Global Research News

Israeli Army Orders Closure of 3,000 Dunums of Land on Olive Harvest Season By Najib Farraj, October 13 2020

The Israeli occupation army issued 63 military orders to close areas and lands planted with olives in separate parts of the West Bank, coinciding with the start of the olive harvest season in the Palestinian territories.

The olive harvest season, …

Chaos in UK Health Care. NHS Staff Are Being Silenced Over COVID-19. “Lose Their Jobs if They Speak Out” By The Bernician, October 13 2020

First published on July 16, 2020

This report was brought to our attention by Off-Guardian with the following cautionary note:

“First published on The Bernician, the below statement is allegedly from a senior consultant working for the NHS in …

Video: COVID-19. Contagion Fear, Corruption of Medical Actors By Dr. Kevin Corbett and Northern Exposure, October 12 2020

Retired nurse and health scientist Dr Kevin Corbett joins me to discuss Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 and the similarities to the 1980s panic over HIV-Aids. These similarities span the scientific investigation, clinical testing, elements of the care, and the governmental approaches

A New Wall for a New Cold War? By Andrew Korybko, October 12 2020

The head of the prestigious Munich Security Conference warned late last month against efforts to “build a new ‘wall’ between Russia and the West” in light of the Navalny incident and the many other disagreements between both sides, and while

The Chimera Called Covid-19: Humanity’s Great Fight-Back By Julian Rose, October 12 2020

It must be occurring to millions of individuals, upon observing the depressing spectacle of top down politics in action, that in the great majority of cases what are termed ‘governments’ are no longer in any way fit to govern. 


The Covid-19 Scandal: Seven Reasons to be Grateful for the Nutty “New Normal” By John C. A. Manley, October 12 2020

Being that today is Canadian Thanksgiving, I thought I’d rack my brain to come up with seven things to be grateful for that have arisen out of the oppressive COVID-19 scandal:

1. Outdoor Classrooms: “If weather permits, consideration could …

Billionaire Bonanza 2020: Wealth Windfalls, Tumbling Taxes, and Pandemic Profiteers By Chuck Collins, Omar Ocampo, and Sophia Paslaski, October 12 2020

We bring to the attention of our readers this important study by the Institute for Policy Studies.

Click here to access full report


Billionaires dominate our politics, culture, and economy. Their wealth, as this report shows, has concentrated mightily

VIDEO: Africa’s Highest Peak, Kilimanjaro Is on Fire By Florah Temba, October 12 2020

Mount Kilimanjaro which Africa’s highest peak is on fire, the cause of the fire which is believed to be at hundreds of metres above sea level is yet to be established.

Eye witnesses said efforts by local communities around the …

Bringing Poverty to Heel By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, October 12 2020

October 17 marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. The commemoration of this day suggests that the way to end poverty is not a matter shrouded in mystery. In fact, its celebration denotes that, at a minimum,

European Oil Companies Will Not Tolerate Poland’s Attempt to Cancel Nord Stream 2 By Paul Antonopoulos, October 12 2020

By handing out a €6.5 billion fine against Gazprom, Warsaw has obviously and massively miscalculated because it did not only antagonize the Russian energy company as was intended, but also European partners of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which

The Russia Brokered Armenia-Azerbaijan Ceasefire By Andrew Korybko, October 12 2020

It was a diplomatic coup for Russia to broker a ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan since it restored Moscow’s relevance to the conflict, but for as positive of a development as this was, it’s uncertain whether it’ll last and will

“Where’s the Challenge? Where’s the Crisis? Where’s this COVID?” By Gavin Phillips and Unnamed Nurse, October 12 2020

Today’s newsletter of Lockdown Sceptics features an exclusive interview with a nurse who worked in an NHS hospital throughout the pandemic and says she has never had so little to do. Now she feels compelled to speak out against the

Trump Appoints Big Pharma Exec Connected to Bill Gates to Head Vaccine Developments By Derrick Broze, October 12 2020

This article was originally published in May 2020.

