Global Research News

Who Will Come to America’s Rescue? A Nation Under Internal Threat, Engulfed in an Unprecedented Crisis… By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 23 2020

USA needs help. Let’s face it: our democratic institutions aren’t working well; our president is behaving like a depraved, spiteful monarch; our police, with almost 19,000 independent units nationwide, are unmanageable; our unprecedented social and economic divides are growing; the

That Damn Camouflage Again! The Militarization of “Law Enforcement” By Philip A Farruggio, July 23 2020

If you watch old footage of WW2 US Army commanders, like Marshall, Eisenhower and even George Patton, they wore regular dress uniforms when not in the midst of combat. Camouflage was worn only in areas of combat, never back at

The “Russia Report”: Deep State Reinforcing Delusion to Spread Fear and Seize Power By Kit Knightly, July 23 2020

The “Russia report” is an action plan for the intelligence agencies to hand MI5 direct control over the mechanisms of British democracy, and give the government legal power to control social media.

Nobody in the mainstream will tell you this. …

Video: Germany’s COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry. By Dr. Heiko Schöning and Dr. Martin Haditsch, July 23 2020

Germany – The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee Conference, 03rd July 2020

“We will not be delayed any longer. We citizens have the power. We are doing it”, with these words Heiko Schöning announced the Extra-Parliamentary Corona Investigation Committee (ACU) on

Building a Definition of Development By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, July 23 2020

The idea of development itself, its definition, and even the method we use for defining it, would be a good place to begin toward discovering its potential in our lives. We cannot rely on any single, or even ten, definitions.

Trump Administration’s Pressure Prompted Tehran and Damascus to Cultivate Ties with China By Michael Jansen, July 23 2020

The Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran and Syria involving economic sanctions has prompted Tehran and Damascus to cultivate ties with US-sanctioned and alienated China.

Tehran and Beijing have accelerated talks on a 25-year partnership begun in 2016, following …

Florida Keys Delays Vote on Release of 750 Million Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes after Public Outcry By Center for Food Safety, July 23 2020

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) yesterday delayed its vote on the proposed release of genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes due to concerns over COVID-19. The decision to delay the vote follows public outcry and scientific dispute over the risks

Is the United States a Failing State? A Failed State? By Prof. Richard Falk, July 23 2020

To ask whether the United States, the world’s dominant military power, is ‘a failing state’ should cause worldwide anxiety. Such a state, analogous to a wounded animal, is a global menace of unprecedented proportions in the nuclear age. Its political

War and the Environment: The Disturbing and Under-researched Legacy of Depleted Uranium Weapons By Elena Bruess and Joe Snell, July 23 2020

While on a research trip to the Iraqi city of Basra in 1996, environmental engineer Souad Al-Azzawi encountered a mother taking care of three young children, all of them sick and unable to move on their own. With no idea

Media Silent as Trump Declares Wars By Margaret Kimberley, July 23 2020

Donald Trump’s attacks on Venezuela, Syria and Iran are criminal, but Joe Biden vows to be even worse.

The corporate media in this country can endlessly repeat lies about Russia paying Taliban bounties, but ignore important information that is …

ACLU Sues to Stop US State-Sponsored Violence, Chicago to be Occupied by Federal Agents By Stephen Lendman, July 23 2020

The nation I grew up in no longer exists, replaced by endless state-sponsored war on humanity at home and abroad — along with the transformation of America to resemble tinpot dictatorships.

Full-blown tyranny may be one more major state-sponsored homeland …

Stepped Up Trump Regime War on China by Other Means By Stephen Lendman, July 22 2020

Another day, more shoes dropped, escalating US war on China by other means, a scenario fraught with danger by pushing things toward a point of no return that risks belligerent confrontation.

Time and again, US charges against Russia, Iran, China, …

Trump Regime Wants Social Security and Medicare Weakened By Stephen Lendman, July 22 2020

On Monday, debate began in Washington on extending aid to unemployed workers and other Americans in need at a time of economic crisis conditions.

