Global Research News

Amy Coney Barrett: The Latest Supreme Court Travesty By Robert Fantina, November 04 2020

President Donald Trump has succeeded, aided and abetted by a willing and corrupt senate, in ramming through his third Supreme Court nominee, the very conservative Amy Coney Barrett. Her successful appointment to the nation’s highest court does not bode

PBS and Other US Media Are Spreading Disinformation About Nicaragua. USAID’s “Regime Change” Project By Nan McCurdy, November 04 2020

In 36 years of living in Latin America I have learned that any time a country changes its conditions so that poverty decreases and the standard of living improves, the United States wages some kind of war on that country.

The Myth of U.S. Democracy: Americans are Voting for the Commander in Chief of a “Worldwide Killing Machine” By Jay Janson, November 04 2020

Good people of the Third World should not let themselves be taken in by worldwide satellite beamed CIA-fed media prattling on continuously about American democracy during ongoing presidential elections. Sadly, Americans are duped into participating  in elections that back crimes

Wolves to Lose Protection By John R. Platt, November 04 2020

A final rule to remove the iconic species from the Endangered Species Act has now been published. Read more about the science and politics of wolf conservation.


As expected the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today issued a rule

5G’s Assault on Civil Rights: Let’s Not Forfeit Local Power being Trapped into Surveillance By Megan Sherman, November 04 2020

Having conquered, colonised and regimented cyberspace and its flow of data, driven away from us and in to orbit in secret stores, telecommunications companies are now looking to occupy public infrastructure with their next generation data network 5G.

Because 5G …

Government Leak Reveals Destruction of Marine Wildlife By Rob Edwards, November 04 2020

Scotland has failed to meet a ten-year-old target to prevent damage to precious marine wildlife, according to a leaked Scottish Government report seen by The Ferret.

The report reveals that “priority” seabed habitats meant to be protected around the coast …

COVID-19 Tracing Methods: United Nations Special Rapporteur Warns of Danger of “Intrusive Surveillance” By Carla Stea, November 04 2020

On October 29, 2020, Joseph Cannataci, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy delivered an address to the General Assembly warning that “Widespread use of contact tracing technology to fight the Covid-19 pandemic has led to almost incessant

‘Corbyn as Much a Racist as Nelson Mandela,’ Former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein Tells Online Rally By Ben Chacko, November 04 2020

Jeremy Corbyn “is as much a racist or anti-semite as my former boss Nelson Mandela” and must be restored to membership of the Labour Party, former South African MP Andrew Feinstein told a rally in defence of the ex-Labour leader

Same Story, Different Decade: How WHO’s Definition of a Global Pandemic Benefits Big Pharma By Jeremy Loffredo, November 03 2020

When WHO broadened its definition of global pandemic in 2009, H1N1 vaccine makers profited at taxpayers’ expense. COVID vaccine makers will likely reap even more benefits.


In the years leading up to 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) worked …

The Global Spread of the “Virus of Fear” By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 03 2020

The real story behind the so-called “second-wave” Covid-19 infection

The entire world at this point in time is being conditioned that the Covid-19 infection has gotten worse and the “second wave” of the PLANdemic is already here to wreak renewed

Canadian Organizations: Maintain Support for Palestinian Self-Determination at UN By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, November 03 2020

As the UN General Assembly gears up for a series of votes on 16 annual resolutions in support of Palestinian human rights, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and the Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations (CCPO)

Pre-Vaccination Immunity Determines Effectiveness of Vaccines By Bill Sardi, November 03 2020

Death due to influenza is over-reported.  The Centers for Disease Control distributes a figure of 36,000 deaths a year from the flu.  But data from the American Lung Association reveals flu-related deaths as low as a few hundred in a

Announcing a New Initiative: UK Drone Watch By Chris Cole, November 03 2020

Since 2010, Drone Wars UK has been shining a spotlight on the military’s use of drones and the impact on peace and security around the globe. Now, both in the US and in Europe, large military-grade drones which fly ‘beyond

No Vaccine for Tyranny By Rep. Ron Paul, November 03 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns. After all, the WHO ‘s pronouncements are considered infallible, so much so

On Eve of 103rd Anniversary of Balfour Pledge, Palestinian Refugees Still Committed to Unyielding Right of Return By Palestinian Return Centre, November 03 2020

More than a century on, millions of Palestinian refugees continue to grapple with the devastating upshots of the Balfour Declaration, which led to a significant upheaval in the lives of Palestinians.

