Global Research News

Weekly for Six Months, US Unemployment Claims Exceeded One Million By Stephen Lendman, September 18 2020

The economic state of the US is worse than during the depths of the 1930s Great Depression.

Economic collapse grips the country. Tens of millions of working-age Americans are unemployed, most others way underemployed earning poverty wages.

The Economic Collapse …

Charter Against Bahrain-UAE-Israel Normalisation Deal Signed by One Million By Yasmina Allouche, September 18 2020

Over one million people have signed an online charter against normalisation with Israel, according to an Emirati civil society group.

The launch of the Palestine Charter comes the same week as both the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain officially signed …

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 12 By Craig Murray, September 18 2020

A less dramatic day, but marked by a brazen and persistent display of this US Government’s insistence that it has the right to prosecute any journalist and publication, anywhere in the world, for publication of US classified information. This explicitly

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, September 18 2020
Assange’s Eighth Day at the Old Bailey: Software Redactions, the Iraq Logs and the Extradition Act By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 18 2020

The extradition trial of Julian Assange at the Old Bailey struck similar notes to the previous day’s proceedings: the documentary work and practise of WikiLeaks, the method of redactions, and the legacy of exposing war crimes.  In the afternoon, the

Israel, the UAE, & Bahrain Didn’t Sign Peace Deals, They’re Military Alliances to Counter Iran By Mitchell Plitnick, September 18 2020

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in Washington on Tuesday. Brokered by the Trump administration, these deals represent two of the most broadly popular developments for both Trump and Netanyahu in many

The ‘Israeli’-Emirati Alliance: Geopolitical Impact on Africa By Andrew Korybko, September 17 2020

The misleadingly described “peace” deal between “Israel” and the UAE will enable the self-professed “Jewish State” to use the latter’s military and civilian port infrastructure in the Gulf of Aden, thus challenging recent Turkish inroads in this part of the

The Battle for Pandemic Sanity: Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy vs. Its Suppression By Elizabeth Woodworth, September 17 2020

Covid-19 cases are on the rise again in the U.S.

Why are Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, the FDA, and the CDC so blind to the real-world success of HCQ+azithromycin?  

If this combination is the simple, cheap, safe way to prevent

Assange’s Seventh Day at the Old Bailey: Diligent Redactions and Avoiding Harm By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 17 2020

September 16.  Central Criminal Court, London.  Proceedings today at the Old Bailey regarding Julian Assange’s extradition returned to journalistic practice, redaction of source names and that ongoing obsession with alleged harm arising from WikiLeaks releases.  John Goetz of Der

Spontaneous Initiative that Unites Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers and Free Citizens from All over the World By Antonietta Gatti, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and Luc Montagnier, September 17 2020

The independent studies of various scientists have highlighted several issues on the virus. Many inconsistencies have emerged from many points of view which are summarized in these two letters. The reflections start from two complementary approaches and ask for explanations

Continued German Support for Nord Stream 2 Completion? Towards a Shift in Russia-Germany Relations? By Stephen Lendman, September 17 2020

Construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany is about 94% completed.

The project is all about supplying Germany and other European countries with readily available low-cost Russian natural gas — around 30% cheaper than US liquified natural

Twilight in the Desert for Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman? By F. William Engdahl, September 17 2020

It appears as if Saudi de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is on a mission to destroy the world oil giant by one after the other ill-conceived economic decisions. Now, as MBS orders yet new desperation cuts in

Trump Regime Illegally Imposing Snapback Sanctions and Arms Embargo on Iran By Stephen Lendman, September 17 2020

In defiance of world community sentiment and SC Res. 2231 — that’s binding international and US constitutional law — the Trump regime will unilaterally reimpose sanctions on Iran that were lifted when the JCPOA took effect.

According to Trump regime …

The View from Above: How Do We Know What’s Really Burning in the Amazon? By Liz Kimbrough, September 17 2020

This year’s Amazon fire season is one of the most serious ever, even though it’s not attracting near the media attention as last year. More than one thousand major fires have already been detected in the rainforest biome this year,

Cyprus Victim of External Efforts to Drag It into Rival East Mediterranean Orbits of Russia, US By Michael Jansen, September 17 2020

Cyprus has become the victim of fresh external push-and-pull efforts with the aim of dragging the island republic, a European Union (EU) member, into one or other of the rival East Mediterranean orbits of Russia and the US.

