Global Research News

Canada, India Mudslinging over Sikh Farmer Protests By Sumit Sharma, December 08 2020
Canadian Organizations Urge Canada to Vote for a Shared Jerusalem at the United Nations By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, December 08 2020

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) and the Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations (CCPO) are urging the Canadian government to vote in support of an upcoming resolution on the status of Jerusalem at the United Nations

Bolivarian Social Democracy Triumphs in Venezuelan National Assembly Elections By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2020

On Sunday, Venezuelans voted to elect 277 National Assembly members for five-year terms from January 5, 2021 to January 5, 2026.

An unprecedented total of 14,400 candidates from 107 political parties ran for office.

Two Bolivarian blocs were heavy favorites …

The Price of Publishing Independent Thought: We Need Your Support! By The Global Research Team, December 07 2020

Dear readers,

With freedom of speech continually being curtailed, running an independent counter-current news media in 2020 is no easy feat.

We have always operated on a shoestring budget, but the last year has been a financial struggle for us. …

Avril Haines: Scientist, Spy Chief, Apologist for Torture? Meet Biden’s New Director of National Intelligence By Barbara Boland, December 07 2020

Joe Biden announced last week that he will nominate Avril Haines to the position of Director of National Intelligence. Haines provided legal cover for CIA agents and worked closely with Barack Obama and CIA Director John Brennan on Obama’s tenfold

More Scandals on Dutch Government’s Involvement in Supporting Terrorism in Syria By SANA, December 07 2020

A new chapter in the scandals of the Netherlands’s involvement in supporting terrorist organizations in Syria is unfolding in front of the world public opinion after Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has recently admitted that he personally intervened to obstruct

New Study Claims Vaccinated Children Appear to be “Significantly Less Healthy” than Unvaccinated By Arjun Walia, December 07 2020

What Happened: A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health has, according to the authors, discovered that vaccinated children require far more healthcare than unvaccinated children. At least that’s what they found from the

COVID-19 Vaccination. “Coerced Consent”? By Bill Sardi, December 07 2020

A commonly heard presumption is that healthcare workers should be vaccinated first.  But what if…….

……….the vaccines induce immediate or latent adverse reactions that sideline these first responders and frontline workers?  It could be a catastrophe.  And if for

What We Know So Far About U.S. Government’s Plan to Track COVID Vaccine Recipients By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 07 2020

To track COVID vaccine recipients, Operation Warp Speed has resurrected a program devised after the September 11 attacks that was quickly defunded following public backlash over privacy concerns.


Operation Warp Speed, a joint operation between U.S. Health and …

Threat of More Illegal US Sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline By Stephen Lendman, December 07 2020

The US under both right wings of the one-party state is waging a long war on Russia by other means — and all other nations unwilling to bow and scape to its imperial demands.

US aggression includes endless smashing of …

Political Crisis under the Guise of a Health Crisis: Face Masks, Social Distancing and Limit on Gatherings: Colorado Diner Defies Lockdown By Renee Parsons, December 07 2020

It comes as no surprise that simultaneous with President Donald Trump’s declaration that the voter fraud election of 2020 was a coordinated Democratic jihad, the next ‘dark winter’ of Covid 19 “outbreaks” arrived just in time to distract

The Political Economy of China Bashing: Why? How? Will It Succeed? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, December 07 2020

Washington’s China bashing started with Obama through his Asia Pivot policy, reinforced by Trump and Biden might go even further than Trump. 

So far, China bashing does not seem to be beneficial to Washington. Even in the long run, there

America-prompted Color Revolution in Thailand By Dr. Ejaz Akram, December 07 2020
Tens of Thousands Rally in France Against Security Law as Police and Protesters Clash Again By Ben Chacko, December 07 2020

French protesters clashed with police in Paris and other cities including Marseille, Lyon, Rennes and Nantes yesterday as tens of thousands took to the streets in further mass demonstrations against an authoritarian new security law.

The weekly rallies each Saturday …

Sinophobia Sweeps Canadian Politics By Yves Engler, December 07 2020

Paranoia, disregard for evidence and over-the-top rhetoric to encourage hate. And I’m not talking about Donald Trump’s Republicans.

Progressive Canadian should counter a wave of McCarthyite Sinophobia sweeping this country’s politics.

The over-the-top reaction to a recent “Zoom to …

Decommissioning Civil Nuclear Sites Will Take 120 Years, MPs Warn By Engineering and Technology, December 07 2020

According to a report from the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC), decommissioning the UK’s civil nuclear sites will cost £132bn of public money, and will not be completed for a further 120 years.


