Global Research News

Video: Justice Rising. 9/11 in 2020 By AE911Truth, September 03 2020

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is thrilled to present “Justice Rising,” an online conference on the continuing struggle for 9/11 justice and the destructive trajectory of the post-9/11 world.

The conference will run from Friday, September 11, to Sunday,

Pakistan, Kashmir, and the Necessity of Dumping the Old and Embracing the New By Junaid S. Ahmad, September 03 2020

The rapidly shifting geopolitical realities, every new emerging international security situation, and (especially) current circumstances in South Asia behoove Pakistan to treat the Kashmir issue as its top priority – and thankfully Islamabad is doing that. The recent statement by

How an “Act of God” Pandemic Is Destroying the West By Prof Michael Hudson, September 03 2020

The U.S. is Saving the Financial Sector, not the Economy

Before juxtaposing the U.S. and alternative responses to the corona virus’s economic effects, I would like to step back in time to show how the pandemic has revealed a deep

Pompeo in Jerusalem: And the Walls Came Tumblin’ Down By Philip Giraldi, September 03 2020

There has been considerable controversy regarding Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s Republican National Convention address pre-recorded at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and aired last Tuesday night. As usual however, the discussion, if one might dignify it using

Trump Regime Sanctions ICC Officials for Investigating US War Crimes By Stephen Lendman, September 03 2020

Unlawfully imposed US sanctions on targeted nations, entities and individuals are weapons of war by other means.

On Wednesday, Pompeo said the Trump regime blacklisted ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and the court’s Jurisdiction, Complementary, and Cooperation Division head Phakiso

Lithuania Blocks the Development of Its Own Economy By Jonas Dringelis, September 03 2020

Admittedly, a lot of good happened over the last years in Lithuania, but unfortunately we have also see political leadership that is not interested in developing their own country.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slammed Lithuania’s alleged “undemocratic methods” to …

“Humiliation”: Exxon Dumped Out Dow Jones Industrial Index after Nearly 100 Years By Andy Rowell, September 03 2020

The big financial news yesterday was that, despite the pandemic, Wall Street just recorded its best August in more than 30 years.

However history was also made in what is yet another seismic shift in the financial clout of the

How the Israel-UAE Deal Could Leave Jordan Out in the Cold By Dr. Nicolai Due-Gundersen, September 03 2020

With the signing of the Abraham Accord, UAE Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash praised the formalisation of Israeli ties as a “bold initiative of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed” that has frozen West Bank annexation to allow “more time for

Putin Didn’t Fall for Lukashenko’s Claim that Poland Intends to Annex Belarus’ Grodno Region By Andrew Korybko, September 03 2020

Lukashenko’s entirely speculative claim last week about Poland’s supposed intention to annex Belarus’ Grodno region was nothing more than an attempt to trick Putin into “pulling a Crimea” by compelling him to comply with Russia’s CSTO mutual defense obligations to

Germany Alleges Alexei Navalny Poisoned with Nerve Agent Used in Salisbury By Nauman Sadiq, September 03 2020

In a statement [1] released Wednesday morning, Germany’s federal government said special toxicology tests carried out on Alexei Navalny since he arrived from Russia had given “unequivocal proof” that a Novichok agent had been used on the Russian dissident.

Navalny …

Fruits of Illegality: The NSA, Bulk Collection and Warrantless Surveillance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 03 2020

He has become part of the furniture when it comes to discussions about privacy rights and personal liberties, arguably an odd sort of thing for a man who also dealt in the shadows of intelligence secrets.  But Edward Snowden has

Power Rivalry in the East Mediterranean Continues Despite COVID-19 Pandemic By Paul Antonopoulos, September 03 2020

The summer of 2020 will certainly be remembered for many events, and most of them unrelated to the 21st century’s first pandemic. In the East Mediterranean, four key events stand out among others this summer – tensions and hostilities between

The Reason Why Italy Deploys Its Fighters in Lithuania By Manlio Dinucci, September 03 2020

In Europe civil air traffic is expected to drop by 60% this year compared to 2019, due to Covid-19 restrictions, putting more than 7 million jobs at risk. On the other hand, military air traffic is growing.