Trump wants an unacceptable payroll tax cut, opposed by Dems and many Republicans — for political

US Exports Russian Election Meddling Hoax to Britain By Stephen Lendman, July 22 2020

Britain is an appendage of US imperial policy, complicit in its high crimes of war and against humanity — the supreme crime against peace.

Both countries are also united in waging war by other means against sovereign independent countries free …

Israel’s Jewish National Fund Is Uprooting Palestinians – Not Planting Trees By Jonathan Cook, July 22 2020

The Jewish National Fund, established more than 100 years ago, is perhaps the most venerable of the international Zionist organisations. Its recent honorary patrons have included prime ministers, and it advises UN forums on forestry and conservation issues.

It is

Andrew Wakefield Releases “1986: The Act” Film All About Big Pharma’s Immunity from Vaccine Liability By Ethan Huff, July 22 2020

The much-anticipated 1986: The Act film by Andrew Wakefield has finally been released, revealing the truth about the infamous 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) and its detrimental impact on the lives of innocent children.

Now available for …

1986: The Act By Children’s Health Defense, July 22 2020

It was four years in the making, but the time has come for Andy Wakefield to announce the release of his next film, “1986: The Act“, streaming online July 8, 2020.

Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19… …

Liberal Zionism Begins to Make the Journey Towards a One-state Solution By Jonathan Cook, July 22 2020

Peter Beinart, an influential liberal commentator on Israel and Zionism, poked a very large stick into a hornets’ nest this month by admitting he had finally abandoned his long-cherished commitment to a two-state solution. 

Variously described as the “…

Forced Masking a “Coercive Practice Designed to Drive Up Vaccination Rates” Rules Hospital Arbitrator By John C. A. Manley, July 22 2020

Back in 2018, the Toronto Academic Health Science Network had a mandatory masking policy in place for nurses and health care workers, according to the Ontario Nursing Association. Staff were required “to wear an unfitted surgical mask for the

Centenary of the Belfast Pogrom 1920 By Micheal Mac Donncha, July 22 2020

When the Partition of Ireland was first proposed in 1914 James Connolly said that such a scheme would mean “a carnival of reaction both North and South”. In the summer of 1920, as the British government unleashed the Black and

Lithuania’s Upcoming Elections Will Determine Its Future Relations with Poland By Paul Antonopoulos, July 22 2020

Andrzej Duda‘s victory in the recent Polish presidential election will likely affect affairs in Lithuania, especially as Duda has a strong relationship with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda. Nausėda is not only a strong ally of Duda, but he

Video: Israel Responds with Force to Iranian Plans to Deploy Air Defense Systems in Syria By South Front, July 22 2020

Late on July 20, the Israeli Air Force carried out a new wave of airstrikes on the southern countryside of the Syrian capital of Damascus. According to Syria’s state-run news agency SANA, Israeli warplanes launched missiles from the airspace over

The Federal Coup to Overthrow the States and Nix the 10th Amendment Is Underway By John W. Whitehead, July 22 2020

I don’t need invitations by the state, state mayors, or state governors, to do our job. We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not.”—Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf’s defense of the Trump Administration’s

There Is No Science to Support Mandatory Face Masks. A Symbol of Social Submission? By Renee Parsons, July 22 2020

As the distraction of BLM/Antifa riots and the coronavirus have consumed much attention and energy, the social engineering agenda of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset has taken a giant step forward in establishing the mandatory face mask as a

Washington’s Anti-Chinese “Pan-Asian Alliance” By Tony Cartalucci, July 22 2020

One of Washington’s reoccuring dreams is creating a “pan-Asian alliance” to encircle and contain China’s economic and political rise. Unable to do this through regime change, economic incentives, military alliances, or even coercion and terrorism, it has drawn deeper and

Bolivian Coup Government Calls for Another Canada-backed Foreign Intervention in Its Presidential Elections By Aidan Jonah, July 22 2020

On July 15, Luis Fernando Camacho, leader of the violent coup against Bolivian president Evo Morales and current candidate for the Bolivian presidency, issued a desperate appeal to the Organization of American States.




Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression. The Antidote: “Reconnection” By Radhika Tikku, July 21 2020

We bring to the attention of our readers, this timely and incisive article by Radhika Tikku, Ph.D candidate at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

millions of people Worldwide are suffering from depression as a result of the global crisis which …

Video: Drone Wars Open New Phase of Conflict in Syria By South Front, July 21 2020

Early on July 20, positions of the Syrian Army came under shelling by militants in the villages of Furu, Bahsa and Beit Hassno in the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone. In response, government forces struck positions of Hayat

Towards a “New Cold War” in the Middle East: Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf and the Battle for Oil and Gas By Germán Gorraiz López, July 21 2020

The foundations of the great Near East were established in the Pact of Quincey (1945) following the doctrine of the Franco-British Sykes-Picot agreements of 1916 that favored the regional division of power in areas of influence and sustained on the

Mass Poverty, Political Fragmentation of Nigeria? Towards Independence of the Biafra State? By Uche Ajulu-Okeke and Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 21 2020

Ambassador Uche Ajulu-Okeke is a veteran Diplomat and Development Studies Expert with thirty-year achievements in the Nigerian Foreign Service. She is widely known for her performance orientation, positive mentorship and team spirit. In recognition of her high-level competences, the Anambra

Turkey’s Poisonous Hand of Friendship with Ukraine By South Front, July 21 2020

While the situation in Libya continues to escalate and the parties are preparing for a decisive battle for Sirte, Turkey, which actively supports forces of the Government of National Accord (GNA), is negotiating with its strategic partners. On July 10,

The Forgotten Conflict Between Azerbaijan and Armenia Is Threatening Energy Markets By Dr. Cyril Widdershoven, July 21 2020

One of the world’s forgotten conflicts is now making headlines again.

In the last week, the military conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia has reignited, with the two nations having already been engaged in a military confrontation for decades. Nagorno Karabach, …

Corruption in The Medical Field: US Doctors Threatened Over Hydroxychlorquine Use. Dr. Fauci is Blocking HCQ By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 21 2020

There is an ongoing battle to suppress Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a cheap and effective drug for the treatment of Covid-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci, advisor to president Trump has played a central role in blocking HCQ.  

On May 22, an “authoritative” peer

Trump Regime Blacklists More Chinese Firms By Stephen Lendman, July 21 2020

Days earlier at the Economic Club of New York, Pompeo continued his all-out war of words on China.

Ignoring endless US wars by hot and other means against nations on its target list for regime change, he accused China of

Big Holes in the Covid ‘Spike’ Narrative By Rep. Ron Paul, July 21 2020

Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the “second wave” of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Order to Open Public Lands to Coal Leasing By Earth Justice, July 21 2020

A coalition including states, conservation organizations, and the Northern Cheyenne Tribe today launched a new challenge against the Trump administration’s decision to open millions of acres of public lands for new coal leasing and mining. That 2017 decision ended an

The Undeclared War Against Iran By Paul R. Pillar, July 21 2020

A series of violent attacks, involving explosions and fires, has been hitting Iran. The incidents have been too frequent and intense to be random accidents. They are part of an organized effort.

Caution is always advisable in attributing responsibility for …

Palestinians Accuse Israel of Stealing 1500-year-old Christian Relic from Bethlehem By Middle East Eye, July 21 2020

Palestinians have accused Israel of an “abominable act of thuggery and cultural appropriation” after a 1500-year-old Christian relic was “stolen” by Israeli forces early on Monday.

