Global Research News

“Far-Reaching Violation”: Dutch Government Ordered To Lift ‘Illegitimate’ Pandemic Curfew By Hague Court By Zero Hedge, February 17 2021

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A top court in The Hague issued a “shock” ruling that

What VAERS Data Reveal About Cardiac-Related Reactions to COVID Vaccines By Children’s Health Defense, February 17 2021

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We are exactly two months into the COVID 19 vaccine rollout,

American Empire – A Global History By Jim Miles, February 17 2021

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Most recent works on the United States accept that it is

I Shall Fear No Evil. Why We Need a Truly Independent Candidate for U.S. President By Emanuel Pastreich, February 17 2021

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A presidential candidate speaks the truth and demands long-term strategies for

Crocodile Evolution Rebooted by Ice Age Glaciations By McGill University, February 17 2021

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Crocodiles are resilient animals from a lineage that has survived for

Did The Virus Trigger the 2020 Worldwide Economic Crisis? Bankruptcy and Global Enrichment By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 16 2021

You lose your job. Small and medium sized enterprises go bankrupt. Even the whole tourist industry is paralyzed. There’s no air transport. There’s no public transport, in some cases. And then they make us believe that this is required

The Dubious COVID Models, The Tests and Now the Consequences By F. William Engdahl, February 16 2021

This article by F. William Engdahl first published on April 29, 2020 focusses on the dubious Covid models used to justify the lockdowns and closure of economic activity Worldwide.

The architects of these models were generously funded by the Gates …

Video: ISIS-Daesh is Returning To Syria, The “Moderate Opposition” is Fighting against the Syrian Government By South Front, February 16 2021

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The further the world comes into 2021, the

Frayed Russian Ties with the West. Washington Intent in “Severing Russia from Europe” By Stephen Lendman, February 16 2021

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While breaking up is hard

Is a Revolutionary Movement Developing in Europe? Rejecting the Lockdown and the Mask By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Klaus Madersbacher, February 16 2021

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US media provides little news of Europe.  What is provided is

The Reshaping of Global Agriculture: The WEF Agenda Behind India’s Modi Government’s “Farm Reform” By F. William Engdahl, February 16 2021
For more than 12 years the WEF has pushed a corporate model in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The “big target” has been India, where resistance to corporate takeover of agriculture has been fierce ever since the failed 1960’s Green Revolution of the Rockefeller Foundation.
ICC to Investigate Israeli War Crimes By Philip Giraldi, February 16 2021

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Well, as usual, there is good news and bad news. The

The Biden Era Is Witnessing a Return of the Military-Industrial Complex By Branko Marcetic, February 16 2021

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One of the top national security think tanks backing the Biden

Scientists on WHO Mission to Wuhan Accuse Media of Biased Reportage By Steve Sweeney, February 16 2021

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Scientists on a World Health Organisation (WHO) mission to Wuhan to

Trump Acquitted (Again), but Trump Hatred Continues By Rep. Ron Paul, February 16 2021

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Last week’s second impeachment trial of former President Trump should serve

500+ Experts Call on World’s Nations to Not Burn Forests to Make Energy By Justin Catanoso, February 16 2021

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More than 500 scientists and economists implored world leaders last week

History of British Rhodesia and Zimbabwe: The First Universal Elections. Rumours of A Coup Against Mugabe. The February 14th 1980 Failed “False Flag” of Selous Scouts Mission By Adeyinka Makinde, February 16 2021

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Robert Mugabe: Why are your men trying to kill me?

Biden Is Expected to Allow Remittances and Flights to Cuba By Telesur, February 16 2021

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The U.S. National Security Council Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs Juan

Western Governments Are Killing Their Own People … Again. Experimental mRNA Injections in Nursing Homes By Mark Taliano, February 16 2021

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Western countries, including Canada, are using experimental mRNA injections in nursing

General Atomics Plan Flights of Its New Drone in UK – Safety Fears Rerouted Previous Flights in the US By Chris Cole, February 16 2021

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General Atomics is to bring a company-owned SkyGuardian drone to the

The “Return” of America: Biden’s Maiden Foreign Policy Speech By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 16 2021

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Few could have been slack-jawed at the first significant foreign policy

Issue of BLM’s Relationship to the Democratic Party: Black Lives Matter Inland Empire Announces Departure from BLM Global Network. By LEFT OUT Magazine, February 16 2021

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Today Black Lives Matter Inland Empire announced its departure from the

Tory MP Ruthlessly Mocks ‘Boris Burrow’ Plans Connecting Scotland and Northern Ireland By Jack Peat, February 16 2021

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Plans to connect Scotland and Northern Ireland with a 25-mile undersea

Biden’s First Directive to the War Machine By Patricia Gorky, February 16 2021

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In his first presidential visit to the Pentagon yesterday, Joe Biden

UK Government Is ‘Considering’ Vaccine Passports to Enter Pubs, Shops, Events By Steve Watson, February 16 2021

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After months of denying there are any plans to introduce so

EU and US So Far Show No Interest in Renewed Threats to Merge Albania and Kosovo By Paul Antonopoulos, February 16 2021