On Friday, August

Southern Africa Region Calls for Solidarity with Mozambique By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 03 2020

Over the last several months the security situation in the Cabo Delgado province of the Republic of Mozambique has worsened in the aftermath of several armed attacks by a self-proclaimed Islamist group.

One strategic port town, Mocimboa da Praia, was …

India Implodes Its Own New Silk Road By Pepe Escobar, September 03 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

There was a time when New Delhi was proudly selling the notion of establishing its own New Silk Road – from the Gulf of Oman to the intersection of Central and

For Years, Journalists Cheered Assange’s Abuse. Now They’ve Paved His Path to a US Gulag By Jonathan Cook, September 03 2020

Court hearings in Britain over the US administration’s extradition case against Julian Assange begin in earnest next week. The decade-long saga that brought us to this point should appall anyone who cares about our increasingly fragile freedoms.

A journalist and

The Program to Mask Society is a Grotesque Governmental Manipulation of a Frightened and Confused Public. By Prof. Bill Willers, September 02 2020

“Anyone who believes anything the US government says is gullible beyond the meaning of the word.” –Paul Craig Roberts, 2014

The dramatic reversal in official U.S. policy regarding facial masking is epitomized by, first, the May, 2020 report

Video: Israeli Missiles Target Iran-Hezbollah backed Forces in Southern Syria By South Front, September 02 2020

Late on August 31, air defense forces of Syria were activated to repel Israeli missile strikes on the countryside of the Syrian capital of Damascus and the southern part of the country. According to reports, Israeli missiles targeted positions of

Wasting the Elderly: Coronavirus and the Calculus of Death By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02 2020

The director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has welled-up because of it.  In March, he feared that the world’s elderly citizens risked being marginalised in any pandemic policy.  “If anything is going to hurt the world,

‘The Corruption Is Bottomless’: Documents Reveal Chair of Postal Service Board Is Director of McConnell-Allied Super PAC By Jake Johnson, September 02 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s deep and longstanding ties to U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors chairman Robert Duncan are coming under heightened scrutiny after corporate paperwork filed Monday listed Duncan as a director of a major GOP super PAC

Facebook Threats and News Opportunities By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02 2020

News and information can only go so far.  Despite the utopian fluffiness about having multiple platforms, the consumers of news want only one thing: the reassurance that their prejudice is secure and their world view left unchallenged.   The reader of

US Seeks Formal Alliance Similar to NATO with India, Japan and Australia By Robert Delaney, September 02 2020

Washington’s goal is to get countries in the Indo-Pacific region to work together as a bulwark against ‘a potential challenge from China’, says the US official- He says the four nations are expected to meet in Delhi sometime this autumn

NATO Begins Provocative Military Exercises on Russian Border By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 02 2020

Once again, NATO is operating dangerous and bold military maneuvers in regions close to the European Russian border. This time, the country hosting the tests is Estonia, a Baltic State that in recent decades has been characterized by a strong

US Seeks Anti-China Alliance, Flashpoint Taiwan Strait By Stephen Lendman, September 02 2020

Sino/US relations are more fraught with dangers than at any time since Nixon’s 1972 meeting with Mao in Beijing — followed by formal normalization of relations by Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping in 1979.

Growing mistrust and friction define bilateral …

Since 9/11, the Government’s Answer to Every Problem Has Been More Government By John W. Whitehead, September 02 2020

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”—Anonymous

Have you noticed that the government’s answer to every problem is more government—at taxpayer expense—and less individual liberty?

Canadian Media Disinformation, Touts COVID “Compliance” Instead of “Science”. Face Masks, Social Distancing, Why are People Protesting By John C. A. Manley, September 02 2020

The CBC (the Canadian Brainwashing Corporation) published an article about Saturday’s lockdown protest in Ottawa. It heralds with this ironic deck: “Online misinformation about pandemic safety measures thriving.” Ironic, because CBC’s website has been one of the most abhorrent purveyor

All the Latest on Trump’s War on Our Public Postal Service By Sarah Anderson, September 02 2020

The House passed legislation to defend the Postal Service, but unless the Senate takes action, the Postmaster General will be free to continue policies that have slowed the mail and raised concerns about mail-in voting.