Video footage posted online by the PLO Department of Public Diplomacy and Policy showed …

All About Me: The Kanye West Election Campaign Rally By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 21 2020

In many ways, rapper and footwear mogul Kanye West fits the mould.  That mould – the star or celebrity running for high office – had already been made by the actor-cum-amnesiac Ronald Reagan, who, with his dabbling in astrology and

By Rejecting Huawei, Britain Risks Being Swept up in the US’ Next Ideological Crusade By Johanna Ross, July 21 2020

‘Let China sleep, when she wakes, she will shake the world’ Napoleon reportedly said. But China has been far from asleep in recent years – the West has. In the last few decades the East Asian country of around 1.4

Egypt and Ethiopia on the Brink of War By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 21 2020

The tension between Egypt and Ethiopia is worsening. Both countries are raising their regional rivalry and threatening the North African international security with the imminence of a new conflict. The cause of the tension is due to Ethiopia’s intentions to

Is America’s Second Corona Wave a Political Hoax? By F. William Engdahl, July 21 2020

For several weeks, just as most states across the United States began to reopen, following three months of lockdown to “flatten the curve”, several states including Texas and Florida began reporting record new numbers who tested positive for the coronavirus.

Is the U.S. About to Move Its Strategic Naval Base from Spain to Morocco? By Paul Antonopoulos, July 21 2020

Located near the point where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean Sea, close to Morocco, is the Spanish Naval Station Rota that is co-tenanted with the U.S. Navy. The issue for Washington to renew its tenancy that allows the Americans

US Sleepwalking Toward Confrontation with China? By Stephen Lendman, July 20 2020

Are things today on a path similar to what Professor of Government Graham Allison called events in 1941 that led to war between the US and Japan?

Clearly the risk of confrontation between the US and China is real by …

Reimagining Haitian Exceptionalism By Boaz Anglade, July 20 2020

When Haiti is called “exceptional,” it is rarely in the positive sense of the term. An exceptional Haiti often refers to a strange and enigmatic place where the theories and practices applicable to other societies inexplicably fail. In Haitian literary

Brazil Is About to Become An “Unofficial” NATO Member By Paul Antonopoulos, July 20 2020

The Brazilian government on Friday made an announcement on its so-called Defense legal base, a set of documents comprised of the National Defense Policy, National Defense Strategy and White Paper on National Defense. Every four years Brazil’s Congress must approve

Cold Wars and Profit By Craig Murray, July 20 2020

The Guardian carried a very strange piece yesterday under the heading “Stamps celebrating Ukrainian resistance in pictures”. This was the first image shown:  .




The Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) was, without any shadow of a doubt, responsible …

Bayer Backs Away from Plan to Contain Future Roundup Cancer Claims By Carey Gillam, July 20 2020

Monsanto owner Bayer AG is backing away from a plan to contain future Roundup cancer claims after a federal judge made it clear he would not approve the scheme, which would delay new trials and limit jury decision-making.

The plan

US Officials Speak at Iran Regime Change Conference By Dave DeCamp, July 20 2020

An exiled Iranian opposition group held its annual Free Iran conference online on Friday featuring speeches from an array of former US politicians and military officials. The conference was held by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a coalition

Pay for Play? Heritage’s Cozy Ties with Foreign Arms Maker Raises Eyebrows By Eli Clifton, July 20 2020

The conservative Heritage Foundation has consistently fought international treaties banning weapons that pose an outsized threat to civilians in the war zone. This would include anti-personnel landmines, cluster munitions, and “killer robots”—as well as regulations that would enforce arms embargoes

Don’t be Fooled: New Mexico Proposal Would Open Door for Toxic Frack Waste Dumping By Jeremy Nichols, July 20 2020
The Surreal World: Macedonia By Bill Nicholov, July 20 2020

Claiming that Macedonians voluntarily chose to rename our country into “North Macedonia” and ethnicity into “North Macedonians” is like saying that Indigenous groups choose to be called “Redskins”. And when Western media attack Macedonians for denouncing the forced name change,

Masked, Homeless, and Desolate By Edward Curtin, July 20 2020

“Personality is persona, a mask…The mask is magic…Larva means mask; or ghost…it also means mad, a case of demoniacal possession.” – Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body

Walk the streets in the United States and many countries these days and you …

Electromagnetic Radiation: What Is the Real 5G Agenda and Why the Frantic Hurry to Deploy It? By Claire Edwards and Tim Lynch, July 20 2020

This interview of an ex United Nations Editor brings much needed clarity to cut through the propaganda, and the deceit, especially in relation to the increasing health problems and their effects on living organisms – people.