On Friday, Donald Trump announced his appointment of Moncef Slaoui, a former executive with vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, to lead “Operation Warp Speed”, Trump’s plan to fast track the development of vaccines for

The Campaign to “Kill” the BDS Movement Against Israel Extends Far and Wide By Caren Holmes, October 12 2020

Israel is facing declining public support in the United States and sees the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign as a key threat to its legitimacy. That’s why Israel is enlisting the US government, American university administrators, and even tech companies

With Crushing Sanctions on 18 Iranian Banks, Is Trump Trying to Leave a War Behind for Biden? By Prof. Juan Cole, October 12 2020

As the dying Trump administration, literally on a sickbed, contemplates losing power, its hawks are lashing out at Iran in an attempt to ensure that the 2015 international nuclear deal is dead and buried, and that the US and Iran

Back on the Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin Wins Over Spirit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 12 2020

In March, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeal upheld an original jury finding that Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven did not infringe copyright in Spirit’s 1968 song Taurus.  Michael Skidmore, who had filed the suit in

What Does Biden’s ‘Deliberate Ambiguity’ on Iran Sanctions Imply? By Nauman Sadiq, October 12 2020

The Trump administration tightened the noose further around Iran’s beleaguered economy on Thursday, October 8, announcing a fresh round of sanctions that will effectively shut the country out of the global financial system.

The Trump administration has imposed sanctions on …

The Great Barrington Declaration By Dr Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, October 12 2020

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. 

Coming from both the left and right, …

Wildlife Advocates Plan Challenge to Decision Not to Protect Wolverines By Earth Justice, October 12 2020

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) today announced it will deny protections for the rare and elusive wolverine under the Endangered Species Act, prompting a coalition of conservation groups to announce an intent to sue.

“Recent scientific information makes

Malaysia: A Clear Direction for the Present By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, October 12 2020

Malaysians at this moment are concerned about two different types of numbers. The overwhelming majority are worried about the recent spike in Covid 19 infections and the increase in the number of related deaths. There is a much smaller segment

The Yugoslav Wars: Biden’s Belligerent Militarism Revisited By Nauman Sadiq, October 11 2020

Ironically, while three US presidents have been accused of impeaching the Constitution for relatively minor offenses, including Bill Clinton for perjury and Donald Trump for using political influence to discredit opponents, no US president has ever been charged, let alone

The War on Truth, Dissent and Free Speech By Professor Piers Robinson, October 11 2020

On Saturday 13 June 2020 the Times newspaper published its third attack on academics associated with researching British government propaganda and the war in Syria. This time the attack focused on smearing myself and Professor David Miller with the objective

Climate Change – A Scam of Global Dimensions? By Peter Koenig and Russian NTV, October 11 2020

In the context of the global controversies about the Western narrative on the so-called “Climate Change” – and the ever more visible merging of this narrative with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) declared post-covid “Great Reset”, NTV, Moscow, aske me

Is The Guardian Planning an Attack on the Great Barrington Scientists? By Freddie Sayers, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and Dr Martin Kulldorff, October 11 2020

Last night The Guardian sent the following email to Professor Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, one of the three initial signatories of the ‘Great Barrington Declaration’ calling for a different approach to the Covid-19 pandemic.



The article …

After Bin Laden’s Niece, Trump Gets Endorsement from Taliban By Nauman Sadiq, October 11 2020

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told CBS News [1] in a phone interview Sunday, “We hope he will win the election and wind up US military presence in Afghanistan.” The militant group also expressed concern about President Trump’s bout with the

Palestine: Anniversary of the Death of a Child – 30 September 2000 By Peter Koenig, October 11 2020

Palestine under siege for 72 years. A UK-prompted UN decision in 1947 allowed David Ben-Gurion, then the head of the Jewish Agency, to proclaim on May 14, 1948, the establishment of the State of Israel.

