Global Research News

Sham Trump “Second Time” Senate Impeachment Trial to Begin February 9 By Stephen Lendman, January 24 2021

In February last year, Trump was tried and acquitted by the Senate on the following two phony charges:

“Article I: Abuse of power, falsely claiming Trump sought foreign interference from Ukraine in the US 2020 presidential election.

Article II: Obstruction

Anthony Fauci Joins the Long List of People Incapacitated by Coronavirus Vaccine By Adam Dick, January 24 2021

Anthony Fauci, the director of the United States government’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told reporters Thursday that he was “knocked out” for about 24 hours after, on Tuesday, taking the second dose of experimental coronavirus vaccine. Fauci

Masking Up under Biden: The Perils of Tribalism, Bureaucracy and Lawsuits By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 24 2021

One crackling theme streaking through the US elections of 2020 was the issue of mask wearing.  Critics initially felt that face masks were of the too important category in combating the novel coronavirus: purchasing and using them was tantamount to

Keep Swinging for Justice and Freedom: The Legacy of Hammerin’ Hank Aaron By John W. Whitehead, January 24 2021

“My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging.”—Hank Aaron

My father, a rabid St. Louis Cardinals fan, listened …

Iraq: Biggest Corruption Scandal in History By Dirk Adriaensens, January 24 2021

In her article “Iraq’s century of humiliation in the globalised age”, Aneela Shahzad writes:

“In May 2020, the Special Representative of Secretary General for the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq announced that the poverty rate in Iraq would double to

A Life Saving Hope or Death Defying Jab? Three Perspectives on the Experimental COVID Vaccine By Michael Welch, Mary Holland, and Dr. Meryl Nass, January 24 2021

I believe that people should be aware that side effects can happened, that it is not good for everyone and in this case destroyed a beautiful life, a perfect family, and has affected so many people in the community. 

We Are at War By Peter Koenig, January 24 2021
We, the common people, are at war against an ever more authoritarian and tyrannical elitist Globalist system, reigned by a small group of multi-billionaires, that planned already decades ago to take power over the people, to control them. That’s why vaccination is needed to inject us with transgenic substances that may change our DNA
The Pentagon Speaks By Jacob G. Hornberger, January 23 2021

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have spoken. Issuing a remarkable memorandum to all members of the Armed Forces, the JCS have declared that Joe Biden will be the new president of the United States. The memo may have been not

The Stock Market Is Broken as a Bellwether; Here’s How to Fix It By Pam Martens, January 23 2021

I sat behind a trading terminal at two Wall Street firms from 1986 to 2006. I can assure you that if the President of the United States was refusing to accept the outcome of a presidential election and urging a

Video: France’s Medical Doctors Speak Out. “Pour la vérité de Covid-19” By Peter Koenig, January 23 2021

The New Tang Dynasty (NTD) broadcast a Press Conference of 9 January 2021 of independent French medical doctors for the truth about Covid-19. It is called “Coordination Santé Libre” or “Free Health Coordination”.

The Group, based in France, represents more

Towards US “Hyper-interventionism” in the Middle East? Biden’s Secretary of State Nominee Anthony Blinken By Daniel McAdams, January 23 2021

While the saccharine continues to ooze from the mainstream media for the incoming Biden Administration, the real iron fist of what will be the Biden foreign policy is starting to materialize. As if on cue, major bombings in Baghdad –

So President Biden – I Call on You to End this Murderous Madness in Syria By Janice Kortkamp, January 23 2021

If President Joe Biden intends to restore America’s credibility in the world, he needs to take these steps regarding Syria. Much of this applies to other countries as well:

1) End all sanctions and blockades. US sanctions are not …

Police Killings in America: Eric Garner’s Mother Says We Must Push for Justice that Her Son Didn’t Receive By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 23 2021

The mother of Eric Garner, who was brutally murdered by New York City police officers applying a chokehold as he pleaded “I can’t breathe,” testified this week before the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence Against People

Video: Sen. Rand Paul Challenges New Sec. of State over Regime Change in Syria By Al-Masdar News, January 23 2021

U.S. Senator (Kentucky) Rand Paul recently challenged the new Secretary of State nominee Anthony Blinken on his history of pushing regime change in the Middle East and North Africa.

