Global Research News

US Supreme Court Backs “Grand Theft” Election 2020 By Stephen Lendman, December 13 2020

On Friday, the Supreme Court declined to hear arguments in what may be remembered one day as the most significant political dispute in US history.

Texas et al v. Pennsylvania et al was the judicial equivalent of Hollywood’s Godzilla v. …

Video: Rocco Galati on COVID Lockdown Measures. Crimes against Humanity. Lawsuit against Government of Canada By Rocco Galati and Michael Welch, December 13 2020

Politicians have not put forward any persuasive evidence that lockdowns have actually saved lives. At the same time, there is no question that lockdowns have caused grave harm to millions of Canadians suffering unemployment, poverty, cancelled surgeries, suicides, isolation

US Media, Pols Rage After Venezuelans Defy US Empire to Re-elect Socialists By Alan MacLeod, December 13 2020

President Nicolas Maduro and his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) are celebrating today, after a clear victory in yesterday’s National Assembly elections. The elections, boycotted by many major right-wing opposition groups, but still participated in by over 100

Pharma Controlled FDA Panel Recommends Approval for Controversial Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2020

Establishment media are at the forefront in promoting potentially hazardous to human health covid vaccines they should be advising caution about instead.

The NYT headlined: “FDA Advisory Panel Gives Green Light to Pfizer Vaccine,” saying:

Approval “pave(s) the way for …

Saudi Arabia Sends Joe Biden Mixed Messages By James M. Dorsey, December 11 2020

Saudi Arabia appears to be drawing lines in the sand as the kingdom prepares for a new era in relations with the United States once President-elect Joe Biden assumes office in January.

In doing so, the kingdom is seemingly signaling …

The Future of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the “Dual Circulation Era” By Andrew Korybko, December 11 2020

China’s new development paradigm of dual circulation is not a repudiation of its prior BRI-driven model of globalization, but is actually complementary to it. Observers shouldn’t forget that many of the hundreds of billions of dollars of BRI-related loans are

Biden to Mandate Mask Wearing, Mandatory Mass Vaxxing to Follow? By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2020

Porous face masks offer no protection from minuscule covid spores.

Extended wearing is potentially hazardous to human health.

Mass vaxxing could be catastrophic if ordered.

Covid is a form of seasonal flu/influenza.

Protection comes from good health habits, including proper …

Six Dead from Pfizer Trials: Shares Down, Pfizer CEO Makes a Killing By John Goss, December 11 2020

There is a good old Russian word “yerunda” which I’ve started using instead of “nonsense” and “bullshit” to describe the scaremongering COVID-19 narrative blasted at us from morning to night, not because it says anything different but because it gives

AirAsia CEO: Asian Nations ‘Won’t Let Anyone in Without a Vaccination’ By Steve Watson, December 11 2020

AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes told an aviation conference Wednesday that Asian countries may soon demand that anyone crossing their borders has received a Covid-19 jab.

“I foresee in Asia, anyway, I think they won’t let anyone in without a vaccination

Melinda Gates: “We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts” By Jeffrey A. Tucker, December 11 2020

In a wide-ranging interview in the New York Times, Melinda Gates made the following remarkable statement: “What did surprise us is we hadn’t really thought through the economic impacts.” A cynic might observe that one is disinclined to think much

‘Defacto Human Experiment:’ Mary + Polly Discuss Rollout of Pfizer Vaccine in UK, Danger of Vaccinating Elderly + More By Children’s Health Defense, December 11 2020

In “This Week,” Mary and Polly discuss the latest COVID vaccine-related headline news, including the rollout of Pfizer’s vaccine in the UK, concerns about vaccinating the elderly … and more.


  • This week marked the “landmark” rollout of the Pfizer
Video: Thailand: US Openly Backs Anti-Government Mob By Brian Berletic, December 11 2020
“Five Eyes Spy” Agreement Threatens New Zealand’s Independence and Relationship with China? By Sharon Brettkelly, December 11 2020
COVID Crimes and the Violation of Fundamental Human Rights in Ontario By Mark Taliano, December 11 2020

Full transcript of the video below. Recorded by Mark Taliano

[00:00:00] He spoke in Toronto yesterday?