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The EU and U.S. seem oblivious to threats made last week

Black History Month: Reflections on the Tuskegee Study and Its Moral Harm By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, February 16 2021

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Black History Month challenges all of us to learn, reflect and

Victoria Nuland Had a Hand in Every US Intervention in the Past 30 Years By Rick Sterling, February 16 2021

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As the Senate prepares to confirm Nuland for Under Secretary for

Is Joe Biden Preparing for War against Iran? Will Russia and China Intervene? By Shahbazz Afzal, February 15 2021

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As the US led aggression against Iran escalates, Russia and China …

Is Joe Biden Intent Upon Escalating the War against Syria? By Stephen Lendman, February 15 2021

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Nearly 10 years after Obama/Biden launched aggression against nonbelligerent Syria threatening

US Changes Its Role in the Yemen War as It Seeks to Impose a ‘Peace Deal’ on Its Terms By Dr. Leon Tressell, February 15 2021

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In his first speech on foreign policy President Joe Biden announced

Is Biden Committing “Diplomatic Suicide” over the Iran Nuclear Agreement? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 15 2021

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As Congress still struggles to pass a COVID relief bill, the

The Enforcement of a “New Normal”: “The Deadly Human Experiment with Vaccination” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 15 2021

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Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Corona Committee Foundation, demands after the public …

Washington to Organize Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova to Challenge Russia in the Black Sea By Paul Antonopoulos, February 15 2021

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One of Washington’s main strategic objectives is to consolidate and organize

653 Deaths + 12,044 Other Injuries Reported Following COVID Vaccine, Latest CDC Data Show By Children’s Health Defense, February 15 2021

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The numbers reflect the latest data available as of Feb. 4  

“Bloodsucker Capitalism”: How Big Companies Extract Wealth from Everyone Else By Rod Driver, February 15 2021

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“No one makes a billion dollars. You TAKE a billion dollars.

Biden’s “100 Days” “Back To Normal” to Be Replaced by an “Indefinite COVID Regime”? By Jordan Schachtel, February 15 2021

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The Biden White House has seemingly disappeared its “100 days” back

Canada Buys Drones ‘Israel’ “Tested” on Palestinians By QudsN, February 15 2021

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Canada is purchasing a “civilian” version of the Hermes 900 drone

Trump Has Gone – Time to End US Sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela By Ken Livingstone, February 15 2021

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The United States has an extensive sanctions programme affecting two dozen

Why the Flu Has ‘Disappeared’ By Swiss Policy Research, February 15 2021

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Why has the flu disappeared since the beginning of the coronavirus

Biden Administration Should Scrap Trump’s Economic Sanctions that “Have Killed Tens of Thousands of People” in Venezuela, CEPR Co-Director Says By Orinoco Tribune, February 15 2021

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A new report from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds

The Great Vaccine Scam By Vasko Kohlmayer, February 15 2021

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“South Africa suspends Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout after researchers report minimal protection

Trudeau Faces Series of Setbacks to Corporate, Imperial Policies By Yves Engler, February 15 2021

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As much as some Canadians would like to believe their country

US-Indian Strategic Construct of Western Indian Ocean Runs into Headwinds By M. K. Bhadrakumar, February 15 2021
The Fukushima Quake May be an Echo of the 2011 Disaster — And a Warning for the Future By Prof. Mark Quigley, February 15 2021
Military Coup: The Myanmar-China Nexus By Askiah Adam, February 15 2021
Qatar Urges Gulf Countries to Talk with Tehran and Ankara By Uriel Araujo, February 15 2021

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Last Monday, US General Frank McKenzie stated that the US shall

No Quick-fix to End the Yemen War By Steven Sahiounie, February 15 2021

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US President Joe Biden wants to “End the Yemen War” by

Trump Acquitted of Phony Charge as Expected By Stephen Lendman, February 15 2021

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It’s all over but the postmortems. Trump’s five day Senate trial

Biden Administration Smears Nicaragua as “Dictatorship” for Forcing US-funded, Coup-plotting NGOs to Register as “Foreign Agents” By Ben Norton, February 15 2021

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Nicaragua’s elected leftist government passed a law requiring NGOs funded by

The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate By Jacob G. Hornberger, February 15 2021

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It goes without saying that the Constitution called into existence a

Using Herd Immunity Myth to Justify COVID Vaccines for Kids Is Deceptive — and Dangerous By Children’s Health Defense, February 15 2021

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During the first six weeks of the coronavirus vaccine rollout among

Cuba: Millions for Democracy Made in USA By Ronald Suárez Rivas, February 15 2021

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Although the effort has never produced the results expected by its

Quebec: Falsification of Mortality Data Pertaining to Covid-19 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 14 2021

According to a directive from Quebec’s Ministry of Health :

“If the presumed cause of death is Covid-19 (with or without a positive test) an autopsy should be avoided  [emphasis in original document] and death should be attributed to Covid-19

New NORAD Warfare Strategies and Canada’s Role in the “Great Game” Revisited By Matthew Ehret-Kump, February 14 2021

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As relations between the USA and Russia continue to fall ever

