Global Research News

Donald Trump in the Middle East: A Story of Big Winners and Bigger Losers By Oscar Rickett, November 09 2020

On Sunday 21 May 2017, four months after he was inaugurated as US president, Donald Trump entered a darkened room at the Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. There, Trump, with his wife Melania looking on,

Fantasy Democracy in Action: Biden Defeats Trump? Who is The Real Jo Biden? By Stephen Lendman, November 09 2020

Biden press agent media were quick to claim he defeated Trump.

Given incomplete vote-counting in key battleground states, and numerous GOP lawsuits over irregularities — the Supreme Court likely to be the final arbiter of who won and lost —

GM Canola Persists 20 Years after Field Trials Ended in Tasmania By Third World Network and John Paull, November 09 2020

Australia accounts for 0.4% of the world’s GM agriculture hectares. Its island state of Tasmania is however marketed as ‘clean and green’, and sometimes as ‘clean and green and smart’. Tasmania has maintained a GM Moratorium since 2001, and has

End 2020 on a Humane Note: The International Community Calls for Human Rights Protections for Assange, Manning and Snowden By Lauren Smith, November 09 2020

When governments don’t abide by the law, it is imperative that the international community hold those governments to account. Let’s be reminded that during World War II, the United Nations was established as an assembly of nations with the unified

The UK Equalities Commission’s Labour Antisemitism Report Is the Real ‘Political Interference’ By Jonathan Cook, November 09 2020

I recently published for the Middle East Eye website a detailed analysis of last week’s report by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission into the question of whether the UK Labour party had an especial antisemitism problem. (You can read

How Strategic Empathy Makes for Wiser Foreign Policy By Daniel Larison, November 09 2020

Anatol Lieven explains how strategic empathy is supposed to work:

This kind of empathy has very valuable consequences for foreign policy. It makes for an accurate assessment of another state establishment’s goals based on its own thoughts, rather than a

Daisy’s Story: Filipina Migrants and Other Women in the Shadow of the U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa By Akemi Johnson, November 09 2020
Australia Enters the Race for Digital Currency By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 09 2020
Israel’s ‘Silent Transfer’ of Palestinians Out of Palestine By Ibrahim Husseini, November 09 2020

As more Arab countries normalise relations with Israel, it presses on with a policy of “silent transfer” – an intricate system that targets Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem with residency revocation, displacement through house demolitions, barriers in obtaining building permits,

Information War? Internet Archive to Rewrite History with Alerts for Sites that Have Been Fact Checked By Aaron Kesel, November 09 2020

According to an blog post, you will now know if a page was pulled down or received an alert over what “fact-checkers” consider “misinformation.”

This also includes “dead” web pages that were archived. The Internet Archive has started …

What Biden’s Foreign Policy Might Look Like By Steve Brown, November 09 2020

Subsequent to the Captured State’s nearly four-year setback in its attempt to shape the world to suit their Globalist-Neoliberal agenda, let’s examine what a Biden-Harris regime’s foreign policy might look like, if Biden is declared winner of the

Media “Fact Checking”: President Trump “Censored” by CNBC By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Vanessa Beeley, Max Parry, and BlackCatte, November 08 2020

I am not a fan of Donald Trump.  But this concerted action on behalf of the corporate media to prevent the President from speaking on election results is tantamount to a de facto “Color Revolution” Made in America.

Trump is …

Wisdom from Courageous – and Silenced – Whistle-blowing “Vaccine Skeptics” By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 08 2020

“Mercury/thimerosal and lead (and aluminum) are extremely neurotoxic and cytotoxic, but their combined synergistic effect is much worse.

