Global Research News

HHS Must Release Billion Dollar Coronavirus Vaccine Contracts, Public Citizen Lawsuit Says By Public Citizen, October 17 2020

Public Citizen today filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to compel disclosure of coronavirus vaccine development and manufacturing contracts with major pharmaceutical corporations worth billions of dollars.

The suit, filed in the U.S. …

Top 50 U.S. Think Tanks Receive over $1Billion from US Government and Defense Contractors By Barbara Boland, October 17 2020

The top 50 think tanks in America, as ranked by the University of Pennsylvania’s Go To Think Tank Index, received over $1 billion from U.S. government and defense contractors. The top recipients of this funding were the RAND Corporation, the

When Eastern Art Meets Western Arts By Jenn Zhu, October 17 2020

However beautiful an art piece might be, or however delicious the food could serve the gourmet, people never stopped to change their taste on things. It is because the human’s nerves tend to gain fatigue easily when focusing on the

Why Wasn’t There Any Post-Election Turmoil in Tajikistan? By Andrew Korybko, October 17 2020

Unlike fellow former Soviet Republics Belarus and even neighboring Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan’s latest elections didn’t result in any turmoil even though one might have expected it to have due to some similarly discernible risk factors, but that wasn’t the case (at

War in Nagorno-Karabakh Is a Gamechanger in Russian-Turkish Relations By Paul Antonopoulos, October 17 2020

After Turkey downed a Russian jet operating in Syria in late 2015, there was a major risk that the Syrian War could explode into a greater conflict between the two Eurasian countries. The Turkish attack resulted in the death of

From the EU Covid  Recovery Fund Thirty Billion Goes to the War Industry By Manlio Dinucci, October 16 2020

While the “Coronavirus crisis” continues to cause devastating socio-economic consequences also in Italy, a large part of the “Recovery Fund” is destined not to the most affected economic and social sectors, but to the most advanced sectors of the war

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, October 16 2020
Victory for Cuba at the UN Human Rights Council By Orinoco Tribune, October 16 2020

Today Cuba obtained a new and resounding victory in the UN Human Rights Council, gaining election to the body for the 2021-2023 period.

Despite the aggressive campaign by the United States against the Cuban candidacy for the Council, the General …

Esper: Pentagon School to Focus Half of Its Curriculum on China By Dave DeCamp, October 16 2020

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said on Thursday that he tasked a Pentagon-funded university to focus half of its curriculum on China. The move is a testament to the shift in the US military’s focus from terrorism to so-called

Yemen – Prisoner Swap and What May be Behind it By Peter Koenig and Press TV, October 16 2020


The fourth batch of Yemeni detainees has arrived the in Sana’a as part of the largest prisoner swap between the country’s warring sides. The residents in the capital received 112 prisoners after their plane landed in the Sana’a international

Struggle: The History of the American People (1954-56). Jacob Lawrence at The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, October 16 2020

“The paintings which I propose to do will depict the struggles of a people to create a nation and their attempt to build a democracy” – this is how Jacob Lawrence described his project in 1954. Over sixty-five years later

UK COVID Crisis: Standoff Between North and South over Lockdown By Johanna Ross, October 16 2020

Mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham, is furious. In a dramatic spectacle, the mayor spoke with anger at how the Westminster government was ‘treating the north with contempt’ in its approach to Covid-19. The mayor has reservations over Boris Johnson’s

Coronavirus: The Trojan Vaccine. A Challenge to Health, and Freedom By Michael Welch, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Meryl Nass, Docs4opendebate, and Peter Koenig, October 16 2020

“ A vaccine with those reaction rates could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to “every person on earth”. That is the threshold that Gates has established for ending the global lockdown.



– Robert …

30 Straight Weeks: Over One Million Jobless US Workers Apply for UI By Stephen Lendman, October 16 2020

What’s happening in the US — with no significant relief in prospect — is unparalleled in the the nation’s history.

