Global Research News

Biden’s Reckless Syria Bombing Is Not the Diplomacy He Promised By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 28 2021

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The February 25 U.S. bombing of Syria immediately puts the policies
This Month’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, February 28 2021
US institutions
Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms By Edward Curtin, February 28 2021

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“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal

Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: Peer Reviewed Reports By AIER, February 28 2021

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The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance

Epidemiological Evidence: The “Pandemic” is Over. No “Second Wave” will Follow By Dr. Stephen Malthouse, February 28 2021

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This text, crossposted on GR was first published in October 2020…

One-Third of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred within 48 Hours of Vaccination By Children’s Health Defense, February 28 2021

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According to new data released today, as of Feb. 12, 15,923

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon File Application for Suspension of All SARS CoV-2 Vaccine Studies and Call for Co-signing the Petition By 2020 news, February 28 2021

First published on December 25, 2020

On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA

President Biden Says the Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines Are Safe. The Vaccines’ Fact Sheets Say Something Very Different. By Adam Dick, February 28 2021

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Via a Monday Twitter post, President Joe Biden made an

Biden’s First Foreign Policy Speech Vows “Forever Wars” By Brian Berletic, February 27 2021

US foreign policy has clearly continued in the same direction, without missing a beat. Unlike in previous transitions in the White House, this time US President Joe Biden has not even really tried to promise even the faintest hope that

Emergency Room (ER) Sees Surge of Seniors After COVID-19 Vaccination, Says Nurse Whistleblower By John C. A. Manley, February 27 2021
We’re seeing a surge of patients come to the hospital from the nursing homes after getting vaxed. These poor folks, in their 80s and 90s with chronic heart and lung disease, can’t handle the metabolic stimulation caused by the COVID vax.
Haiti Betrayed: Screening and Discussion By Global Research News, February 26 2021

To commemorate the anniversary of the US/France/Canada led overthrow of Haiti’s elected government, we are hosting a screening and discussion of Haiti Betrayed, a powerful indictment of Canada’s role in the 2004 coup and subsequent policy in the country.

‘A Disgrace’: Luxury Housing Plans Threaten Cambodia’s Bokor National Park By Chris Humphrey, February 26 2021
Biden’s Latest Strike on Syria. The S-300 No-Show. The Russia-Israel De Facto Alliance? By Andrew Korybko, February 26 2021

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The Alt-Media Community is suspiciously silent about the S-300s’ no-show following

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, February 26 2021
Counter-Terrorism’?: Two Decades after 9/11, New Interactive Map Details Footprint of US War Machine in 85 Countries By Brett Wilkins, February 26 2021

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“The map raises a number of questions. Why is the United

Why Joe Biden Will Continue the US War on Nord Stream 2 till the Bitter End By Johanna Ross, February 26 2021

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Any doubts as to whether Joe Biden will continue Donald Trump

Video: Two Truths and a Lie: US Patriot Missiles Leave Saudi Arabia for Syria By South Front, February 26 2021

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The United States has deployed a Patriot defense battery to Syria’s

Texas ‘Deep Freeze’: Urgent Climate Warning but “Not What You Think” By F. William Engdahl, February 26 2021

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In the unfolding extreme winter tragedy in Texas as well as

Video: The Stats on COVID-Vaccine Injury and Death Don’t Add Up By Rosemary Frei, February 26 2021

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There’s a big mystery that needs to be solved.

It’s how

There Is No Crisis for NATO’s Italian Military By Manlio Dinucci, February 26 2021

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While Italy is paralyzed by the “economic crisis that the pandemic

SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on One Big Fat Assumption By Makia Freeman, February 26 2021

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Without virus isolation, the SARS variants brainwashing theme is being increasingly

UK and Greece Collude to Push New ‘Vaccine Passport’ on Holiday Travelers By 21st Century Wire, February 26 2021

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As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, despite various public denials by

Scientists: Vaccination Before Every Holiday May be Needed By Steve Watson, February 26 2021

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Scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to

War Mongering for Artificial Intelligence By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 26 2021

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The ghost of Edward Teller must have been doing the rounds

North Korea Steadfastly Resisting US Hegemony By Kim Petersen, February 26 2021

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I learned a while back to be especially skeptical of western

Hundreds of Law Students Announce Boycott of Chevron Law Firm Seward & Kissel for “Unethical” Private Prosecution of Human Rights Attorney Steven Donziger By Stanford Environmental Law Society, February 26 2021

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Students from over 50 leading U.S. law schools — including Stanford,

Politicians Shouldn’t be Managing Pandemics They Will Bend Science to Fit Their Political Objectives By Bill Sardi, February 26 2021