Issued on November 2, 1917, the declaration turned the …

The Threat of a Biden/Harris Regime in Power By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2020

Since Trump took office in January 2017, I’ve sharply criticized his domestic and geopolitical agenda — with ample supporting evidence to make my case.

I support neither right wing of the US one-party state — nor farcical elections when held …

It’s Only a Lawn Sign; Well, Perhaps Far More. How Being ‘a Minority’ Feels By Barbara Nimri Aziz, November 03 2020

With quarrels raging over disappearing campaign lawn signs, rattled American liberals may now appreciate how being ‘a minority’ feels.

Desecration and theft of lawn signs in support of Republicans or Democrats are reported in many American neighborhoods this year, with …

Deconstructing France’s Emmanuel Macron. The Surge of Islamophobia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 03 2020

The Modi government has earned the distinction as the “first non-western” voice to come out in support of French President Emmanuel Macron over the recent horrific killings in that country. This distinction apparently presents itself as too good to miss.

Israel Wins U.S. Election By Philip Giraldi, November 03 2020

The U.S. election will end today, more or less, and we Americans will suffer another four years of putting up with serial nonsense out of a White House and Congress that couldn’t care less about us no matter who is

Shameful Treatment of Refugees on Greek Island: A Snapshot By Prof. Richard Hardigan, November 03 2020

On Sunday, October 11, Mohammad was lying on the road, holding his foot and screaming in pain. “You treat us worse than dogs!” he shouted at the hospital. A twenty-year-old refugee from the province of Homs in Syria he, like

COVID and Its Man-Made Gigantic Collateral Damage: The Great Reset – A Call for Civil Disobedience By Peter Koenig, November 03 2020

The going narrative in the west is: “Covid is on the Rise – we are entering the second wave – we must protect our people.”

The offered recipe is testing-testing-testing – it is the instrument for increasing “cases”. The more

France and Turkey Not Embroiled in “Clash of Civilizations” but Rather Geopolitical Struggle By Paul Antonopoulos, November 03 2020

The horrific terrorist attacks in France and the confrontation that erupted between Paris and Ankara has questioned alliances and changed the geopolitical landscape in the East Mediterranean and Africa. Many are calling this a “clash of civilizations” between the liberal

The Contours of Resistance Beyond the Election By Black Alliance for Peace, November 03 2020

No matter which party wins the White House on November 3, one thing is certain: The objective crisis of the system will force the winning political party to be guided by a logic that concludes domestic repression and warmongering abroad

Is Joe Biden Cognitively and Physically “Unfit to Serve”? Both Trump and Biden are Unfit for the Highest Office By Stephen Lendman, November 03 2020

As judged by their public records, Trump and Biden are unfit for the nation’s highest office.

Time and again, both figures showed that they serve privileged interests exclusively at the expense of ordinary people they’re dismissive toward.