Pesticides’ Devastating Impacts on Endangered Species By Center For Biological Diversity, September 02 2020

The Center for Biological Diversity filed a formal notice of intent to sue today over the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Revised Methods” for assessing pesticide risks to endangered species.

At the request of the pesticide industry, the EPA made …

What Can We Learn from Cuba? Medicare-for-All Is a Beginning, Not the End Point By Don Fitz, September 02 2020

As a coup de grâce to the Bernie Sanders campaign Joe Biden declared that he would veto Medicare-for-All.  This could drive a dedicated health care advocate to relentlessly pursue Med-4-All as a final goal.  However, it is not the final

What the UAE-Israel Deal Really Means for the Middle East By Simon Watkins, September 02 2020

The announcement on 13 August that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will normalise relations, around the same as Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he was suspending plans to annex more areas of the West Bank

Facing Downturn in U.S. and Global Markets, Big Oil Targets Africa to Dump Plastics By, September 02 2020

American oil companies are keen to export more plastics to Africa through Kenya. According to the New York Times, a lobby group representing Big Oil and chemical companies, including Shell, Exxon and Total, has been pushing the US government

In Times of COVID-19, Black People Die Twice in Brazil By Leonardo Sakamoto, September 02 2020

Leonardo Sakamoto reflects on the police killing of João Pedro Matos Pinto, a 14-year-old black boy, and one of many Brazilian George Floyds.


João Pedro Matos Pinto was a 14-year-old black boy. On 18 May, he was playing with …

Big Pharma’s Man at FDA to Approve Coronavirus Vaccine Before Clinical Trials Completed? By Stephen Lendman, September 02 2020

At times, meds are more dangerous than diseases they’re supposed to protect against or cure.

Independent experts agree that all vaccines are hazardous to human health because they contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), and other toxins able to weaken

Who Are the War Criminals? North Korea and the “Axis of Evil”. General Curtis LeMay: “Over a period of 3 years or so we killed off – what – 20% of the Population.” By Brian S. Willson, September 02 2020
"Over a period of three years or so we killed off - what - twenty percent of the population [of North Korea]" (General Curtis Lemay)
Global Research: Help Us Cover Our Operational Costs By The Global Research Team, September 02 2020

Global Research is a small team that believes in the power of information and analysis to bring about far-reaching societal change. Do you value the reporting and in-depth analysis we provide, free of charge, on a daily basis? Do you …

If Trump Tries to Hijack the Election, We Must be Ready to Resist By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 02 2020

We publish this incisive analysis by Dr. Marjorie Cohn with a view to encouraging debate on the 2020 elections. The broader issue is that both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are a threat to democracy in the US.



Nigeria: The Politics of Ethnicity, Its Impact on Development and Biafra’s Quest for Self-Determination By Maazi Oluchi Ibe and Kester Kenn Klomegah, September 01 2020

Undoubtedly, Nigeria has entered a period of political uncertainty. With the next presidential election fast approaching, some politicians and experts are strongly advocating for, among others, a constitutional review considered as the best way to preserve peace and stability in

Vote-by-Mail Issue Could Lead to Violence By Philip Giraldi, September 01 2020

The debate over voting by mail in America in November generally is defined by the interests of the two major political parties. Democrats insist that such voting enfranchises large numbers of citizens who would not otherwise be able to vote

Ending Poverty, Hunger and War = Racial Justice? By Black Alliance for Peace, September 01 2020

The Black Lives Matter slogan and the demand for “racial justice” echo as the defining characteristic of the ongoing resistance from Portland to Kenosha. But the drama of the moment obscures the limitation of these demands. What we mean is

Are We Deliberately Trying To Provoke A Military Crisis With Russia? By Ted Galen Carpenter, September 01 2020

A dangerous vehicle collision between U.S and Russian soldiers in Northeastern Syria on Aug. 24 highlights the fragility of the relationship and the broader test of wills between the two major powers.

