice in the Antarctic: Threat to Polar Sea Ice from Escalating Plastic Pollution By Tom Gammage, June 18 2020

Plastic pollution has now been found in Antarctic sea ice, which has far-reaching consequences for the health of the planet and underlines the need for a global treaty the tackle it.

When we hear about plastic pollution, it’s normally …

France’s Call on NATO to Stop Ignoring the “Turkey Problem”. Further Divides the Alliance By Paul Antonopoulos, June 18 2020

The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and this calls to question why NATO still exists today. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO has militarily intervened in many sovereign countries such as Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, while also expanding

Trump’s Order to Withdraw US Troops from Syria Good-for-Nothing By Mark Taliano and Fars News Agency, June 18 2020

Mark Taliano, author and activist, says the US troops’ deployment to the oil fields areas in Eastern Syria is an act of reoccupation, indicating the futility of US President’s order to withdraw its forces from the Arab country.


Speaking …

Low Budget America! Living at the Outset of a “New Normal”. Economy Slowed Down to a Crawl By Philip A Farruggio, June 18 2020

The great British rock group The Kinks, stars of the 60s ‘British Invasion’, outdid themselves in 1979 with ‘Low Budget’. Check out these lyrics:

Cheap is small and not too steep
But best of all cheap is cheap
Circumstance has

Ballots, Bullets and the African American Struggle in Georgia By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 18 2020

Continuing problems with voter suppression and the brutal execution of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta highlights racism and national oppression in the contemporary South


“This is why I say it’s the ballot or the bullet. It’s liberty or it’s death.

Redrawing the Cultural Cityscape: The Destiny of Colonial Monuments in Ireland By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, June 18 2020

“Symbols are what unite and divide people. Symbols give us our identity, our self-image,our way of explaining ourselves to others. Symbols in turn determine the kinds of stories we tell; and the stories we tell determine the kind of history

Video: Russian Surface-to-Air Missile Systems in Syria Shoot Down Militants’ Drones By South Front, June 17 2020

Tor short-range surface-to-air missile systems have downed more than 45 unmanned aerial vehicles launched by Syrian militants, according to the chief of the Russian Air Defense Forces Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov.

“Since the start of combat duty, the calculations

Bipartisan Deadlock: Working People and Youth Must Call for President Trump’s Resignation Now! Joe Biden is Not An Alternative By Massoud Nayeri, June 17 2020

The deep and insolvable differences among the wealthy elite indicate that the next U.S. President will be in the office by use of force, not through election and votes. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are preparing the American people

Towards a Baghdad-Moscow Axis? Russia’s Massive Oil Projects in Iraq By South Front, June 17 2020

In Iraq, a seldom mentioned and noteworthy oil cooperation is carried out between Baghdad and Moscow. Russian companies, namely Rosneft and Lukoil have developed new oil fields in Iraq.

A notable project is Lukoil’s West Qurna-2.

West Qurna-2 field is

The US’ Planned Imposition of Draconian “Secondary Sanctions” on Syria. Targets Any Entity Doing Business with Syria By Andrew Korybko, June 17 2020

The US hopes that making Syrians even more desperate than they already are could catalyze another Color Revolution at one of the country’s most critical moments in its history, which could then be exploited for regime change purposes.

Reuters reported

“I Can’t Breathe, Please, Please!” The Martyrdom of George Floyd, Tortured and Murdered by US Police in 8 Minutes and 46 Seconds, May 5, 2020 By Carla Stea, June 17 2020

“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon

Facebook Surrounds Africa By Manlio Dinucci, June 17 2020

Many industries and service companies are failing or shrinking due to the lockdown and subsequent crisis. Instead, there are those who have gained from all this. Facebook, Google (YouTube owner), Microsoft, Apple and Amazon – writes The New York Times

The Miracle of Salisbury. The Skripals Affair By Craig Murray, June 17 2020

It turns out that the BBC really does believe that God is an Englishman. When the simple impossibility of the official story on the Skripals finally overwhelmed the dramatists, they resorted to Divine Intervention for an explanation – as propagandists

Why this ‘Pandemic’ Is Looking More Like a Social Engineering Experiment By Richard Enos, June 17 2020

Yesterday my wife, a native of Korea, made the arduous trip to her homeland from Toronto in order to help her mother, who had been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, with the protocols of High-Dose Vitamin C and a natural

“America is a Culture of Violence”: Trump’s Illusory Police Reform Executive Order By Stephen Lendman, June 17 2020

Police aren’t the problem in the US. They operate as trained and ordered by higher authorities.

They serve and protect privileged interests at the expense of beneficial social change — the real systemic issue vital to address getting no attention,

Here’s Exactly Who’s Profiting from the War on Yemen By Alex Kane, June 17 2020

Priyanka Motaparthy, a researchers for Human Rights Watch, arrived at a market in the Yemeni village of Mastaba on March 28, 2016, to find large craters, destroyed buildings, debris, shredded bits of clothing and small pieces of human bodies.