[00:00:07] Oh, our lawful excuse for being here is for safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and …

How Australia Sabotaged Its Own Interests in Relations with China By Tony Kevin, December 11 2020
What Happens if Something Goes Wrong after You Receive a COVID Vaccine? By Dr. Meryl Nass, December 11 2020

The bottom line is that if you are injured by a vaccine or other “countermeasure” designated by the DHHS Secretary as intended for a pandemic or bioterrorism threat (Covid-19, Pandemic Flu, Anthrax, Smallpox) your options for receiving any financial benefit

“Elephants in the Room”: Scary ‘R’ Us: The Exaggerated Threat of Terrorism By Rod Driver, December 11 2020

This is the sixth in a series entitled Elephants In The Room, which attempts to provide a beginners guide to understanding what’s really going on in relation to war, terrorism, economics and poverty, without the nonsense in the mainstream media.

Big Pharma’s Hazardous to Health COVID Vaccines By Stephen Lendman, December 11 2020

Like other corporate predators, Big Pharma prioritizes profits over human life, health and welfare.

Corporate America buys politicians like toothpaste, buying influence, assuring their interests are served over the public welfare and rule of law.

Everyone willing to be vaxxed …

ICC Drops Probe into Alleged UK War Crimes in Iraq Despite ‘Reasonable’ Evidence By Middle East Eye, December 11 2020

Despite finding “reasonable basis” for allegations of war crimes against British soldiers in Iraq, an International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor dropped a preliminary investigation, citing the UK’s own efforts to investigate the conduct of its troops in the war.

In …

Partly Truth and Partly Fiction – Totally Genius: Kris Kristofferson By Edward Curtin, December 11 2020

“He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity’s sun rise.”

– William Blake, Eternity

Great songwriters, like great poets, are possessed by a passionate …

YouTube Declares It Will Censor Videos Questioning Biden’s Victory By Jonathan Turley, December 11 2020

We have have been discussing how writers, editors, commentators, and academics have embraced rising calls for censorship and speech controls, including President-elect Joe Biden and his key advisers. The erosion of free speech has been radically

The Approaching Crunch in US Policy Towards China By Dennis Argall, December 11 2020

The Republican and Democrat leaders of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have issued a joint statement of intense hostility towards China. This posture is a threat to Australia’s national security… and the world. An attempt to tear China down will

NATO Is Determined to Find Threats and Challenges to Justify Its Existence By Brian Cloughley, December 11 2020

Government and media propaganda has firmly convinced most of the citizenry of the West that Russia invaded Crimea, and the truth has dissolved in the swirling miasma that the anti-Russia movement has dubbed as history.

In March 2014 the ethnically …

My Take on the US Elections: Voting for Corporate Figureheads is not Democracy By Alfred de Zayas and Thomas Kaiser, December 11 2020

Interview with Prof. Dr. iur. et phil. Alfred de Zayas, international law expert and former UN mandate holder


Thomas Kaiser: Zeitgeschehen im Fokus Professor de Zayas, you are an American citizen. What do you think about the course of …

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, December 11 2020
2009 H1N1 Vaccine Caused Brain Damage in Children. Dr. Anthony Fauci on “Vaccine Safety” Issues By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 10 2020

A lawsuit against the Trudeau Government for its handling of the COVID-19 Crisis has been launched. What is at stake is the violation of fundamental rights of Canadians.