The United Nations Partition

How Can Americans Support Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 11 2020

Americans are dealing with an upcoming general election, a pandemic that has killed over 200,000 of us, and corporate news media whose business model has degenerated to selling different versions of “The Trump Show” to their advertisers. So

Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine – A Cure to be Suppressed By Michael Welch, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, and Dr. Meryl Nass, October 10 2020

“In my opinion, tens of thousands are dying unnecessarily. Our current approach of waiting for these high-risk patients to become ill and then hospitalizing them is failing. The answer is early diagnosis of the high-risk individuals, and then treating them

Video: Turkey Gets Bogged Down in Karabakh War as Armenian Forces Conduct Tactical Counter-Attacks By South Front, October 09 2020

Armenian forces have reclaimed the tactical initiative in the battle for the Nagorno-Karabakh region and conducted several counter-attacks taking back positions earlier captured by Azerbaijan on the Jabrayil front on the evening of October 7. Later, on the morning of

The Limits of Chinese Power. US-China Relations Hinge Upon the 2020 Presidential Election By Pepe Escobar, October 09 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Trump 2.0 essentially would turbo-charge its bet on decoupling, aiming to squeeze “malign” China on a multiple Hybrid War front, undermine the Chinese trade surplus, co-opt large swathes of Asia, while

While No One Was Looking: America, Guyana, and Venezuela By Ted Snider, October 09 2020

On March 2, 2020, the people of Guyana went to the polls. According to the Carter Center, at first things went really well. And then they didn’t. At the close of the day, President David Granger had been re-elected. But,

The Indo-Pacific “Quad” Alliance (Australia, Japan, US, India) Holds Summit as U.S. Pushes for More Aggression against China By Walter Smolarek, October 09 2020

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Japan today to attend a high-profile summit of top diplomats from the countries involved in the “Indo-Pacific Quad.” The Quad is a U.S.-initiated alliance composed of Australia, Japan, the United States and India.

A Big Move In Silver: Watch The Currency Markets By Hubert Moolman, October 09 2020

The USD/ZAR chart has been a good predictor for silver rallies. Similar to the US Dollar index, but a bit more accurate or precise. Very important silver bottoms tend to coincide with tops of the USD/ZAR chart.

Below, is …

Evidence that the Face Mask does not Impede Viral Transmission By Prof. Bill Willers, October 09 2020

Dr. Redfield:

I made it a point to watch you after seeing Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer and Epidemiologist, Dr. Ryan Westergaard, state publicly on June 3, 2020 

“Now the science is in. [Because of] recent studies with large numbers

Armenia and Russia Are Sending Each Other Strong Signals Through the CSTO By Andrew Korybko, October 09 2020

OneWorld is publishing the original English-language version of Andrew Korybko’s analysis on the titular topic that was first released in Russian at the Moscow-Baku information portal.


Armenia’s decision to skip next week’s CSTO drills in Belarus and the bloc’s

Removal of “Form 5 Cremation Certificate” for U.K. Deaths Relating to COVID-19. Under Britain’s “Coronavirus Act” By Lisa Jane Waters, October 09 2020

As we head in to winter watch death statistic manipulation go into overdrive, check out this “Medical Practitioners” guidance on death provisions. 

Did you know that the UK Government have removed Form 5 of the Cremation Certificate for deaths

‘War Is Imminent’: Iraq’s Kadhimi Moves to Fend Off US Threat to Target Pro-Iran Groups By Suadad al-Salhy, October 09 2020

The United States has drawn up a list of 80 sites in Iraq linked to Iranian-backed groups that it plans to target if it follows through with a threat to close its embassy in Baghdad, Middle East Eye has learned.

“Reimagine and Reset Our World”: “COVID-19, The Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret By Catherine Austin Fitts, October 09 2020

“In Russia we only had two TV channels. Channel One was propaganda. Channel Two consisted of a KGB officer telling you: Turn back at once to Channel One.” ~ Yakov Smirnoff

Professor Klaus Schwab founded and runs the World Economic …

US Sanctions: Weapons of War by Other Means on Targeted Nations By Stephen Lendman, October 09 2020

When unilaterally imposed by one nation on others, sanctions have no legal validity.

Along with color revolutions, old-fashioned coups, and assassinations, US sanctions are a favored tactic.

When imposed, they’re all about seeking to weaken nations economically.