Cyprus received …

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 10 By Craig Murray, September 17 2020

The gloves were off on Tuesday as the US Government explicitly argued that all journalists are liable to prosecution under the Espionage Act (1917) for publishing classified information, citing the Rosen case. Counsel for the US government also argued

Arctic Heat Wave: Block of Ice Twice as Big as Manhattan Breaks Off Greenland’s Largest Ice Shelf, Goes into Ocean By Prof. Juan Cole, September 17 2020

A 42 square mile block of ice has just hived off from the Arctic’s largest ice shelf, in northeast Greenland, alarming climate scientists. That is the size of Santa Barbara, California. It is ginormous.

Danish scientists are speaking ominously of …

‘Ecological Disaster on Massive Scale’: Hundreds of Thousands of Dead Migratory Birds in Southwest Linked to Wildfires, Climate Crisis By Julia Conley, September 17 2020

A combination of factors—all related to the climate crisis—is believed to be behind one of the largest mass bird die-off events in recent memory in the Southwest, according to biologists.

Scientists say thousands of dead migratory birds have been found …

Hope and Fear: Refugees on Greece’s Samos Island, September 2020 By Chris Jones, September 17 2020

Roger came by the house yesterday evening. In his early 20s Roger is from Gaza. He’s full of energy and ideas and has been like this since he arrived in Samos over a year ago. His days are full of

Nicolas Maduro Moros
UN Report on Venezuela “Abuses” Written by Investigators Who Never Visited Venezuela By Tony Cartalucci, September 17 2020

The Western media is touting the results of a so-called “Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” conducted through the United Nations. 

AFP in an article titled, “Venezuela president behind crimes against humanity: UN probe,” would claim:…

Sign of Things to Come: Biden Patronizes Britain over Brexit By Nauman Sadiq, September 17 2020

Besides former President Obama’s supposed “goodwill,” Joe Biden has nothing to show for his performance as former vice president, except for frequent gaffes and fake dentures. He is the weakest Democratic presidential candidate in decades and doesn’t stand a chance

Why Has the World Been Shut Down? What is the “New Normal”? Clampdown on Civil Liberties in the Name of “Fighting the Virus? By William Bowles, September 17 2020

[T]he great majority of people will not die from this [virus] and I’ll just repeat something I said right at the beginning because I think it’s worth reinforcing:

Most people, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus

How U.S. Response to COVID-19 Could Precipitate Second Great Depression. Massive Unemployment By Eric Zuesse, September 17 2020

On March 10th of this year, there were 290 daily new U.S. cases of Covid-19 (coronavirus-19).

On March 13th, U.S. President Donald Trump declared a pandemic national emergency, because the number of daily new cases was now suddenly doubling

Ireland: ‘Draconian’ Restrictions Around COVID-19 Condemned by Health Service Executive Doctor By Paul Cullen, September 17 2020

Covid-19 is “much less severe” than the average annual flu and current “draconian” restrictions are no longer justified, according to a senior Health Service Executive doctor.

People at low risk from the virus should be exposed to it so they …

A Huge Number of Medical Doctors Ask for a Reassessment of the Corona Measures By Docs4opendebate, September 17 2020

Globally, we are seeing a massive campaign of disinformation on the main stream media that sets aside all the principles of a democratic state governed by the rule of law.

While a great number of colleagues doctors present with different

Video: “Australians Must Know the Truth – This Virus Is Not a Pandemic”‘: Alan Jones By Alan Jones, September 17 2020

Sky News host Alan Jones says he has warned time and time again the political leaders who are the architects of this coronavirus response will not be able to escape the criticism that is now finding its way into the

US Strategist and Senior Adviser to Trump Elected President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 17 2020

The appointment of Mauricio Claver Carone (an American citizen) as president of the Inter-American Development Bank is generating many controversies across Latin America. For the first time in its more than 60 years of existence, the IDB will be chaired

New Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples: A Refreshing Contribution from Venezuela to the World By Arnold August, September 17 2020

The founding of the Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples on September 6, 2020 marks a new political milestone. In the most difficult of circumstances, having to cope with not only the U.S. and Canadian sanctions but

Housing Activists Make Plans to Fight Looming Mass Evictions By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 17 2020

A recent moratorium issued by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided a window of relief to millions facing evictions due to payment arrears on their rents and mortgages.