“The mass and indiscriminate containment of citizens, the restriction of access to

A Nasty Shot in the Arm: RT-PCR Kits and Vaccines Unlicensed by the MHRA By John Goss, December 10 2020

Aware of the forthcoming vaccine roll-out aimed, it is said, to protect against a disease (COVID-19) that reached its apex almost nine months ago, I emailed the MHRA (Medical and Healthcare Regulatory Authority) on 20 November 2020. My main concern

Video: Armed Clash on the Ukraine-Russia Border. Sabotage Activities Inside Russia By South Front, December 10 2020

On December 4, Russian border guards prevented an attempt by 3 armed men to cross the Russian border from Ukraine. The gunmen resisted detention and opened fire on Russian personnel. As a result of the armed clash, one of the

Why Modi’s “Green Response” to China’s “Belt and Road” Is Doomed to Fail By Matthew Ehret-Kump, December 10 2020
Limiting Criticism of Israel, Britain Is Closing Down Academic Freedom? By Sai Englert, December 10 2020

In October, British Education Secretary Gavin Williamson ordered universities in the country to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)’s working definition of antisemitism. They are to do so by Christmas or face government sanctions.

It is worth remembering that …

Canadian Health Ministry Exploring “Immunity Passports,” Vaccine “Tracking and Surveillance” By Steve Watson, December 10 2020

The Health Minister of Ontario in Canada has stoked controversy by suggesting that people who do not take the coronavirus vaccine will face restrictions on where they can travel and spend time.


When asked by reporters about how the …

Israel’s Honeymoon with the United Arab Emirates Is Grotesque By Belén Fernández, December 10 2020

Since normalizing relations in September, Israel and the United Arab Emirates have teamed up to do what both do best: trample on democratic freedoms, commit atrocities, and whitewash occupation.


Back in 2010, the New York Times’ Thomas Friedman …

Grim Realities of Palestine: Israel “Making Hay” While Sun of Trump Administration Continues to Shine By Michael Jansen, December 10 2020

Israel is making hay while the sun of the Trump administration continues to shine. Fearing incoming President Joe Biden will not be as tolerant as his predecessor, Israel is busy creating unreported facts on the ground in Palestine as well

Pentagon to Biden: Latin America a Major Battlefield in War with China By Bill Van Auken, December 10 2020

A presentation by the chief of the US military’s Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) and a report drafted by the US Army War College’s chief expert on Latin America have been issued back-to-back in the last two weeks, both making dire warnings

Will Joe Biden “Revise” U.S Agenda in Syria? Use Terrorism Pretext to “Keep Boots on the Ground”? By Ahmad Salah, December 10 2020

The mayhem of the presidential elections left the American policy-makers locked in heated arguments about the future of the US domestic and foreign policy alike. One of the most pressing issues on the agenda is the Middle East developments, especially

Biden’s Defense Secretary Pick Shows the Revolving Door for Military Contractors Remains By Sarah Lazare, December 10 2020

Pres­i­dent-elect Joe Biden has tapped retired Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III for the pow­er­ful role of defense sec­re­tary, news out­lets revealed Decem­ber 7. Spec­u­la­tion over who Biden would pick had been brew­ing for weeks. All three top con­tenders for

Will Joe Biden Stop Funding the Saudi-UAE War on Yemen? By Andrew Korybko, December 10 2020

Pro-Yemeni activists hope that Biden will stay true to his prior promise to stop funding the GCC’s War on Yemen, but even if he does what’s arguably the morally right thing, he’ll probably be doing it for geopolitical reasons even

Children’s Health Defense (CHD): Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Lyn Redwood, December 10 2020

In August, CHD asked regulators to investigate the use of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in COVID mRNA vaccines, which could have caused the severe allergic reactions reported this week by two of the first UK recipients of Pfizer’s vaccine.


Media …

Palm Oil Giant Wilmar Unfazed as Watchdogs Cry Foul over Papua Deforestation By Hans Nicholas Jong, December 10 2020
World Economic Forum 2021 Moved to Singapore Due to COVID-19 By Jewel Stolarchuk, December 10 2020
SCOTUS Showdown Over Stolen Election 2020 By Stephen Lendman, December 10 2020

Well planned in advance brazen fraud decided US Election 2020 — not voters.