They also aim …

The Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdown Orders By Ethan Yang, October 09 2020

On October 3rd NPR reported that the Michigan Supreme Court struck down Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s state of emergency and the powers it granted. NPR writes 

In a 4-3 majority opinion, the state’s high court said she did not

Video: “Contact Tracing”, A Certified Contact Tracer Exposes the Truth By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 09 2020

On July 2nd, 2008, former US President Barack Obama spoke to an enthusiastic crowd in Colorado Springs, Colorado about expanding a “civilian national security force” to meet national security goals in areas from education, healthcare to saving the environment.

He …

Colombia Covid Lockdown: Collapse of Healthcare, Social Crisis, Poverty By Yanis Iqbal, October 09 2020

As the confirmed Coronavirus cases in Colombia reach more than 880,000, the healthcare infrastructure in Bogota is crumbling and according to the president of the Bogota College of Medicine Herman Bayona, “We are close to collapse.” Bogota’s Intensive Care Units

Everybody’s Favourite COVID Jester Makes a Big Math Blunder By John C. A. Manley, October 09 2020

In his recent skit, comedian JP Sears makes a big math blunder regarding the COVID death count. One I’ve made before.

Imitating a spokesperson of unclear affiliation, with tape on his glasses and a psychedelic T-shirt, JP starts off

Removing Trump from Office Attempt 2.0? By Stephen Lendman, October 09 2020

In December 2019, Pelosi-led House Dems showed contempt for the rule of law.

Two articles of impeachment to oust Trump from office were spurious.

Accusing him of abuse of power, they falsely claimed he sought foreign interference from Ukraine in …

Omnibus Collisions: Coronavirus Policing and Overreach in Victoria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 09 2020

In her September 17 speech to parliament, the Attorney General of the Australian state of Victoria, Jill Hennessy, explained various provisions of the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendment Bill.  Of most interest was the proposal that

Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition By Steve Watson, October 09 2020

Over six thousand scientists and doctors have signed a petition against coronavirus lockdown measures, urging that those not in the at risk category should be able to get on with their lives as normal, and that lockdown rules in both

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, October 09 2020
Selected Articles: Assaulting Science in the Name of Science By Global Research News, October 08 2020

The Construction of an Alternative to “Manufactured Dissent”

By Prof. Charles McKelvey, October 08 2020

In The Globalization of War, Michel Chossudovsky writes of the process of “manufacturing dissent,” which functions to channel the anger and frustrations of the

Does Damascus Regard the Syrian Armenians Reportedly Fighting in Azerbaijan as Traitors? By Andrew Korybko, October 08 2020

The Turkish reports alleging that the Kurdish-allied Syrian-Armenian militia “Nubar Ozanyan Brigade” is fighting in Azerbaijan on the side of the separatists prompt questions about exactly how Damascus regards this armed group, but if Syria’s official statements pertaining to the

The Construction of an Alternative to “Manufactured Dissent” By Prof. Charles McKelvey, October 08 2020

In The Globalization of War, Michel Chossudovsky writes of the process of “manufacturing dissent,” which functions to channel the anger and frustrations of the people in a direction that does not challenge elite interests.

The concept of manufacturing

Corruption Inc. – Somalia Style By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, October 08 2020

This article was originally published in February 2020.

Political corruption is so rampant in Africa and Somalia in particularly since the civil war 1991. Resource-rich African countries such as Angola, Algeria, DRC, Libiya, Nigeria, Somalia, and Sudan suffer from the

Video: Armenians Fight Back Against Azerbaijani Advance, Strike Strategic (BTC) Oil Pipeline By South Front, October 08 2020

Armenian forces launched a missile attack on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, according to Azerbaijan. The country’s prosecutors said that Armenian forces had carried out the attack, which was prevented by the Azerbaijani military, on the pipeline in Yevlah at

Juan Guaidó Creates a Parallel Consulate in Brazil By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 08 2020

A “parallel” Venezuelan Consulate in Brazil was condemned in a recent statement by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza. In late September, supporters of the Venezuelan opposition leader, the self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó, announced that they would form

Racism and the Death Penalty By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 08 2020

Christopher Vialva, 40, was executed by the United States government on September 24 in Terra Haute, Indiana.

