Global Research News

Belarusian President Lukashenko Reelected by a 61.7% Majority. Reintegration into Russia? By Stephen Lendman, August 25 2020

Despite ruling Belarus with an iron fist, most Belarusians support Alexander Lukashenko.

President since 1994, he was legitimately reelected by a 61.7% majority, according to the pro-Western election monitoring group Golos.

It published “data collected by US-backed civic youth …

China: Everything Proceeding According to Plan, Complete Interruption of Relations with US? By Pepe Escobar, August 25 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Let’s start with the story of an incredibly disappearing summit.

Every August, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) converges to the town of Beidaihe, a seaside resort some two

Reports Say the Explosion at Iranian Nuclear Plant Had a Criminal Cause By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 25 2020

A new focus of tensions and uncertainties appears to be emerging in Iran. Recent reports from the Iranian authorities have concluded that the explosion at the Natanz nuclear plant had a criminal cause, most likely caused by a sabotage operation.

Alliance Between Venezuela and Iran Evolves into the Military Sphere By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 25 2020

The alliance between Venezuela and Iran seems to be taking new directions. The ties between the two countries began to strengthen in an economic sphere when, in the first half of 2020, Tehran started sending oil ships to Venezuela, circumventing

Belarus Opposition, Made in the USA By Stephen Lendman, August 25 2020

Longstanding US plans earmarked Belarus for regime change, wanting pro-Western puppet rule in another nation bordering Russia.

There’s nothing spontaneous about mass protests that erupt in nations the US wants transformed into client states.

They’re most likely to occur in …

COVID-19: Trigger for a New World Order. Economic Stagnation and Social Destruction By Patrick Henningsen, August 24 2020

NOTE: This piece was written in April 2020 and first appeared in the May-June edition no. 180 of New Dawn Magazine

I can remember them saying that ‘everything changed after 9/11’. It did, but certainly not for the better. I

Millions in Executive Payouts for Bankrupt California Oil Giant By Center For Biological Diversity, August 24 2020

A federal judge in Houston late yesterday approved an incentive package worth up to $57 million for top executives as part of bankruptcy proceedings for oil giant California Resources Corporation.

Nine executives with the company, which is California’s biggest oil …

Post Offices Across America: Removal of Mail Sorting Machines By Jake Johnson, August 24 2020

“DeJoy himself confirmed that there have been significant service slowdowns. It makes no sense at all for him to say USPS sorting machine ‘are not needed.’ Put them back.”



In testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental …

Video: Corona Madness! This is What the Pandemic Makes People Do… The Face Mask and Social Distancing By FreiheitsFreund, August 24 2020


Ample scientific literature. Medical consensus (shared by Dr. Fauci) until it was repealed by government directives.

By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter …

Did Lukashenko’s Gun Stunt Help or Harm His Image? By Andrew Korybko, August 24 2020

Color Revolution-beleaguered Belarusian President Lukashenko surprised the world on Sunday after exiting a helicopter that landed on his palace grounds while dressed in body armor and holding an AK -47, which was a risky soft power stunt that could either

重谈仁义和中国古代礼法 — 人性美的体现 作者 朱骤琴 By Jenn Zhu, August 24 2020
人的情况都各自而异,最了解其故事前因后果的通常是他们本人。即便一两次他们判断错误了,也只是造成个别伤害。不是有“三折肱,成良医”之说吗,他们会吸取教训,下次对症下药。如果一个社会怂恿一些强者及权利所有者,有时在帮忙的口号下,以强势,甚至超越法律的方式去干预别人的生活,则不仅会造成个别牺牲者,而且会产生极其不良的连锁反应和整体社会效应而伤及一片。 西方的哲学从对自然(天)的解释到下凡至人间而关怀人自身开始,经历了很多不同的,甚至是争锋相对的派别,近代哲学中又出现了“自我主义”的观念、理性主义的法制论和非理性哲学的唯意志论等等,标志了人类对其本身和社会的认识的各种进步,尤其是展示了西方分析文化的深度和其人们不懈的努力。 而中国哲学从伏羲建立其先天八卦以阐释天人合一的自然和社会道理开始,接着周文王建立后天八卦,后人就一直围绕着阴阳相济相易的原理开始建立仁、义、礼、乐的学说,绵绵不绝、不断完善、或因改朝换代而进行因时制宜的改进。然而,万变不离其宗。凡是有自我意识的个体就会为利益而争斗,中国人早就意识到并承认了这一点,所以他们认识到只有和气才能生财。也就是说只有社会稳定了,经济才会繁荣。而要社会稳定,必须建立一套礼法,不仅是使大家强制性地遵守,而且是心甘情愿的尊崇。可能这就是中国的法与西方的法的不同之处。中国古代老百姓从小就是在这种礼法中长大,所以在和平时代,即便他们没有经过正式的法律学习,长大后也十有八九不会轻易越雷池几步。