It’s how Dem …

America After the Election: A Few Hard Truths About the Things that Won’t Change By John W. Whitehead, November 03 2020

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”—George Orwell

The American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the White House can solve …

The US Republic, Trump and the Authoritarian Fear Mongering Club By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 03 2020

It’s an oxymoron with a long history: American democracy.  In referring to the United States, it does not exist.  Nor does it take a follower of refrigerated communism to note the obvious point that democracy plays a small part

Tourism Industry to Lose Over $1 Trillion and Can Reduce Global GDP by up to 2.8% By Nica San Juan, November 03 2020

Tourism, which is the third largest export sector in the global economy, is among the worst impacted sectors by the global pandemic. According to the research data analyzed and gathered by, international tourist numbers in 2020 could decline

Relations Between Mexico and India Are on the Rise By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 03 2020
China’s Growing Ties with Laos By Joseph Thomas, November 03 2020
Freedom of Speech on the Internet is all but Extinct: Facebook’s New “Free Speech Court” Is Anything but Independent By Raul Diego, November 02 2020

Freedom of speech on the Internet is all but extinct, and on the eve of the 2020 US elections, a de facto “free speech court” is going to make sure it never comes back. On Facebook at least.


Australia’s Harshest Lockdown Restrictions and the Sawing of the Djab Wurrung People’s Sacred “Directions Tree” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 02 2020

“Djab Wurrung women are in an abusive relationship with Victoria’s government.” – Sissy Eileen Austin, The Guardian, Sep 14, 2019

It was a penultimate day in the Australian state of Victoria.  The state government had announced that some of

Balkanization and Hybrid Warfare Against Sudan By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, November 02 2020


In November, 2017, Former Sudanese Pres. Omar Al-Bashir paid a quick and urgent arranged visit to pleading with President Putin “that his country needs protection from the U.S. and could serve as a gateway to Africa for Moscow”.


No Letup in US War on Iran by Other Means Ahead By Stephen Lendman, November 02 2020

On all things Iran under both right wings of the US war party, transforming the country into a subservient vassal state is a high priority.

Regardless of whether Republicans or Dems control the White House and/or Congress, things won’t change

Madagascar’s Lemurs Species May Never Recover: The Covid-19 Economic Fallout is Triggering Hunger and Deprivation throughout Sub-saharan Africa By Malavika Vyawahare, November 02 2020

The DreamWorks version of Madagascar is exactly that, a fantasy. The island nation is no unpeopled paradise teeming with dancing lemurs, as depicted in the animated Madagascar film. On the contrary, almost all of its lemur species are being driven

The Flawed COVID-19 Vaccine Testing Programs By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 02 2020

There doesn’t appear to be much difference between the testing protocols of the dozens of pharmaceutical companies that are working on developing a vaccine for the elusive (and therefore dubious) SARS virus that has not actually yet been isolated in

The U.S Election System is Based on Co-optation, What is “The Alternative”? By Trabajadores, November 02 2020

The mainstream talks about many features regarding the electoral system, but neglects its most important feature: co-optation. 


Trabajadores: How would you describe the electoral process in the United States?

Arnold August (AA): The U.S. ruling elite provides …

Global Risks: The World on the Verge of Disintegration By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 02 2020

Global Risks as an Axiological Issue

The issue of global risks is basically an axiological (value) matter that requires a thorough analysis of certain socio-political factors viewed through the lens of universalizable moral principles that promote human flourishing in terms

“The Social Dilemma”: How Unchecked High Tech and AI can Result in a Dystopian World By Aabid Firdausi, November 02 2020

The Social Dilemma that is currently streaming on Netflix has garnered much attention by raising a single question – how have we come to accept as normal the fact that a few hundred tech-enthusiasts in Silicon Valley has had an

Why Is the Corporate Media Predicting a “Dark Winter”? By Brian Shilhavy and Derrick Broze, November 02 2020

Earlier this week I reported how a mere 6 companies control almost everything we see in the corporate media. On the corporate news networks, it is common to use “doctors” to get a specific message across to the public, by

Déjà Vu in France: Hypocrisy of the French State. “Freedom of Speech” versus Islamophobia By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, November 02 2020

As events unfold in France centring around Islamophobia, there is a feeling of déjà vu. We have witnessed a few times before this sequence of events.  There is some provocation or other targeting the Prophet Muhammad initiated by a non-Muslim