Unemployment, growing poverty, food insecurity, and overall deprivation are growing, not easing — while politicians in Washington prioritize war-making and

Turkish and Israeli Weapons Fueling Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh By Stephen Lendman, October 16 2020

Weapons-makers — aka merchants of death and mass destruction — fuel conflicts when occur.

The US by far dominates the global arms trade. 

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the US accounted for 36% of major conventional …

American Coup d’états By Donald Monaco, October 16 2020

Joseph Biden was asked during a recent interview on MSNBC whether he thought domestic unrest would occur in the streets of the United States if all votes were not counted on November 3, throwing the outcome of the upcoming presidential

WHO Europe Director Says Governments Should Stop Enforcing Lockdowns By Paul Joseph Watson, October 16 2020

The World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge says governments should stop enforcing lockdowns, unless as a “last resort,” because the impact on other areas of health and mental well-being is more damaging.

In an interview with Euro …

Israel Stops Granting Visas to UN Human Rights Employees By Joe Dyke, October 16 2020

Israel has stopped granting any visas to employees at the United Nations’ human rights agency, effectively forcing the body’s top staff to leave, Middle East Eye can reveal.

In February, Israel announced it was suspending ties with the United Nations …

Top Poisoner of Pacific Is U.S. Military By David Swanson, October 16 2020

“We’re number one!” The United States famously fails to actually lead the world in anything desirable, but it does lead the world in many things, and one of them turns out to be the poisoning of the Pacific and its

The U.S. of Arms: The Art of the Weapons Deal in the Age of Trump By William D. Hartung, October 15 2020

The United States has the dubious distinction of being the world’s leading arms dealer. It dominates the global trade in a historic fashion and nowhere is that domination more complete than in the endlessly war-torn Middle East. There, believe it

Command (C2) Systems Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Pentagon’s AI ‘Ghost Fleet’ Is More than Just Scary — It’s Unwise. By Michael T. Klare, October 15 2020

In an October address at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper unveiled the Pentagon’s plan for the future Navy, saying it would consist of over 500 warships — almost twice the number now in

We’ve Lost the Art of Dying. “The Fear of Missing Out” By Radhika Tikku, October 15 2020

In his much discussed Being Mortal, Atul Gawande claims modern medicine is ill-equipped to cope with the aged and people near death not because the medical community has a faulty view about what matters most in life, but rather because

COVID Is Not A “Categorically Different Danger” By Donald J. Boudreaux, October 15 2020

Since March, the coronavirus has been treated as if it is a danger categorically different from other dangers, including other viruses. But this treatment is deeply mistaken. The coronavirus is not a categorically different danger. It occupies a location

Turkey Allied with Azerbaijan Against Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh By Stephen Lendman, October 15 2020

Months of planning preceed preemptive wars.

Since July, Turkish and Azeri troops participated in joint air and ground military exercise.

Most often these type drills are defensive. They’re conducted to prepare for possible attacks on the territory of participating nations.…

Head of Oxford University Vaccine Team Says Face Masks, Social Distancing Will Continue Until Next Summer By Steve Watson, October 15 2020

The leader of the coronavirus vaccine team at Oxford University declared Tuesday that nothing is going to approach returning to normal until at least next Summer.

Professor Andrew Pollard said that face masks and social distancing rules are not going …

Scenario Forecasting: What Could a Russian Intervention in Nagorno-Karabakh Look Like? By Andrew Korybko, October 15 2020

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s suggestion to deploy Russian peacekeepers and military observers into the universally recognized Azerbaijani territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and its seven surrounding districts under Armenian occupation pending both sides’ agreement raises the prospect of Moscow’s military intervention in

Trump vs Deep State: Will Trump Upend Neocolonial World Order? By Nauman Sadiq, October 15 2020

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney released an extraordinary statement on Tuesday, decrying a political scene he said “has moved away from spirited debate to a vile, vituperative, hate-filled morass, that is unbecoming of any free nation.” “The world is

Africa Battles COVID-19 Pandemic Effectively By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 15 2020

During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic there was much concern about the impact the virus would have on the African continent.