西方法就不同了,他们早就有自然法和人为法之分。对于他们来说,人人都应该遵守的自 然法应该主要通过宗教的伦理道德来推行,人类在理性形成之前就已经有了一些基本的善恶辨 别能力而导致了自然法的产生。而人为法是国家制定的维护国家机器运转的制定法,是理性的 体现。但任何人为的东西肯定是有漏洞可捅的,所以如果宗教失去其势力,必然会导致人为法 孤掌难鸣。中国礼法是一种文饰过的自然法和实用的人为法的结合物。所以在维护社会稳定上 会相对长久一些,有时会更加有效。其宗旨就是为了维护社会安定,有“民不举,官不理”之 说,也就是讲,民事案件中只要案件当事人觉得可以自已解决,官家通常不会主动插手以引起 无益社会的法庭争斗。当今世界是科技飞速发展的时代,也是知识爆发的时代。人们的认识能力和知识水平得到 了空前的提高。尽管宗教在慰籍人的心灵,促进世界和平等问题上仍然发挥着其不可忽略的作 用,尽管很多宗教在竭尽其力地与科学接轨而产生了多个分支,终因其某些教义与现代文明中 许多内容相冲突而受到新一代人的怀疑,导致失去了不少信徒。即便在信仰的人当中,宗教也 已经失去了其昔日崇高至上的权威和广泛的影响力。其后果是,宗教中的戒律相应地降低了其 约束力。在这种社会中,大家遵循的是在市场经济和资本运作下建立的工作道德,其实也就是 为了达到工作目的而不择手段的一套游戏法则。显然已经忘记了古训所说的:君子爱财,取之

有道!当然,他们的这些法则在一段时间内可以较快地达到其个人或个体的短暂目的而获利,但任何违背自然法则的行为必然会对这个社会整体造成不良的后果,而这种后果也必然迟早回 馈到其本身。所以,长此下去,导致的是多个输家,和社会整体的失败。尤其是在现代社会的 信息高速流转的情况下,任何对社会采取的不合理的行为会很快就被识破而东窗事发,当然,其后果也是严重的。
者弗去是也;礼之实,节文斯二者是也;乐之实,乐斯二者,乐则生也。也就是说,仁就是侍 奉亲人即父母,可以推广到其他长辈或其上司;义就是从兄即服从兄长,可以推广到其他比你 成熟且有智慧的朋友、同事和熟人;礼就是文饰和节制前两者,也就是说用一种格调高雅且适 度的方式来表现和施行仁和义;乐就是因施行仁义而心感愉悦,进而以音乐诗歌形式歌颂前两 者。或许有人会说,很多宗教不也这么做么?是的,但他们是在教堂和庙宇里进行。而中国礼 法是在日常生活当中,上至皇上,下至农民,无不自觉尊崇。
如果我们能真诚地尊敬和协助长辈,难道他们还会薄待你吗?如果我们对比你成熟有经验 的兄长或其他有缘相识的人士表示钦佩和遵从,他们自然也会提拔和竭力帮助你。中国人说:
士为知己者死。我们真心的去了解某人后,并对之表现的高风亮节及真才实学表示由衷的欣赏 和诚挚的佩服,他当然会视你为知己而推举你,有些重义之士甚至会不惜性命以示其诚意,因 为他们有着共同的人类信仰和生活目的。“事亲”和“从兄”这两种关系其实可以简化世界上 所有的关系。如果我们能把它们处理好,在没有特别的外界干预和破坏的情况下,此生也应该 无忧了。所以上面的古训中同时也提到:智之实,知斯二者弗去是也。也就是说,一个有智慧 的人,就应该明白,这两件事是万万不可忽视的。问题就是怎样处理好?也就是怎样从古代中 国礼法中提取其精髓以运用于当今社会。或许这是现在的人,包括很多中国人忽略了,但值得 大家再次学习和深思,也是值得某些西方文明国家借鉴和探讨的东西。
中国古代的四书五经、论语、道德经及各朝各代的历史记录,此外,程朱理学及其相关重 要文献都是颇有借鉴价值的宝典。从中可以学到很多为人处世的道理。同时其他国家各个世纪
中突出的哲学理论及历史文学资料也是非常重要的参考文献。在一个联系如此紧密,大家互相 …
“Comfortably Numb”: Opiods Have Overwhelmed Our Nation By Philip A Farruggio, August 24 2020

