Global Research News

Video: Canadian Doctors Speak Out: Top Reasons Not to be Afraid of COVID-19 By Dr. Stephen Malthouse, March 15 2021

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“As Canadian medical doctors, we’re gonna tell you what the best

The Hidden Truth Behind the Too-Good-to-be True COVID-19 Vaccines: An Interview with Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD By Dr. Ronald B. Brown and John C. A. Manley, March 15 2021
"Draconian public health measures are imposed on society with little proof of effectiveness, and much proof of collateral damage, there is little debate covered in the commercial media about public health issues."
Video: Israel’s “Green Passport”, A True Medical Apartheid. Ilana Rachel Daniel By Ilana Rachel Daniel, March 15 2021

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Ilana Rachel Daniel, health advisor and politician, talked about Israel’s

The Lasalin Massacre and the Human Rights Crisis in Haiti By Judith Mirkinson and Seth Donnelly, March 15 2021

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This report was originally published in 2019.


On November 13,

Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy Around the World By James Bovard, March 15 2021

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While the number of fatalities attributed to Covid-19 is carefully tracked

Exposing the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution By S. Brian Willson, March 15 2021
“Founding Father” John Jay possessed a vision that “the people who own the country ought to govern it”. This referred to those who owned land, slaves, and commercial enterprises. Jay also believed that the upper classes “were the better kind of people”.
CDC: 1,524 Dead 31,079 Injured Following Experimental COVID mRNA “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, March 15 2021

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The CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event

Pakistanis Do Not Trust Western Vaccines – Why Should They? Experimental COVID “Vaccines” Unwelcome by Many in Pakistan By Brian Shilhavy, March 15 2021

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Ignorant, backwards, unscientific, religious fanatics: This is how the western corporate

These ‘Inactive’ Ingredients in COVID Vaccines Could Trigger Allergic Reactions By Children’s Health Defense, March 15 2021

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COVID vaccine makers have not only introduced new primary ingredients to

Fukushima Today: “I’m Glad that I Realized My Mistake before I Died.” By Prof. Thomas A. Bass, March 15 2021
Why It’s Necessary to End NATO Now By Eric Zuesse, March 14 2021

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In a previous article I argued “Why It’s Necessary to End

In Denmark, Activist Mother Against Covid Restrictions Sentenced to 2 Years in Jail for Saying “Let’s Go Smash this Town Up in a Non-violent Way“ By Peter Retson, March 14 2021

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Nanna Skov Høpfner, or as she is known by her

Pope Stamp Showing ‘Greater Kurdistan’ Causes Uproar in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey By The New Arab, March 14 2021

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A controversial attempt to mark Pope Francis‘s March 7 visit

Fresh Focus on a Stale Peace Process for Syria By Steven Sahiounie, March 14 2021

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On March 11, the foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey, and Qatar

What Is in Store for Iraq and the Broader Middle East? By Amro Allan, March 14 2021

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It is still early to be certain what strategy the new

Video: Reporters Without Borders Charges Prince Bin Salman and Accomplices with Crimes Against Humanity By Paul Coppin and Kristina Borjesson, March 14 2021

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Reporters without Borders charges Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his accomplices

Video: Volatile Battlefield in Yemen. Saudi Heavy Airstrikes By South Front, March 14 2021

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The battlefield in Yemen is getting more volatile with each passing

Syria Solidarity Movement Statement on the Tenth Anniversary of the War on Syria By Syria Solidarity Movement, March 14 2021

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Since March 2011, Washington has led a coalition of NATO countries,

Mind Control and Neurotechnology: Will People Allow Themselves to be Deprived of Their “Freedom of Thought”? By Mojmir Babacek, March 14 2021

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“We are on a path to a world in which it

Europe Call to Arms Against China and Russia By Manlio Dinucci, March 14 2021

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The EU-China Investment Agreement, signed on December 30 by the European

You Know “We’ll Never Know,” Don’t You? By Edward Curtin, March 14 2021

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In his new, six-part, seven hours plus documentary – “Can’t Get

Get Jabbed for COVID in Israel or “Face Unspecified Punitive Measures” By Stephen Lendman, March 14 2021

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Is Israel heading for mandatory covid jabbing or the equivalent through

Origins of the 2011 War on Syria. It Was a Conspiracy By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 13 2021
A carefully planned US intelligence operation revealed...
Syria: Undeclared US-NATO War of Aggression, Using Al Qaeda Terrorism as An Instrument of Death and Destruction By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13 2021
It was never "a civil war". It was an undeclared war of aggression using Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists as the foot-soldiers of US-NATO and their Middle East allies. From day one, terrorists were involved in the killing of civilians.
Will Mankind be Extinct In a Few Years? Impacts of Toxic Agrochemicals, “Endoctrine Disruptors” By F. William Engdahl, March 13 2021

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It’s no secret that Bill Gates and the advocates of the

The Lebanese Crisis Is Directed Against Syrian Reconstruction: Says Dr. Jamal Wakim By Dr. Jamal Wakim and Steven Sahiounie, March 13 2021