There has always …

Turkey Will be the Death of NATO: Its Recent Clash with Fellow Member France Off the Coast of Libya Is an Early Symptom By Scott Ritter, July 20 2020

When two countries who are supposed to be military allies fall out and almost get themselves into a shooting match, you know there’s going to be trouble ahead. The problem for NATO is, this time, it may prove terminal.


Médecins Sans Frontières: A Moment of Reckoning? Report from Greece’s Samos Island By Chris Jones, July 20 2020

My opinions about MSF are largely based on seeing them in action on Samos. Like many on the island we had a positive attitude given what  we knew of their work war zones. Overall after 5 years of their (intermittent)

Making America Feared Again: The Trump Administration Considers Resuming Nuclear Weapons Testing By Lawrence Wittner, July 20 2020

“The nuclear testing now being considered by the Trump administration is designed with the same purpose that weapons have traditionally had in world affairs: to intimidate other nations.”


Americans who grew up with nightmares of nuclear weapons explosions should …

US v. China: A Clash of Civilizations Escalates By Stephen Lendman, July 20 2020

Made-in-the USA irreconcilable differences define bilateral relations, things worsening, not improving.

Bipartisan US hardliners are waging war on China by other means — a futile attempt to undermine its growing prominence on the world stage that could escalate to direct

Police Violence, the Tip of an Iceberg By J. B. Gerald, July 20 2020

It could be that the ongoing gratuitous murders by police across America are not mistakes but part of a program of terror and fear to control, to maintain unjust apportionment of power, resources, money, in the hands of a few.

Nicaragua: No Stopping the Sandinista Revolution By Stephen Sefton, July 20 2020

41 years on from the revolutionary triumph of 1979, the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN) in Nicaragua looks stronger and with greater legitimacy than ever. Nicaragua embodies the same revolutionary paradox as Cuba and Venezuela. Despite all three countries

China Inks Military Deal with Iran Under Secretive 25-Year Plan By Simon Watkins, July 20 2020

Last August, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Zarif, paid a visit to his China counterpart, Wang Li, to present a roadmap on a comprehensive 25-year China-Iran strategic partnership that built upon a previous agreement signed in 2016. Many of

Polls Show Syrians Overwhelmingly Blame U.S. for ISIS By Eric Zuesse, July 20 2020

We are reposting this important 2015 article by Eric Zuesse

The British polling organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International, repeatedly finds in Syria that, throughout the country, Syrians oppose ISIS by about 80%, and (in the latest such

History of World War II. The Forgotten US-Nazi Alliance By Shane Quinn, July 19 2020

This article was first published by Global Research on January 18, 2018

As the Second World War advanced from its early stages, the United States was assessing which sections of the earth it would hold conquest over. American planners had

Video: Armenia -Azerbaijan Clashes, Shifting Balance of Power in South Caucasus By South Front, July 19 2020

The Armenian-Azerbaijani tensions have once again turned South Caucasus into a hot point increasing chances of a new regional war.

The key difference with previous military incidents between the two countries is that the point of confrontation shifted from the …

US Targets Thailand with Attempted “Color Revolution” By Tony Cartalucci, July 19 2020

US seeks to disrupt growing Thai-Chinese relations. US-funded protesters seek to remove elected government and rewrite constitution, or at the very least, cause Hong Kong-style chaos.  


The Western media is claiming “pro-democracy” protests are taking place in Thailand.