According to White House reports and a Russian

How Pakistan’s Military Created Rift Between Imran Khan and Modi? By Nauman Sadiq, September 01 2020

During his stint in power as Pakistan’s prime minister until July 2017, Nawaz Sharif had nurtured cordial working relationship with India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Narendra Modi. This, along with his role in Kargil

Video: Dummy Soldiers and Abandoned Battle Tanks: Israel Prepares for War with Hezbollah By South Front, September 01 2020

Hikers in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights found at least 5 armed and unguarded Merkava Mk. IV battle tanks.

The doors of the battle tanks were open with equipment and munitions left completely unguarded inside. The incident took place amid the

End Life Sentences for Non-Violent Crimes By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, September 01 2020

It does not seem possible that here in the United States, a country that has long prided itself on its humanity, a man could be serving a life sentence for stealing hedge clippers. Yet, shocking as it is, Fair Wayne

Russia-Sanctions-Gate: Trump Sanctions Three Russian Research Institutes By Stephen Lendman, September 01 2020

Russia won the race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. On August 11, its Sputnik V was registered for use by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Development of the vaccine followed 20 years of research, what its scientists called another …

Canada’s Regime Change Efforts in Nicaragua Rife with Hypocrisy By Yves Engler, September 01 2020

Canada is supporting US efforts to overthrow Nicaragua’s government.

A recently leaked USAID document highlights “the breadth and complexity of the US government’s plan to interfere in Nicaragua’s internal affairs up to and after its presidential election in 2021.” …

There’s a Problem with the Belarus Protest Movement: Svetlana Tikhanovskaya By Johanna Ross, September 01 2020

Politologist Georgii Bovt gave an interview recently in which he said: ‘A movement which doesn’t have a leader, program, or strategy, will die’. In fact, the expert gave the Belarus protest movement one more month at best. A pessimistic prognosis

China Retaliates Against US Entity List By Stephen Lendman, September 01 2020

US war on China by other means because of its growing prominence on the world stage has both countries on a potential collision course toward direct confrontation if cooler heads in Washington don’t step back from the brink.

Unacceptable US …

US Intervention in Nicaragua. Washington’s Stated Intent to “Destroy Public Order” and Engage in “Violent Actions”: Brian Willson By S. Brian Willson, September 01 2020

33rd Anniversary of Brian’s Surviving the US Train Assault in California, September 1, 2020 in front of the US embassy, Managua, Nicaragua

Buenos dias.  I am here today in front of the US Embassy in Managua to protest US intervention

An American Journey: 1635 Arrival to 2020 U.S. Catastrophe By Richard C. Cook, September 01 2020

I set out to write a commentary on current economic events for this engagement, with a focus on monetary issues. But the current nightmarish scenario in the U.S. is so confusing and is moving at such a rapid speed, that

KOVID-19: “Virus Terrorism” in Korea? How Powerful Is the “Virus Weapon”? Who Will Win? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, August 31 2020

South Korea has been the object of praise and envy of the world for its great success in anti-virus war, off-line presidential election despite the virus crisis and the best performance in GDP growth among the OECD countries. In fact,

Here’s How the U.S. Could Release a COVID-19 Vaccine before the Election—and Why that Scares Some By Jon Cohen, August 31 2020

When President Donald Trump accepted his party’s nomination for another term last night at the Republican National Convention, he pledged that the push by his administration’s Operation Warp Speed to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine would succeed “before the end of

To Capture and Subdue: America’s Theft of Syrian Oil Has Very Little to Do with Money By Steven Chovanec, August 31 2020

Years of US support to Al-Qaeda and ISIS and efforts to effect regime change in the country have culminated in the theft of Syria’s oil, but is that really America’s coup de grâce in Syria?

Near the end of …

Lawsuit against Trump Administration over ‘Reckless and Unprecedented’ Gutting of Bedrock US Environmental Law By Jessica Corbett, August 31 2020

A coalition of 27 U.S. states, commonwealths, territories, counties, and cities filed a federal lawsuit on Friday challenging the Trump administration’s “unlawful, unjustified, and sweeping revisions” to a 50-year-old law that the president claimed would “streamline” infrastructure projects by limiting

‘A Perpetual Motion Machine Of Killing’: Alleged Cover-Up of Civilians Murdered by UK Special Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan By Media Lens, August 31 2020

On August 1, a rare in-depth investigative piece appeared on the BBC News website based on credible and serious allegations that UK Special Forces had executed unarmed civilians in Afghanistan. The BBC article was produced in tandem with a report

Who Will Win November’s US Presidential Elections? … Israel? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 31 2020

The US presidential elections coming this November will determine whether the current President Donald Trump or the Democratic nominee Joe Biden (if his mental capabilities are still intact) will run the White house.