The manipulated outcome for Biden/Harris over Trump was the latest example of US fantasy democracy, the real thing prohibited throughout the country’s history by its ruling class.

Australia: Exporting Weapons Is a Clear and Present Danger By Suzanne James, December 10 2020
The Blockade: Qatar and Saudi Arabia Approach Historic Breakthrough By Steven Sahiounie, December 10 2020

Since June 5, 2017, Saudi Arabia ordered a land, air, and sea blockade on Qatar and severed diplomatic ties, along with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, and Bahrain. The self-styled “Anti-Terror Quartet” issued Doha 13 demands, including closing media

Lawsuit Filed to Halt Voter Suppression in the Runoff Senate Elections in Georgia By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 10 2020

After the third certification of the results of the presidential elections in the state of Georgia, efforts are underway to ensure equal access to the franchise leading up to the pivotal race to determine the composition of the United States

Days of the Future Passed: Point of No Return By Jim Miles, December 10 2020

The unknown is simply the future.

This future is to be determined by a declining global economy becoming saturated with massive U.S. money printing to prop up the banksters and corporate CEOs.

It will be determined by the disregard domestically

US Hits “Search and Destroy” Against China’s New Silk Roads By Pepe Escobar, December 10 2020

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Seven years after being launched by President Xi Jinping, first in Astana and then in Jakarta, the New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) increasingly drive the American

Low Turnout, but Free, Elections in Venezuela Are a Blow to Regime Change By Leonardo Flores, December 10 2020

Venezuela held legislative elections on December 6 and, as has become the norm, the U.S. and sectors of the opposition that boycotted the election are claiming fraud without presenting evidence. The coalition of parties supporting President Maduro won 68% of

Julian Assange: COVID Risks and Campaigns for Pardon By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 10 2020

Before the January 4 ruling of District Judge Vanessa Baraitser in the extradition case of Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks publisher will continue to endure the ordeal of cold prison facilities while being menaced by a COVID-19 outbreak.  From November

Net Worth of US Billionaires Has Soared by $1 Trillion to Total of $4 Trillion Since Pandemic Began By Americans for Tax Fairness and The Institute for Policy Studies, December 10 2020

The collective wealth of America’s 651 billionaires has jumped by over $1 trillion since roughly the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to a total of $4 trillion at market close on Monday, December 7, 2020. Their wealth growth since March

Is Washington Trying to Ruin Shinzo Abe’s Legacy of Japan’s Rapprochement with Russia? By Andrew Korybko, December 09 2020

Recent reports from Japanese media alleging that US immigration authorities there consider Russian nationals in some of the Kuril Islands to legally be Japanese represent an attempt by the fading unipolar superpower to ruin former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s legacy

COVID Vaccines: Protection or Biohazard? By Stephen Lendman, December 09 2020

All vaccines are hazardous to human health.

Annually, the US Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) reports thousands of serious adverse vaccine reactions, including many deaths and disabling disabilities.

Instead of highlighting the danger, corporate-controlled establishment media suppress what’s vital for …

Central Africa and South Asia: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Knew About Rights Abuses by Park Rangers, but Didn’t Respond Effectively By Ashoka Mukpo, December 09 2020
The U.S. ‘War on Terror’ Has Displaced 37 Million People By David Vine, December 09 2020

Over the last week, considerable debate arose around a calculation I helped produce showing that the wars the U.S. government has fought since the attacks of September 11, 2001, have forced at least 37 million people — and perhaps as

Video: Turkey Strikes against Kurdish SDF Forces in Northern Syria By South Front, December 09 2020

The situation in the northern Syrian provinces of Aleppo and al-Hasakah is once again escalating amid speculations on the upcoming Turkish advance in the area.

