Global Research News

Climate Change
Guy McPherson: Climate Change and the Debate on Near Term Extinction of Humans and all Life on Earth By Michael Welch, August 29 2020

“To put it simply, our fate as a species is sealed. We’re headed for extinction in the very near term despite warnings dating more than 150 years. It’s a tragic tale. And, as foretold by evolutionary biologist George C. Williams,

COVID-19 Scientific Statements Contradict Government Lockdown Policies. Fake Death Certificates By Mark Taliano, August 29 2020

This article was first published on May 12, 2020


There exists a huge disconnect between publicly available real scientific evidence and government policy surrounding the Covid crisis. Consider the following scientific “admissions” and how they contradict government “lockdown” policies:

Video: US-Russia “Road War” in Northeastern Syria By South Front, August 28 2020

Four US service members were slightly injured during a standoff with the Russian Military Police near the border-town of Al-Malikiyah in the Syrian province of al-Hasakah. According to reports, the US troops received “mild injures” after their MaxxPro MRAP vehicle

Will Trump Pardon Edward Snowden? By Robert Fantina, August 28 2020

The name ‘Edward Snowden’ represents different things to different people. For those interested in government transparency and the rule of law, he is a hero, a man who initially tried to go through the ‘proper’ channels to publicize

Questioning COVID19: Why I Will Never Trust the Medical Establishment About Respiratory Disease. A Case History By Anita McKone, August 28 2020

If you are interested in finding out the truth about the Covid19 scare, you can look for information in many areas. Understanding the corporate (profit-driven) and petrochemical-based history of the medical establishment helps. Being aware of the lack of scientific

Netanyanu the “Crime Minister”, Once Again, Battling for His Political Life, … Immunity from Arrest? By Michael Jansen, August 28 2020

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyanu is, once again, battling for his political life and personal freedom. Thousands of protesters calling for him to resign have continued to mount protests outside his official residence in Jerusalem. They demand he step down

Definitive Eurasian Alliance Is Closer than You Think By Pepe Escobar, August 28 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

We have seen how China is meticulously planning all its crucial geopolitical and geoeconomic moves all the way to 2030 and beyond.

What you are about to read next comes from a

Video: Lies, Damned Lies and Coronavirus Statistics By James Corbett, August 28 2020

This report was first released on April 17. It provides a detailed understanding of the lies and fabrications pertaining to COVID-19


The numbers are in on the great Covid-19 pandemic . . . but unfortunately those numbers are unreliable.

Mandating Mass Compulsory Covid Vaccine Violates the Nuremberg Code? Hazardous Health Toxins By Stephen Lendman, August 28 2020

If ordered by federal, state, or local authorities, businesses or other entities in the US or elsewhere, mandating mass-vaxxing against COVID-19 will violate the Nuremberg Code.

All vaccines contain hazardous to human health toxins and are unsafe to use —  …

China’s Project to Create A “Digital Yuan” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 28 2020

The topic of cryptocurrencies has gained prominence among specialists in international trade in recent months. With the global economic crisis generated by the new coronavirus pandemic, this need has become even more evident. The world powers enter a new race,

Waiting for the Old Bailey: Julian Assange and Britain’s Judicial Establishment By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 28 2020

On September 7, Julian Assange will be facing another round of gruelling extradition proceedings, in the Old Bailey, part of a process that has become a form of gradual state-sanctioned torture.  The US Department of Justice hungers for their man. 

Kyle Rittenhouse. Senseless Violence Across America… By Mike Whitney, August 28 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t go to Kenosha to shoot protestors; he went to protect the property and lives of the people who were threatened by a rampaging mob that had already destroyed large parts of the city. That’s why he was

Planting Trees Can Reduce Poverty and Slow Climate Change By Jacqueline Skalski-Fouts, August 28 2020

Humanitarian crises have recently been declared in Sudan, Yemen, Niger, Mali, and Somalia—affecting at least 450,000 people—due to flash floods and landslides. Areas with low tree coverage and poor soil quality are more likely to

“Modern Attila the Hun” Ravages Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iran… China and Russia Block The Momentum, Are They the Next Targets? By Carla Stea, August 28 2020