But whether Trump or Biden becomes president,

Is Russia Backtracking on China’s “Belt and Road” (BRI)? Moscow’s Balancing Act Between China and India By Andrew Korybko, August 31 2020

The critical assessment of China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) last month by the influential Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Far Eastern Studies coupled with India’s eagerness all summer to court the Eurasian Great Power into

US Elections 2020: Hillary Tells Jo Biden Don’t Concede if You Lose By Stephen Lendman, August 31 2020

War goddess Hillary never left the political stage gently into that good night.

Eager to avenge her loss to Trump in 2016, she keeps resurfacing instead of fading away like old soldiers.

With Biden holding a commanding lead in most …

Battleground South China Sea? Growing US Hostility toward China By Stephen Lendman, August 31 2020

US hostility toward China’s growing political, economic, technological, and military prominence risks possible direct confrontation between both nations.

China seeks peace and cooperative relations with other countries in stark contrast to Washington’s aim for unchallenged dominance by whatever it takes …

US Sanctions Russian Research Institute that Developed COVID-19 Vaccine By Ben Norton, August 31 2020

Russia won the race to develop the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus. The United States has responded by slapping sanctions on a Russian research facility involved in creating it.

The US government has blacklisted several Russian scientific institutes, including …

From Cotton to Brinjal: Fraudulent GMO Project in India Sustained by Deception By Colin Todhunter, August 31 2020

Insecticidal Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton is the first and only GM (genetically modified) crop that has been approved in India. It has been cultivated in the country for more than 20 years. In a formal statement to the Supreme Court

Video: The USA and Nicaragua Now: Brian Willson By S. Brian Willson and Tortilla Con Sal, August 31 2020

Tortilla con Sal: We’re here with Brian Willson, Viet Nam veteran and onetime criminal lawyer. Brian has written extensively about US imperialism and its effects around the world and what people in Nicaragua are especially interested in right

Israel’s Characteristic Beirut Hypocrisy By Asa Winstanley, August 31 2020

The massive explosion which devastated Beirut earlier this month was nothing short of a catastrophe. Some 220 people lost their lives and, according to the BBC, as many as 300,000 people are now homeless as a result. This is

Venezuela’s Oil Industry Between Sanctions and Strategic Blunders: A Conversation with Carlos Mendoza Potella By Prof. Carlos Mendoza Potella and Cira Pascual Marquina, August 31 2020

Carlos Mendoza Potella is an economics professor at Venezuela’s Central University and advisor to Venezuela’s Central Bank. He recently spoke to Venezuelanalysis about the origins of the crisis in the country’s oil industry and what that means for its future.

What Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Iraq Means for Ending America’s Endless Wars By Dr. Trita Parsi, August 31 2020

The Wall Street Journal scoop on the details of the Trump administration’s troop withdrawal from Iraq is welcome news. Reportedly, President Donald Trump is cutting U.S. troop levels by one- third, to about 3,500 troops from 5,200. This move would

Trump’s Hotel in Vancouver Files for Bankruptcy By Tasnim News Agency, August 31 2020

The Trump International Hotel in Vancouver has closed permanently just three years after opening, and the management company that owns it has filed for bankruptcy, The Hill reported.

Hotel operator TA Hotel Management Partnership Ltd. filed for bankruptcy on Thursday, …

Saudi Troops Join U.S. Base in Oil-Rich Northern Syria By Josh Owens, August 31 2020

Twenty Saudi soldiers arrived this week at a U.S. military base close to an oilfield in northeastern Syria, according to Iranian media, which cite a report from a Lebanon-based Arabic-language TV channel. 

At the end of last year, Saudi …

China Warns of “Accidental” Military Confrontation with US By Orinoco Tribune, August 31 2020

China’s military has warned of an unintentional military confrontation with the US if it does not halt its naval operations in the South China Sea, insisting that recent US activities in the region are instigating such hostilities.