A dose of mercury sufficient to kill 1% of tested rats, when combined with a dose of lead sufficient to kill less

Fur Trades and Pandemics: Coronavirus and Denmark’s Great Mink Massacre By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 08 2020

“The worst case scenario is a new pandemic, starting all over again out of Denmark,” came the words of a grave Kåre Mølbak, director of the Danish health authorities, the State Serum Institute.  According to the Institute, COVID-19 infections

The Government’s Lust to Spy By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 08 2020

In 2019, agents of the federal and state governments persuaded judges to issue 99% of all requested intercepts. An intercept is any type of government surveillance — telephone, text message, email, even in-person. These are intercepts that theoretically are based

US Election Theft 2020? Election Results are “Shady” By Stephen Lendman, November 08 2020

If November 3 elections proved anything, it’s what Buttercup explained in Gilbert & Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore, saying the following:

“Things are seldom what they seem. Skim milk masquerades as cream.”

“Highlows pass as patent leathers. Jackdaws strut in peacock’s feathers.”

Will the Turkish Economy Kill Erdogan’s New Ottoman Empire? By F. William Engdahl, November 08 2020

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Turkey in the past two years has engaged in a remarkable series of active geopolitical foreign interventions from Syria to Libya to Cyprus and most recently on the side of Azerbaijan in the territory conflict with

The Use of Language to Manipulate People By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 08 2020

We have encountered day in day out language-using manipulators in practically all areas/sectors of life. In one particular instance, we regularly hear them over the radio and see them on TV. We read their messages on the pages of dailies

How Could 70 Million Still Have Voted for Trump? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 08 2020

Media pundits and others have been deeply perplexed as to why so many Americans in this election–70 million in fact– nonetheless voted for Trump.

But it’s not all that difficult to understand. There are 3 major explanations: One economic. Second,

The Covid-19 Roadmap: Towards Global Economic Chaos and Societal Destruction By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 07 2020
The "killer virus" fear campaign coupled with the WHO Director General Dr. Tedros' timely "warnings" of the need to implement a Worldwide pandemic served the interests of Wall Street's institutional speculators and hedge funds. The financial crash led to a major shift in the distribution of money wealth.
Coronavirus: Powerful Voices have their Say on Lockdowns and “Pandemic Salvation” By Michael Welch and Rocco Galati, November 07 2020

Your policies and politics make no scientific, medical or common sense. Your belligerent fascism will not deter us in defending our human attributes codified as constitutional rights! Your measures are destructive, irrational and unconstitutional! They serve other masters, not

US Hypocrisy, Not Democracy. Governance of, by and for “The Rich, Well-Born and Able” By Stephen Lendman, November 06 2020

When farcical US elections are held, we the people have no say over who serves in high office or how the nation is run.

The nation’s founders designed things this way, creating governance of, by, and for “the rich, well-born

Video: British Healthcare Assistant Reveals the Lies on Covid Testing and the Lockdown. We Say No the Army and the Police By Unnamed Nurse, November 06 2020

Transcript by Rawan R. Mhamsa

Oh, working as a healthcare assistant for the NHS. I don’t think that the uniform to prove that I work for them, but today I’m publicly resigning.

OK, well.

I’m wearing this uniform sadly for …

The Task of ‘Sleepy Joe’ Is to Put Liberal America Right Back to Sleep By Jonathan Cook, November 06 2020

At birth, all of us begin a journey that offers opportunities either to grow – not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually – or to stagnate. The journey we undertake lasts a lifetime, but there are dozens of moments

Former British Prime Minister May Leads Lockdown Rebellion as UK Struggles Against Second COVID Wave By Johanna Ross, November 06 2020

Former Prime Minister Theresa May has led a backbench rebellion against a second lockdown, demanding the government provide more statistics on the adverse harm the first lockdown had on people’s health. A total of fifty Conservative MPs rebelled against the

A graffiti of Naji al-Ali's Handala on the West Bank separation wall
Israel Carries Out Largest West Bank Demolition Operation in a Decade By Ahmad Al-Bazz and Oren Ziv, November 06 2020

In the largest West Bank demolition operation in a decade, Israeli military authorities on Tuesday razed around 70 structures in the Jordan Valley’s Humsa al-Fuqa community in the occupied West Bank. Locals reported that six bulldozers, accompanied by around 100

The 2019 Bolivian Elections Fraud “Precedent” vs. The 2020 US Elections Fraud By Andrew Korybko, November 06 2020