Vialva was the first Black person put to death by the federal criminal justice system since the resumption of executions by Washington earlier

What’s Wrong with Development? The Geopolitics of The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) By Keith Lamb, October 08 2020

The Belt and Road Initiative seeks to bring development to the world. Why is this a problem for the USA and some of its Western allies? Keith Lamb explains why.


The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a series …

The Biden Doctrine: Cheerlead Wars, Feign Ignorance Later By Nauman Sadiq, October 08 2020

If we look at the track record of Joe Biden during his political career first as a senator and then as Obama’s vice president, he is a typical establishment Democrat who has played into the hands of the US national

Matters of International Justice: Challenging Trump’s ICC Sanctions By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 08 2020

On September 2, US sanctions – the sort normally reserved for fully fledged terrorists and decorated drug traffickers – were imposed on the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda and her colleague Phakiso Mochochoko, head of

Assaulting Science in the Name of Science: Exploring the Coronavirus Crisis of 2020 By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, October 08 2020

There is a battle going on over who and what most credibly represents science. As the months pass, the contest over science is integral to the acrimony concerning the nature of COVID-19. In February of this year the UN’s World

Resisting Corona “New Normal” Oppression: Every Civil Rights Movement Begins with a Shunned 5% By John C. A. Manley, October 08 2020

After a TV interview on Canada Citizen’s Forum, host Jack Etkin said to me something to the effect of: We’re really in the minority, aren’t we? Probably only 5% of people see through the COVID-19 hoax. 80% completely believe

Evo Morales’ Ally Has Real Chance of Winning Bolivia’s Upcoming Elections By Paul Antonopoulos, October 08 2020

A corrupt, manipulative and indolent government in Bolivia, coupled with problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has only exacerbated the many issues the country has faced since Evo Morales was ousted from power on November 10, 2019. Interior Minister Arturo

Fires Raze Nearly Half of Indigenous Territories in Brazil’s Pantanal By Bianca Muniz and Raphaela Ribeiro, October 08 2020

In September, 164 fires were recorded across Indigenous territories in the Brazilian Pantanal, the world’s biggest wetland. In August, there were more than 200. Nearly half of the certified Indigenous areas in the region have already been subject to fires

US Agriculture Department’s ‘Wildlife Services’ Killed Approximately 1.2 Million Native Animals in 2019 By Center For Biological Diversity, October 08 2020

The arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture known as Wildlife Services killed approximately 1.2 million native animals in 2019, according to new data released by the program this week.

The multimillion-dollar federal wildlife-killing program targets wolves, coyotes, cougars, birds …

‘None of It Reported’: How Corporate Media Buried the Assange Trial By Media Lens, October 08 2020

One of the most imposing features of state-corporate propaganda is its incessant, repetitive nature. Over and over again, the ‘mainstream’ media have to convince the public that ‘our’ government prioritises the health, welfare and livelihoods of the general population, rather

Libya Refuses to Take Up Arab League Presidency Following Palestinian Walkout By The New Arab, October 08 2020

Libya on Tuesday refused to assume the presidency of the current session of the Arab League, after Palestine resigned the position in protest at the organisation’s failure to take a stand against the UAE-Bahrain normalisation deals with Israel.

Qatar …

Greece: Golden Dawn Trial Ends with Guilty Verdict By Freedom News, October 08 2020

The heavily guarded Court of Appeals of Athens delivered the verdicts today in a five-year-long Golden Dawn trial.

Thousands gathered in an antifascist rally outside of the court this morning to await the ruling. The trial, widely covered in Greek

US Military Bases Are Key Pieces of the Global War Machine By Sarah Lazare, October 08 2020

We don’t hear about them very often, but the estimated 800 US military bases around the globe have played an essential role in turning the whole world into a bloody battlefield. Any effort to roll back US empire has to

Selected Articles: From Great Lockdown to Great Transformation. The COVID Aftermath By Global Research News, October 07 2020

Why Canadians Should Support the Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou

By Ken Stone, October 07 2020

This judicial action against Meng is unjust, politically motivated by the USA, and contrary to the national interests of Canada. In fact,

OPCW Rubber-Stamps Novichok Poisoning of Navalny Hoax By Stephen Lendman, October 07 2020

Operating as an imperial tool, the chemical watchdog OPCW transformed itself into a pro-Western lapdog.

