Global Research News

Thousands of Covid Cases but Zero Hospitalizations in Colleges: This Is Good News. But States and Colleges Force Draconian Lockdowns By Daniel Horowitz, September 09 2020

Remember the goal of flattening the curve? Ensuring that hospitals weren’t overrun? Well, what do you call a scenario where thousands of cases result in zero hospitalizations? I’d call it the ultimate flat curve – or downright flat line. Yet

Assange’s Guilt by Accusation Extradition Show Trial Resumes By Stephen Lendman, September 09 2020

Powerful forces in the US and UK want Assange crucified for the unforgivable “crime” of truth-telling investigative journalism the way it should be on vital for everyone to know geopolitical issues.

That’s what his slow-motion extradition to the US trial …

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 7 By Craig Murray, September 09 2020

This morning we went straight in to the evidence of Clive Stafford Smith, a dual national British/American lawyer licensed to practice in the UK. He had founded Reprieve in 1999 originally to oppose the death penalty, but after 2001

Julian Assange, Prometheus Bound By Pepe Escobar, September 09 2020

This is the tale of an Ancient Greek tragedy reenacted in AngloAmerica.

Amid thundering silence and nearly universal indifference, chained, immobile, invisible, a squalid Prometheus was transferred from the gallows for a show trial in a faux Gothic court built

Is “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) the Mask Behind Which the Oligarchs Operate? By Mike Whitney, September 09 2020

Here’s your BLM Pop Quiz for the day: What do “Critical Race Theory”, “The 1619 Project”, and Homeland Security’s “White Supremacist” warning tell us about what’s going on in America today?

  1. They point to deeply-embedded racism that shapes the behavior
Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road from 9/11 to COVID-19 By John W. Whitehead, September 09 2020

“No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end.”—George Orwell

You can map the nearly 20-year journey from the 9/11 attacks to the COVID-19 pandemic by the freedoms we’ve

Video: Outside the London Show-trial of Julian Assange: John Pilger’s Speech By John Pilger, September 09 2020

Veteran investigative journalist and filmmaker John Pilger delivered the following speech outside London’s Old Bailey Central Criminal Court on Monday, the first day of resumed show-trial proceedings for the extradition of Julian Assange to the US. Pilger, along with a

Rest in Power, Kevin Zeese (1955 – 2020) By Margaret Flowers, September 09 2020

It is with a sad heart that I report the sudden and unexpected death of Kevin Zeese early Sunday morning. Kevin was working up until the end and died in his sleep of a possible heart attack.

There will be

Canadian Troops in Saudi Arabia a Legacy of Support for Iraq War By Yves Engler, September 09 2020

The revelation that Canadian soldiers have been in Saudi Arabia for 17 years highlights Canada’s ties to the repressive monarchy, contribution to the Iraq war and hollowness of Canadian foreign policy mythology.

Recently researcher Anthony Fenton tweeted,

raise your

‘Horrifically Catastrophic’: Report Finds So-Called US War on Terror Has Displaced as Many as 59 Million People By Jake Johnson, September 09 2020

The ongoing U.S. “war on terror” has forcibly displaced as many as 59 million people from just eight countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia since 2001, according to a new report published Tuesday by Brown University’s Costs of

Assange’s Second Day at the Old Bailey: Torture, Drone Strikes and Journalism By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 09 2020

The highlights of the second day of Julian Assange’s extradition proceedings at the Central Criminal Court in London yielded an interesting bounty.  The first was the broader public purpose behind the WikiLeaks disclosures, their utility in legal proceedings, and

Documents Proving the FBI Has Withheld Critical Information from 9/11 Families and the American People By Declassify 9/11, September 09 2020

Below is a series of documents that proves the FBI has withheld critical information from 9/11 families and the American people.