In recent weeks, the Turkish military and its proxies increased the intensity of strikes on …

China Shoots the Moon By Philip J Cunningham, December 09 2020

China’s Challenge to US-Russia Space Exploration Hegemony

China is taking aim at the moon, establishing itself as a space power to be reckoned with. While currently playing catch-up behind the space accomplishments of the US and Russia, it is rapidly

Anti-Iran Terrorist Group Mojahedin-e Khalq’s Ties to Iraqi Army in 1980s By Yaghout Meraji and Robert Fantina, December 09 2020

Below is an interview with Mr. Yaghout Meraji, a former member of the anti-Iran terrorist group the Mojahedin-e Khalq MEK, conducted November 24 and 25, 2020.


Robert Fantina: The participation of the MEK in the joint operation …

Celebrated Artist Mira Lehr Confronts 2020 with New Planetary Visions By William Spring, December 09 2020

During the pandemic quarantine this year, the celebrated artist Mira Lehr has created more work now than ever before in her six decades of artmaking. Her new series, called Planetary Visions, represents a bold departure for the artist.

She has …

How to Get Saved from COVID-19 Under Nuclear Bombs By Manlio Dinucci, December 09 2020

FEMA – the United States Government Emergency Management Federal Agency  –  updated instructions to the population on how to behave in the event of a nuclear attack. The new instructions, provided by the Ready Campaign, keep in mind the Covid-19

Why President Maduro Changed His Voting Center at the Last Minute. Planned Attempt on His Life? By Orinoco Tribune, December 09 2020

This Sunday, December 6, Nicolás Maduro voted at the Simón Rodríguez Ecological Bolivarian School in Fuerte Tiuna, accompanied by Cilia Flores, candidate in these legislative elections and the president’s wife.

Traditionally, Maduro voted at the Miguel Antonio Caro high school, …

Trump’s Pernicious Military Legacy: From the Forever Wars to the Cataclysmic Wars By Michael T. Klare, December 09 2020

In the military realm, Donald Trump will most likely be remembered for his insistence on ending America’s involvement in its twenty-first-century “forever wars” — the fruitless, relentless, mind-crushing military campaigns undertaken by Presidents Bush and Obama in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria,

China’s Spacecraft Takes off from Moon with Samples By Telesur, December 09 2020

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) announced that Change-5 probe carrying the country’s first lunar samples blasted off from the moon at 11:10 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Thursday.

Launched on Nov. 24, the Chinese spacecraft comprises an orbiter, a lander, …

Beef, Banks and the Brazilian Amazon By Global Witness, December 09 2020

Preserving tropical rainforests is critical to help stop climate breakdown and to safeguard the rights of the local communities and indigenous peoples who depend on and defend them. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp relief the importance of

Whistleblower: FDA Failed to Address ‘Biohazard Nightmare’ at Merck Vaccine Plant By Children’s Health Defense, December 09 2020

A former FDA employee-turned-whistleblower says the agency downgraded his report on safety violations at a Merck vaccine plant. The allegation raises questions about how the FDA will monitor safety of COVID vaccine manufacturers.


A former employee of the U.S. …

Boom: Florida Forcing Labs to Report Number of PCR Test Cycles—Game Changer By Jon Rappoport, December 09 2020

If the governor of Florida handles this breakthrough correctly, it could be the beginning of the end for one widespread piece of COVID test fakery…

And the beginning of the end of “rising case numbers”


As I’ve reported, COVID …

Pearl Harbor and the Bay of Pigs By Jacob G. Hornberger, December 09 2020

U.S. officials have long criticized Japan for its supposedly unprovoked military attack on Pearl Harbor, which enabled President Roosevelt to fulfill his desire to intervene into World War II. As I showed in my blog post yesterday, the Japanese

Pearl Harbor: A Successful War Lie By David Swanson, December 09 2020

Commemorating Pearl Harbor, David Swanson’s analysis first published on December 7, 2010

One type of “defensive” war is one that follows a successful provocation of aggression from the desired enemy. This method was used to begin, and repeatedly to escalate, …

Pathologist Petitions FDA to Halt Pfizer Emergency Use Authorization Until Vaccine Efficacy Confirmed By Informed Consent Action Network, December 09 2020

Connecticut pathologist Dr. Sin Hang Lee and Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) have petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require accurate counts of COVID-19 cases in the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine trial.