The report blamed a …

About Those Vaccine ID Cards… By Charles Hugh Smith, December 07 2020

An idea that’s simple as an abstraction–vaccine ID cards–turns out to be extremely difficult once real-world operational realities must be dealt with.

Authorities around the world have made it clear that they will do “whatever it takes” to vaccinate their

Trump Plan to Revive the Gallows, Electric Chair, Gas Chamber and Firing Squad Recalls a Troubled History By Prof. Austin Sarat, December 07 2020

The way the federal government can kill death row prisoners will soon be expanded to ghoulish methods that include hanging, the electric chair, gas chamber and the firing squad.

Set to take effect on Christmas Eve, the new regulations authorizing

US, UK Governments Should Free Julian Assange By Reagan M. Sova, December 07 2020

In Steven Spielberg’s 2017 historical thriller The Post, the Washington Post’s publisher Katharine Graham (Meryl Streep) wrestles with a harrowing choice: should she authorize further publication of the “Pentagon Papers“—and risk financial ruin and possible prison time? Spoiler

India: Pesticide Takeover Spells Trouble for Bees By Phil Carter, December 07 2020
Final Defense Bill Denies Military Request to Expand Nevada Bombing Ranges By Center For Biological Diversity, December 07 2020

Congress today moved to deny the Defense Department’s request to seize more than 1.7 million acres of public land in Nevada for bombing ranges, following a five-year grassroots campaign by public lands advocates to stop the land grab.

The Air …

Republican Senator Tries to Prevent the US from an Alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood By Steven Sahiounie, December 07 2020

US Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, and member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee reintroduced the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, on Wednesday. The bill urges the US State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) as

Listening to the Silence with Don DeLillo By Edward Curtin, December 07 2020

In 1997, Don DeLillo, the author of seventeen novels, published what many consider his masterpiece, Underworld.  It was a prophetic book in many ways, especially with its focus on the World Trade Towers and the way the book’s

Working for the ‘Man’: ‘Getting a Job’ in America By Philip A Farruggio, December 07 2020

Spanning some 60 years of employment, this writer has some conclusions. Of course, these are from my own personal experiences. Yet, having spoken with a myriad of working stiffs over the years, perhaps this analysis is valid.

During those 60 …

India: Largest Strike in World History : Over 200 Million Workers and Farmers Protest against Poverty and Unemployment Triggered by Covid Lockdown By Global Research News, December 06 2020

The general strike occurred in the context of the devastation brought about by the coronavirus pandemic in India.  Added to this are the millions of people who have lost income and who now face increased poverty and hunger, in a

China Uproots Hong Kong’s US-Backed Opposition By Joseph Thomas, December 06 2020

China finalised its campaign against protests in its Hong Kong territory when it expelled opposition politicians from Hong Kong’s government for endangering national security.

Following this move, opposition politicians still in office resigned in protest, leaving the territory’s government firmly …

Vaccine Tyranny By James Bauman, December 06 2020

While you were busy eating your Thanksgiving dinner, you probably were not paying much attention to the Danish government’s attempt to enact the ‘Epidemic Law’ which is a law in Denmark that would have given authorities the power to enforce

The Death of U.S. Shale Has Been Greatly Exaggerated By Alex Kimani, December 06 2020

The current year marks the 15th anniversary of the U.S. shale boom, a period in which fracking technology across such states as Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Wyoming helped establish the nation as a top oil and gas

“Stay of Action” Filed Against FDA to Stop Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials By Brian Shilhavy, December 06 2020

An ADMINISTRATIVE STAY OF ACTION has been filed with the Department of Health and Human Services and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the new Pfizer COVID vaccine that has been submitted for “emergency use authorization” (EUA).

It is widely …

Britain Sent Saudi Arabia Thousands of Spare Parts for Warplanes Amid Arms Embargo By Phil Miller, December 06 2020

The UK military supplied 2,323 spare parts for Tornado fighter jets to an arms company in Saudi Arabia last year, despite a court order against exporting weapons for use in the Yemen war, Declassified UK has found.


Saudi planes …

UK First to Approve Pfizer COVID Vaccine as Former Head of Pfizer Research Says Vaccine Can Make Females Infertile By Brian Shilhavy, December 06 2020

In breaking news today, the U.K. became the first country to issue emergency authorization for Pfizer’s new COVID vaccine, with the first doses being delivered “immediately” and injections expected to begin in the U.K. next week.