Sen. Paul began his argument by questioning Blinken’s role in the …

Pivot to Asia: China Tech Ban Mirrors 1980s Attempts to Destroy Japanese Competition By Alan MacLeod, January 22 2021

In the 1980s, the US imposed a 100% tariff on virtually all Japanese electronics and forced Tokyo to sign a one-sided trade deal that reserved much of its domestic semiconductor sector for American companies.


With just days left in …

Can US Workers Be Dismissed for Refusing to Be Vaxxed? By Stephen Lendman, January 22 2021

According to Law Professor Dorit Reiss:

“Requiring a vaccine is a health and safety work rule, and employers can” fire noncompliant staff.

Attorney David Betras explained that “workplace vaccination requirements aren’t new, and they passed constitutional muster long ago,” …

Round Up the Usual Suspects; Don’t Forget Putin By Ray McGovern, January 22 2021

Interviewed by Mrs. Clinton Monday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi eagerly rose to the bait when Clinton spoke of “her concerns that the outgoing commander-in-chief was compromised by the Kremlin”. Setting the stage, Clinton expressed the hope that “we’ll find out who

The Illusion of Democracy: Government by the Rich for the Even Richer By Rod Driver, January 22 2021

“Democracy has little meaning when big business rules the life of the country through its control of the means of production, exchange, transportation, and communication, reinforced by command of the press, press agents and other means of publicity and propaganda”.

The Fatal Consequences of High Atmospheric Methane Levels By Dr. Andrew Glikson, January 22 2021

It is hard to think of a more Orwellian expression than that describing the increase in toxic atmospheric methane gas as “gas-led recovery.”

Several of the large mass extinctions of species in the geological past are attributed to …

Casualties of the Old Cold War Should Inform Opposition to U.S.’ New Cold War Against China By Danny Haiphong, January 22 2021

The US share of the global economy has shrunk dramatically since 1960.  On the other hand, China is on pace to surpass the U.S. in GOP terms in 2030. 

This past week, the United States celebrated another Martin Luther King

Biden’s Mask-Wearing Mandate By Stephen Lendman, January 22 2021

Biden and his press agent media won’t explain what’s vital for everyone to know.

On his first day in office as selected, not elected, president, he signed a blizzard of executive orders.

Among them was mandatory wearing of face masks …

Imperialism Is Bipartisan: Biden Recognizes Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela By Otto Fars, January 22 2021

The Biden administration will continue to recognize Juan Guaido as president of Venezuela and maintain devastating sanctions. For Venezuelans, there is no lesser evil — imperialism is bipartisan.


Anthony Blinken, President-Elect Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of State, has …

Boris Johnson Has Done Modi a Favour By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 22 2021
This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, January 22 2021
A New Day for Human Survival: On the Promise of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons By Dr. Joseph Gerson, January 22 2021

On Friday, January 22, people in cities and towns across in the United States and around the world, will celebrate the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Those gathering, online and elsewhere, stand …

WHO Finally Admits COVID-19 PCR Test Has a ‘Problem’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 22 2021

In an “inauguration” of its own while Joe Biden was being sworn into office, the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated new rules regarding the PCR assays used for testing for COVID-19.

Even though they’ve been widely used across the U.S. …

US President Biden: How to Deal With China By Tom Clifford, January 22 2021

The lexicon has changed. Words and phrases that seemed to define our world until quite recently now belong to a bygone era. Remember BRICs? The grouping of the next economic superpowers. Well, Brazil, Russia, India and China now resemble a

The Making of US Empire at the Dawning of Its End By Pepe Escobar, January 22 2021

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

As the Exceptional Empire gets ready to brave a destructive – and self-destructive – new cycle, with dire, unforeseen consequences bound to reverberate across the world, now more than ever it

US Backs Al-Qaeda in Yemen while Dubbing Its Houthi Enemies ‘Terrorists’ By Ben Norton, January 22 2021

The US State Department designated Yemen’s Houthi movement — the most effective force in fighting al-Qaeda — as a “terrorist” organization. Meanwhile Washington and Saudi Arabia have supported al-Qaeda.