If the Deep State Wants Biden to Win, He Will By Lauren Smith, November 02 2020

Even without a crystal ball, it’s predicted that presidential candidate and former Vice-President Joe Biden will win the 2020 United States presidential election. However, this forecast is not based on record voter turnout or the magnitude of bad press generated

The Refusal of Democrats and Republicans to Face Political Reality By Eric Zuesse, November 02 2020

Almost all of America’s Democratic and Republican voters are simply closed-minded, and refuse to acknowledge that each of this nation’s two political Parties is controlled by its billionaires and is profoundly corrupt, not allowing any progressive legislation (but only conservative

Can Trump Win? 2020 Presidential Election Forecast. Will It Trigger a Stock Market Tsunami? By Nadeem Walayat, November 02 2020

Will the November 3rd election earthquake trigger a stock market Tsunami or just a few inconsequential waves lapping on the market shore?

 Here we stand just a few days away from the US presidential election with the liberal MSM in

New COVID-19 Security Measures Will Make Health a Prerequisite for Travel By Raul Diego, November 02 2020

As the multi-sector, global response to the coronavirus tightens the noose around civil liberties, CommonPass stands out as one of the most appalling and dangerous attacks on basic human rights in the name of public health.


Imagine standing …

Russian Government Prioritizes Small and Medium Scale Businesses, Affected by Covid-19 Crisis By Kester Kenn Klomegah, November 02 2020

Over the years, Small and Medium Scale Businesses (SMEs) have been uttermost focus for the Russian government recognizing the fact that these provide employment and support the overall economy. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the government has seriously prioritized the sector,

Millions of Iranians at Risk as US Sanctions Choke Insulin Supplies By Rohollah Faghihi, November 02 2020

A new tranche of sanctions imposed by the US on Iran has exacerbated the insulin shortage crisis in the Islamic Republic and boosted its smuggling, patients and doctors told Middle East Eye.

On 8 October, the US Treasury announced that …

Chinese Presence in the Caribbean, New Global Power Encroaching on US Hegemony? By Uriel Araujo, November 02 2020

Many analysts have been closely watching the growth of Chinese naval power and its increasing presence across both the Indian and Pacific oceans, collectively known as the Indo-Pacific region. What is less talked about however is the Caribbean region,

Like Old-Time Piracy: The US Seizes Venezuelan Oil and Sells It By Telesur, November 02 2020

The U.S. Justice Department announced on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s administration sold over 1.1 million barrels of refined petroleum that were onboard the Luna vessel, which was seized by the United States from Iran on August 14, 2020.

Trump Believes in Bullets, Not in Ballots. Working People and the Poor will Suffer the most through this Election By Massoud Nayeri, November 02 2020

People who live in the path of a Hurricane (upon the first warning) take all necessary steps to safeguard themselves, their families and their livelihood. In the world of politics, when political storms are forming, most people are not prepared

The U.S. Presidential Election: A “Criminal” Versus a “Con Artist” By Donald Monaco, November 02 2020

The 2020 U.S. presidential election campaign has evolved into a bitter contest between a politician and a plutocrat, both of whom advance policies that favor the rich.  One is a criminal; the other is a con artist.  Joseph Biden is

US Election Result Could Spark ‘End of Brexit’, Claims Peer By Jonathon Read, November 02 2020

Labour peer and political commentator Andrew Adonis has claimed that the US election result next week could spark the “end of Brexit”.

Lord Adonis, a TNE contributor, provoked a debate after pointing out that if Donald Trump fails to make …

Why Canada Must Release Meng Wanzhou By K.J. Noh, November 02 2020

Few things are as dangerous as a poorly thought-out kidnapping. Kidnappings are serious business, often with unintended consequences. History is replete with dimwitted criminals who engaged in them on a whim, only to discover adverse outcomes far beyond their imagining.