In 1991-1992, just prior to, and following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US gloated over its global supremacy which, of course guaranteed its unfettered dominance of United Nations agencies, the most powerful of which is the UN Security

“Made in Bangladesh”. Women Workers in Dhaka Factories Fight For Their Rights. A Union Story By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 28 2020

If you’re gathering evidence of the victimization of Muslim women, this is not your film. Yes, Made in Bangladesh highlights exploitation in a country, most of whose citizens are Muslim. But this film’s focus is women workers: people working to

Confess to COVID: Just Short of Witch Burning. There Was a Covid “Vaccine” Before the Pathogen… By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 28 2020

Despite the lamentations and orders from Geneva or the local capitals of Capital, I refuse to believe that COVID-19 or the putative pathogens are a principal challenge to humanity– except for those using these viruses for policing and/ or culling

Belarus Crisis Through the Lens of Ukraine By Dmitriy Kovalevich, August 28 2020

On August 9, presidential elections were held in Ukraine’s neighbor, Belarus. Economically, they are mutually dependent on each other, and Russia is too, but currently it seems as if trade, like flights, could soon be put on hold. Meanwhile, far

3 Oil Majors that Bet Big on Renewables By Alex Kimani, August 28 2020

Big Oil has frequently been chided for merely trying to burnish its green credentials, and so far, it has done little to convince us that it is truly moving forward to greenness. Despite the much-vaunted megatrend involving the global electrification

Ministry of Defence Blacklists British Journalists Who Report on UK Military By Richard Norton-Taylor, August 28 2020

The British Ministry of Defence has blacklisted Declassified UK, a media organisation producing in-depth, critical journalism on UK foreign and security policies. It is the latest attempt by Whitehall to censor the media and the National Union of Journalists has

COVID-19 Measures Unconstitutional: Legal Proceeding against Prime Minister Trudeau: Filed in Ontario Superior Court By Ted Kuntz, August 27 2020

We are living in unprecedented times. The mass and indiscriminate containment of citizens, the restriction of access to parliament, the courts, medical and educational services, the destruction of local economies and livelihoods, and the requirement to physically distance, along with

Remdesivir for Covid-19: $1.6 Billion for a “Modestly Beneficial” Drug? By Elizabeth Woodworth, August 27 2020

First published on August 1, 2020

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has recently “bought” all of Gilead Science’s Remdesivir for $1.6 billion. “500,000 doses at $3,200 per patient – to be available to American hospitals but

Stanford Study Proves Covid-19 Was Overhyped. “Death Rate Is Likely Under 0.2%” By Tony Cartalucci, August 27 2020

First published on April 17, 2020


MIT Tech Review’s hyped coverage of the Covid-19 outbreak is led by the tag-line, “Navigating a world reshaped by Covid-19.”

Their articles reflect an eager embracement of the public hysteria prompted by Covid-19’s

Politicizing Alexey Navalny’s Illness By Stephen Lendman, August 27 2020

Politicized claims that Putin critic Navalny (with scant public support) was poisoned appear greatly exaggerated.

On Tuesday, Moscow’s Health Department Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination director Sergey Shigeev explained the following:

“There is a lot of information in the media

NBA Players Respond to Police Shootings of Jacob Blake and Other Black Youths By Stephen Lendman, August 27 2020

Police in America kill over 1,000 victims annually, mostly Black and Latino youths.

Incidents without just cause happen with disturbing regularity nationwide in urban and rural communities.

US inner city minority communities are virtual war zones. Most often, cops act …

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Pulls Out of Planned Meeting in Washington with Netanyahu By David Hearst, August 27 2020

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, pulled out of a planned visit to Washington DC next week to meet the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after he feared that the news had leaked and that his

India’s Island Bases Might be a Game-Changer in Its Regional Competition with China By Andrew Korybko, August 27 2020

India’s plans to construct full-fledged fighter bases in the union territories of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands (below) as well as Lakshadweep (2nd map below) might prove to be game-changers in its regional competition with China by enabling New Delhi

Trump’s Postmaster General Should be Returned to Sender By James E. Varner, August 27 2020

President Trump’s postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, recently testified before Congress about major slowdowns in mail delivery under his watch.