Perhaps as an election ploy by the current …

Wearing the Face Mask: Who is Putting our Children at Risk, SARS-CoV-2 or the Actions of our Governments? By Dr. Pascal Sacré, September 16 2020

Are children and youth affected by COVID-19?

Wearing masks is mandatory for all, especially at school for children and adolescents from the age of 11 [1]. Mandatory social distance. Continuous hand washing with hydroalcoholic gels.

Young people must remain masked …

“The Salt of the Earth”. Workers Rights in the 21st Century… By Philip A Farruggio, September 16 2020

Over 50 years have transpired since the lyrics of this song, Salt of the Earth, resonated then, just as much as now:


Let’s drink to the hard working people
Let’s drink to the lowly of birth
Raise your glass …

Mali: Historical Overview, The Post-Coup Political and Military Situation By South Front, September 16 2020

Mali’s recent history has been a succession of disputed presidential elections, military coups, insurgencies, civil war and international conflicts. Although there are significant deposits of gold in the country, the country’s strategic location in the centre of the Sahel region

Regarding Possible ICC Investigation into Alleged Israeli War Crimes, Canadians Reject Double Standard for Israel By CJPME, September 16 2020

Amid growing controversy over a possible International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation into Israel, newly published results from a survey conducted by EKOS Research Associates show that Canadians do not want Israel to be treated differently than other countries when it

Why 9/11 Matters 19 Years Later. The Spinning of 9/11, “Political Trickery” By Michael Welch, Richard Gage, and Prof. Graeme MacQueen, September 16 2020

“The execution and spinning of 9/11 were instrumental in creating the repertoire of political trickery presently being adapted in the manufacturing and exploiting of the COVID-19 hysteria.”

– Anthony Hall, August 23, 2020 [1]



Slovakia: Population Distrust US, Opposition to “Western” Intervention By Paul Antonopoulos, September 16 2020

GLOBSEC is probably one of the most well-known and influential political think-tanks in not only Slovakia, but also Central Europe. It aims to support a pro-Atlantic direction for Slovakia. Despite being founded in only 2005, it organizes annual events that

Video: Saudi Air Force Is Leveling Yemeni Capital to Ground in Response to Houthi Strikes on Riyadh By South Front, September 16 2020

The Saudi-led coalition has been bombing Yemen with a renewed energy following the recent missile and drone strikes on the Kingdom’s capital by the Ansar Allah movement (also known as the Houthis).

According to pro-Houthi sources, Saudi warplanes conducted over …

Israeli-Arab Re-election Gift to Trump By Steven Sahiounie, September 16 2020

President Trump hosts a signing ceremony today in Washington which joins Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel in the ‘Abraham Accord’ which establishes full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Persian Gulf monarchies, and portends the possibility that other

Swami Agnivesh – A Tribute By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, September 16 2020

Swami Agnivesh has left us. And yet he is still with us.

He was undoubtedly one of the most courageous fighters against religious fanaticism and religious bigotry of our time. He spoke out without hesitation against fanatical Hindus who distorted

New Initiative to Expose Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Crimes to the World By Paul Antonopoulos, September 16 2020

Veterans from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) terrorist organization feel confident that because they were once supported and backed by the US and Western Europe in their campaign to violently separate Kosovo from Serbia, they are immune from prosecution and

Virtual School Dangers: The Hazards of “Police State Education” During COVID-19 By John W. Whitehead, September 16 2020

“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they

How Xinjiang “Interferes” with the EU-China Deal By Pepe Escobar, September 16 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

A Beijing-Brussels-Berlin special: that was quite the video-summit.