The precedent established by the Organization of American States’ claims that fraud was committed in the 2019 Bolivian presidential election after a suspicious delay in releasing the tally resulted in then-President Morales emerging the victor without a second round being

Imperial Overstretch Arrives: Americans Do Not Need the American Empire By Philip Giraldi, November 06 2020

This piece is being written as voters are going to the polls on election day in the United States. While it has been useful to consider how things might change, possibly for the worse, one must also recognize that much

The US Presidential Election: The View from Outside By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 06 2020

It was now the turn of other states to vent about, and at, the United States.  The 2020 US presidential elections were coming down to a razor sharp wire.  The Democrats were starting to feel confident in the swing states. 

The Corporate Dictatorship of the Very Rich By Nora Fernandez, November 06 2020

I heard friends praising Bill Gates philanthropy a while ago; it still surprises me how people respond to billionaires. The wealthy improve their image financing self-serving projects they present as “serving others” but few question their motives or suspect them

Banana Follies: The Mother of All Color Revolutions By Pepe Escobar, November 06 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

A gaming exercise of the perfect, indigenous color revolution, code-named Blue, was leaked from a major think tank established in the imperial lands that first designed the color revolution concept.

Not …

Confronting Bipartisan Repression and the US-led Axis of Domination Beyond Election Day By Ajamu Baraka, November 06 2020

No matter who sits in the white peoples’ house, we will have to continue to fight for social justice, democracy, and People(s)-Centered Human Rights.  

“Our survival depends on seeing this violent, barbarian behemoth for what it is.”

Chaos, violence, legal …

Video: War in Nagorno-Karabakh: Shadow of Big Ottoman Brother Covers Azerbaijan By South Front, November 06 2020

The Turkish military continues to demonstrate its non-involvement in the war with Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. On November 4, the heroic defense ministry of Turkey announced that Azerbaijani forces had shot down one more Armenian Su-25 warplane in the

New Documents Show Mueller Investigation Unable to Concoct Charges Against Assange and WikiLeaks By Oscar Grenfell, November 06 2020

Previously redacted portions of the Mueller report into supposed Russian interference in the US, released this week, have shown that despite every effort, the Justice Department was unable to concoct evidence of any criminal wrongdoing on the part of WikiLeaks

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, November 06 2020
Censorship: US Department of Justice (DOJ) Closes Down Canada’s Independent Media Site AHT. Professor Anthony Hall By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, November 05 2020

Global Research Editor’s Note

We stand in firm support of The American Herald Tribune and Professor Anthony Hall, who has the courage to confront the US corporate media. 

The tendency is towards online media censorship in derogation of the

Online Censorship: DOJ Seizes 27 Domains, Claims They are Controlled by Iran By Dave DeCamp, November 05 2020

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Wednesday that it seized 27 online domains, claiming the websites were controlled by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The DOJ seized the domains under the guise of enforcing US sanctions

Information Data
Controlling Information to Protect Us? By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, November 05 2020

“The control of information is something the elite always do, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.” –Tom Clancy

“Information is not knowledge.” –Albert Einstein

The Corona Pandemic and Trump’s Trade War against China: America’s Dependence on “Made in China”. Potential Disruption of the US Economy By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 05 2020

First published in May 2020, updated June 14, 2020

What Prospects for trade relations with China, in the wake of the 2020 US November Presidential Election?


The US has been threatening China with trade sanctions for several years. At 

Tensions Grow in Bolivia as Arce’s Inauguration Day Approaches By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 05 2020

Arce’s victory was not enough to overcome the effects of the coup in Bolivia. Currently, the country is strongly threatened by the confluence of the anti-democratic interests of various political groups, paramilitaries and religious fundamentalists who seek to prevent the

“Fantasy Democracy”: US Election 2020. Electoral Fraud?? By Stephen Lendman, November 05 2020

First said in America’s early 1930s, the expression “we wuz robbed” echoed in various forms following losses in close sports contests.