As a 20-year postal veteran, I had only one reaction: DeJoy needs to be Returned to Sender.

DeJoy, a Trump …

Watch: French Professor Says There Is No Second Wave By Prof. Jean-François Toussaint and OffGuardian, August 27 2020

In a recent interview on French television Prof. Jean-François Toussaint of the Université Paris-Descartes has said that hysteria over a “second wave” in France is based on the widespread misinterpretation of data. His main points are as follows:

  1. Deaths in
Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Do Not Lead to Reduced COVID Transmission Rates or Deaths, New Study Suggests By Prof. Stephen C. Miller, August 27 2020

A new National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper by Andrew Atkeson, Karen Kopecky, and Tao Zha focused on countries and U.S. states with more than 1,000 COVID deaths as of late July. In all, the study included 25

US Is Willing to Dismantle the UN Security Council to Put Pressure on Iran By Scott Ritter, August 27 2020

In a world where American exceptionalism and unilateralism has become common currency, the brazenness of Secretary of State Pompeo’s bid to impose “snap back” inspections of Iran takes the cake. Moreover, it’s doomed to fail.

When it comes to

Let’s Talk U.S. Foreign Policy: It Is the Root Cause of Many Evils By Philip Giraldi, August 27 2020

As the United States sinks deeper into a multi-faceted global crisis that no politician seems able or even willing to address, one hears more and more often demands for radical change in who runs the country and to what end.

Houthis’ War on Terror in Yemen By South Front, August 27 2020

Since the start of the Saudi intervention in Yemen in March 2015, the official Saudi propaganda, Western diplomats and mainstream media outlets have been arguing that the coalition is somehow combating terrorists there.

As a part of this narrative, Saudi …

Over 65 Organizations Call on Home Depot and Lowe’s to End Sales of Cancer-linked Roundup By Friends of the Earth, August 27 2020

Sixty-six organizations representing over 7.5 million members sent letters to Home Depot (NYSE: HD) and Lowe’s (NYSE: LOW) today urging them to remove Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides from store shelves and online sales. The organizations, representing consumers, environmentalists, beekeepers

After Beirut Blast, Israel Revives Tales of Hezbollah Ammonium Nitrate Terror Plots By Gareth Porter, August 27 2020

Israeli intelligence is polishing off a dubious propaganda campaign to suggest Hezbollah was to blame for the recent catastrophe in Beirut. But the factual record either contradicts Israeli claims or reveals a complete dearth of evidence.


Israeli officials have …

Saving Our Seals – 28 Sea Mammals Rescued after Becoming Trapped in Plastic Junk By Olga Gertcyk, August 27 2020

This was a first expedition by volunteers and activists to rescue seals trapped in plastic rubbish on the island, a breeding ground in the Sea of Okhotsk, off Sakhalin.

Each year, these shores are a magnet for seals and sea …

The Age of Disputed Presidencies – Is Democracy in Crisis? By Uriel Araujo, August 27 2020

In 1378, it was not clear who the true Pope was. Depending on whom one asked, it was either Clement VII, nowadays listed as an Antipope in the Catholic Encyclopedia, or Urban VI. This was a time of crisis in

Spies or Journalists? Western Media Deliberately Covers Up US Meddling in Thailand By Tony Cartalucci, August 27 2020

The Western media functions more as lobbyists or even foreign intelligence agencies rather than real journalists by deliberately omitting facts, fabricating others, and all to ensure maximum momentum of what is verified US political interference in a foreign country. 


Video: Russian, Syrian Forces Operation against ISIS Terrorists By South Front, August 27 2020

Russian and Syrian forces eliminated 327 ISIS militants during a joint security operation that took place in the desert areas of Homs and Deir Ezzor from August 18 to August 24.

According to the Russian side, strikes of the Syrian …

HBO’s ‘Welcome to Chechnya’ Is Latest Anti-Russian Cold War Propaganda By Max Parry, August 27 2020

In 2017, explosive allegations first emerged that the authorities of the Chechen Republic were reportedly interning gay men in concentration camps. After a three year period of dormancy, the accusations have resurfaced in a new feature length documentary by HBO

Instability in Mali Caused by Imperialist Foreign Policy By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 27 2020

A mutiny by lower-ranking military officers on August 18 in the West African state of Mali has prompted the condemnation of regional, continental and international organizations.