The United States government has designated the main enemy of …

Pompeo’s Last Stand By Philip Giraldi, January 22 2021

It is finally over. Joe Biden has been inaugurated President of the United States while his predecessor Donald Trump has retired to Florida. Trump intends to remain the driving force in the Republican Party but there are many in the

Biden Exploits His Capitol Gains By Diana Johnstone, January 22 2021

First published by Consortium News on January 11, crossposted on Global Research on January 13, 2021

Joe Biden’s own language certainly sounded less like a magnanimous winner uniting his people than like that used by autocrats and dictators to hold

全球研究文章现已提供中文 By Global Research News, January 22 2021

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مقالات البحث العالمية متاحة الآن باللغة العربية By Global Research News, January 22 2021
القراء الأعزاء ، يسعدنا أن نعلن أننا قدمنا ​​مؤخرًا مكونًا إضافيًا للترجمة إلى Global Research. تقع القائمة المنسدلة "ترجمة موقع الويب" في الجزء العلوي من موقع الويب ، وتتيح لك الاختيار من بين 27 لغة مختلفة يمكن ترجمة الموقع الإلكتروني 
President Joe Biden’s “Dark Winter”: Code Name for a Scenario in Which a Biological Weapon Was Used Against the American Populace By Michael Snyder, January 21 2021

Global Research Editor’s Note

This article was published on November 29, 2020.

“Dark Winter” was mentioned by Joe Biden in the course of the election campaign. 

 According to Michael Snyder in this incisive and carefully researched article “Joe Biden specifically

Shut Down Dissent. Going After the New “US Domestic Terrorists” By Stephen Lendman, January 21 2021

Post-9/11, war on dissent in the US raged.

In 2010, the ACLU said “freedom is under fire in the US.”

“There is a pall over our fire. (There are) attempts to squelch dissent.”

“A chilling message has gone out across

Video: “The New Normal” Documentary By, January 21 2021

We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred.

Worldwide, people have been misled both by

Trump’s Parting Gift to Israel. The Integration of Israeli and Arab Forces By Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh, January 21 2021

Donald Trump has used his four years as US president to demonstrate his deep commitment to the Zionist state of Israel. He has striven to enable Israel to take control of occupied Palestine with an iron grip, and given it

Democracy USA? Biden’s Neoliberal “Far Left Wing Agenda” By Philip A Farruggio, January 21 2021

You look at what they call ‘The Industrialized world’ and you can get a feel for how they run their democracies. Canada, France, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and Scotland, to name a few, all have at least FIVE viable

Video: The Middle East on the Eve of Joe Biden’s Inauguration By South Front, January 21 2021

On the eve of incoming US President Joe Biden’s inauguration, as if in celebration of his “success”, quite a few things coincided in the Middle East, most of them to America’s detriment.

These include: the anniversary of the killing …

Sweden Doesn’t Need to Join NATO to be a Security Threat to Russia By Andrew Korybko, January 21 2021

Sweden’s growing ties with NATO over the past half-dozen years make many observers wonder whether the Nordic country will soon join the transatlantic bloc, but it actually doesn’t even have to do so formally since it’s already a de facto

That $2.6 Trillion Stimulus Was One Heck of a Holiday Bonus to Defense Contractors By Ross Marchand, January 21 2021

America’s debt has more than doubled over the past ten years, skyrocketing from $13 trillion to more than $27 trillion over just two presidential administrations. And, despite successive presidents’ promises to “wind down” conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the defense

“Q Anon” May Have Been an FBI Psyop By Swiss Policy Research, January 21 2021

A recent Reuters investigation may indicate that “Q Anon” was in fact an FBI cyber psyop.