Just a little pinprick
There’ll be no more, ah
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it’s working, good
That’ll keep you going through the show
Come on it’s time to go


Belarus and the Lessons from Sudan. Comparative Analysis of “Color Revolutions” By Kester Kenn Klomegah, August 24 2020

The political development unfolding in Minsk, with high possibility to spill over and spread throughout the former Soviet republic of Belarus is sensitive and delicate.

 The first information that emerged about opposition rallying against elected President Alexander Lukashenko was worrying

NATO, Hands Off Belarus! By Vladimir Krsljanin, August 24 2020

When NATO covered Serbia with missiles and bombs, Alexander Lukashenko was the only head of state who visited Belgrade and supported our initiative to join the Union of Russia and Belarus.

We will never forget this.

Recently, the same NATO …

President No More? US Moves to Ban Chinese Leader Xi Jinping’s Title By, August 24 2020

US lawmakers have introduced a bill to change the way the federal government refers to the leader of China. 

The ‘Name the Enemy Act’ would require that official US government documents instead refer to the head of state according to

Despite Threats, the U.S. Will Not Sanction India over Its Relations with Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, August 24 2020

After Russia, the U.S. is the second largest arms exporter to India. As a major Washington defense partner, New Delhi signed two $3.5 billion arms purchase agreements earlier this year. However, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Clarke Cooper reiterated Washington’s

“Chasing the Light” by Oliver Stone By Edward Curtin, August 24 2020

Like the wandering and rascally Odysseus upon whom he models his life, Oliver Stone is “double-minded” in the most profound and illuminating ways.  The title of his fantastic new memoir is a case in point.  “One of the first basic

Israel Bans Gaza Imports Except Food, Medicine. Crimes against Humanity By Middle East Monitor, August 24 2020

Israel has banned all imports except food and medical supplies into the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian official told Anadolu Agency on Sunday.

“All private sector companies have been notified of the Israeli decision to stop the entry of all commodities

Trump Walks Alone: Former US Allies Britain, France, Germany Join Russia and China in Forcefully Rejecting Trump Iran Sanctions By Prof. Juan Cole, August 24 2020

LeMonde reports that France, Germany and Britain have rejected the Trump administration’s attempt to reimpose UN Security Council sanctions on Iran that were revoked in early 2016 with the signing of the Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Glitzy Convention Conceals Emerging One-Party Tyranny By Mike Whitney, August 24 2020

Here are a few takeaways from the Democratic Convention:

  1. The Democrats are running on the same platform they ran on in 2016.
  2. The Democrats put style above substance, flashy optics above ideas or issues.
  3. The Democrats think that hollow tributes
Biden’s Speech Stirs Up Sense of Déjà Vu – Same Old Lies Disguised as New Promises, Little More than a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing By Scott Ritter, August 24 2020

One speech, well written and read well, does not a president make. At the end of the day, the Democrats are putting forward a wolf in sheep’s clothes, who is peddling the same worn-out lies disguised as new promises.


Growing US Isolation on the World Stage By Stephen Lendman, August 24 2020

Russia’s Sergey Lavrov is right about hegemon USA, saying the following on Saturday:

The Trump regime’s “intention is to do everything possible in order not to be bound by any international multilateral obligations,” adding:

“When the US decides that China

How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created. “Dangerous” When Used for COVID-19 By Dr. Meryl Nass, August 24 2020

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).


First published on June 29, 2020, updated on April 28, 2021

Hymn for a Broken Empire: Republican National Security Officials for Biden By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 24 2020

If fodder is needed for the argument that a Deep State is running wild and determined to depose President Donald J. Trump, this will surely help.  In a statement by self-titled “former Republican National Security Officials”, a hand-on-heart allegiance

Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for All Residents By Zero Hedge, August 24 2020

As Friday’s hospitalization numbers across the Sun Belt appear to confirm CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield‘s assertion that the American COVID-19 outbreak has peaked and is starting to fade, the State of Virginia is setting a new precedent by

Video: Syrian Forces Are Hunting Down ISIS Terrorists in Desert By South Front, August 24 2020

The military situation in Syria continued deteriorating in recent days.