The warning came …

EU Supports US Coup Plot Against Belarus, Imposes Illegal Sanctions By Stephen Lendman, August 31 2020

Nearly always, EU countries are subservient to Washington’s geopolitical agenda — no matter how unlawful.

Support by Britain, France, Germany (the E3), and Brussels for Iran’s right to buy and sell conventional arms once the UN embargo on the practice

Video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Demo Berlin on August 29, 2020 By Energie Service Zentrale Mitte, August 31 2020


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Video: Robert F Kennedy Jr. in Berlin: COVID-19 Is Destroying Us All, Making the Powerful Elites More Powerful!! By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, August 31 2020

By the Children’s Health Defense Team 

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to hundreds of thousands in the streets of Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2020.

With Großer Stern Square and the Siegesäule Monument as a backdrop, Mr. Kennedy talked about

Fraudulent Covid Data: Inflating the Numbers. “Double-Counting”, Manipulation of Test Results By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 30 2020

According to a Daily Mail report (August 14) the British authorities have been involved in the practice of “double-counting” the official RT-PCR test results. It is presented as an unfortunate error or mistake:  

“Ministers have quietly wiped 1.3million Covid-19 swabs …

Syria’s Pharmaceutical Industry Develops Cure to Fight Covid By Miri Wood, August 30 2020

Thameco Pharmaceutical has begun domestic manufacturing of azithromycin as part of Syria’s fight against the COVID pandemic. Dr. Fida Ali, the company’s General Manager, made this exciting announcement in an interview with SANA.

Dr. Ali noted that Thameco has …

The Twilight of Democracy in the United States. Architecture of a Totalitarian Police State By Donald Monaco, August 30 2020

The United States has erected the legal and institutional architecture of a totalitarian police state.

Institutionally, the national security autocracy has merged with the military, law enforcement and a vast private intelligence network to create a massive physical apparatus of

The US and Russia Collide, while Syrians Call for US Withdrawal By Steven Sahiounie, August 30 2020

Wednesday’s collision between the US military occupying the northeast of Syria, and the Russian military legally present there, showcases the drama unfolding, as the occupiers are being handed a cue: “Yankee Go Home”.

Sheiks and elders of the Arab Al-Uqaydat …

U.S. Control of Alexandroupolis Port Will Not Help to Protect Greece from Turkey By Paul Antonopoulos, August 30 2020

The Greek Private Asset Utilization Fund (HRADF) will sell a 67% stake of Alexandroupolis Port in northern Greece near the border with Turkey and Bulgaria. Two American companies are believed to be interested in the deal. Selling a port of

Video: UAE and Israel Plan to Create Intelligence Bases on Yemen’s Socotra Island By South Front, August 30 2020

Israel and the United Arab Emirates are going to create a military intelligence-gathering infrastructure on Yemen’s Socotra Island, according to Arab and French sources.

The 3,650km2 island, located south of the Yemeni mainland in the Indian Ocean, overlooks the Bab …

The Stage Is Set for a Venezuela October Surprise? By Leonardo Flores, August 30 2020

The hybrid war against Venezuela is intensifying as the U.S. presidential campaign is heating up. The Trump administration and its Venezuelan and international allies have set the stage for an October surprise, a possible attack by the United States or

September 11, 2001: “The Global War on Terrorism” is Fake. Al Qaeda is “Made in America” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 30 2020

Next week, at the height of the Covid crisis, we will be commemorating 9/11. It was 19 years ago. It was a criminal undertaking and a Big Lie. It was a pretext and justification to initiate the “Global War on

Video: Canada Anti-Civid Measures Rally in Ottawa on Parliament Hill, Against the Mask and Social Distancing By Mark Taliano, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt, and Christy, August 30 2020

In the first video, Pastor Henry Hildebrandt of the Church of God, in Aylmer, ON., decries the government’s infringement of Canadians’ Constitutionally-enshrined freedoms to assemble and to worship.

He sees the government-imposed COVID measures as a form of social conditioning.…

Prior to the Cold War: US Nuclear Plans Entailed Blowing Up Hundreds of Chinese, Soviet and Eastern European Cities By Shane Quinn, August 30 2020
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.