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The politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been overlooked in

US Doctors Propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to Protect Citizens from Forced Shots By Patrick Delaney, February 26 2021

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With a push for vaccine mandates on the rise, America’s

The Issue of Vaccines: Open Letter to Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal President of Germany By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 26 2021

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Today, 25 February 2021, the German media reported that you

Journalists and the Looming Superstorm of Climate Disinformation By Andrew McCormick, February 26 2021

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Texas had only just frozen over.  In the wake of a

Heating the Planet Through a New Cold War By Michael T. Klare, February 26 2021

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It began with fire. It ended with ice. In between,

Corona Crisis: How Does All of this End? By Jeffrey A. Tucker, February 26 2021

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There is a sense in the air that the pandemic is

Cuba Has Assisted Almost One Third of the World’s Population in Health Care By Cuban News Agency, February 26 2021

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In the six decades of Cuban medical collaboration abroad, its health

50,000+ Petition Delivered to Facebook. “Not to Include ‘Zionist’ in Is Hate Speech Policy” By Jewish Voice for Peace, February 25 2021

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From Menlo Park to Dublin, Johannesburg to Tel Aviv-Yaffo, activists in

Unrelenting, Omnipresent Covid Fear “Short Circuits the Human Brain” By Jeff Harris, February 25 2021

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As we rapidly approach the one year anniversary of Covid madness

Biden’s CIA Nominee Identifies China as Top ‘Adversary’ By Dave DeCamp, February 25 2021

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William Burns, Biden’s pick for CIA chief, had tough words

Amnesty International Rescinds Navalny’s ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ Status After Discovering His Past By Zero Hedge, February 25 2021

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In a surprise twist on the Alexei Navalny saga, and on

Tensions Between US and Saudi Arabia on the Rise By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 25 2021

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Joe Biden’s ideological commitment to Western liberal values promised to recover

France Increases Hostilities Against China in the South China Sea By Paul Antonopoulos, February 25 2021

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The French Navy days ago announced that the Tonnerre amphibious assault

Scientists Show COVID Tests Are ‘Useless’, Are Based on ‘Flawed Science’ By Michael Haynes, February 25 2021

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The original scientific paper establishing RT-PCR tests as the way to

Urge PM Trudeau to End Hassan Diab’s Nightmare of Injustice! By Hassan Diab Support Committee, February 25 2021

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Thank you for your outpouring of support following the shockingly unjust

Western Governments Now Try to Strangle Funding of Independent Media By Terje Maloy, February 25 2021

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After years of working hard to stop the voice of independent

Mexico to Ban Glyphosate, GM Corn Presidential Decree Comes Despite Intense Pressure from Industry, U.S. Authorities By Timothy A. Wise, February 25 2021

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Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world

Zero Carbon – Zero Covid: Twin Phantoms of “Planetary Genocide”? By Julian Rose, February 25 2021

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Within the control system’s Davos engineered programme called Agenda 2030/The Great

EU Imposes Further Sanctions on Venezuela as Maduro Visits UN Human Rights Council By Paul Dobson, February 25 2021

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Venezuela has blasted the imposition of additional European Union (EU) sanctions

The Empty Promise of Western-Style “Equality” and “Democracy” By Brian Berletic, February 25 2021
US Destroys Anti-fascist Forces, Stalin’s Failed Efforts to Align with West By Shane Quinn, February 25 2021

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Despite Franco-British declarations of war on Germany during 3 September 1939,

US Brings Israel into CENTCOM, The US Military’s Command in the Middle East By Yaakov Lappin, February 25 2021

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The move formalizes regular military exercises among the US, Israel and

The Pine-eyed Boy Escapes from the Belly of the Dark Night in the Fish’s Tale By Edward Curtin, February 25 2021

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It’s hard to say where things begin, but they do, as

Democrats Ask Biden to Surrender Keys on Nuclear Weapons Launches By Jordan Lancaster, February 25 2021

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House Democrats have asked President Joe Biden to give other officials

Let Us Put an End to the Corona Pandemic Hoax: We Are Victims and Perpetrators at the Same Time By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 25 2021

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“There exists an unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and

Is the Virus “Variant” Being Used to Scare People into Getting Vaccinated? By Mike Whitney, February 25 2021

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In a recent front-page article, the New York Times reported that

Nearly 800 Organizations and Individuals in the U.S. Demand the Biden Administration End Its Support for the Brutal Moïse Regime in Haiti By Margaret Flowers, February 25 2021

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Today, February 24, 72 organizations and 700 individuals published an open

Norway May Become Battleground Between U.S. and Russia, Says Expert By Paul Antonopoulos, February 24 2021