DOJ UBL Interpol

2002 DOJ Response to Request for Osama Bin Laden Arrest Warrant

The 2002 D.O.J. response to the 9/11 …

Alexey Navalny, Novichok and Western Psy-ops By Nauman Sadiq, September 08 2020

Novichok must be the most cryptic and deceptive chemical placebo ever developed by the erstwhile super-power that exploded the world’s largest 50 megaton Tsar Bomba in its heyday in the 1960s, because victims infected by it create an ephemeral stir

Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize It and Why By Dr. Gregory Sinaisky, September 08 2020

It is difficult not to notice something contrived in the currently announced “pandemic” of the Novel Covid-19 virus. Media coverage of this event has all the hallmarks of a coordinated hysterical campaign, namely:

  • the use of emotions instead of numbers
Serbia Normalizes Relations with Kosovo, Serbia’s Embassy Moves to Jerusalem… By Paul Antonopoulos, September 08 2020

Within the agreement on the normalization of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina, which was signed in Washington last week, it was agreed that Serbia would move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It was this part

Turkish Military Strikes Syrian Army, Suffers First Casualties Since March By South Front, September 08 2020

Syrian-Turkish tensions have ramped up in the region of Greater Idlib over the past few days.

On September 5, heavy clashes between Syrian troops and Turkish-backed militants broke out near the town of Fleifel and Saraqib in southeastern Idlib, near …

Your Man in the Public Gallery: the Assange Hearing Day 6 By Craig Murray, September 08 2020

I went to the Old Bailey today expecting to be awed by the majesty of the law, and left revolted by the sordid administration of injustice.

There is a romance which attaches to the Old Bailey. The name of course …

American National Debt Increases and Becomes Unpayable By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 08 2020

The American national debt situation is reaching an extremely worrying point for the country’s stability. Recently, the debt reached its highest point since World War II, and is currently equivalent to the totality of the American economy itself. Debt has

Gates Foundation is Also Destabilizing Africa’s Food Economy. The Restructuring of Global Food Production By F. William Engdahl, September 08 2020

The same Gates Foundation which is behind every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic from financing much of the WHO budget, to investing in favored vaccine-makers like Moderna, is engaged in a major project in Africa which is destroying traditional small

The Palestinian National Project: No Rallying Plan In Sight…Yet By Rima Najjar, September 08 2020
Sinking Transparency at the Old Bailey: The Assange Extradition Hearing Resumes By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 08 2020

The fine circus that is British justice resumed at London’s Central Criminal Court on September 7, with the continued extradition proceedings against Julian Assange.  Judge Vanessa Baraitser was concerned that approximately 40 individuals had received remote video access they apparently

Political Pardon Given by Maduro May Be a Checkmate against Venezuelan Opposition By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 08 2020

In Venezuela, Juan Guaidó no longer appears to be the leader of the opposition. The forgiveness of 110 opponents by President Nicolás Maduro completely fragmented the political wing opposing the regime, which, in practice, removes from Guaidó the “monopoly” of

US Wants to Convert QUAD into “Asian NATO” By Paul Antonopoulos, September 08 2020

Speaking last week at the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, US Deputy Defense Secretary Stephen Biegun said that the US wants the defence relations with India, Japan and Australia – known as “the QUAD” – to resemble something more closely to

The US Must Grow Up and Respect Iranian Independence By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, September 08 2020

One of the lessons from our recent visit to Iran as a Peace Delegation is that Iran is a mature country. It is 2,500 years old, ten times as old as the United States and one of the world’s oldest

From 9/11 to Covid-19: 19 Years of Media Lies. By Dr. Eric Beeth, September 08 2020

Our media is dutifully reminding us that it was 19 years ago since the traumatic events of 9/11.

Here in Brussels, we usually have a solemn ceremony every Sept 11th in front of a large twisted metal beam from one

Will Trump Pardon Snowden and Assange if Re-elected? By Nauman Sadiq, September 08 2020

Speculations about a presidential pardon for the whistleblower Edward Snowden, who leaked National Security Agency’s classified information to the press in 2013, have grown since last month after Donald Trump commented on the case in an interview [1] with The

Kevin Zeese: A Tireless, Towering Voice for Peace and Justice By Felicity Arbuthnot, September 08 2020

A tireless, towering voice for peace and justice has departed, leaving a hole in many hearts, his unexpected loss also rendering many eloquent fellow travellers lost for words in grief and shock.