Abandoning its mandate for higher priorities, the organization no longer can be taken seriously.

Replacing the OPCW with an independent chemical watchdog — free from …

Trump Halts Talks on New Economic Stimulus By Stephen Lendman, October 07 2020

At a time of dire economic conditions — worse than during the Great Depression with real unemployment at 26.9% and likely to rise ahead — Republicans and Dems remain at odds over federal aid to jobless Americans, small businesses, states,

George Monbiot’s Excuses for Not Speaking Out Loudly in Defence of Assange Simply Won’t Wash By Jonathan Cook, October 07 2020

Faced with a barrage of criticism from some of his followers, George Monbiot, the Guardian’s supposedly fearless, leftwing columnist, offered up two extraordinarily feeble excuses this week for failing to provide more than cursory support for Julian Assange over

Hypoxia Experiment: Do Face Masks lower our Blood Oxygen Levels? By John C. A. Manley, October 07 2020

Do face masks lower our blood oxygen levels? I decided to put it to the test.

But first, let me state my bias: I disagree with face mask mandates. I’ve reviewed randomized controlled trials and find no evidence that masks

COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis. “You Simulate and Then You Go Live” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, October 07 2020
On January 30th 2020, the WHO Director General declared a Public Health Emergency (PHEIC) in relation to China’s novel coronavirus. This far-reaching decision was taken without the support of expert opinion. There were 150 confirmed cases outside China, when the decision was taken. 6 in the US, 3 in Canada, 2 in the UK, etc.
IMF and WEF – From Great Lockdown to Great Transformation. The COVID Aftermath By Peter Koenig, October 07 2020
The WEF and its players and “Deep-State-Actors” (which represent “Affluence”). behind the scene were using Covid to the fullest to cause a total lockdown of people as well as of the world economy. This happened virtually simultaneously Worldwide in almost all 193 (UN member) countries.
The Covid Crisis: A Brief History of the Pandemics of the 21st Century (2000-2020) By Hans-Jürgen Steinhagen, October 07 2020

First published on September 10, 2020

In times of great confusion and anxiety, when it feels like everything is going down the drain, like everyone is stumbling down a steep road, driven by a supposedly unstoppable disaster, it might be

NATO Increased Warship Presence in Black Sea by 33% Compared to 2019 By Paul Antonopoulos, October 07 2020

By strengthening the presence of warships from non-Black Sea NATO members in the Black Sea, the military bloc is attempting to demonstrate its dominance in the region and the Alliance’s desire to neutralize and pressurize Russia’s influence in the area.

The Kyrgyz Compromise: Submitting to the Color Revolution or Pragmatic Move for Peace? By Andrew Korybko, October 07 2020

The Kyrgyz government’s decision to annul the results of the latest elections which were exploited as the “trigger event” for the preplanned Color Revolution against it might be interpreted by some as submitting to that regime change operation even though

UK Court Decision on Venezuela Gold Deals, Blow to Regime Change Efforts. One Billion Dollars of Country’s Gold to be Released By Alan MacLeod, October 07 2020

A UK court ruled that the administration of Boris Johnson’s position that Juan Guaidó is the legitimate ruler of Venezuela is far from equivocal, paving the way for over $1 billion of the country’s gold to be released.  



Cuba Says: Doctors, Not Bombs By Granma, October 07 2020

In a letter sent to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, the World Peace Council formally registered the candidacy of Cuba’s Henry Reeve International Contingent of Doctors Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Emphasizing the great …

Trump Scuttles a Fiscal Stimulus–Again! By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 07 2020

This past Tuesday, October 6, Trump pulled the plug once again—a second time—on negotiations on a fiscal stimulus between House speaker, Pelosi, and his Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin.

This past week Pelosi and Mnuchin had reportedly been quietly negotiating toward …

Gates, Kissinger and Our Dystopian Future. The Political Side of Covid By Mike Whitney, October 07 2020

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell

Can we agree that there are two types of Covid-19?

The first type, is Covid-19 ,”The Virus”, which is a fairly