On August 21, the Syrian Army and its allies increased their anti-ISIS raids in the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor-Al-Mayadin triangle. According to pro-government sources, these efforts are being actively supported by

Video: Big Anti-Corona Demonstration in Berlin. Example for the Rest of the World By FreiheitsFreund, August 24 2020

According to Berlin police sources, between 500,000 and 1 million peaceful protesters (mostly without masks) demonstrated against the Corona rules.

An important grassroots movement against social engineering and the closure of economic activity is unfolding in Germany.

It has the …

Responding to Voter Suppression, Understanding Manipulated Elections By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, August 24 2020

Voter suppression in the 2020 election has become a topic of great concern. In reality, voter suppression has been part of US politics since the founding of the country. The oligarchs who wrote the US Constitution enabled voter suppression by

China and the Decline of US Power By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, August 24 2020

Constant attacks by some US elites on China will, according to some observers, diminish and disappear once the US presidential election is over in November 2020.

This is unlikely to happen for at least two reasons. One, the issues that

Trump’s Venezuela Regime Change Alliance Dwindles By Telesur, August 24 2020

The Canadian Dimension, a forum for debate on contemporary issues facing the Left, published an analysis of the political situation in Venezuela. The text is presented below:

On December 6, Venezuelans will go to the polls to elect a new …

Permitted Unlawfulness: The New Zealand Coronavirus Lockdown By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 24 2020
Video: “Human 2.0”? Humans Melding with Artificial Intelligence. A Wake-Up Call to the World By Dr. Carrie Madej, August 23 2020

What does “Human 2.0” mean?

According to Dr. Carrie Madej, it is transhumanism where humans are melding with artificial intelligence, like in the movie Matrix.

Transhumanism has a bearing on the Future Of Humanity.

It is happening right in

The 2020 Covid Global Economic Meltdown: “Political Trickery” and the Relevance of 9/11 By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 23 2020

The world economic crisis of 2020 is creating the context for large-scale repeats of some key aspects of the bailout of 2007-2010. The bailout of 2007-2008 drew, in turn, from many practices developed in the period when the explosive events

Obscene Pandemic Profiteering: Largest Consolidation of Wealth in American History By David DeGraw, August 23 2020

According to the Institute for Policy Studies: “Since March 18, the beginning of the pandemic,” the 12 richest Americans “have seen their combined wealth increase $283 billion, an increase of almost 40 percent.”

Those 12 people primarily benefited from the …

Echo Chamber US Politics: The “All About Trump” Democratic National Convention By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 23 2020

It was hard to stomach.  The usual suspects, the usual scripts tatty from overuse.  The 2020 Democratic National Convention was a prolonged display of avoidance, evasion and theatrical amnesia.  There were moments of formality masquerading as promise: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Washington’s Role in Thailand’s “Student Protests”, Destabilize Thailand, Undermine Thai-Chinese Relations By Tony Cartalucci, August 23 2020

Virtually every aspect of “student protests” in Thailand are funded and backed by the US and aimed at destabilizing a key partner of China, reversing Thai-Chinese relations, and advancing Washington’s Beijing containment policy. 

  • Thailand is a key partner of China’s
Senate Voting Record of Kamala Harris. Pro-Big Money, Pro-Israel, Pro-War Dem Foot Soldier By Stephen Lendman, August 23 2020

The US political season never ends. It’ll be in high gear post-conventions this month.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, US 2020 presidential aspirants, groups working on their behalf, “leadership PACs, super PACs, dark money outlets,” and other sources

The Carney/Freeland “Green Reset” Shapes Canada’s ‘New Normal’ By Matthew Ehret-Kump, August 23 2020

Surprising ruptures have shaken the Canadian political landscape this week as Trudeau’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that she would add “Finance Minister” to her portfolio the day after scandal-ridden Bill Morneau stepped down from the position on the

From Lockdown to Police State: The “Great Reset” Rolls Out By Ellen Brown, August 23 2020

Mayhem in Melbourne

On August 2, lockdown measures were implemented in Melbourne, Australia, that were so draconian that Australian news commentator Alan Jones said on Sky News: “People are entitled to think there is an ‘agenda to destroy western

Does the Face Mask Protect You From Covid? Ask Dr. Anthony Fauci. When He Spoke against the Mask, It Was Categorized as “Fake News” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 22 2020

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) described as one of the world’s leading experts on infectious diseases was until recently categorically against wearing the face mask.