President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was forced over the national media to resign from office …

Burying the Hatchet Act: Donald Trump’s Unconventional Convention By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 27 2020

Conventions suggest norms, a set of accepted rules.  Behaviour is agreed upon in advance.  In the case of US political conventions, there is much cant and gaudy ceremony.  Certain transgressions are simply not contemplated.  But the Trump administration is freighted

Argentina Wants to Recover the Falkland Islands By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 27 2020

The desire to regain sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (called “Malvinas” by the Argentines) has for decades been deeply rooted in the Argentine people. In fact, the British occupation of the territory, made possible by the English victory in the

Global Capitalism, “World Government” and the Corona Crisis By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 27 2020
The COVID-19 crisis is marked by a public health “emergency” under WHO auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to triggering a Worldwide process of economic, social and political restructuring.
Deloitte Accountancy Firm Gets Another Huge COVID Contract – For ‘Crazy’ Plan to Test Millions Each Day By Adam Ramsay and Seth Thévoz, August 26 2020

The British government had plans to test everyone in the country for coronavirus every week by October – and it’s handed most of the work to the global accountancy firm Deloitte, openDemocracy can reveal. Labour MP Clive Lewis has dubbed

Video: Covid-19 Lies: No Masks, No Lockdowns, No Social Distancing! Mass Mobilization in Ireland By Global Research News, August 26 2020

Ireland is leading a movement.  

The Statistics are manipulated.

More people will die as a result of the closing down of the global economy.  

No justification for the schools to be closed down. 

No justification to wearing a face mask.

Is the Russian Government as Insouciant as the American People? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 26 2020

Something is wrong in the Russian government and in the governments of former Soviet Republics. 

In 2014, the president of Ukraine stood aside and disarmed his police and Putin went off to the Olympics, while Washington-financed “Maidan protests” overthrew the

The China-US Trade Deal, Uncertainty and Instability of the Global Economy By Andrew Korybko, August 26 2020

Everything is so uncertain around the world that the international community craves some semblance of structural stability around which they can rebuild their economies. China and the US’ reaffirmation of their trade deal fulfills this much-needed role, which in turn

US Elections 2020 and the Corporate Media By Robert Fantina, August 26 2020

Irony is dead, or at least one might think so by observing several articles about Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar’s recent re-nomination. Article after article references her statement that U.S. officials’ support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins”, and

Manufacturing Misconceptions About Iran and the Persistent Misguided Decisions of the US Government By Iran-Eurica, August 26 2020

The narrative of “regime change in Iran” has turned into a profitable industry run by those who indoctrinate White House officials with misperceptions about the course of events in Iran, and by doing so, mislead US policies vis-à-vis Tehran. Indeed,  

Kamala Harris: The Archetypal Flawed U.S. Political Candidate By Adeyinka Makinde, August 26 2020

Joe Biden’s selection of U.S. Senator Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential running mate, was lauded by an editorial opinion in the British Guardian as “a safe and historic appointment”. But a cursory examination reveals Harris to be the archetype of

Robot Generals: Will They Make Better Decisions than Humans or Worse? By Michael T. Klare, August 26 2020

With Covid-19 incapacitating startling numbers of U.S. service members and modern weapons proving increasingly lethal, the American military is relying ever more frequently on intelligent robots to conduct hazardous combat operations. Such devices, known in the military as “autonomous

Geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific Region: Strategic Cooperation between Indonesia and India By Uriel Araujo, August 26 2020

The Indo-Pacific Region (IPR) is a geopolitical area that comprises parts of the Indian and Pacific oceans. But there is more to it than that. The maritime domain is indeed an important theater for geopolitical competition. The rise of Chinese

BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven: British Man Won Law Suit against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up By Global Research News, August 26 2020

This article was first posted on Global Research in March 2015. It is of crucial significance. It proves that the collapse of WTC building seven was a “terrorist act”. Both CNN and the BBC had foreknowledge of the collapse.