The “Q Anon” phenomenon has generally been regarded as a hoax or prank, originated by online message board users in late October 2017,

Biden’s Inaugural Address: An Exercise in Mass Deception By Stephen Lendman, January 21 2021

Four years ago on January 20, Trump vowed to transfer power from Washington “and give it back to you, the people (sic).”

Saying while privileged Americans prospered, ordinary ones struggled to get by.

“That all changes starting right here and

Washington’s 40-year North Korea Policy: Success or Failure? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, January 21 2021

Washington’s 40-year offensive policy of North Korean regime change has gone nowhere.

Bill Clinton created a chance of peace with North Korea in 1994 and he blew it.

George W. Bush accepted the 2005 agreement for peace, then, he threw

UK Mega Meddling – UK Sets Up Media Influencing Project in Venezuela Amid Secretive £750,000 ‘Democracy Promotion’ Programme By Matt Kennard and John McEvoy, January 21 2021

The UK government has established a journalism project to ‘influence’ Venezuela’s ‘media agenda’ while a Foreign Office-funded foundation is spending £750,000 on a secretive ‘democracy-promotion’ programme in the country, as Britain appears to deepen efforts to remove the Maduro government.

As Trump Departs, America Is “Anti-Supremacist” at Home but “Pro-Supremacist” for Israel By Rima Najjar, January 21 2021

In the wake of the January 6 insurrection, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have us believe that the United States and Israel have a common enemy.

Pelosi implies that the American insurrectionists whose ideologies are rooted in racism, xenophobia and …

How to Buy Politicians: Corruption and Lobbying By Rod Driver, January 21 2021

“Very few of the common people realize that the political and legal systems have been corrupted by decades of corporate lobbying”(1)

Until recently, the terms Public Relations (PR) and lobbying were used slightly differently. Lobbying means direct communications with policy-makers.

About Suffering: A Massacre of the Innocent in Yemen By Kathy Kelly, January 21 2021

In 1565, Pieter Bruegel the Elder created The Massacre of the Innocents, a provocative masterpiece of religious art. The painting reworks a biblical narrative about King Herod’s order to slaughter all newborn boys in Bethlehem for fear that a messiah

Cuba Solidarity Campaign Statement on the United States Listing of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism By Cuba Solidarity Campaign, January 21 2021

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign adds its voice to the worldwide condemnation of the outgoing Trump administration’s listing of Cuba as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’.

Trump’s move is designed to hinder the incoming Biden administration from reprising the Obama era’s …

‘Stripped to the Bone’: Israel Advances Plan to Cut Off Palestinian Suburb from Jerusalem By Qassam Muaddi, January 21 2021

Vehicles move slowly a few metres down the crowded main street of Aizarya, a Palestinian suburb east of Jerusalem, before stopping again.

Islam Rabea, a 23-year-old minibus driver, pulls on the handbrake and begins musing again.

“This town is more

Russia’s Financial Strategy for Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, January 21 2021

In order to raise its geopolitical influence, Russia has been making efforts identifying mega infrastructure projects such as nuclear power and energy, natural resources exploration and talks consistently about increasing trade with Africa. On the other hand, Russia primarily needs

Why Hardly Anyone Trusts the Virus Experts By John Rubino, January 21 2021

Early in the pandemic, “trust the science!” could actually be used in a debate without attracting derisive laughter. But as the flip-flops, mistakes and, yes, lies have accumulated, a consensus seems to be forming that the health care authorities are

Fauci Now Says COVID-19 Vaccine May Become Mandatory By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 21 2021

Will the COVID-19 vaccine become mandatory? That’s a question many are asking these days and, by the looks of it, the answer may well be yes — although as I’ll explain later, I suspect the harms of the vaccine will

Remembering Cuba’s Commitment to Angola’s Liberation Movement By Don Fitz, January 21 2021

Cuban blood left its stamp on the conscience of the world after the Angolan Wars of 1975-1988.  Corporate politicians are united in their desire for us to ignore this reality.