He offered advice and provided specific …

US Elections: Dissecting the Democrats in 2020 By Michael Welch, Mark Robinowitz, and Ajamu Baraka, August 22 2020

There’s a term: ‘Good Cop. Bad Cop.’ And Trump is the ‘bad cop.’ Biden is the ‘good cop.’

-Mark Robinowitz, from today’s interview.



Click to download the audio (MP3 format)

The race that …

The Covid-19 “Big Lie”: Is This What You Want for Your Children? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 21 2020

The Daily Mail has come out with an incisive review of a Kinder-garden in Thailand which has applied the model of social engineering imposed by the Royal Thai government.

Similar guidelines have been imposed by governments throughout the World. 


NATO Poses a Threat to Belarus: Why Did Russia Reaffirm Its CSTO Support to Belarus but Not to Armenia? By Andrew Korybko, August 21 2020

Russia’s reaffirmation of its CSTO mutual defense obligations to Belarus was made in response to Lukashenko’s claims that NATO poses a threat to Belarus, which Moscow evidently believes are at least credible enough to remind the alliance about its red

The Fault Dear Citizens… Elections… By Philip A Farruggio, August 21 2020

” … Is not in our stars but in ourselves”. Paraphrased right out of Shakespeare (Julius Caesar) you have it in a nutshell, for all of you, like myself, who actually vote.

It seems that during each and every major

The ‘Snapback’ Iran Stunt Will Blow Up in Pompeo’s Face By Daniel Larison, August 21 2020

Following last week’s humiliating rebuke of the U.S. at the Security Council, Mike Pompeo is going to the United Nations in a transparent, bad-faith effort to trigger the so-called “snapback” provision to reimpose U.N. sanctions on Iran. Only JCPOA participants

Belarus: Why Is Lukashenko Being Color Revolutioned Just Now? By F. William Engdahl, August 21 2020

The globalist Powers That Be have clearly decided to topple the long-standing sole-ruler of Belarus, President Aleksander Lukashenko. The question is why at just this time? There is a case to be made that one reason is he is

Lancetgate: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to Treat Covid-19 Patients. Why Was this “Monumental Fraud” Not a Huge Scandal? By Daniel Espinosa, August 21 2020

A high-profile and highly influential scientific study regarding the potential of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid-19 patients was retracted among suggestions of fraud back in June. The research in question was headed by a renowned Harvard professor called Mandeep Mehra

How Israel Wages War on Palestinian History By Jonathan Cook, August 21 2020

When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in 2002 – filming immediately after the Israeli army had completed rampaging through the West Bank city, leaving death and destruction in its wake – he chose an unusual

Russia/US New START Extension Talks, No Resolution of Major Differences By Stephen Lendman, August 21 2020

In not renewed, New START expires on February 5, 2021.

Months earlier, Trump falsely called it a “bad deal.”

He never read it and knows no more about it than what Pompeo and other regime hardliners told him.

The decade-ago …

Video: Idlib Is Burning. New Proxy War in Deir Ezzor By South Front, August 21 2020

The series of unfortunate events involving the US-led coalition, Turkey and Turkish proxies continues in Syria’s Greater Idlib.

Late on August 19 and early on August 20, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) shelled positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near Haranabush …

Agenda ID2020: The Diabolical Agenda within the Agenda. “Genetically Modified Humanity” By Peter Koenig, August 21 2020

“A Wakeup Call to the World” – this is what Dr. Carrie Madej calls the hidden agenda within the barely talked about ID2020.

What is envisaged is a “genetically modified humanity” (GMH) so as to better control, command the world

Drug Trafficking Militias Massacre Social Leaders in Colombia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 21 2020

In Colombia, a terrible wave of violence affects the people and especially traditional indigenous communities. According to United Nations data, more than 40 murders of social leaders have occurred this year alone.

Last Tuesday, August 18, three Indians of the …

US to Tighten Venezuela Sanctions after Gasoline Seizure By Ricardo Vaz, August 21 2020

The Trump administration is reportedly considering ending all Venezuela oil sanctions exemptions in October.