Predictions focused on the underdeveloped healthcare, transportation and educational sectors of the African Union (AU) member-states stemming …

Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day by Supporting Indigenous Resistance By Margaret Flowers, October 15 2020

This weekend, celebration of Indigenous People’s Day will replace the federal holiday, Columbus Day, in at least eight states and over 130 cities in 34 states. Along with the toppling of Columbus statues and the removal of a racial slur

The 2020 Election Bamboozle: We Are All Victims of the Deep State’s Con Game By John W. Whitehead, October 15 2020

“We’re run by the Pentagon, we’re run by Madison Avenue, we’re run by television, and as long as we accept those things and don’t revolt we’ll have to go along with the stream to the eventual avalanche…. As long as

Could Popular Protectionist Policies in France Eventually Lead to “Frexit”? By Paul Antonopoulos, October 15 2020

The majority of French people say they are in favor of protectionism, according to the latest OpinionWay poll by Le Printemps de l’Économie and Inseec U. In fact, the figure has risen sharply since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic

The Lost Peace Discourse and the Arts as a Possible Way Out? By Jan Oberg, October 15 2020

The discourse about, or for, peace has mostly disappeared over the last 2-3 decades. It applies to research (and its non-governmental funding possibilities), to politics in general and to the media.

In foreign and security politics, the intellectual level is …

Primary Purpose of Mandatory Masking Is to Foster Fear, Say Acclaimed Researchers By John C. A. Manley, October 15 2020

If masks don’t stop infection, yet cause known and probable harms, what’s the point of wearing them? What motive would governments have for mandating them? In their new book, Drs. Karina Reiss PhD and Dr. Sucharit Bakdi MD provide one

The Corona Scandal: “The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed,” Says Investigative Team By John C. A. Manley, October 15 2020

In a public statement, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says:

“…the allegedly new and highly dangerous corona virus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world… But the anti-corona measures, whose only basis are the PCR tests results… have, in

AT&T’s 5G in Berkeley By Daniel Borgstrom, October 15 2020

For several weeks people prevented AT&T from installing 5G devices in the first two locations in Berkeley. A key part of the project consisted of placing antennas on utility poles at the corner of Gilman and Neilson streets and near

Annual Alpine Crucifixions. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 15 2020

Sometimes it can be useful to be brief. Last year, the wave of worry, promoted by the Swedish Alberich, without at least the artistic virtue of her deceased compatriot, Birgit Nilsson, stimulated predictions of imminent Götterdämmerung. This virtually Wagnerian

Hard Times in the US: The Greatest Depression Unfolding By Stephen Lendman, October 15 2020

The nation I grew up in long ago no longer exists, the disturbing reality of today’s US.

As a boy, adolescent and youth with nothing special going for me, advantages I had are gone.

On Wednesday, the Economic Policy Institute …

Cambodia Has Become China’s Unofficial Representative in ASEAN By Paul Antonopoulos, October 15 2020
Selected Articles: The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia By Global Research News, October 14 2020

The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

By F. William Engdahl, October 14 2020

A recent RAND study prepared for the US Army suggests with remarkable accuracy who might be behind what will undoubtedly become a major threat to Russian security

‘We are Many, They are Few’: Nonviolent Resistance to the Elite’s COVID-19 Coup By Robert J. Burrowes, October 14 2020

On 16 August 1819, an estimated 60,000 pro-democracy and anti-poverty activists were peacefully protesting the utterly corrupt nature of the Parliament in Westminster and demanding the reform of parliamentary representation (which afforded less than 2% of people the right to

Keep World News Unchained: We Need Your Support By The Global Research Team, October 14 2020

Dear Global Research Readers,

As we take stock of our rapidly changing world, it can be easy to get swept along by the fierce tide of disinformation coming from many sources. While we strive for awareness and comprehension in the …

The Show Trial of Julian Assange Is an Attack on the Right to Dissent By Megan Sherman, October 14 2020

Wikileaks’ ascendancy has led to a revolution in publishing and politics that has been felt across the world, and was synonymous with the hope of the Arab spring. But a crackdown is now in full swing. The sudden, shocking ascendancy

How to Kill a Thriving Metropolis in 7 Months: New York City’s COVID-19 Failure By Helen Buyniski, October 14 2020

Seven months into the pandemic, as many US states inch back toward ‘normal’, New York is in the grips of a crime wave, reinvigorated lockdowns, and widespread fear of pretty much everything. Thank local government.