English-language …

Hunger is a Weapon of War: Syria Under US Coalition Blockade and Scorched Earth Policy By Vanessa Beeley, July 19 2020

In a world dominated by American exceptionalism and neo-colonialism, hunger has become a weapon of war. “The use of starvation of the civilian population as a method of warfare is prohibited” under international humanitarian law yet the U.S. regularly

The Call for “Social Distancing” Pursues Hidden Goals By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 19 2020

Citizens worldwide are still being urged to avoid direct contact with other people in order to protect themselves from infection with the corona virus, even though this virus does not pose any particular danger and “social distancing” has not been

John Bolton’s Latest Memoir: “The Room Where it Happened” By Ararat Kostanian, July 19 2020

Memoirs written by prominent figures and professionals, often appear on the lists of best-selling books, due to the great interest of the readers that seek comprehensive understanding of issues not found in academic or theoretic publications that are mainly concentrated

The “Russian Vaccine Hack” Is a 3-for-1 Deal on Propaganda By Kit Knightly, July 18 2020

The Guardian, and all the other predictable voices, are currently reporting that Russian “state sponsored hackers” have been attempting to steal “medical secrets” from British pharmaceutical researchers.

At this stage they offer no substantiation, but it does serve as good …

What Lies Ahead: Permanent Job Losses, Poverty in America, Financial and Political Instability By Dr. Jack Rasmus, July 18 2020

On July 6, 2020 I posted my extended view and analysis why the 3rd quarter US GDP would falter–and lead to a W-shape recovery, as it typical of all Great Recessions. The current recession’s scenario was compared with 1929-30 and

Why the Bill Gates Global Health Empire Promises More Empire and Less Public Health. Gates Foundation Owns the WHO! By Jeremy Loffredo and Michele Greenstein, July 18 2020

Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda.


President Donald

“The Russians Are Coming”, Again! Poorly Understood Cybercrimes Play Perfectly into Political Agendas By Helen Buyniski, July 17 2020

Foreign hackers are determined as ever to steal technology, meddle in elections and skew foreign policy, but fear not! The CIA has apparently been authorized to deliver preemptive cyber-strikes based on partisan mythmaking.

US, UK and Canadian intelligence dropped a

Ontario: An Economic Recovery for Who? By Bruce Kecskes, July 17 2020

In the first week of July, the Ontario government announced the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act (Bill 197). The sweeping omnibus bill changes twenty pieces of existing legislation and introduces several new acts. There has been little discussion in

Dems and GOP to Debate Extended Stimulus Benefits Next Week By Stephen Lendman, July 17 2020

Current federal unemployment benefits expire in days.

In May, House-controlled Dems narrowly passed a new $3 trillion stimulus package.

So-called Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) legislation extends current federal benefits through at least yearend.

Senate Majority Leader …

Germany’s Presidency of the EU Will Determine if the Bloc Joins the New Multipolar World Order By Paul Antonopoulos, July 17 2020

Relations between the U.S. and European powers like Germany and France are reaching a historic low. This is especially true after U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew a large portion of the American military stationed in Germany to other European countries

“The Great Reset” Fraud By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 17 2020

Like everyone, I would love to live in a pollution-free world.

I would love to see human civilization strike a balance with nature and at the risk of sounding like a naïve idealist, I sincerely do believe that this is

America Declaring China’s Territorial Claims Illegal Is All Bark & No Bite. The US Is Militarily & Economically Impotent By Scott Ritter, July 17 2020

Mike Pompeo’s statement that Beijing’s claims in the South China Sea are unlawful was seen by some as a dramatic step toward war. But it’s little more than bluster as the US knows it is not yet capable of taking

Remembering Israel’s Killing of Four Children on the Beach in Gaza By Muhammad Hussein, July 17 2020

What: Israeli missile kills four children of the same family on a beach in Gaza

When: 16 July, 2014

Where: The Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine

What happened?

Israel’s military offensive on the Gaza Strip in 2014 — “Operation Strong Cliff” …

The Architecture of Domestic Repression in the United States By Donald Monaco, July 17 2020

Millions of Americans have awakened to the shocking realization that they are living in a veritable police state as they witness unarmed peaceful protesters for racial justice being confronted by a militarized police force replete with armored personnel carriers, assault

Turmoil at Home, Turmoil Abroad: Israel and the U.S. Escalate Their War Against Iran By Philip Giraldi, July 17 2020

As the combined impact of the corona virus and the wholesale destruction of America’s history and culture, or at least the part of it that is white, continues, it is nice to see that other nations are getting into the