Pfizer and BioNTech have

Trump’s Waning Weeks in the White House Could be the Most Dangerous By Michael Jansen, December 06 2020

Donald Trump has, once again, demonstrated that the waning weeks of his tour in the White House could be the most dangerous during his residency at the executive mansion in the US capital. Free of all constraints and wise council,

Racism and Lawfare in the United States By Franklin Frederick, December 06 2020

And the first thing the American power structure doesn’t want any Negroes to start is thinking internationally. Malcolm XAutobiography 

Color is not a human or a personal reality; it is a political reality. James BaldwinThe Fire

The Covid “Pandemic”: Destroying People’s Lives. Engineered Economic Depression. Global “Coup d’Etat”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 05 2020
Destabilizing in one fell swoop the national economies of more 190 countries is an act of “economic warfare”. This diabolical agenda undermines the sovereignty of nation states. It impoverishes people Worldwide. It leads to a spiralling dollar denominated global debt.
A Comparison of Respect for the Sanctity of Mosques in France, the US, and China By Kim Petersen, December 05 2020

France has seen a spate of attacks carried out by radicalized Muslims. The attacks and killings must be denounced.

But more so must one denounce the terrorism and killings carried out by the French state against Muslims in its wars

The Great Reset, The Green New Deal, and Co-opted NGOs will not End Climate Change! By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, December 05 2020

Yet this depraved new global architecture, dangerous to life, human, sentient and biological, is pushed forward despite advanced knowledge of foretold tragedy – solely for the pursuit of money, profits and power. It is this very fact that shows

Alert COVID-19: RNA-Type Vaccines Which Modify the Human Genome. Crackdown on Free Speech By Peter Koenig, December 04 2020

This first video interview may be one of the most important ones you listen to before the onslaught of the Covid-19 vaccine – distinction: Western style Covid-19 vaccine.

The Russian Sputnik V is not part of the same design.


Trump’s Support for Israel’s Killing of Iranian Scientist Could Lead to War By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 04 2020

In the weeks remaining before Joe Biden’s inauguration, Donald Trump is taking actions — including aiding and abetting murder — to prevent his successor from pursuing diplomacy with Iran.

On November 27, Israel assassinated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iran’s top nuclear

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, and the Trajectory of Human Civilization By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, December 04 2020

“I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.”  Alan Turing

No Escape from Our Techno-Feudal World By Pepe Escobar, December 04 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

The political economy of the Digital Age remains virtually terra incognita. In Techno-Feudalism, published three months ago in France (no English translation yet), Cedric Durand, an economist at the Sorbonne,

Jab Me if You Can: How Political Endorsements Defeat Vaccinations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 04 2020

Will they ever learn?  When former US Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton announced that they would publicly take a vaccine against COVID-19, National Public Radio seemed impressed.  “Who better to promote a product than a

Video: Election Fraud Investigation Hearings in Michigan By Global Research News, December 04 2020

See the video report of Michigan Election Investigation Hearings which documents evidence of election fraud

Wednesday, December 2, 2020: Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and the man in charge of Trump’s fight to overturn election results in

New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% By Judicial Watch, December 04 2020

Judicial Watch announced today that a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study

Isolated and Alone. Palestinian Children Held in Solitary Confinement by Israeli Authorities for Interrogation By Defense for Children International - Palestine, December 04 2020


Between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2019, Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP) documented 108 cases in which Palestinian children arrested by the Israeli military were held in isolation for two or more days during the interrogation

Cuba’s Henry Reeve Medical Brigade Candidature for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize By Table De Concertation De Solidarité Québec-Cuba, December 04 2020

On November 26, the Norwegian Nobel Committee confirmed that it had accepted the candidature of the Henry Reeve Medical Brigade sponsored by Professor Gilles Bibeau from Quebec. 

In a year in which global attention is being focused on the challenges …

Injecting Liquidity into the Real Economy: Why the Federal Reserve Needs Public Banks By Ellen Brown, December 04 2020

The Fed’s policy tools – interest rate manipulation, quantitative easing, and “Special Purpose Vehicles” – have all failed to revive local economies suffering from government-mandated shutdowns. The Fed must rely on private banks to inject credit into Main Street, and

Video: Second Karabakh War Reshapes Strategic Transport Corridors in South Caucasus By South Front, December 04 2020

The Second Nagorno-Karabakh War not only led to a shift of the military political balance of power in the South Caucasus, but the agreements reached to put an end to it would potentially greatly reshape transport links, and thus freight

England’s GPs ‘Left in the Dark’ over COVID Vaccine Rollout By James Cusick, December 04 2020

England’s GPs, who are expected to play a pivotal role in the roll out of coronavirus vaccines, say they are in the dark about how exactly they will fit into the government’s plans, according to the British Medical Association (BMA).