‘Godfather of Peruvian Falcons’ Uncovers Peregrine’s Epic Journey from the Arctic By Liz Kimbrough, November 02 2020

When a peregrine falcon crashed through the skylight of a high-rise building in Lima, Peru, what impressed falcon researchers was not its tremendous speed (peregrines are the fastest animal in the world), or that it was found eating a dove

Will Trump and Biden Refuse to Concede if Defeated? By Stephen Lendman, November 02 2020

Trump v. Biden results won’t be known for days or weeks post-election because of record early voting by mail or in-person.

According to the US Elections Project, early voting so far reached about 62% of total 2016 turnout as of

Palestinians Sue Britain for 1917 Balfour Declaration By The New Arab, November 02 2020

Palestinian lawyers on Thursday filed a complaint to sue the British government for the 1917 declaration setting out London’s support for a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine.

The lawyers filed a complaint in the occupied West …

Antisemitism Report: By Suspending Corbyn, Starmer Is Tearing Labour Apart By Richard Sanders and Peter Oborne, November 02 2020

It’s 35 years since Neil Kinnock established his reputation as Labour opposition leader with his blistering attack on Derek Hatton and the Militant Tendency.

It’s approaching a quarter of a century since Tony Blair established himself as Britain’s next …

‘Renminbi Diplomacy’: How China Bought the US Government? By Nauman Sadiq, November 01 2020

In an explosive scoop [1], alternative news outlet Zero Hedge has laid bare how China’s state apparatchik clandestinely baited the family members of the Obama-era vice president and secretary of state into joint business ventures in order to surreptitiously influence

Factionalising Antisemitism: The British Labour Party Suspends Jeremy Corbyn By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 01 2020

Whatever stance taken by followers of the British Labour Party on the subject of antisemitism within its ranks, the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn must be seen as an exercise of muscle on the part of Sir Keir Starmer.  Since coming

Open Letter to the COVID-Corrupted Media. Non-stop Reporting, Alarming and Fearmongering By Peter Koenig, November 01 2020

We, The People, are concerned about worldwide media reporting about covid.

Are you, Western Media Moguls, realizing that there is hardly anything else on your programs other than covid? – Covid is at the center of everything. Covid discussions appear

From One Struggle to Another, Abolition Now! Mumia Abu Jamal By Mumia Abu-Jamal, November 01 2020

When one thinks of the term abolition, there is a tendency to see it as a threat emerging from the left. Another perspective understands, however, that abolition is a natural response to a situation that has become untenable.

What condition …

Debt, Land and Money, from Polanyi to the New Economic Archaeology By Prof Michael Hudson, November 01 2020

Inspiration for The Great Transformation in the postwar monetary breakdown

Karl Polanyi’s formative years in the aftermath of World War I were a period of monetary turmoil. The United States became a creditor nation for the first time, and demanded

Video: Azerbaijani Troops Are at the Gates of the Capital of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic By South Front, November 01 2020

The Nagorno-Karabakh war has apparently been developing in the favor of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc. On the evening of October 29, the Armenian side confirmed that Azerbaijani troops have almost reached the second largest town in Nagorno-Karabakh – Shusha, which is

Video: The Corona Virus and the Health Impacts of the Lockdown: Interview with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi By Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Welch, October 31 2020

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is an award winning medical doctor specialised in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology.

This is not a killer virus comparable to the Spanish Flu.  




Is Euthanasia Ethically Acceptable? Ethics vs. Morality By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, October 31 2020


The question is obviously limited to the ethical but may also be considered in the area of morals and thus revise it to, “Is euthanasia morally correct?” I do not intend to get into a hair-splitting discussion since, in

Terrorism and “French Values” By Kim Petersen, October 31 2020

There have been some horrendous, despicable killings by Muslim extremists in France. Such killings must be condemned.