US Congress Calls it “Civilian Protection”: Washington Wants 17 Million Syrians Starved Into Submission By Stephen Lendman, June 17 2020

Implementation of the so-called Caesar Syria Civilian Protection legislation (Caesar Act) is the latest shoe to drop in Washington’s long war of aggression on the country, its legitimate leadership, and 17 million people.

Signed into law by Trump last December, …

Can Serbia Trust Washington’s Assurances in Upcoming Meeting with Kosovo? By Paul Antonopoulos, June 17 2020

It came as a shock to everyone when it was announced yesterday that discussions and negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo will take place at the White House in Washington on June 27. This came as a surprise as it was

India and China Dispute: The World’s Longest Unmarked Border By Tom Clifford, June 17 2020

Incongruous, deadly, bizarre. Two nuclear powers engaging in a fatal skirmish over a piece of territory with no economic resources, using rocks and clubs with protruding nails. A stone-age fight in the nuclear era.

Einstein said he did not know …

America’s Own Color Revolution By F. William Engdahl, June 17 2020
Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980’s. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s.
Controversy over History of World War II. Russia Marks 75 Years, Military Parade By Kester Kenn Klomegah, June 17 2020

The world celebrates the year 2020 to mark the 75th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism during the World War II. For the first time in history, Russia postponed its military parade traditionally held on Moscow’s Red Square on May

Trump Hammers Cuba While Cuba Cures the Sick By Medea Benjamin, June 17 2020

A team of 85 Cuban doctors and nurses arrived in Peru on June 3 to help the Andean nation tackle the coronavirus pandemic. That same day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced another tightening of the sanctions screws. This time

Imperialism, Diamonds and Power: The Plan of Cecil Rhodes Secret Society for Global Control By Steven MacMillan, June 17 2020

The question of whether a statue of Cecil Rhodes should be taken down has been raging in Britain in recent weeks, fuelled by the George Floyd protests that have swept the world.  Personally, I am not a fan of people

America: An Empire Eating Itself By Tony Cartalucci, June 17 2020

The United States finds itself in a less-than-unique position of an empire in terminal decline. With nations around the globe standing up economically, militarily, and politically – closing off once lucrative avenues of exploitation – the US finds itself turning

The System Is Rigged: Qualified Immunity Is How the Police State Stays in Power By John W. Whitehead, June 17 2020

“What’s been most striking to me is just how one-sided the rules are when Americans take on their own government…. It has been dismaying to learn the extent to which rules and laws shield the government from accountability for its

The Horrible Truth About Winston Churchill By Peter Frost, June 17 2020

This article was first crossposted in 2018.

George W. Bush installed a bust of Winston Churchill in the Oval Office at the White House. When Barack Obama came to power he had the bust returned to Britain.

Obama’s Kenyan grandfather, …

Korybko to Indian Media: India Is Doing America’s Bidding Against China By Parth Satam, June 17 2020
Israel Increases Secretive Nuclear Stockpile to 90 Warheads: Enough to Blow Up the Planet… By Middle East Eye, June 17 2020

Israel may have increased its nuclear stockpile from 80 warheads in 2019 to 90 in 2020, according to a new report by a leading global arms watchdog. 

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) said in its annual report on

Global Research Annual Fundraiser By The Global Research Team, June 16 2020

Dear readers,

For the next four weeks we will be asking for your help to reach a fundraising goal of $20,000. Since September 2001, almost 19 years, has delivered a daily flow of 20+ insightful news articles & analysis …

Convicted US Spy, Sentenced in Moscow on Charges of Espionage By Stephen Lendman, June 16 2020

On Monday, a Moscow court sentenced US spy Paul Whelan to 16 years imprisonment.

Charged with espionage, he was caught red-handed in December 2018 and arrested after accepting a flash drive with sensitive information from an undercover Russian Federal Security

A Model to Achieve the Model for Development in Morocco By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, June 16 2020

There may be irony in Morocco now reconsidering and revamping its development model, which is its national guiding frameworks for social and environmental fulfillment. I have long been and remain a believer in Morocco’s existing frameworks for the people’s development.

Does Trump Really Want to End American Interventionism? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 16 2020

Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has achieved a position of global hegemony, acting as a kind of world police. Washington has constructed a new world order and its militaries travel the world in wars and

Video: Al-Qaeda Factions Create New Coalition in Idlib By South Front, June 16 2020

Early on June 14, the Russian Aerospace Forces reportedly carried out airstrikes on positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near the villages of al-Bara and Deir Sunbul in southern Idlib. Since the signing of the new de-escalation agreement with Turkey on

The Narrative of the Leakers: Collateral Murder and the Assange Indictment By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 16 2020

When the superseding indictment was returned by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia against Julian Assange on May 23, 2019, there was one glaring omission.  It was an achievement, it might even be said the

The Big Plantation, The “Digital Billionaires”, the Militarization of Law Enforcement, the Surveillance State By John Steppling, June 16 2020

European Left-wing political scientists find difficult to understand that the colonial contradiction is at the heart of our present, they think it’s a conceptual error, something anachronistic, that the joyful postmodernity – the one that delivers their Macs to them