Against the Misuse of Science in the So-called “Pandemic”. The RT-PCR Test By Prof. Dr. Thomas Aigner, February 14 2021

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Letter to the President of the Academy of Sciences and Literature

“Building Peace From the Mediterranean to The Gulf”: Greece at the Center of New Transcontinental Geopolitical Order By Paul Antonopoulos, February 14 2021

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A geopolitically changing event took place on February 11 when Athens

There Is No Such Thing as a “Free Market” By Rod Driver, February 14 2021

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“There isn’t one grain of anything in the world that is

Washington’s Man Navalny; Kagame Crimes By Robin Philpot and Phil Taylor, February 14 2021

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Montreal-based publisher Robin Philpot joins the program to discuss two subjects:

Main Street Economies in Collapse. The Media Casually Disregards the Greatest Economic Depression in US History By Stephen Lendman, February 14 2021

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Instead of explaining the dire state of things in the US,

“Love Is Dead”? By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, February 14 2021

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“Love is Dead” is the title of British singer-songwriter Brett Anderson’s …

Vaccine Transparency: Why Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) Might be a Ticking Time Bomb By Dr. Rob Verkerk, February 14 2021

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Associate Professor of Health Sciences Adam MacNeil at Brock University, Canada

Biden Revving Up His War Machine? By Stephen Lendman, February 14 2021

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As US senator and vice president for nearly half a century,

Defying the Monolith of Global Propaganda! The 2021 CKUW Fundrive Special By Michael Welch, February 14 2021

“The ways that we’ve had to adapt this year, and what it means to come together as a community in order to be able to do that, and how we are rethinking the importance of what it means to be

Selected Quotes from Courageous Big Pharma Whistle-blower Robert F. Kennedy, Jr By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, February 14 2021

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Collated by Dr. Gary G. Kohls

“In 1986, Congress—awash in Pharma

War Crimes: The Ameriyah Shelter in West Baghdad: The 1991 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre By Felicity Arbuthnot, February 14 2021

This article was originally published on February 13, 2007, in commemoration of the Ameriya Shelter bombing in Baghdad, Iraq.


It is sixteen years since the Ameriyah Shelter in west Baghdad was bombed, incinerating all but eight, inside. Figures for

Iraq and the “Gulf War”: Remembering the 1991 Al-Amiriyah Bombing by the US Air Force By Felicity Arbuthnot and Radio Islam, February 14 2021

First published on GR on March 21, 2018.

Listen to the interview with Felicity Arbuthnot on the 1991 bombing of Al-Amiriyah shelter in Iraq by the US Air Force.

According to Arbuthnot, the nuclear shelter was built during the Iran-Iraq

Corona Fake Pandemic: Italy Subjected to a Holy Inquisition of False Science By Global Research News, February 13 2021

Italian Transcript below

Thank you, Mr President.

We have been spied on, subjugated, treated like criminals by a government that in two months has destroyed our fundamental, natural and constitutional rights. Parliament has been replaced by the various task forces

Palestinian Resistance Running in the New Legislative Elections Simulates Insanity By Amro Allan, February 13 2021

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“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and

The Unspoken Crimes of World War II: The Dresden Massacre of 1945 By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, February 13 2021

76 Years Ago: “The 1945 Dresden Raid was surely one of the most destructive air-raids during the WWII but in the world history of massive military destructions and the war crimes against humanity too.[i] The main and most destructive

Strained Russia-EU Relations By Vladimir Chizhov and Euractiv, February 12 2021

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In a telephone interview on Thursday (11 February) the Ambassador of

Uncertain Future of US-China Relations: Biden’s Envisioned “Extreme Competition” with China By Andrew Korybko, February 12 2021

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If Biden really knew China’s President Xi as well as he
Head of Strategic Command: US Must Prepare for “Very Real Possibility” of Nuclear War with China By Alan MacLeod, February 12 2021

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In an era when international cooperation in the face of pandemics

Health Diplomacy: China Made Vaccine Donations to Equatorial Guinea and Zimbabwe By Kester Kenn Klomegah, February 12 2021

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As coronavirus infection rapidly spreads across the African continent, reaching nearly

Review: Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies By Ray McGinnis, February 12 2021

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Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies is a selection of

Video: US Military Deployment in Syria. Arranging the “Middle East Narrative” to Push the Biden Agenda Forward By South Front, February 12 2021

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The United States is returning to a level of activity in

RFK, Jr. Responds to Instagram’s Removal of His Account By Children’s Health Defense, February 12 2021

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RFK, Jr.’s Instagram account was deplatformed Wednesday. Dozens of media outlets

Tearing Down the Edifice of American Democracy By Scott Ritter, February 12 2021

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The joists and beams that hold U.S. democracy are not as

Ode to February By Barbara Nimri Aziz, February 12 2021

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It must have been a winter resident of upstate New York

UK COVID Police State: Travellers Must Quarantine in Hotels at Their Own Cost, Have 3 Tests, £10k Fine for Going Outside, and 10 Years Prison if Caught Trying to Avoid ‘The Law’ By Steve Watson, February 12 2021

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Anyone traveling to Britain from a country on the government’s ‘red