“Operation Condor”: The CIA’s Secret Global War Against Latin America’s Left By Branko Marcetic, December 04 2020

Forty-five years ago, under a cloak of secrecy, Operation Condor was officially launched: a global campaign of violent repression against the Latin American left by the region’s quasi-fascist military dictatorships. The US government not only knew about the program —

Facts About COVID-19 By Swiss Propaganda Research, December 04 2020

Fully referenced facts about covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below).

“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” (Albert Camus, 1947)



  1. Lethality:
US-Backed Opposition in Venezuela Is in Freefall, Have Only Themselves to Blame By Pablo Vivanco, December 04 2020

Most people around the globe would agree that 2020 has been a year to forget. This is certainly, if not especially, true for Venezuela’s opposition, and the upcoming parliamentary vote will only add to their misfortunes.

A revolt from within …

Biden Inherits Middle East’s Grapes of Wrath By M. K. Bhadrakumar, December 04 2020

On the arid landscape of the Arabian deserts, the outgoing US president Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner planted a sapling called the Abraham Accords last August. They forecast it to be the harbinger of a future vineyard of

US War Department Vaccination Cards By Stephen Lendman, December 04 2020

All vaccines are hazardous to human health.

It’s why they should be avoided, safe alternatives chosen for protection.

Rushed development, inadequately tested, covid vaccines will be especially dangerous.

In what ways and to what extent will only be known in …

Australian Court Upholds Sacking of Academic for Criticising US and Israeli Militarism By Mike Head, December 04 2020
This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, December 04 2020
US Struggles for Relevance in Southeast Asia By Tony Cartalucci, December 04 2020
Seeds of Destruction, Globalization of Poverty, Globalization of War: Three Important Books From Global Research Publishers By Global Research News, December 03 2020

Global Research brings you a selection of three books that help give some context to the current state of the world and the power dynamics that got us here. Unfortunately, these books remain rather relevant, if not more so than

After the Lockdown: A Global Coronavirus Vaccination Program By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 03 2020
The tendency is towards a Worldwide lockdown spearheaded by fear and media disinformation. Currently, hundreds of millions of people Worldwide are under lockdown. What is the next step in the evolution of the COV-19 Crisis? A multibillion dollar coronavirus vaccination program to be implemented in the wake of the Lockdown.
The Skripal Affair: Remembering a UK False Flag By Megan Sherman, December 03 2020

In a case of what must be called incriminating timing – the facts established after official conclusions and reprisals were declared – the scientists and experts of Porton Down, the UK’s leading chemical weapons research facility, declared their extensive investigations

A Killing in Iran: Who Gains from Yet Another Assassination? The Role of MEK? By Philip Giraldi, December 03 2020

It is not often that one can agree with the pronouncements made by former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan, but his tweeted comment on the killing of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh suggesting that the incident “…was a

Pakistan Pressured by Saudi Arabia and UAE to Recognize and Accept the State of Israel By Junaid S. Ahmad, December 03 2020

Putting aside the relics of past Cold War theatrics, Pakistan has been consistently struggling to advance peace and justice in the world. The struggle though has intensified. Pakistan currently experiences unprecedented pressure from the conservative Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia

Election Fraud: Where’s the Independent Press? The Mainstream Press Has Failed America By Jacob G. Hornberger, December 03 2020

While President Trump continues to maintain that the presidential election was marred by massive fraud, the mainstream press continues to maintain that Trump’s charges are “false” and “baseless” and that his allegations are damaging trust in America’s democratic electoral system.

Will Face Masks Cause Facial Deformities in Children? By John C. A. Manley, December 03 2020

“When wearing a mask, most of us breathe with our upper chest muscles and with our mouth open,” states Children’s Minnesota on their website.

While the hospital admits this can cause “increased stress and anxiety” there are other more

UK Minister Warns Brits Could be “Denied Normal Life” If They Do Not Receive COVID Vaccination By Joseph Jankowski, December 03 2020

Brits could be denied entry into bars, theaters, and sporting events if they can not prove they’ve received vaccination against COVID-19, according to the head of the United Kingdom’s vaccine rollout.