“Until an accurate count of

Why Jeh Johnson Would be a Better Defense Secretary than Michèle Flournoy By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 08 2020

President-elect Biden’s choice for Secretary of Defense has turned out to be one of the most controversial and difficult of his Cabinet appointments. The early front-runner, Michèle Flournoy, was originally seen as a shoo-in and was touted as a

OPCW Executives Praised Whistleblower and Criticized Syria Cover-up, Leaks Reveal By Aaron Mate, December 08 2020

Exclusive: Documents obtained by The Grayzone show that OPCW executives privately criticized the manipulation of a Syria chemical weapons probe, and supported a dissenting veteran inspector. One official, however, feared helping the “Russian narrative.” These private admissions further expose the

Inaugurating the “New World Order” via the “Great Reset” By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, December 08 2020

The Great Reset is basically aimed to “transform organization design and work design” as spelled out in section 1.1 of the White Paper Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-COVID World issued in October 2020

Sorry, Boris Johnson Will Not Disappear By Craig Murray, December 08 2020

It is currently popular among those who make money writing media articles about politics, to argue that Boris Johnson will implode next year and be replaced as Tory leader by someone more rational and conventional. I very much doubt this:

The Crack-Up at the Federal Reserve Is Coming. Decline of US Dollar, Rejection of Its World Reserve Currency Status By Rep. Ron Paul, December 08 2020

Some Federal Reserve officials are calling for tougher banking regulations in order to prevent the Fed’s low interest rate policy from leading investors to take “excessive” risks that will create asset bubbles. The Fed is understandably worried that these bubbles

Everyone Is Already Wearing a Mask. They Just Don’t Work. By Jordan Schachtel, December 08 2020

One of the most common pro-mask arguments I’ve heard over the course of the past year, both from “public health experts” and your average citizen, sounds similar to the following statement:

“If only everyone would just wear a mask, we

Palestinians: Victims of ‘Cancel Culture’ By James J. Zogby, December 08 2020

In the very month in which I read articles condemning the “cancel culture,” which some apply exclusively to the “left’s efforts to silence or shame views with which they disagree,” several disturbing incidents caught my attention.

A Palestinian American Congresswoman …

Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat By John W. Whitehead, December 08 2020

“Look! You fools! You’re in danger! Can’t you see? They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives…our children…they’re here already! You’re next!”—Dr. Miles Bennell, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers all …

Biden/Harris to Name Hawkish General Lloyd Austin as “War Secretary” By Stephen Lendman, December 08 2020

US generals and admirals aren’t doves. 

They earn stars and medals by waging preemptive wars to advance the nation’s imperial aims.

Throughout the post-WW II period — from North Korea in the early 1950s to the present day — US …

US Sanctions Have Caused Iranians Untold Misery – And Achieved Nothing By Negar Mortazavi and Sina Toossi, December 08 2020

“My young cousin passed away last week,” an Iranian Twitter user recently lamented. “She needed medication for her cancer that doctors said can’t be found.”

The tweet tragically went on: “Maybe she’d be alongside her little daughter now if she

Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Approval of Offshore Oil-drilling Project in Arctic By Center For Biological Diversity, December 08 2020

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit today rejected the Trump administration’s approval of the first offshore oil-drilling development in federal Arctic waters.

Hilcorp Alaska received approval in 2018 to build and operate the controversial Liberty project, an …

Relations Between Colombia and China Are on the Rise By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 08 2020

China is about to accomplish a historic act in Colombia. In 1942, when Bogotá had 380,000 inhabitants, a project was launched to build the urban metro. After more than 75 years and with 8 million people, the work finally seems

China Overtakes the US to Become EU’s Biggest Trade Partner as Beijing’s Economy Continues to Boom Post-COVID while the Rest of the World Slides into the Red By AFP, AP, and Sam Blanchard, December 08 2020