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Syrian investors have about $42 billion in Lebanese banks. The corrupt

The West-Iran Asymmetric Conflict: Will Iran be Bombed? By Jan Oberg, March 13 2021

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The West-Iran conflict is extremely a-symmetric. It’s the West that has,

Our Lives Between the Covers of the Raging Twenties: Pepe Escobar’s New Book By Pepe Escobar, March 13 2021

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I have a new book out, Raging Twenties: Great Power Politics

The U.S. Monetary Power and the Struggles for International De-Dollarization By Prof. Mauricio Metri, March 13 2021

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Nowadays, there is a relative consensus among international analysts about the

On Modern Feminism By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, March 13 2021

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“Other people will call me a rebel, but I just feel

The Ides of March: Ten Years of Bloodshed in Syria By Michael Welch, Steven Sahiounie, Vanessa Beeley, and Gareth Porter, March 13 2021

“The “protests” did not emanate from internal political cleavages as described by the mainstream media. From the very outset, they were the result of  a covert US-NATO intelligence operation geared towards triggering social chaos, with a view to eventually discrediting

Why the Atlantic Council’s Russia ‘Post-Regime Change’ Report Is a Work of Fantasy By Johanna Ross, March 13 2021

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There’s so much to take issue with in this recent Atlantic

“COVID Denialism” Now Enshrined in Case Law By Makia Freeman, March 12 2021

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COVID denialism – a broad term leveled at those who have

Ten Problems with Biden’s Foreign Policy – And One Solution By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 12 2021

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The Biden presidency is still in its early days, but it’s
“Domestic Terrorism” Goes Transnational: The War on Dissidents Picks Up Momentum By Philip Giraldi, March 12 2021

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The claim is often made that President George W. Bush’s

Before COVID, Gates Planned Social Media Censorship of Vaccine Safety Advocates with Pharma, CDC, Media, China and CIA By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, March 12 2021

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In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other

China – Leading to World Recovery – And Beyond By Peter Koenig, March 12 2021

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China’s currently ongoing (4-11 March 2021) annual parliamentary meeting, known as

Israeli Violence in Arab Cities Reaches Intolerable Levels By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 12 2021

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Much is said in the international media about the Palestinian issue,

7 European Nations Halt AstraZeneca Jabs on Reports of “Serious” Blood Clots By Zero Hedge, March 12 2021

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Update (0954ET): Iceland has become the latest European nation to

3 More EU Countries Hit Pause on AstraZeneca After Reports of Illness and Deaths By Megan Redshaw, March 12 2021

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Denmark, Norway and Iceland today announced they are joining other European

Video: Fauci Admits There Is No ‘Science’ Behind Continued Lockdown By Steve Watson, March 12 2021

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In a rare moment of truth of CNN Wednesday, Anthony Fauci

COVID-19, Trust, and Wellcome: How Charity’s Pharma Investments Overlap with Its Research Efforts. BMJ By Tim Schwab, March 12 2021

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An increasingly clear feature of the covid-19 pandemic is that the

‘Do Not Refer to Palestine or Show a Map with Palestine as a Country’ — The CBC’s Orwellian Rules By Marion Kawas, March 12 2021

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For almost seven months, Palestine solidarity activists in Canada have been

Israel’s Arrest of Palestinian Children Picking Vegetables Sparks Outrage By Akram Al-Waara, March 12 2021

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A video of armed Israeli soldiers arresting a group of five

California’s Kern County Sued Over Fast-tracking of Tens of Thousands of New Oil Wells By Center For Biological Diversity, March 12 2021

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Community and environmental groups filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging Kern County’s

Thailand Halts AstraZeneca Vaccinations Following Concerns in Europe By Praphorn Praphornkul, March 12 2021

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The Prime Minister and Cabinet have put off on receiving the

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, March 12 2021
Moderna’s Top Scientist: ‘We Are Actually Hacking the Software of Life’ By Leo Hohmann, March 11 2021

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Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., explained

One Year Ago: 03/11: A Day to Remember: The March 11, 2020 Corona Lockdown. “Destabilizing The Global Economy” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 11 2021

The following text is in part based on the author’s E-Book

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”


March 11, 2020 will stand out in the history of

mRNA Vaccine Technology is “Hacking the Software of Life”. Modifies the Human Genome By Stephen Lendman, March 11 2021

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Since seasonal flu was renamed covid early last year, the largest-scale,

Video: Renewed Saudi Air Strikes against Yemen. Houthi Drone Attacks on Saudi Airports By South Front, March 11 2021

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March 2021 began with a mix indiscriminate air strikes by Saudi

Denmark Suspends Use of AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine. “Serious Cases of Blood Clots” By DW, March 11 2021

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The Danish Health Authority on Thursday halted the use of the

Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Network Demands NATO Support Peace Process in Afghanistan and Withdraw Its Forces By Black Alliance for Peace, March 11 2021

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The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Solidarity Network, made up of

Video: US Aircraft Carrier Deploys in Mediterranean, Threatens Syria? By South Front, March 11 2021