A …

Did Pompeo Breach the Hatch Act and State Department Regulations? By Stephen Lendman, August 26 2020

On Tuesday, Pompeo addressed the Republican National Convention from Jerusalem, his remarks prerecorded. See below on what he said.


Was his unprecedented act by a US secretary of state unlawful?

According to the 1939 Hatch Act, US executive branch …

Trump’s 50 Promises to be Broken By Stephen Lendman, August 26 2020

All politicians lie. Rare exceptions prove the rule.

Trump elevated dissembling to a whole new level. Take nothing he says seriously.

His serial lying is so extreme that he may no longer be able to distinguish between facts and fiction.…

Catholics Against Nukes: Archbishop Wester, the Church and Nuclear Deterrence By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 26 2020

In what is a turn-up for the books, a senior voice of the Catholic Church made something of an impression this month that did not incite scandal, hot rage, or the commencement of an investigation.  It did, however, agitate a

Beijing’s Decades-long Policies in Xinjiang, CIA Interference, Funding of Separatist and Terrorist Groups By Shane Quinn, August 26 2020

Central to China’s rise as a global power are the attempts to increase its influence over Xinjiang, the country’s biggest and most mineral rich region. Xinjiang has been part of Chinese territory since the mid-18th century, longer than the existence

Can the US Stop Russia from ‘Pulling a Crimea’ in Belarus? By Andrew Korybko, August 26 2020

US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun is rushing to Moscow from 25-26 August in a desperate attempt to stop Russia from “pulling a Crimea” in Belarus after the ongoing Color Revolution there has thus far failed to depose Lukashenko

Lawsuit Against Trump Administration’s Push to Drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge By Environment America, August 26 2020

Environment America along with other environmental organizations and the Gwich’in Steering Committee filed a lawsuit Monday against the Trump administration over plans to begin oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The suit argues that the government

China‘s Growing Agriculture Crisis. Devastating Shocks: Swine Fever, Floods, Droughts. By F. William Engdahl, August 26 2020

For the past months the Peoples’ Republic of China has been subject to one after the other devastating shocks to its agriculture sector. A deadly outbreak of African Swine Fever that halved China’s huge pig herds in 2019, was followed

The CIA Democrats in the 2020 Elections. More Military-Intelligence and FBI Candidates By Patrick Martin, August 26 2020

In the course of the 2018 elections, a large group of former military-intelligence operatives entered capitalist politics as candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 50 congressional seats—nearly half the seats where the Democrats were targeting Republican incumbents or open

Venezuela’s Foreign Minister and Canadian Public Call for No Military Operation Against Venezuela By Arnold August, August 26 2020

This is how Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jose Arreaza, direct from Caracas during the August 20, 2020 historic Zoom Conference, responded to a question about the threat of a US-led military intervention in Venezuela:

“Maybe they [Canadian government officials] can

Video: Massive Explosion Rocks Syria’s Arab Gas Pipeline. Terrorist Attack By South Front, August 26 2020

A large explosion rocked the Arab Gas Pipeline in Syria on August 24 causing a blackout in the country’s capital Damascus and multiple other cities and towns.

The explosion occurred between the towns of Ad Dumayr and Adra the a …

Iran Shops for Weapons in Moscow, while the US Is Sidelined By Steven Sahiounie, August 26 2020

The UN arms embargo on Iran will expire in October, and Iran is now shopping for Russian military hardware, including the S-400. The US suffered a humiliating defeat at the UN on Aug. 14, as they tried to

Attack of the Tomato Killers: The Police State’s War on Weed and Backyard Gardens By John W. Whitehead, August 26 2020

“They came again this morning at about 8:00 o’clock. A large cargo-type helicopter flew low over the cabin, shaking it on its very foundations. It shook all of us inside, too. I feel frightened … I see how helpless and

The Dangers of the COVID Operation. Dr. Roberto Petrella By Dr. Roberto Petrella, Vanessa Beeley, and Mark Taliano, August 26 2020

What do we know?