Time and again, it’s been true as well about US elections at the federal, state and local levels since

US Elections 2020: A Who’s Who of Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy Team By Umar A Farooq, November 05 2020

Democratic nominee’s advisers consist of many former Obama-era officials, some who helped craft the Iran nuclear deal, drone strikes programmes and sanctions on Syria and Libya


As a two-term vice-president under President Barack Obama, Joe Biden played a leading …

It Has Been Decided: Silver Is Going Much Higher By Hubert Moolman, November 05 2020

The currency markets have just announced what is coming for silver. This was explained in my previous article.

The USD/ZAR ratio has now broken down. This sets silver up to finish the year with a very strong rally:



Belarusian Protests Are Spilling over into Poland but Warsaw Is Beginning to Blame Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, November 05 2020

Polish leaders at all levels continue to speak with enthusiasm about the need to fully support “peaceful protests” in Belarus and to help them morally and financially. However, with widespread protests across Poland now, the same national leaders are angrily

From Balfour to the Nakba: The Settler-Colonial Experience of Palestine By Ilan Pappe, November 05 2020

The late prominent scholar of settler-colonialism, Patrick Wolfe, reminded us repeatedly that it is not an event, it is a structure. While settler-colonialism in many cases has a historical starting point, its original motivation guides its maintenance in the

Brainwashing the Masses: 6 Companies Own Almost All of the Media in the U.S. – Using Medical “Doctors” to Sell Their Message By Brian Shilhavy, November 05 2020

The current “war against the Coronavirus” is primarily an information war, with the corporate media putting forth a unified message they want the public to believe, and any efforts to present alternative information is vigorously opposed and ridiculed.

Six …

BR-319: The Beginning of the End for Brazil’s Amazon Forest By Philip M. Fearnside, November 05 2020

The text of this commentary is updated from an earlier Portuguese-language version of the author’s column at Amazônia Real.


The BR-319 (Manaus-Porto Velho) Highway was built in the early 1970s by Brazil’s military dictatorship, but was abandoned in …

Whether the GOP Can Stop Voters from Legally Fixing Rejected Mail-In Ballots Could Decide the Election By Justin Elliott, Isaac Arnsdorf, and et al., November 05 2020

Many states allow voters to fix and resubmit ballots rejected for technical reasons. It’s called “curing” votes, and the GOP is trying to prevent them from being counted because they could help Biden win.


Victoria Benedict, a stationery store …

COVID Testing: We’ve Been Duped By A. Castellitto, November 05 2020

Lost in this whole pandemic hysteria are some key considerations that when carefully analyzed place the whole COVID-19 narrative in a highly questionable light.  The gatekeepers of information dissimulation are manufacturing consent at an alarming rate, but their fatigue is

US Congress Tries to Restrict F-35 Sales to UAE for All the Wrong Reasons By Andrew Corbley, November 05 2020

Congressmen Eliot Engel (D-NY) and a number of his colleagues from both sides of the isle have introduced legislation into the House that would prohibit the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the UAE unless a long list of conditions

It’s All Wrong: Sage U.K. Forecast of 4,000 Deaths a Day Is ‘Misleading’ By Unredacted, November 05 2020

The forecast of 4,000 people dying per day from COVID-19 by next month could be four or five times too high and does not reflect the current situation, a leading Oxford professor has warned.

The incredible figure was presented by…

Suspension of Jeremy Corbyn Will Define UK Labour Leader Keith Starmer as Iraq Defined Tony Blair By David Hearst, November 05 2020

One of the lesser known aspects of Keir Starmer’s assault on the left of his party since becoming Labour leader is his growing silence on Palestine.