Fed up with foreign wars, Portuguese officers overthrew Prime Minister

Farmers’ Protests Reflect Existential Crisis of Indian Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, January 21 2021

With over 800 million people, rural India is arguably the most interesting and complex place on the planet but is plagued by farmer suicides, child malnourishment, growing unemployment, increased informalisation, indebtedness and an overall collapse of agriculture.

Given that India …

Barrage of New Countries and Airlines to Adopt Vaccine Passports By Steve Watson, January 21 2021

New York Times admits schemes could lead to “a dystopic system that would limit the rights of people who have been careful to avoid infection and are unable or unwilling to be vaccinated”


Several more countries have indicated that …

Vaccine Injury Reporting Systems ‘Utterly Inadequate,’ Independent Researchers Say By Children’s Health Defense, January 21 2021

New peer-reviewed study of adverse events following MMRV vaccines highlights the urgent need for independent research on vaccine safety and the importance of informed consent and vaccine choice.


As health officials strive to brush off as “coincidences” …

Video: Iran Expands Its Presence in Syria, Deploys Intel Signals System Near Border with Jordan and Israel By South Front, January 20 2021

The situation in Syria’s Idlib appears to be, once again, on the brink of escalation, with the US preoccupied with what’s happening at home, and Turkey attempting to push towards Ain Issa, while being targeted by its own proxies.

The …

War-gaming the Politics of Personality By S. M. Smyth, January 20 2021

War is merely the continuation of politics by other means(1) — Claus Von Clausewitz

They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules

Looming Trump Senate Trial? January 6th Storming of Capitol “Planned Ahead of Time”? By Stephen Lendman, January 20 2021

So far, it’s unclear if Trump will face Senate trial on the fraudulent charge of inciting insurrection — as a private citizen.

He had nothing to do with the January 6 storming of Capitol Hill. Nor did his nonviolent supporters

Protesters Hold Back Military Takeover of Balkans’ Largest Mountain Pasture By John Cannon, January 20 2021

Montenegro’s military — and maybe NATO — want the Sinjajevina Highlands for maneuvers; traditional herding communities want these biodiverse alpine pasturelands conserved.


Mileva “Gara” Jovanović’s family has been taking cattle up to graze in Montenegro’s Sinjajevina Highlands for more …

Removing Cuba from the “Terrorist List” Is Awkward for President Biden? By Arnold August, January 20 2021

Zakaria acts as the informal Democratic Party CNN “spokesperson,” especially on international issues. The following may possibly provide us with an idea of what Biden is thinking. Aired January 17, 2021.

Guest: CNN Global Affairs Analyst and New Yorker staff

Biden Inaugural Guest Is Venezuelan Coup Leader Charged with Inciting Violent Assault on Gov’t Building By Anya Parampil, January 20 2021

After condemning the pro-Trump invasion of the Capitol, the incoming Biden administration invited Carlos Vecchio – a coup leader charged in the 2014 torching of the Venezuelan Attorney General’s office – to its inaugural ceremony.


As Washington recovered from …

Video: The Silent Enemy: The Lockdown Concerto of Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD By John C. A. Manley, January 20 2021
He disrupted the academic world with his peer-reviewed paper exposing the exaggerated threat of an “invisible enemy” (the novel coronavirus). According to Dr. Brown “the public’s overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic was based on the worst miscalculation in the history of humanity.”
The New Domestic War on Terror Is Coming By Glenn Greenwald, January 20 2021

The last two weeks have ushered in a wave of new domestic police powers and rhetoric in the name of fighting “terrorism” that are carbon copies of many of the worst excesses of the first War on Terror that began

War Propaganda: The Cult of Militarism By Rod Driver, January 20 2021

This is the second of two posts about war propaganda, and the last of four posts about propaganda more generally.