From Beijing, we had President Xi Jinping. From Berlin, Chancellor Angela Merkel. And from Brussels, President of the European Council Charles Michel

Gulf-Israel Accord: The Kings Have No Clothes By Nauman Sadiq, September 16 2020

In a solemn ceremony at the White House today, President Trump hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign ministers of UAE and Bahrain for the signing of the accord establishing formal diplomatic relations between the three countries.

Oman …

Trump Connects the Generals and the Military-Industrial Complex By Hunter DeRensis, September 16 2020

Once again, the whispers of phantoms masquerading as administration officials have attempted to put Donald Trump on the defensive only two months before the fall election. And in typical fashion, the roused president has gone on an immediate rhetorical offensive.

The End of the Balkans. President Vučić signs the White House Agreement. A Dark Day in the History of Serbia By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, September 16 2020

The day before yesterday, Serbian President Vucic was ridiculed by signing an agreement in the White House without even knowing what said agreement contained. It was a dark day in the history of one of the most heroic peoples

COVID-19: Guidance for School Reopening. Report by The Hospital For Sick Children and Unity Health Toronto By SickKids, September 16 2020


The main objective of this document is to advocate for the safe return of children and youth to school by emphasizing the importance of school reopening for broader child health, balanced against the potential and important risks of coronavirus

Challenging the Novichok Poisoning of Navalny Hoax by Russia By Stephen Lendman, September 16 2020

Already strained EU relations with Russia potentially reached a new low over the great novichok poisoning of Alexey Navalny hoax.

On Tuesday, Russia’s EU mission challenged the bloc’s fake news about what happened to him, saying the following:

“In recent

Video: Why Lockdowns Are the Wrong Policy. Sweden’s Covid-19 Strategy By Prof. Johan Giesecke and UnHerd, September 16 2020

That was one of the more extraordinary interviews we have done here at UnHerd.

Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy),

The Benghazi 9/11 Attack: The Forgotten History of the 2012 Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya By Sam Jacobs, September 16 2020

If you say “September 11” most people automatically think of the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. What they probably don’t even remember happened on September 11, were the attacks on

The US-Brokered Mideast ‘Peace’ Deals Aren’t Really What They Seem By Andrew Korybko, September 16 2020

The loud applause that followed the US-brokered Mideast “peace” deals between “Israel” on one hand and the UAE & Bahrain on the other is misplaced since there was never any real state of war between the “opposing” sides to begin

Video: COVID-19: What Went Wrong? By Richard Horton, September 16 2020

Hear from Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet speaking at the Keep Our NHS Public AGM 2020.

Horton asks and tentatively answers five questions:

  1. What is the current situation with the pandemic with focus on the United Kingdom?
  2. What
Kevin Zeese: His Last Words for the Movement and Carrying on By Margaret Flowers, September 16 2020

As I wrote last week, Kevin Zeese died unexpectedly in his sleep, likely from a heart attack, early in the morning on September 6. He had not shown signs of illness and was working until the end.

Many of you …

Peace Plans that Have Nothing to Do with Peace By Ted Snider, September 16 2020

On September 11, 2020, Bahrain announced that it had agreed to normalize relations with Israel, following a similar agreement by the United Arab Emirate (UAE). Both agreements are being packaged and sold as historic peace plans.

They’re Not Peace Plans

Assange’s Sixth Day at the Old Bailey: US Prison Conditions and Politicised Prosecutions By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 16 2020

September 15.  Central Criminal Court, London.  Today, witnesses appearing in the extradition trial of Julian Assange fleshed out some points touched upon the previous day: the fate awaiting the WikiLeaks publisher in the US prison system, and the political nature

Russia’s Role in Syria, Tensions between Russia and the US By Andrey Ontikov and Steven Sahiounie, September 15 2020

A high level Russian delegation met recently with President Assad in Damascus. In an effort to further understand the importance and implications of the meeting, Steven Sahiounie at MidEastDiscourse reached out to Andrey Ontikov, a Special Correspondent at Izvestia

Iran, the United States and False Flags By Robert Fantina, September 15 2020

United States’ government spokespeople are forever demonizing Iran. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has proclaimed that Iran is the world’s chief sponsor of terrorism. In keeping with this, the possibility of the U.S. waging war against Iran is very

Video: Syria Army Artillery Devastates Militants’ Positions in Idlib as Trucks Suffer Fresh Casualties in Afrin By South Front, September 15 2020

Turkish forces have been passing through hard times in northwestern Syria.