Silencing the Palestinian lobby in Britain has always been a goal of Israel’s …

Don’t Forget LBJ’s Election Theft By Jacob G. Hornberger, November 05 2020

The mainstream pro-Biden media is poking fun at Donald Trump’s suggestion that there could be fraud involved in the post-election receipt of mail-in ballots. Apparently they’re not familiar with the election-theft case of Lyndon Johnson, who would go on

“New Normal”on Social Distancing and the Facemask: Neglectful Caring and Compassionate Tyranny By John C. A. Manley, November 05 2020
"Caring for each other. Because we are all in this together." What a blatant hijacking of virtue. I simply can't see something like that and not speak out. If for no other reason, because I don't want to become numb and accepting to such brainwashing.
The U.S. Inability to Count Votes Is a National Disgrace. And Dangerous. By Glenn Greenwald, November 05 2020

The richest and most powerful country on earth — whether due to ineptitude, choice or some combination of both — has no ability to perform the simple task of counting votes in a minimally efficient or confidence-inspiring manner. As a

“I Found Out that My Father Was Imprisoned in Guantánamo on Google” By Zafar Syed Zaffsyed, November 05 2020

The article below was written by Zafar Syed Zaffsyed for the Pakistan Independent and published on November 2, 2020. The original is available here. The text below was translated by Reprieve staff.

Our thanks to Reprieve for bringing this …

The Foreign Policy Election that Ignored Foreign Policy By Daniel Larison, November 05 2020

The 2020 presidential campaigns have ignored foreign policy more this year than in any election since the turn of the century, but the 2020 election will have significant foreign policy consequences no matter the outcome. The neglect of foreign policy

The Uyghur Issue: How Can the U.S. Dare Lecturing China About the Rights of the Muslims? By Andre Vltchek, November 05 2020

This article by the late Andre Vltchek was first published in 2019.

In 2019, I have written a long analysis about “the Uyghur issue”; analysis which will be soon published as a book.

For some time, I have been warning

Trump, Blue Mirages and False Polls By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 05 2020

The great bard remarks in Henry VI: Part II that all the lawyers ought to be killed.  In entertaining this homicidal formula, William Shakespeare had yet to encounter that barnacle breed known as the pollster.  There is much to suggest

The Day After: US 2020 Election and Political Predictions By Dr. Jack Rasmus, November 05 2020

In my article last week, ‘Why the Record Vote Turnout May Not Matter’, I predicted the election via electoral college would look very much like 2016: the 3 swing states (PA, MI, WI) would determine the outcome again, and maybe

Video: Presence of Turkish-backed Syrian Militants in Nagorno-Karabakh Gives Armenia Additional Chances in War By South Front, November 05 2020

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces and their allies continue to storm Armenian positions in the mountainous terrain near Shusha and the Lachin corridor in Nagorno-Karabakh. After making rapid advances, the Azerbaijani forces now appear to be stuck in a kind of

Five Swing States to Decide US Presidential Election By Stephen Lendman, November 05 2020

After months of campaigning and a record $14 billion spent by the Trump and Biden teams, it all comes down to results in 5 battleground states.

Here’s where things stand at the moment with vote counting still ongoing:

Pennsylvania: Trump …

The Arab World and the US Elections. Who Will Succeed in Controlling the White House? By Khaled Iskef, November 05 2020

The exit of the American forces from Iraq and Syria, finding a solution to the Palestinian issue and the Syrian and Libyan crisis and ending the war in Yemen is what the Arab World wants, in addition to ending the

Fukushima, the Nuclear Pandemic Spreads By Manlio Dinucci, November 05 2020
It was not Covid, therefore the news went almost unnoticed: Japan will release over a million tons of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. The catastrophic incident in Fukushima was triggered by the Tsunami on March 11, 2011,
Australian Journalist Identified as Ukrainian Spy in Malaysian Airlines MH17 Prosecution Leak By John Helmer, November 05 2020

A freelance Australian-Ukrainian reporter named Demjin Doroschenko (lead image),  employed by the Australian, British and US press to report from the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in July 2014,  has been exposed this week as an  agent of  

Video: The Plot Against the President By Wollman Productions, November 04 2020

In the 2020 documentary film, The Plot Against the President, filmmaker Amanda Milius examines the conspiracy to sabotage President Donald Trump.