“War will exist until the distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige as the warrior

A Belligerent Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: The Legacy of US President Donald J. Trump By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 20 2021

As the Trump era is coming to an end, his legacy in the Middle East will be described by the Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and the rest of the Arab world as aggressive, dangerous and extremely reckless.  Israelis will say that

Nine Hurdles to Reviving the Iran Nuclear Deal By Seyed Hossein Mousavian, January 20 2021

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on January 8 that Tehran was in no rush for the United States to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), but, he also said,

Biden’s Key Role in the Crime of the Century: The 2003 U.S. Invasion of Iraq By Jeremy Kuzmarov, January 20 2021

Joe Biden presents himself as an empathetic guy who is willing to go the extra mile to help people overcome their personal tragedies.

However, Biden has throughout his career endorsed policies that caused countless personal tragedies for millions of people.

The Deep State’s Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes By John W. Whitehead, January 20 2021

“You have such a fervent, passionate, evangelical faith in this country…why in the name of God don’t you have any faith in the system of government you’re so hell-bent to protect? You want to defend the United States of America,

HART: Homeland Security’s Massive New Database Will Include Face Recognition, DNA, and Peoples’ “Non-Obvious Relationships” By Jennifer Lynch, January 20 2021

This article was originally published on EFF in June 2018.

So why do we know so little about it?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is quietly building what will likely become the largest database of biometric and biographic

“Covid Relief Plan”: Biden Lifts Health Care Plan from Insurance Lobbyists By Andrew Perez and Julia Rock, January 20 2021

President-elect Joe Biden’s new COVID relief plan does not adopt existing Democratic legislation to expand government sponsored medical coverage nor does it propose a promised public health insurance option. Instead, it adopts proposals from health insurance lobbying groups’ recent

Is Wireless Technology an Environmental Health Risk? By Katie Alvord, January 20 2021

Early in 2012, I started having debilitating cognitive lapses, pressure headaches, nausea and worse when around wireless and electronic devices. 

That winter and spring, I’d put in long hours, drafting an eco-themed novel, writing for a hyperlocal news blog and …

Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration’s Gutting of Federal Protection for Migratory Birds By Center For Biological Diversity, January 20 2021

National environmental groups filed a lawsuit today in the Southern District of New York challenging the Trump administration’s reinterpretation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which eliminated longstanding, vital protections for more than 1,000 species of waterfowl, raptors and songbirds.

British Medical Journal: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% Effective” Vaccines—Let’s be Cautious and First See the Full Data By Dr. Peter Doshi, January 19 2021

The following are excerpts of an important article published by the British Medical Journal. The author Dr Peter Doshi is associate editor of The BMJ.

To read the complete BMJ article click here

In the United States, all eyes are

Why Did Alexei Navalny Return to the Same Country that He Claimed Tried to Kill Him? By Andrew Korybko, January 19 2021

Russian anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny inexplicably decided to return to the same country that he claimed had unsuccessfully tried to kill him, curiously timing his trip to coincide with the immediate run-up to Biden’s inauguration in what some suspect is

The Basic Principles of War Propaganda: The US Lies About Every War By Rod Driver, January 19 2021

“In war, truth is the first casualty” (Aeschylus(1))

A Very Brief History of War Propaganda

Propaganda as a science really got under way during World War 1 (WW1). The British and the German governments both brainwashed their populations into believing

Video: Democracy in Deep Space: US Space Force to Get Nuclear Reactors By South Front, January 19 2021

US President Donald Trump can be considered guilty of many things, but he can’t be considered guilty of not attempting to preserve the fruits of his labor.

This can be seen in the maximum pressure campaign against Iran, his endless …

China Health Experts Call for Suspension of COVID Vaccines as Norway Investigates 33 Deaths, Germany Probes 10 Deaths By Children’s Health Defense, January 19 2021

Norway upped the number of deaths under investigation, from 23 last week to 33, while in Germany, health officials said they are investigating 10 deaths that occurred among elderly patients who received the COVID vaccine.


China health experts say …

False Accusations Used Once More Against President Assad of Syria By Steven Sahiounie, January 19 2021

New allegations have surfaced, accusing Syrian President Assad of some connection to the Beirut Port blast.  Allegations don’t need proof, and they are a tool used repeatedly by the US against nations and leaders who they deem as an