Kevin Zeese died early on Sunday 6th September …

¡Kevin Zeese, PRESENTÉ! By Black Alliance for Peace, September 08 2020

The anti-imperialist and anti-war movement suffered a great loss early Sunday morning with the sudden passing of activist Kevin Zeese.

Margaret Flowers, his life partner, captured the sentiments of many of us who knew Kevin and were shocked by …

Is the UN Preparing for the “Second Covid Lockdown”? Oppressive Measures Worldwide, Obedience and Acceptance… By Peter Koenig, September 08 2020
That’s the level of fearmongering going on – justifying obliging face masks in public places and shops and closed areas. Also, new emphasis is put on ‘social distancing’. People are to be trained and reminded at every corner to stay away from each other.
The Israel-Palestine Conflict, Annexation and “Normalization”. Towards “Greater Israel” By South Front, September 07 2020

As the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on with no end in sight, Israel and the US have launched an all-out push to resolve the conflict once and for all, on Israel’s terms. If the manoeuvre is successful, Israel will end up

Owners of Oil Tankers Seized by the US File Lawsuits By Ken Hanly, September 07 2020

The US unilaterally imposes its own sanctions universally as much as it can becoming the self-appointed global policeman. Many countries obey because of the financial and military power of the US.


US must prove oil is from Iran and

US/NATO Preparing for War on Russia? Six Military Exercises at Russia’s Doorstep By Stephen Lendman, September 07 2020

Wars by hot and other means are all about Washington’s main strategy to advance its imperium — seeking dominance over other nations, their resources and populations by brute force if other methods don’t achieve its objectives.

From inception, the US …

Beirut Explosion: The Missing Lebanese Link By Mayssoun Sukarieh, September 07 2020

In the immediate aftermath of the Beirut port blast last month, we have seen concerted efforts by principal political actors in Lebanon to diffuse and deflect responsibility. 

Different parties have accused one another of corruption in relation to the mishandling …

Serbia’s ‘Balancing’ Act Between West And Russia. Empty Slogan to Disguise Pro-US Policies. De Facto Recognition of Kosovo By Andrew Korybko, September 07 2020

Serbian President Vucic just discredited his own over-hyped “balancing” act between Russia and the West over the weekend after he de-facto recognized the NATO-occupied Province of Kosovo & Metohija under the cover of “economic normalization” and then committed to moving

Julian Assange: Future Generations of Journalists Will Not Forgive Us if We Do Not Fight Extradition By Peter Oborne, September 07 2020

Let’s imagine a foreign dissident was being held in London’s Belmarsh Prison charged with supposed espionage offences by the Chinese authorities.

And that his real offence was revealing crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party – including publishing video footage

The “Stalinist” Trial of Julian Assange By John Pilger, September 07 2020

Having reported the long, epic ordeal of Julian Assange, John Pilger gave this address outside the Central Criminal Court in London on September 7 as the WikiLeaks Editor’s extradition hearing entered its final stage. 

When I first met Julian

Sweden Now Has a Lower COVID-19 Death Rate than the US. Here’s Why It Matters By Jon Miltimore, September 07 2020

For months, Sweden was the punching bag of the world’s media and politicians.

For foregoing a lockdown, Sweden was declared a “cautionary tale” by The New York Times.

“Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown,”

As British Judge Made Rulings Against Julian Assange, Her Husband Was Involved with Right-wing Lobby Group Briefing Against WikiLeaks Founder By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, September 07 2020

The husband of the chief magistrate overseeing Julian Assange’s extradition case was closely associated with a lobby group publicly criticising the WikiLeaks founder around the time his wife was ruling against Assange, it can be revealed.


Westminster chief magistrate…

Trump Regime to Blacklist China’s Top Chipmaker? By Stephen Lendman, September 07 2020

Pompeo reinvented China beyond where other US Chinaphobes have ever gone before.

Falsely calling its ruling authorities Washington’s greatest foreign threat, he recited a litany of fake news about the country days earlier.