“The true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the

Europe’s COVID-19 Spending Spree Unmasked By Adriana Homolova and Dada Lyndell, November 04 2020

As countries across Europe went into lockdown earlier this year to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, there was one early and obvious casualty: transparency. In the rush to obtain critical supplies, many countries suspended their usual public procurement rules, resulting

Unprecedented Move: The CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season By Brian Shilhavy, November 04 2020

I have been covering the fraud that happens every year with how the CDC tracks incidents and deaths due to the annual influenza for almost a decade now.

The numbers used each year to scare the public into getting the …

Trump’s Executive Order to Manipulate the Minds of US Schoolchildren By Stephen Lendman, November 04 2020

On November 2, Trump signed an executive order that aims to manipulate the minds of young children.

“We will state the truth in full, without apology (sic),” he said, adding:

“We declare that the United States of America is the

Stock Market Indicator in US Presidential Elections By Stephen Lendman, November 04 2020

Since 1928, rising stock market valuations favored incumbent US presidents 86% of the time, according to Bloomberg News. Results this year are mixed. 

Investment strategist Sam Stovall noted that in US presidential election years since 1944, rising equity prices from …

The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully By Robert J. Burrowes, November 04 2020
The COVID-19 infection is being used to frighten us into submitting powerlessly to the global elite’s latest move to take much greater control of our lives and how those who can perceive this, and wish to resist it, can do so effectively.
Wild Conspiracy Theory? The Truth Behind the Biggest Threat to the ‘War on Terror’ Narrative By Cynthia Chung, November 04 2020

“If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.” – Julius Caesar

The illegal invasion of Libya, in which Britain was complicit and a British House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee’s report

Video: Turkish Risk Investments in Local Conflicts and Prospects of Armenian Counter-offensive in Karabakh By South Front, November 04 2020

In early November, the Azerbaijani-Turkish advance in the directions of the Lachin corridor and the town of Shusha in the Nagorno-Karabakh region slowed down.

The main factors are the fierce resistance of Armenian forces, the complicated terrain, deteriorating weather conditions …

Are Ventilators Killing More People Than They’re Saving?? By Mike Whitney, November 04 2020

Incisive article first published on April 14, 2020

“Researchers in Wuhan…reported that, of 37 critically ill Covid-19 patients who were put on mechanical ventilators, 30 died within a month. In a U.S. study of patients in Seattle, only one of

A Little Recognized and Most Pervasive Form of Racism: The Economic Model of “Global Capitalism” By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, November 04 2020

According to “racist thinking”, certain groups of people innately have inferior characteristics that make them undesirable, unworthy, and dispensable. The purveyors of racist views believe they, in contrast, are superior, exceptionally worthy, and indispensable.

There is a virtually unrecognized form

Why Will Bulgaria Veto North Macedonia’s EU Accession but Did Not Block Its NATO Membership? By Paul Antonopoulos, November 04 2020

Bulgaria’s veto against North Macedonia’s accession into the European Union (EU) remains very likely despite initial speculations that it would not obstruct the former Yugoslav country from joining the bloc. Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zakharieva said that her country would

Amy Coney Barrett: The Latest Supreme Court Travesty By Robert Fantina, November 04 2020

President Donald Trump has succeeded, aided and abetted by a willing and corrupt senate, in ramming through his third Supreme Court nominee, the very conservative Amy Coney Barrett. Her successful appointment to the nation’s highest court does not bode

PBS and Other US Media Are Spreading Disinformation About Nicaragua. USAID’s “Regime Change” Project By Nan McCurdy, November 04 2020

In 36 years of living in Latin America I have learned that any time a country changes its conditions so that poverty decreases and the standard of living improves, the United States wages some kind of war on that country.

The Myth of U.S. Democracy: Americans are Voting for the Commander in Chief of a “Worldwide Killing Machine” By Jay Janson, November 04 2020

Good people of the Third World should not let themselves be taken in by worldwide satellite beamed CIA-fed media prattling on continuously about American democracy during ongoing presidential elections. Sadly, Americans are duped into participating  in elections that back crimes

Wolves to Lose Protection By John R. Platt, November 04 2020

A final rule to remove the iconic species from the Endangered Species Act has now been published. Read more about the science and politics of wolf conservation.


As expected the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today issued a rule