First a mysterious ‘heart attack’ that killed a Turkish general in Idlib. Then, Turkish military positions in the province of Aleppo were devastated by a series of rocket strikes.

Donald Trump: The Frenemy of the Islamic World By Nauman Sadiq, September 15 2020

In the Republican primaries of the 2016 US presidential elections, Mitt Romney severely castigated Trump, calling him a phony and a fraud. When Trump was elected president, he dangled the carrot of the secretary of state appointment to Romney, invited

Three Life Sentences Plus 40 Years for Convicted Israeli Settler By Stephen Lendman, September 15 2020

Convictions of Israelis for crimes against Palestinians are rare exceptions, not the rule — almost never against soldiers and other security forces.

According to Yesh Din Volunteers for Human Rights, violence by Israeli forces and settlers occurs daily, nearly always …

Video: Irish Doctor Speaks Out About Covid-19 Lies By Mark Taliano, September 15 2020

The Irish doctor featured in the video below has 35 years’ experience as a practicing General Practitioner in Derry, Ireland.

She first knew the pandemic was “fake” when the WHO first declared pandemic with an announcement of 4,291 deaths globally.

“The Armageddon Election”. Deep Polarization of American Society By James J. Zogby, September 15 2020

During the weeks of uncertainty that followed the 2000 presidential election, as the tension grew amongst supporters of George W. Bush and Al Gore, my brother John Zogby conducted a poll to see how Democrats and Republicans were viewing the

How the USA and Turkey Plunder and Loot Syria with Impunity By Rick Sterling, September 15 2020

While President Trump lashes out at rioting and looting in Portland and Kenosha, half way around the world, the USA and Turkey are plundering and looting Syria on a vastly greater scale with impunity and little publicity.

Turkey Loots Syria,

Italy May Recover Historic Ties with Libya By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 15 2020

Libya is a country of particular economic and political importance for Italy. The geographical proximity ­and the historical ties between both nations make the African country a strategically important state for Rome. But the violent instability that has been hitting

Germany, France and the EU Succumb to US Digital Hegemony By Dr. Thorsten Pattberg, September 15 2020

It is official. President of France, Emmanuel Macron, on Monday 14, 2020, conceded that Europe has lost the battle for data security and cloud computing. The continent cannot compete against America. Not that France could have asserted any claims

Putin Affirms Support for Lukashenko, Consolidates Russia-Belarus Cooperation against Foreign Intervention By Stephen Lendman, September 15 2020

On Monday, Vladimir Putin met with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Sochi, Russia.

Both leaders are united against the diabolical made-in-the-USA attempt to transform Belarus into another US vassal state.

On the President of Russia website, Putin said the following:…

2020 Elections: Democrats Go All-Out for Israel By Philip Giraldi, September 15 2020

Those of us who have longed for an end to America’s military engagement in the Middle East have hoped for a candidate who was not tied hand and foot to Israel, which is the root cause of the badly-broken and

Consumed by Lies: U Turn on EU Withdrawal Agreement, Britain’s “Masochistic” Trashing of Its Global Reputation By Alex Andreou, September 15 2020

With Boris Johnson now U-turning on the Withdrawal Agreement he signed with the EU in December, Alex Andreou argues how the entire Brexit project “never made any sense” from the very start


“There is no plan for ‘no deal’ …

England and Wales COVID-19: “Staggering Number” of Extra Deaths in Community Is Not Explained by COVID-19 By Shaun Griffin, September 15 2020

May 2020 article in the British Medical Journal

Only a third of the excess deaths seen in the community in England and Wales can be explained by covid-19, new data have shown.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) data,[1] which …

Public Debt Is the Real Pandemic: $3.3 Trillion Federal Deficit, Largest in US History …. By Rep. Ron Paul, September 15 2020