Spending a small fraction on its military …

US-Russia Tensions Flare Up on Multiple Fronts By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 07 2020

Amidst the escalating tensions with China, the United States should have kept the troubled relationship with Russia on an even keel. But the opposite is happening. For the first time since the presidential election in Belarus on August 9, Washington

Israel Could Build Military Base in UAE, Iranian Report Claims By The New Arab, September 07 2020

An Iranian report has warned against “undeclared aims” in the UAE-Israel normalisation agreement, which could include the establishment of an Israeli military base in the United Arab Emirates in order to help it gain a foothold in the Gulf

Russia – Nord Stream 2 vs. Poisoning of Alexei Navalny By Peter Koenig, September 07 2020
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
Vaccine Nationalism, Big Promises and Warped Speed By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 07 2020

From sneering dismissiveness of the coronavirus as nothing more than a common cold to a grand promise to find a vaccine, President Donald Trump is all promises. “We remain on track to deliver a vaccine before the end of the

Australian Government’s Own Website Admits COVID Tests Are Totally Unreliable By Dr. David James, September 07 2020

Imagine going to a doctor suspecting you may have a serious illness and being told that there are 2 tests available. With the first test, a swab, they do not know, should you record a positive result, whether or not

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa By 21st Century Wire, September 07 2020

This really should be one of the biggest public health scandals of the decade, but instead it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.


The United Nations has been forced

New Engineering Report Finds Privately Built Border Wall Will Fail By Jeremy Schwartz and Perla Trevizo, September 07 2020

The report, set to be filed in federal court this week, confirms reporting from ProPublica and The Texas Tribune that found portions of the wall were in danger of overturning if not fixed due to extensive erosion just months after

The Struggle for Belarus on Russia’s Geopolitical Doorstep By Stephen Lendman, September 06 2020

Protests in Belarus since longtime President Lukashenko was legitimately reelected on August 9 were made in the USA.

Despite his authoritarian rule, most Belarusians support him over an unacceptable alternative — transformation of the country into a neo-Nazi US vassal

US B-52 Bombers Back in Britain: Escalating Nuclear Tension By Kate Hudson, September 06 2020

Six US Air Force B-52 bombers arrived at RAF Fairford on Saturday. Official sources describe it as ‘a long planned training mission’, carrying out theatre and flight training across Europe and Africa. But local news site GloucestershireLive describes it as

We Are Living in a Plastic World By Dr. David Suzuki and Ian Hanington, September 06 2020

Almost every product and material we refer to as “plastic” is made from fossil fuels. Most of it hasn’t been around for long — a little over 70 years for the most common products. North American grocery stores didn’t start

Channelling EU Money to the Military industry Under the Guise of ‘Industrial Policy’ By Dirk Adriaensens, Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, Eric Toussaint, and et al., September 06 2020

On 23 July, the vast majority of the Left Group (GUE/NGL) in the European Parliament approved, together with the social democratic (S&D), Green and rightist (EPP, Renew) parties, a resolution which opposes the ‘European deal’ of 21 July, in which

Pandemic Reflexes: Lockdowns and Arrests in Victoria, Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 06 2020

Ugly.  Rough.  The police of the Australian state of Victoria muscling their way in.  The father and children watching.  It had all arisen because the pregnant mother in question had engaged in conduct defined as incitement.  In a post on

Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Messaging: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, September 06 2020

A Columbia Journalism Review expose reveals that, to control global journalism, Bill Gates has steered over $250 million to the BBC, NPR, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, the New York Times, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The

Video: Idlib Question and Prospects of New Syrian-Turkish Confrontation By South Front, September 06 2020

The southern part of Greater Idlib remains the main point of instability in Syria. The military situation, which had temporarily stabilized after the end of the Turkish attack on the Syrian Army codenamed “Operation Spring Shield”, is once again deteriorating.

Navalny Poisoning – The Real Target Is Russian-German Nord Stream 2 Pipeline By Tony Cartalucci, September 06 2020

US-NATO continue building “momentum” behind Navalny incident – hope to end Nord Stream 2 pipeline before facts emerge, the pipeline is completed, and as all other options have so-far failed.  