New York City has lost

UK Legal Action Launched over Missing £3 Billion Tories Spent on Private Coronavirus Contracts By Joe Mellor, October 14 2020

“When billions of pounds of public money is handed out to private companies, some of them with political connections but no experience in delivering medical supplies, ministers should be explaining why those companies were awarded the contracts.”


There has …

Russia and the European Union Looking for Common Business Language By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 14 2020

Despite the series of sanctions, corporate European businesses are still highly interested in Russia and Russia recognizes the enormous significance and invaluable contributions of these businesses in its economy. The stark reality is that there are more European businesses in

The Palestinian Struggle Betrayed By Askiah Adam, October 14 2020

The Abraham Accord signed recently between Israel on the one hand and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain on the other, is touted as a peace deal. They were not at war. There was peace between them and much

Muammar Gaddafi’s Cousin to Sue Hillary Clinton for ‘Destroying Libya’ By Al-Masdar News, October 14 2020

The political official of the Libyan National Struggle Front, Ahmed Gaddaf al-Dam, began on Monday, the first steps to sue former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on charges of spreading destruction and supporting terrorism in Libya.

The cousin of the …

France’s ‘Crisis’ with Islam: A Legacy of 200 Years of Colonial Brutality By Joseph Massad, October 14 2020

France is in crisis.

Official and unofficial Christian French radical extremism, legitimising itself under the umbrella of what the French ostentatiously call laicité, continues to increase its attacks on French and non-French Muslims.

The Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France (CCIF) …

Facebook Bans Ads Questioning Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines By Zero Hedge, October 14 2020

Mark Zuckerberg has clearly had enough of being hauled in front of Congress and hectored by a gang of senior citizens and listening to the head of the ACLU slam his company as a vessel for violent hate speech. Because

Anti-Chinese Racism Sets Stage for New McCarthyism By John V. Walsh, October 14 2020

More than a dozen young visiting scholars from China had their visas abruptly terminated in a letter from administration of the University of North Texas (UNT), Denton, on August 26, in a letter dated …August 26! The letter informed the

Trump Regime/Russia New START Talks at Impasse By Stephen Lendman, October 14 2020

As long as nuclear weapons exist, the chance of their use ahead — as once before unjustifiably — is ominously high.

Humanity has a clear choice. Eliminate these weapons entirely or risk their eliminating us.

The history of warfare shows …

US and France on the Brink of Trade War By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 14 2020

The geopolitics of the cyber world is again influencing the global political and economic order. Now, a new international tension arises around a digital tax, known as the ‘Google tax’. Such tension could trigger a trade war, this time between

“Professor Lockdown” Neil Ferguson, Whose Model Prompted “New Normal” Lockdowns By munkle, October 14 2020

In an astonishing direct connection to the Imperial College professor who has been roundly denounced for his model which linked success in minimizing COVID deaths to “mitigation” measures such as lockdowns, records show that the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation

UK Government Accused of ‘Cronyism’ after Tory Councilor Wins £156m COVID Contract By Peter Geoghegan and Russell Scott, October 14 2020

A small, loss-making firm run by a Conservative councillor in Stroud was given a £156m contract to import PPE from China without any competition, openDemocracy has learned.