“Whatever oil business is left has to be completed (by the deadline),” an anonymous source told Reuters, while a State Department spokesman said Washington continues

The Real Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines By Tony Cartalucci, August 21 2020

Before even debating the efficacy, safety, and necessity of different vaccines – one must get past the fact that the most corrupt corporations on Earth hold a monopoly over their development (and the profits made from them). 

Forbes in their …

Mismanagement of the Covid Crisis: Governments and Their Agencies Are Killing Their Own People? By Mark Taliano, August 21 2020

Governments subservient to globalist diktats are willfully killing their own people in the name of fighting a misnamed “pandemic”.

SARS-COV-2, the virus said to be the causative agent of COVID-19, has been neither isolated nor purified. Nevertheless, even according to …

Underpaying Casual Staff and Forgetting Education: The Australian University Formula By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 21 2020
750 Million Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Approved for Release in Florida Keys By Center for Food Safety, August 20 2020

The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) yesterday approved the first-ever U.S. release of genetically engineered mosquitoes. Despite public outcry and scientific dispute over the human health and environment risks posed by this field trial, the approval permits the release

Trump Regime Unilaterally and Illegally Imposing Snapback Sanctions on Iran By Stephen Lendman, August 20 2020

Unanimously adopted Security Council Resolution 2231 that affirmed the JCPOA nuclear deal eliminated UN sanctions on Iran.

Its provisions and the P5+1 approved nuclear agreement are binding international and US constitutional law under the Supremacy Clause — Article VI, Clause

Berlin Dismisses Washington’s Threats: The Construction of the Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline with Russia Will Proceed By Paul Antonopoulos, August 20 2020

Although the U.S. can threaten Germany, now during the American election campaign, threats cannot prevent the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. It is interesting to observe how for the first time this century

Beware the US-Israel-UAE Strategic Agenda for the Arab Region By Rami G. Khouri, August 20 2020

It certainly was dramatic, as US President Donald Trump announced in the White House Thursday an agreement by the United Arab Emirates and Israel to move to full normalisation.

But is it really a harbinger of wider peace in the

The CIA Versus the Kennedys By Jacob G. Hornberger, August 20 2020

Former Congressman Ron Paul and his colleague Dan McAdams recently conducted a fascinating interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which focused in part on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, who was Kennedy Jr.’s uncle. The interview

How the US Helped Push Lebanon to the Brink of Collapse, and Now Threatens More Sanctions By Ben Norton, August 20 2020

While the media blames the crisis in Lebanon solely on corruption, the US government unleashed a “maximum pressure” campaign to push regime change and crush Lebanese resistance with sanctions and aggressive hybrid warfare.


As the people of Lebanon suffer …

In Further War Crime, Israelis Cut Electricity to Gaza, Idling 50,000 Factory Workers By Prof. Juan Cole, August 20 2020

The government of far right Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu cut off fuel for the sole power plant in the Gaza Strip, a small Palestinian territory surrounded on three sides by and blockaded by Israel. As a result, on Monday

All Spying All the Time: The Insatiable Appetite of the US Government to Spy on Everyone in America. By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 20 2020

During this summer of madness in Portland, Oregon, and sadness over COVID-19, two below-the-radar events occurred implicating the insatiable appetite of the United States government to spy on everyone in America. Regular readers of this column know that the feds

Planet in Crisis, Higher Values of Society Corrupted, The Expression of Moral and Ethical Values By Julian Rose, August 20 2020

One cannot fail to recognise the ubiquitous crisis in all forms of leadership that exists on the planet today. Qualities of wisdom, courage and statesmanship, once admired and emulated by aspiring people of principle, have been undermined and sterilised via

The Belarusian Labor Strike Movement Could Bring Down Lukashenko By Andrew Korybko, August 20 2020

Belarus’ disproportionate budgetary dependence on five big businesses makes it extremely vulnerable to economic destabilization if the tiny percentage of the country’s population employed in those companies join in the nationwide labor strike movement to remove Lukashenko.

“The Economic Factor

Medical Fascism: Australia Plans to Make Covid-19 Vaccine ‘as Mandatory as Possible’ Once Proven Safe By Samantha Maiden and Charis Chang, August 20 2020

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he intends to make a Covid-19 vaccine as “mandatory as you can possibly make it” for all Australians once it becomes available.