Alexei Navalny is the ideal opposition figure for any …

The “End of Poverty” Illusion: Global and East Asian Realities in the COVID-19 Pandemic By Prof. Mel Gurtov, September 06 2020

The World Bank’s Poverty Illusion

Ever tried living on $1.90 a day? That is the World Bank’s “International Poverty Line (IPL).” If your income is at or below that figure, you are living in “extreme poverty.” In fact, it’s a

20 Years: A Generation and a Day in Development Life. Morocco’s High Atlas By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, September 06 2020

As so many of us ask when we commemorate an anniversary of decades: where have all the years gone? Have we done all we can? Have we been of true service? Did we do right?

We also may wonder on …

German Politicians Want to Stop Nord Stream 2 Due to Assassination Attempt of Russian Opposition Leader By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 06 2020

The case of the alleged assassination attempt of the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny has generated much controversy and discussions worldwide. In Germany, where Navalny is currently, the political controversy surrounding the case is taking on particularly large proportions. The

Wa Ni Ska Tan: Hydro-electricity and impacts on Indigenous and other communities By Michael Welch, September 06 2020

“We have no money to fight hydro so we’ve got to fight back with words and with words we can fight back. By telling the truth about what really is happening in these communities.”

– Gerald McKay, Fisher Grand Rapids, …

Lies of Omission: China’s Xinjiang “Internment Camps”, Extremist Terrorist Groups in Uighur-Xinjiang By Tony Cartalucci, September 05 2020

For years now Western media and governments have maintained an almost ceaseless barrage against China over what they claim are networks of “internment camps” built and used in China’s western Xinjiang region to persecute the Uyghur ethnic minority.

These claims …

Was Alexey Navalny Incident an Anti-Russia False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, September 05 2020

Was Putin critic Alexey Navalny’s illness aboard a flight to Moscow a naturally occurring metabolic disorder as diagnosed by Russian doctors or something more sinister?

If the latter, was the incident manufactured to blame Russia for what no motive or …

My Hospital Experience and What the Nurses Told Me About COVID-19 By Target Liberty, September 05 2020

JB reports in:

I just got home from back surgery where I spent 4 days in the hospital to start the recovery process. I was able to have some really good conversations with the nurses that were caring for me.

American workers
Unprecedented US Economic Collapse and Reality Defying Market Bubble By Stephen Lendman, September 05 2020

For 24 straight weeks, over a million working-age Americans applied for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.

What’s been going on since March is unprecedented in US history, likely more of the same ahead and perhaps the worst of times to come.

Demonstrations against “New Normal” in Berlin: The Storming of the Reichstag Building on 29 August, 2020 By CJ Hopkins, September 05 2020

image Berlin August 1 protest

On March 21, 1933, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag passed a law making it a crime to speak out against the government. The “Regulations of the Reich President for Defense from Treacherous Attacks against the Government of

Osama bin Laden
Where was Osama bin Laden on September 11, 2001? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 05 2020
On September 10. 2001, Osama was in a Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi, courtesy of America's indefectible ally Pakistan
Does 9/11 Still Matter? Conversations with Richard Gage and Michel Chossudovsky By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Richard Gage, September 05 2020

First published on September 9, 2017

Nineteen years ago next week, people in the United States got jolted out of their complacency and sense of security when two airplanes struck the Twin Towers, resulting in the collapse of those buildings,

Is the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) (US, Australia, India, Japan) Intent on Provoking Proxy War with China in the Solomon Islands? By Andrew Korybko, September 04 2020

The leader of the Solomon Islands province of Malaita announced earlier this week that his region will seek independence from the central government due to its disagreement with the capital over the latter’s recognition of Beijing last year as the

A Green New Deal for Workers By Howie Hawkins, September 04 2020

The World Economic Forum and powerful financial interests are proposing a “Green New Deal” which is “not Green”.

What is proposed below is a Green New Deal for Workers  ( M.C. GR Editor)


Workers in 2020 have a unique

France Aims to Counter Turkish Influence in the Middle East by Gaining a Foothold in Lebanon By Paul Antonopoulos, September 04 2020

French President Emmanuel Macron has visited Lebanon for the second time in less than a month following the terrible blasts that destroyed Port Beirut. Macron first visited Lebanon on August 6, two days after a warehouse with 2,750 tons of 

Video: Israeli Forces Rain Down Missiles on Syria By South Front, September 04 2020

The Israeli Air Force conducted a second round of missiles strikes on Syria in less than a week.