Steve Dechan’s company, P14 Medical, signed the huge contract to supply medical …

Syria’s Devastating Forest Fires By Andrew Korybko, October 14 2020

The Syrian people who have already been suffering from nearly a decade of externally waged Hybrid War are now forced to deal with the environmental devastation caused by the 156 forest fires that recently ravaged the Arab Republic, though most

COVID-19 Vaccine Partnership with AstraZeneca: A Threat to Public Health By Tony Cartalucci, October 14 2020

A Reuters article republished by Bangkok Post titled, “Thailand to make, supply AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine” would claim that Thailand has agreed to make AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine.

This is despite the vaccine not only not having passed clinical trials or having …

Can the US Federal Reserve End Racism? Eliminate Disparities in Income, Employment and Wealth? By Rep. Ron Paul, October 14 2020

House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters and Senator Elizabeth Warren have introduced the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act. This legislation directs the Federal Reserve to eliminate racial disparities in income, employment, wealth, and access to credit.

Eliminating racial …

Video: Turkey Threatens Armenia with Direct Military Intervention in Karabakh War By South Front, October 14 2020

As of October 13, clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces continue in the southern part of the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region, while on the other parts of the frontline Baku and Yerevan limited their military activity to exchange of artillery and

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “Intent” to Remove Trump from Office by Invoking the 25th Amendment? A Politically Desperate Distraction By Andrew Korybko, October 14 2020

This is a politically desperate distraction which hints that the Democrats aren’t as confident about former Vice President Joe Biden’s supposedly impending victory as their media surrogates are trying to convince everyone is bound to happen in a few weeks’

Human Rights Debate at UN Security Council. Horrifying Social Consequences of US Sanctions Inflicted on North Korea By Carla Stea, October 14 2020

During the press briefing outlining Russia’s program of work for their October Presidency of the UN Security Council,  I mentioned the offer by Dr. Kee B. Park, Director of the Korea Policy Project at Harvard Medical School, and renowned

The Malevolent Encirclement of Russia By F. William Engdahl, October 14 2020

Over recent weeks a series of events in the states surrounding the Russian Federation has erupted that certainly are not being greeted with joy in the Kremlin. Each crisis center of itself is not a definitive game-changer for future Russian

All It Takes Is a Spark: Syrian Wildfires Turn Olive Trees into Ashes By Steven Sahiounie, October 14 2020

Latakia: Friday morning in the coastal city of Latakia, Syria seemed normal at first. Even though the October weather was still far hotter than normal, not many noticed the unusually strong winds wiping through the countryside, filled with olives, citrus,

Threats to the Life of Nobel Laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege in Seeking Peace and Justice in the DRC By African Bar Association, October 14 2020

The African Bar Association wishes to express deep concern about the recent threats to the life and person of Dr. Denis Mukwege. This misguided threats arising from the activist activities of the Nobel Laureate in seeking for justice in

Becoming U.S. Fortress Against China Does More Damage than Good for Taiwan By Paul Antonopoulos, October 14 2020

The $1.4 billion increase in Taiwan’s military spending next year is still not enough to achieve effective defense, said David Helvey, Principal Director for East Asia in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security

Trump Seeking New START Deal Pre-Election? By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2020

Since taking office in January 2017, Trump has been a deal-breaker, not maker.

Hardliners surrounding him obstructed efforts to extend New START.

The last remaining Russia/US arms control agreement expires on February 5, 2021.

Unacceptable US demands on extending New …

Video: Is There a Second Wave? The Lockdown, Ireland, Statement of WHO COVID-19 Expert By Andrew Neil, David Nabarro, and et al., October 13 2020

In this Spectator report, the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) states the need to combat the virus while restoring economic activity.

The Irish government dismissed the recommendations of the medical experts who are calling for restoring the lockdown. 

Turkey’s Involvement in Nagorno-Karabakh By Stephen Lendman, October 13 2020

Wannabe sultan Erdogan’s involvement in Azerbaijan’s war on Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh (NK below) is another example of his aim for greater regional influence and control.