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The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier and its Carrier Strike

Digital Health Pass: IBM and Moderna Hook Up to Capitalize on COVID Reset By Raul Diego, March 11 2021

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Using what have already become clichéd industry buzzwords like “transparency,” “trust,”

More Countries Adopt Vaccine Passports to ‘Boost Tourism’ By Zero Hedge, March 11 2021

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Airlines in the US are already in the process of leveraging

Lebanon’s Crises Ballooning as Politicians Bicker over Government Formation By Michael Jansen, March 11 2021

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Lebanon’s political, economic and COVID crises are ballooning while politicians continue

39-Year-Old Woman Dies 4 Days After Second Moderna Vaccine, Autopsy Ordered By Megan Redshaw, March 11 2021

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A 39-year-old woman from Ogden, Utah, died Feb. 5, four days

France’s Geostrategic Interests in the Horn of Africa: The Red Sea, Djibouti and Somalia By Dr. Bischara A. Egal, March 11 2021

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Every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it

The Shape of Things to Come in China. A New Stage in Economic and Social Development By Pepe Escobar, March 11 2021

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It’s Lianghui (“Two Sessions”) time – the annual ritual of the

Garneau and Blinken Meet to Subvert Haitian Democracy By Yves Engler, March 11 2021

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After Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau and new US Secretary

Important Statements on Impacts of Vaccination by Prominent Scientists, Scholars and Authors By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, March 11 2021

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“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the

Information on Factory Farms Is Spotty at Best. The Government Has Been Hogtied from Doing More. By Madison McVan, March 11 2021

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Deborah Bunka knows she’s in Hardin County, Iowa, when the smell

“The Real Nuclear Danger”: What Is Israel Building at Its Dimona Nuclear Site? By Richard Silverstein, March 11 2021

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An international NGO devoted to halting the proliferation of nuclear weapons

Video: Doctors and Scientists Write to European Medicines Agency (EMA) Warning of COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers By Doctors for COVID Ethics, March 11 2021
The letter describes serious potential consequences of COVID-19 vaccine technology, warning of possible autoimmune reactions, blood clotting, stroke and internal bleeding, “including in the brain, spinal cord and heart”.
US Nuclear Testing and Its Devastating Impacts: After 75 Years, It’s Time to Clean Bikini By Hart Rapaport and Ivana Nikolić Hughes, March 11 2021

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Due to their remote location in the Northern Marshall Islands, the

Iraq in the American Imagination Today By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 11 2021

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Should we thank Pope Francis’ invitation to the world to stare

The Struggle For Civil Rights: Black Women and the Fight for Access to Public Transportation By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 11 2021

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Many people in the United States are aware of the struggle

Eyes on China: The Quad Takes Scattered Aim By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11 2021
UN Rebuke of US Sanctions on Venezuela Met with Stunning Silence By John McEvoy, March 11 2021

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Alena Douhan (image below), the UN special rapporteur on the negative

Fukushima: “An Ongoing Global Radiological Catastrophe”. “A Huge Coverup”. Dr. Helen Caldicott By Dr. Helen Caldicott and Michael Welch, March 10 2021
I have been to Fukushima and spoken to people there and the parents are desperate to hear the truth even if it's not good truth. And they thanked me for telling them the truth. So it's an absolute medical catastrophe I would say, and a total cover up to protect the nuclear industry and all its ramifications.
Fukushima’s Catastrophic Aftermath: The Dangers of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation By Stephen Lendman, March 10 2021

Commemorating Fukushima.

Ten Years Ago. This incisive and carefully researched article was first written by Stephen Lendman in April 2013


In her book titled “No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth,” nuclear power/environmental health expert Rosalie

Washington DC, America’s Capital: To be Permanently Militarized? By Stephen Lendman, March 10 2021

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A Dem Capitol Hill security report on the January 6 anti-Trump

Azerbaijan Preparing for New War Against Armenia By Paul Antonopoulos, March 10 2021

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Although Azerbaijan, with assistance from Syrian mercenaries and Turkish special forces,

Refusing to be Conscripted in the Israeli Military: “We Claim Responsibility for the Political Decisions of Our Young Son, and Our Decision Is — NO!” By Rima Najjar, March 10 2021

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There is a “crack in the veneer that Israel can just

US Increases Violence in Syria in Response to Attack in Iraq By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 10 2021

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In Washington, military plans for the Middle East are unclear. Biden’s

India Is Wrong to Blame Iran’s IRGC for Late January’s Attempted Terrorist Attack By Andrew Korybko, March 10 2021

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India knows that it’s being lied to by the US, “Israel”,
10 Years after Daraa: The Stalemate in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, March 10 2021

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March 15 is the date which many use for the start

The Clash Between Central Bankers and Investors Over Inflation and Interest Rates By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, March 10 2021

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“Investing illusions can continue for a surprisingly long time. Wall Street

Australian Uranium Fuelled Fukushima By Jim Green and David Noonan, March 10 2021

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Fukushima was an avoidable disaster, fuelled by Australian uranium and the