It emerged today that the Morrison Government has confirmed a landmark agreement …

USAID Document Exposes New US Plot to Overthrow Nicaragua’s Elected Socialist Government By Ben Norton, August 20 2020

A disturbing new document outlines plans for a US regime-change scheme against Nicaragua’s elected leftist government, overseen by USAID, to bring about a “market economy” and a purge of Sandinistas.


A newly released document exposes a US government operation …

Privatization of Urban Areas? American Cities Need Bailouts Not More Usurious Bond Schemes By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 20 2020

On August 14, the final abandoned home was demolished with the more than $265 million in Hardest Hit Funds initially designed to preserve neighborhoods as opposed to their destruction in the majority African American city of Detroit. (See this)

Video: In Mysterious Incident US Military Lost Two MQ-9 Reapers over Idlib By South Front, August 20 2020

The shaky stability established in Syria after the end of the Turkish attack on the Syrian Army in Idlib in February and March of 2020 has collapsed.

Just a day after the confrontation between the US military and the Syrian …

The Hariri Assassination: Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) Verdict. Fake Justice on Behalf of Israel By Stephen Lendman, August 20 2020

In May 2007, Security Council Resolution 1757 established the STL “on the outskirts of the Hague.”

Ten SC members voted “yes,” none “no,” Russia, China, South Africa, Indonesia, and Qatar abstaining.

Five judges were involved in proceedings, Judge David Re

Memoir of a World Watcher: Diana Johnstone By Diana Johnstone and Bonnie Faulkner, August 20 2020

We discuss Diana Johnstone’s memoir, “Circle in the Darkness”:

Yugoslavia under Tito; bombing of Serbia; Camp Bondsteel; spook revelation journalism;

Paris in 1968; anti-war movement of the ‘60s; legacy of Charles de Gaulle; Europe occupied since WWII;

the Greens; …

Trump Regime Further Escalates War on China’s Huawei By Stephen Lendman, August 20 2020

Chinese tech giant Huawei calls itself “an independent, privately-held company that provides information and communication technology (ICT)…connect(ing) over three billion people in (over) 170 countries.”

The company is leading the race to roll out 5G technology, its market potential worth

Was COVID-19 a Cover for an Anticipated or Planned Financial Crisis? By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 20 2020

A major sign of financial distress in the US economy kicked in in mid-September of 2019 when there was a breakdown in the normal operation of the Repo Market. This repurchase market in the United States is important in

The Hariri Assassination: Israel ’s Fingerprints By Rannie Amiri, August 20 2020

This incisive article by Rannie Amiri focussing on Israel’s spy ring in Lebanon was first published by Global Research on July 23, 2010. The article also addresses the role of the UN sponsored Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL)

Is it …

The Assassination of Yasser Arafat was Ordered by The Israeli Cabinet: “We will Choose the Right Way and the Right Time to Kill Arafat.” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 20 2020

First published on November 19, 2013.

Author’s Note 

Who killed Hariri, Who killed Arafat? 

According to the August 18, 2020 verdict by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) in The Hague Salim Ayyash was found guilty of killing Prime Minister 

Covid-19: Lockdown of the Global Economy of Planet Earth. Diabolical Project: The Closing Down of 193 National Economies Is Not “A Solution” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, August 19 2020

Planet Lockdown. Devastating economic and social consequences. 

We are living one of the most serious crises in modern history. 

According to Michel Chossudovsky, the coronavirus pandemic is used as a pretext and a justification to close down the global

Video: US-led Coalition Struck Syrian Army Checkpoint after US Patrol Was Blocked in Northeastern Syria By South Front, August 19 2020

For the first time in about a year, Syrian pro-government forces and the US-led coalition found itself engaged in what seems to be direct clashes near the village of Tal al-Dhahab in northeastern Syria.

Syrian sources said that on August …

New Normal? Better Normal! Economic and Social Impacts of Lockdown. Director-General of the ILO By Guy Ryder, August 19 2020

In these times of COVID-19 , the big challenge for most of us is how to protect ourselves and our families from the virus and how to hold on to our jobs. For policy-makers that translates into beating the pandemic

From Empire Back to Republic? Toward the Restoration of the American Republic. Towards A National Anti-Imperialist Consensus? By Prof. Charles McKelvey, August 19 2020

In the 2010 book American Empire Before the Fall, Bruce Fein maintains that beginning with the notion of Manifest Destiny and the launching of war against Mexico in 1846, and culminating in the endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the