Late on September 2, Israeli warplanes launched missiles at the T4 airport in the province of Homs. According to Syria’s state media,

UN Says New Polio Outbreak in Sudan Caused by Oral Vaccine By Maria Cheng, September 04 2020

These are excerpts of a an AP Report

The World Health Organization says a new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad — a week after the U.N. health agency declared the African continent

Will Trump Administration Abandon NATO Alliance if Re-elected? By Nauman Sadiq, September 04 2020

Michael Crowley reported for the New York Times [1] Thursday, September 3, that American allies and former US Officials fear Trump could seek NATO exit in a second term. According to the report,

“This summer, Mr. Trump’s former national security

International Criminal Court (ICC) Condemns US Economic Sanctions. Washington’s Interference in ICC Judicial and Prosecutorial Independence By International Criminal Court, September 04 2020

The International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “Court”) condemns the economic sanctions imposed by the US earlier today on the Court’s Prosecutor and a member of her Office.

The new measures, announced pursuant to the US Executive Order 13928 dated 11 …

Protecting the Whale Population. The Real and Imminent Extinction Risk to Whales, Dolphins And Porpoises By Mammal Research Institute, September 04 2020

Established in 1985, the MRI Whale Unit is a global, African research, conservation and education facility that researches the ecology, population dynamics and behaviour of the diverse cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) in the Southern African sub-region and surrounding oceans,

Focus: Fears Grow over China’s Possible Massive Sales of U.S. Debt as Weapon By Tomoyuki Tachikawa, September 04 2020

With Sino-U.S. tensions escalating over several security and economic issues, fears are mounting in the financial markets that China may massively sell U.S. government debt it holds as a weapon to choke the world’s biggest economy.

If Beijing, which owns …

Crisis of Britain’s NHS Hospitals: Surgeons at 50% Capacity Despite Record Waiting Times By Laura Donnelly and Henry Bodkin, September 03 2020

Official figures show that more than 50,000 people have waited a year for treatment – up from 1,117 a year ago.

It comes amid concern about a surge in positive Covid cases, with daily records showing 1,522 cases, up from

Israel Hits the Jackpot in UAE Investment Deal. “Betrayal of the Palestinian Cause” By Steven Sahiounie, September 03 2020

Monday, the first historic commercial flight between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) touched down, delivering US President Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, and Israeli National Security Adviser Meir

Trudeau Government’s Interference in Venezuela on Behalf of Trump: Venezuela’s Foreign Minister By Arnold August, September 03 2020

The August 20 Zoom conference with Venezuelan Foreign Minister of People’s Power Jorge Arreaza, featured, among other issues, his devastating analysis of the Trudeau government’s interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs on behalf of Trump. Any justice-loving Canadian listening may

Lifting Embargo on American Non-lethal Arms to Cyprus Is Aimed Against Russia. US Militarization of the Eastern Mediterranean By Paul Antonopoulos, September 03 2020

Washington announced the lifting of the embargo to sell American-made non-lethal equipment to the Republic of Cyprus. US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, told Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiadis over the phone on Tuesday that Washington decided to lift the

Amazon Rainforest and Brazil’s Pantanal May Disappear Due to Illegal Deforestation and Arson By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 03 2020

In Brazil, a serious environmental crisis is approaching. The Amazon Forest and the Brazilian Pantanal are suffering the direct consequences of deforestation and irregular exploitation of their natural resources, which are already beginning to threaten the very existence of these

JCPOA Signatories in Vienna Reject Snapback Sanctions on Iran By Stephen Lendman, September 03 2020

Hegemon USA increasingly finds itself isolated on the world stage.

The harder it pressures, bullies, otherwise threatens and/or bludgeons other countries to bend to its will, the further its isolation longer-term.

On Tuesday, Joint Commission of the JCPOA signatories Russia, …