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Colonel Tormod Heier highlighted that strengthening the U.S. military presence in

COVID-19: Israel Donates Vaccines to Countries that Moved Embassies to Jerusalem By Middle East Eye, February 24 2021

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The Czech Republic, Guatemala and Honduras, which have all moved their

One Third of Freshwater Fish Face Extinction, New Report Warns By Olivia Rosane, February 24 2021

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The latest warning of the Earth’s mounting extinction crisis is coming

The Vaccine (Dis)Information War By CJ Hopkins, February 24 2021

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So, good news, folks! It appears that GloboCap’s Genetic Modification Division

Social Inequities in the USA: How this Country Fails Its Most Vulnerable By Prof. Rajan Menon, February 24 2021

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Economic crises shine a spotlight on a society’s inequities and hierarchies,

Revealed: British Royals Met Tyrannical Middle East Monarchies over 200 Times Since Arab Spring Erupted 10 Years Ago By Phil Miller, February 24 2021

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Britain’s royal family has met members of autocratic Middle Eastern monarchies

China’s “Economic Race” with the US is Over? Beijing Set to Focus on Building Domestic Production Networks? By Tom Clifford, February 24 2021

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It’s over. The China threat. No Thucydides trap of rising power

Israel Imposes Gag Order on Probe into Oil Spill Dubbed “Most Serious Ecological Disaster” in Years By Zero Hedge, February 24 2021

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Israeli authorities have closed down miles of beaches as the county

Is Switzerland Sliding into Dictatorship? Social Coercion, Privileges to Those Who Accept the Covid Vaccine By Peter Koenig, February 24 2021

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A secret paper from the Swiss Federal Council (Swiss Executive) was

Air Force Surgeon: It’s Your ‘Duty’ to Get COVID Vaccine By Pam Long, February 24 2021

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The transcript of a mandatory video briefing for airmen at a

Machinery of Death: When the Government Acts as Judge, Jury and Executioner By John W. Whitehead, February 24 2021

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“Police fail to grasp that they are public servants for peace.

Refriended in Defeat: Australia Strikes a Deal with Facebook By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 24 2021

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The Australian Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, was unconvincing in his efforts

Video: The Fight in Yemen, The Houthis Are Pushing Towards Marib City By South Front, February 24 2021

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The fighting in Yemen, similarly to other battlefields in the Middle

By Putting Big Pharma’s Patents before Patients, Doctors Will Further Erode Trust in Experts By Jonathan Cook, February 24 2021

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I have spent the past several years on my blog trying

Malcolm X from the Grassroots to the African Revolution By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 24 2021

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Author’s note: These remarks were delivered at an African American History

What Planet Is NATO Living On? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 24 2021

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The February meeting of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defense Ministers,

A People’s History of Struggle: Liberty or Lockdown By Colin Todhunter, February 24 2021

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UK health minister Matt Hancock has warned the government’s timeline for

Post-Pandemic Social Landscapes: Surveillance Capitalism, Behaviour Modification as the New Consensus Reality By Dr. Kingsley Dennis, February 23 2021

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The ‘COVID Event’ handed the unreal world its great coup over

The Ascendency and Mainstay of Participatory Economic and Social Development By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, February 23 2021

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Participatory community movements found a contemporary impetus in post-World War II

Pressure Building to Keep US Troops in Afghanistan Indefinitely By Adam Weinstein, February 23 2021

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The meeting of NATO defence ministers and Munich Security Conference has

White House Enlists Social Media Giants to Suppress Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ By Megan Redshaw, February 23 2021

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The White House is asking Big Tech giants Facebook, Twitter and

Slices of the Pie: Mapping Territorial Claims in Antarctica By Nick Routley, February 23 2021

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Slices of the Pie: Mapping Territorial Claims in Antarctica

For the

US-China Win-Win Cooperation? The Competitive Mindset is Destined to Fail By Andrew Korybko, February 23 2021

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The simple solution to “winning the competition of the future” with
The ZeroCovid Movement: Cult Dressed as Science By Jenin Younes, February 23 2021

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This past year has given rise to some strange and novel

Biden to Escalate War on Russia by Other Means? By Stephen Lendman, February 23 2021

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In early February, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said US

Mandatory mRNA Vaccination and PCR Testing Potentially Illegal By Lech Biegalski, February 23 2021

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Much has been written on this topic and it would be

Snowstorms, the Breach of the Arctic Vortex and the Effects of Ice Meltwater on the Oceans By Dr. Andrew Glikson, February 23 2021

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Warnings by leading climate scientists regarding the high sensitivity of the