French president Emmanuel Macron played the victim card, saying that France “will not give into terrorism.” Yet when 21st century France engages in

Coronavirus and the Biotech Complex. A Conversation with Whitney Webb By Michael Welch and Whitney Webb, October 31 2020

“Government insiders had foreknowledge of the Covid-19 crisis on a scale that, thus far, has gone unreported and that those same insiders are now manipulating the government’s response and public panic in order to reap record profits and gain unprecedented

The US Alliance with India: Bipartisan Issue of Strategic Importance By Andrew Korybko, October 31 2020

The US’ alliance with India will remain a mainstay of its grand strategy regardless of who wins next week’s elections since it’s a bipartisan issue of the highest importance for its permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”).


The ‘Very, Very Bad Look’ of Remdesivir, the First FDA-approved COVID-19 Drug By Jon Cohen and Kai Kupferschmidt, October 30 2020

October was a good month for Gilead Sciences, the giant manufacturer of antivirals headquartered in Foster City, California. On 8 October, the company inked an agreement to supply the European Union with its drug remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19—a

Dark Days Approach.Fraudsters and Scam Artists into the Highest Office By True Publica, October 30 2020

Some things in our world are dependable and just like the sun rises and sets every day, light and dark mean different things to different people. Humans like the dependable and the predictable – it comforts them to know what

This Month’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, October 30 2020
To Lockdown or Not to Lockdown: Britain Debates By Johanna Ross, October 30 2020

The UK government is facing increased pressure to call for a national lockdown or ‘circuit breaker’ as it has commonly become known after a further 310 deaths to Covid-19 were announced on Thursday. It brings the total number of deaths

Will Trump Surprise Pollsters and Hostile Media by Defeating Biden? By Stephen Lendman, October 30 2020

The NYT is notably unrelenting in pushing fake news of Russian US election meddling to help Biden defeat Trump.

Despite claiming otherwise, the US intelligence community has no evidence suggesting foreign interference in the US election process this year or

What Happens on November 3: A Dem Presidency Means the Return of the Blob By Pepe Escobar, October 30 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

What happens on November 3rd? It’s like a larger than life replay of the famous Hollywood adage: “No one knows anything.”

The Dem strategy is crystal clear, spawned by

Video: Neo-Ottoman Nights of Armenian-Azerbaijani War By South Front, October 30 2020

Turkish Sultan-in-Chief Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come up with a justification for the deployment of Syrian militants to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone to support the war against Armenia. According to him, at least 2,000 fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS), New Momentum in the Development of Trade and Investment By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 30 2020

On October 28, the BRICS Business Council (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) during the forum reviewed its joint work for the previous years, discussed at length current business issues and, in particular tried to choose a path for

Brazilian Meat Giant Trucked Cattle from Deforested Amazon Ranch By Andrew Wasley, Alexandra Heal, and et al., October 30 2020

On a sunny day in July 2019, Alessandro Ale, a lorry driver, decided to take a few photos as he drove in a convoy across the southern end of the Amazon rainforest. He snapped the cab of his lorry

Begging Outrage: British Journalists for Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 30 2020

Even that title strikes an odd note.  It should not.  The Fourth Estate, historically reputed as the chamber of journalists and publishers keeping an eye on elected officials, received a blast of oxygen with the arrival of WikiLeaks.  This was

Nine COVID Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance By Jeff Harris, October 30 2020

Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry. But the facts and the science simply don’t

COVID-19: Government Poised to Amend Regulations to Allow Use of Unlicensed Vaccine By Clare Dyer, October 30 2020

The UK government has set out plans to amend drug regulations in case it decides that covid-19 vaccines should be used before they are licensed, in a bid to roll them out more quickly.1

In a consultation on the proposals …

The Nuclear Ban Treaty Is Set to Enter Force. Experts Explain What Comes Next. By John Krzyzaniak, October 30 2020

Seventy-five years after their destructive power was first unleashed, nuclear weapons are about to be officially and explicitly prohibited by international law. For the average person, it may come as a surprise to know that nuclear weapons, dreadful as they