In July and August, Turkey and Azerbaijan conducted joint ground and aerial military exercises, what …

Dangerous Virus: You have to Be Tested… You have Entered the Covid Zone By Global Research News, October 13 2020

Political Cartoonist Steve Hunter

A virus appears that is so deadly and contagious,

you have to be tested to even know you had it

A pandemic is declared while hospitals sit empty 

You have entered the COVID ZONE

Source: Think-right

Boris Johnson at Sea: Coronavirus Confusion in the UK By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 13 2020

The tide has been turning against UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.  Oafishly, he has managed to convert that tide into a deluge of dissatisfaction assisted by the gravitational pull of singular incompetence.  Much of this is due to such

Talking Tough and Carrying a Radioactive Stick. The Nuclearization of American Diplomacy By Michael T. Klare, October 13 2020

On August 21st, six nuclear-capable B-52H Stratofortress bombers, representing approximately one-seventh of the war-ready U.S. B-52H bomber fleet, flew from their home base in North Dakota to Fairford Air Base in England for several weeks of intensive operations over Europe.

Lockdowns Have Killed What’s Left of the United Nations’ Credibility By Peter C. Earl, October 13 2020

Distrust of the United Nations is a feeling that transcends political ideologies. Even many who view the UN as an essential institution gripe about the composition of its councils and its mounting listlessness over the last few decades. From charges

Being Made Invisible By Stephen Sefton, October 13 2020

Over thirty years ago, the moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre[1] noted that an inability to engage competing rationalities critically disables the proponents of the moral and intellectual tradition failing to do so. That kind of fundamental, banal critical failure has always

Not Completely a Company Town By Herman Rosenfeld, October 13 2020

Peter Findlay’s documentary film Company Town provides a welcome opening to initiate discussion and debate about the closure of General Motor’s once massive (it had 23,000 workers at one time) and historically central auto and truck complex and supplier plants.

To Rebel Against Necessity and More By Edward Curtin, October 13 2020

“Compassion has no place in the natural order of the world, which operates on the basis of necessity.  The laws of necessity are as unexceptional as the laws of gravitation.  The human faculty of compassion opposes this order and is

The Undeniable Cruelty of Trump’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ on Iran By Tyler Cullis, October 13 2020

The Trump administration calls its policy towards Iran one of “maximum pressure.” By its latest move, it would more properly be called “siege and starve,” as the feigned interest in establishing leverage for comprehensive negotiations with Iran has been replaced

Belgian Health Experts Demand Full Investigation into WHO for Faking COVID-19 Pandemic By Ethan Huff, October 13 2020

A coalition of doctors and other health professionals in Belgium has issued an open letter calling for an immediate end to every “emergency” policy established in response to the novel coronavirus (covid-19), as well as a full-scale investigation into the

Video: Azerbaijani Military Destroys Armenian S-300s as Humanitarian Ceasefire Nears Its Collapse By South Front, October 13 2020

The Armenian-Azerbaijani war in the Nagorno-Karabakh region does not show signs of nearing its end despite the humanitarian ceasefire launched in the region. The ceasefire started in the Nagorno-Karabakh region at 12:00 local time on October 10. The ceasefire deal

COVID-19 in California Prisons By Ivan Kilgore, October 13 2020

My name’s Ivan Kilgore and I am the founder of the United Black Family Scholarship Foundation. And I’m calling you from Solano State Prison in Northern California.

click here for audio on Prison Radio

Click to access original text …

‘Professor Lockdown’ Modeler Neil Ferguson Resigns in Disgrace By John Fund, October 13 2020

This article was originally published in May 2020.

Neil Ferguson is the British academic who created the infamous Imperial College model that warned Boris Johnson that, without an immediate lockdown, the coronavirus would cause 500,000 deaths and swamp the National

Israeli Army Orders Closure of 3,000 Dunums of Land on Olive Harvest Season By Najib Farraj, October 13 2020

The Israeli occupation army issued 63 military orders to close areas and lands planted with olives in separate parts of the West Bank, coinciding with the start of the olive harvest season in the Palestinian territories.

The olive harvest season, …