Nadhim Zahawi, the newly appointed minister to oversee …

Boycott the Vaccination Program: The FDA-approved Drug Ivermectin Inhibits the Replication of SARS-CoV-2 but Nobody Talks About It By Peter Koenig, December 03 2020

Peruvian Doctors for the Truth have issued a short video, explaining the enormous risks of the three different types of vaccines currently on the market in Peru, two of them are genetically engineered in one way or another and will

Biden’s COVID “Supply Commander” Is Bad Medicine By Bradley Thomas, December 03 2020

Included in his plans to fight the coronavirus, presumptive president-elect Joe Biden has pledged to appoint “a fully empowered supply commander in charge of filling in the gaps” in the production and supply of “essential” items needed to fight the

Video: Chicken Kiev Meets Cold Turkey: Black Sea Turkey-Ukraine Axis Emerges? By South Front, December 03 2020

On the face of it, an alliance between Turkey and Ukraine seems like a rather odd creation, yet one that may surprisingly durable simply because neither country has anywhere else to turn. What practically dooms them to a partnership if

Eisenhower’s Ghost Haunts Biden’s Foreign Policy Team By Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 03 2020

In his first words as President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of State, Antony  Blinken said, “we have to proceed with equal measures of humility and confidence.” Many around the world will welcome this promise of humility from the new

Censorship in the Biden Era By Margaret Kimberley, December 03 2020

The corporate media have joined the incoming administration in deciding what we can and cannot see and hear.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 the country has been warned about the dangers of fascism. It isn’t difficult

Black Lives Matter (BLM) Chapters Demand “Accountability” from Trio that Cashed in on the Movement By Glen Ford, December 03 2020

Ten chapters of the national Black Lives Matter organization are in open revolt against the individuals that have treated the mass movement as their personal vehicle for upward political, professional and financial advancement.

In 2013 three Black women social activist …

Yemen: Trump Is Showering Saudi Arabia with Last-Minute Gifts By Ahmed AbdulKareem, December 03 2020

While the administration of Donald Trump readies its exit from the White House and the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s use of American diplomatic cover and weapons alike has taken on a fevered pace as the Kingdom deepens the tragedy it

Is Trump Right? Was Election 2020 Rigged? By Stephen Lendman, December 03 2020

Rigged Election 2020 wasn’t the first time it happened in America.

Throughout US history, it occurred time and again at the federal, state and local levels.

“Democracy” by duopoly rule eliminates competition from independent candidates, debauching the process, assuring democracy …

Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% Effective” Vaccines—Let’s be Cautious and First See the Full Data By Dr. Peter Doshi, December 03 2020

In the United States, all eyes are on Pfizer and Moderna. The topline efficacy results from their experimental covid-19 vaccine trials are astounding at first glance. Pfizer says it recorded 170 covid-19 cases (in 44,000 volunteers), with a remarkable split:

After this New Wave of Lockdowns, Most People Will Accept Any “Solution” Because They Will be So Desperate By Michael Snyder, December 03 2020

When people become desperate enough, those in power can get most of them to do just about anything.  The first wave of lockdowns knocked us into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s, it sent

Video: President Trump’s Unscheduled Speech on the 2020 Election By Pres. Donald Trump, December 03 2020

We bring to the attention of our readers, the  Video as well as the complete transcript of Donald Trump’s Speech.

This is for the purpose of information only, discussion and debate.

The US corporate media has sofar provided a slanted

Video: The Problem with the COVID Vaccine. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Theo Von, December 03 2020

“The problem with the COVID vaccine is that they recognize that it’s gonna be really hard to get a vaccine so they have been reducing our standards so they can pass the vaccine no matter what.” – Robert F. Kennedy

Trump Tells Pompeo: Go Wild on Iran, Just Don’t Risk ‘World War III’ By Erin Banco and Asawin Suebsaeng, December 03 2020

President Donald Trump may only have seven weeks left in office, but he’s given his top advisers the green light to batter the Iranian regime—anything that doesn’t hazard a full-on war before Joe Biden is inaugurated.

According to …

As Support for Independence Soars, Scottish Nationalists Must Unite By Johanna Ross, December 03 2020

Alex Salmond is back. Scotland’s former First Minister, under whom the SNP went from strength to strength, has unveiled his own 5-point plan together with MSP Alex Neil, to address the economic aftershocks of the pandemic in Scotland.

There have …

“Global Policeman”: Why’s the US in the South China Sea? By Andrew Korybko, December 02 2020

America regards itself as the “global policeman”, hence its arrogant actions, but it was never deputized by the international community to fulfill such a role. Rather, it’s more like a dangerously delusional role player than a legitimate law enforcement officer.

The Proof Is in: The Election Was Stolen By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 02 2020

I have read enough of the fraud reports, affidavits, and statements from election security and forensic experts to be comfortable in my conclusion that the election was stolen.  But I am not confident that anything will be done about the