We know that the tests do not work but governments pretend that they do. We also know that some vaccines sterilize people. Warp Speed vaccine preparation almost guarantees vaccine injury, plus it is an entirely new

Alexey Navalny Poisoned? By Stephen Lendman, August 25 2020

Claims by German doctors that Navalny was poisoned appear greatly exaggerated. See below.


Russian political figure with scant public support, sharp Putin critic, Western media darling Navalny supported by the CIA and NED became ill onboard a flight to …

Global Research: Shedding Light on Complex Issues By The Global Research Team, August 25 2020

Dear Readers,

The goal of the Global Research website is to shed light on complex and controversial issues often neglected by the mainstream media. You help this light shine brighter by sharing the information we publish, engaging in research and …

Hoping to Seize on UAE-Israel Deal, Pompeo and Kushner Head East in Search of New Allies for Israel By Raul Diego, August 25 2020

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump adviser Jared Kushner are hitting the road in an attempt to strong-arm more Arab states into normalizing relations with Israel, turning their backs on Palestine and isolating Iran.


U.S. Secretary of …

China’s Belt and Road (BRI): Investment and Lending Practices in Developing Countries. Is There a “Debt Trap”? By Jemma Nott, August 25 2020

China’s One Belt One Road project has been a great source of speculation for some time since its announcement by the Communist Party of China and China has since fielded a barrage of endless accusations that they are seeking to

Newly Strengthened Albanian Political Power in North Macedonia Will Not Lead to a Greater Albania By Paul Antonopoulos, August 25 2020

North Macedonia conducted elections on July 15 that were originally scheduled for April 12 but were postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. On August 18, the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) and the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) reached

‘Unprecedented and Wrong’: Pompeo Slammed for Plans to Address GOP Convention from Jerusalem By Jessica Corbett, August 25 2020

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign announced Sunday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will address this week’s Republican National Convention—news that sparked swift criticism both because it’s unprecedented for the nation’s top diplomat to participate in this type of political

The Covid Crisis: Governments Are Faking It, and Copying Each Other By Jeffrey A. Tucker, August 25 2020

A mystery for months is how it is that so many governments in so many different places on earth could have adopted the same or very similar preposterous policies, no matter the threat level of the virus, and without firm

The DNC and the Politics of Betrayal. Political and Moral Bankruptcy of the Democratic Party By Black Alliance for Peace, August 25 2020

The political and moral bankruptcy of the Democratic Party was on full display last week. First it was the convention of the Democratic Party, where the progressive wing of the party was pushed to the margins while the victorious, neoliberal

“Poisoned” Kremlin Critic Flown to Germany as German-Russian Nord Stream 2 Nears Completion By Tony Cartalucci, August 25 2020

The perfectly timed poisoning of unpopular, ineffective Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny and the involvement of Germany comes as Washington sought to place maximum pressure on Berlin to cancel the German-Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 


Russian opposition figure Alexey …

This Month’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, August 25 2020
Free Speech be Damned: Joshua Krook and the Australian Public Service By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 25 2020

There was very little controversial about it.  A featured blog post in the Oxford Political Review, authored in April by Joshua Krook, suggested that COVID-19 had brought a host of benefits for big tech companies.  Isolation ushered people towards online

Rashomon American Style. Truth Is Somewhere in Between By Philip Giraldi, August 25 2020

Many journalists and op-ed pundits have been observing how the United States has become two nations that are seemingly divided along a red-blue line, each side believing in “facts” that are irreconcilable with those “facts” believed to be true by

US to Tighten Venezuela Sanctions after Gasoline Seizure By Ricardo Vaz, August 25 2020

The Trump administration is reportedly considering ending all Venezuela oil sanctions exemptions in October.

“Whatever oil business is left has to be completed (by the deadline),” an anonymous source told Reuters, while a State Department spokesman said Washington continues

Video: Pro-Iranian Forces Attack US Convoys Withdrawing from Largest Base in Iraq By South Front, August 25 2020

The US military has been facing increasing pressure from local resistance forces and pro-Iranian groups in Iraq.

On August 21, an improvised explosive device (IED) reportedly struck a vehicle of company working with the U.S.-led coalition in Aweerij, south of