According to the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) latest “Update on the Budget Outlook,” this year’s $3.3 trillion federal deficit is not just three times larger than last year: it is the largest federal deficit in history. The CBO update also

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 9 By Craig Murray, September 15 2020

Things became not merely dramatic in the Assange courtroom today, but spiteful and nasty. There were two real issues, the evidence and the procedure. On the evidence, there were stark details of the dreadful regime Assange will face in US

Species in Peril: Loss, Love and Protection By Subhankar Banerjee, September 15 2020

Human calamities abound. The unrelenting coronavirus pandemic has already claimed more than 900,000 lives worldwide. The images of exploding wildfires from the American Southwest—California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington—look apocalyptic. Racial injustice and inequity in the United States marches on. And,

Iran to Link Its Power Grid to Russia, Azerbaijan By Tsvetana Paraskova, September 15 2020

Iran’s electricity grid will be connected with Russia and Azerbaijan in a few months, once grid compatibility studies are completed, Iran’s Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian said on Friday.

Iran’s power grid could be linked and synchronized to connect with other …

Dark Web Voter Database Report Casts New Doubts on Russian Election Hack Narrative By Gareth Porter, September 15 2020

A new report showing that US state-level voter databases were publicly available calls into question the narrative that Russian intelligence “targeted” US state election-related websites in 2016.


A September 1 report in the Moscow daily Kommersant on a “dark …

US Planned Nuclear Attacks on Every City in the USSR and China By Shane Quinn, September 15 2020

This article was originally published in 2018.

In mid-December 1960, a conference was held at Strategic Air Command headquarters near Omaha, Nebraska, to outline America’s nuclear war strategy. During the meeting, plans were revealed whereby Moscow alone would be hit

Is Nepal Skirting, Denying or Defying the COVID Pandemic? By Barbara Nimri Aziz, September 15 2020

Demonstrations in Kathmandu protesting India’s territorial claim on Kalapani, a spur of land at Nepal’s furthest northwestern border subsided after a talk between their respective prime ministers. Then military skirmishes between India and China on their shared border raised anxiety

Adverse Health Effects of Electromagnetic Field Exposure: To Bee, or Not to Bee, that Is the Five “G” Question By Olle Johansson, September 14 2020

The collective evidence we can draw from the current scientific status regarding adverse health and biological effects of artificial electromagnetic field exposures, such as from cell phones, antennas/base stations, TV and radio towers, babyalarms, smart meters, powerlines, and WiFi routers,

No, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Didn’t Spawn 250,000 Coronavirus Cases By Elizabeth Nolan Brown, September 14 2020

Here’s what we were told: An August motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, helped spread COVID-19 to more than a quarter-million Americans, making it the root of about 20 percent of all new coronavirus cases in the U.S. last month.

COVID-19 Vaccine Participant Develops Neurological Symptoms, AstraZeneca Pauses Trial By Jeremy Loffredo, September 14 2020

On Tuesday, AstraZeneca announced a pause on its experimental COVID-19 vaccine trial after a woman in the UK developed a “suspected serious reaction.” The company is also conducting trials in the U.S., South Africa and Brazil, with enrollment

Why New CDC Report Does Not Mean Only 6% of COVID Deaths Were Genuine By John C. A. Manley, September 14 2020

Posing as a “trusted health authority” comedian JP Sear’s said in a recent skit: “We just published research on the CDC website that shows only 6% of COVID deaths that we’ve been reporting to you were caused by COVID

What Happened on that Tuesday in September 2001 By Philip A Farruggio, September 14 2020

As a student of both the Kennedy brothers’ assassinations and 9/11 this writer was able to interview very interesting researchers on these topics. Ed Curtin and James DeEugenio have been very astute as to the former. They joined my radio

Navalny, Nord Stream 2, Belarus, and the American Elections By Prof. Valeria Z. Nollan, September 14 2020

The narrative is banal and so familiar: Russia is once again accused of having “poisoned” an individual trumpeted by the Western media as threatening the Russian government’s interests. The minor political activist Alexei Navalny made the headlines after a suspicious