Global Research News

Twenty-two Years Ago: NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia: Who are the War Criminals? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 23 2021
The causes and consequences of this war have been the object of a vast media disinformation campaign, which has sought to camouflage NATO and US war crimes.
Kosovo Opening Embassy in Jerusalem Defies Turkey but Confirms Vassalage to US By Paul Antonopoulos, March 23 2021

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Kosovo can expect retaliation from Turkey for opening its embassy in

Israel’s Election Is All About Netanyahu By James J. Zogby, March 23 2021

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Israelis are going to the polls for the fourth time in

Video: “Police On Guard for Thee”: Toronto Police Officers Challenge “Unconstitutional Public Health Measures” By Len Faul and Julius Ruechel, March 23 2021

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For those officers who are silent while we are ordered to …

Escalated US-Led Sanctions War on China By Stephen Lendman, March 23 2021

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Sanctions are weapons of war by other means.

They’re a hammer

Saudi Arabia’s “Renewed Peace Push” in Yemen Is Welcome, but Incomplete By Andrew Korybko, March 23 2021

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The world must urgently act to relieve the Yemeni people’s years-long

Video: Saudi War on Yemen. Six-year Epic Failure: Riyadh’s Crusade on Sana’a By South Front, March 23 2021

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Six years of the Saudi-led war have passed in Yemen, and

Is Joe Biden Enabling Russiagate 2? By Philip Giraldi, March 23 2021

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The old expression that “lightning never strikes the same place twice”

COVID-19 Vaccine Tested on Babies Even as Death Toll Mounts. Greatest Public Health Calamity in Modern History By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 23 2021

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If early statistics are any indication, we are facing the greatest

New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots By Megan Redshaw, March 23 2021

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Researchers in Norway and Germany say they’ve identified antibodies that provoke

Germany: Whistleblower Says Seven of 31 Nursing Home Residents Died Immediately after Forced Pfizer mRNA Shots By and Reiner Fuellmich, March 23 2021

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A frightening video of a lawyer interviewing an anonymous whistleblower tells

Want a Job? Get a Shot! By Rep. Ron Paul, March 23 2021

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Mask tyranny reached a new low recently when a family was

“Lockdown Children’s Rights”: We Are Killing the Souls of Our Children! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 23 2021

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This documentary film “Lockdown Children’s Rights” by Patricia Marchart and Judith

Capitalizing on Conflict: How Defense Contractors and Foreign Nations Lobby for Arms Sales By Dan Auble, March 23 2021

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Defense companies spend millions every year lobbying politicians and donating to

The Gen Z Emergency: The Best Climate Book You Will Ever Read By Elizabeth Woodworth, March 23 2021

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Generation Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012/15.

Bill Gates’ Bad Bet on Plutonium-fueled Reactors By Frank N. von Hippel, March 23 2021

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One of Bill Gates’ causes is to replace power plants

America Should Swallow Its Pride on Iran By Geoff LaMear, March 23 2021

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The United States and Iran remain at an impasse over the

Harp Seal Pups in Trouble in Quebec Due to Low Sea Ice By Olivia Rosane, March 23 2021

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The sea ice cover in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence is

Unnamed Western Officials Spread Dubious Claims About Iran By Dave DeCamp, March 23 2021

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With a possible revival of the Iran nuclear deal on the

Uneasy Russia-Turkey Relations Are at Risk of Deteriorating By Uriel Araujo, March 23 2021

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Both Russia and Turkey have celebrated on March 16 the centennial

North Macedonia Spends Big on American-made Armoured Vehicles Despite Poverty Crisis By Paul Antonopoulos, March 23 2021

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By buying 54 armoured vehicles for its military from the U.S.,

Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit Is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code Violation By Brian Shilhavy, March 22 2021

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The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have

The “Great Reset”: Will There be Food on the Table? By Julian Rose, March 22 2021

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This is to serve warning that what ‘the authorities’ are planning

The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 22 2021

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For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the

Humanity Will Not be Saved by Vaccines. “Hunger is Caused by Poverty and Inequality” By Stelios Elliniadis, March 22 2021

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“Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. Over the

Coming to the Playing Field: Biden Puts Australia First. “Buttering Up” Allies against China By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 22 2021

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It has gotten tongues wagging in the diplomatic corps of Beijing,

The Welcome Thaw in India-Pakistan Relations Is Backed by Pakistan’s Army Too By, March 22 2021
“The Chicken Little” Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania Is Wearing Off. Resistance is Unfolding By Jordan Schachtel, March 22 2021

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The “public health experts” are scrambling to remain in the spotlight,

The American Terror State By Donald Monaco, March 22 2021

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On February 26, 2021, imperial President Joe Biden ordered the bombing

Israeli Knesset Elections: Will Bibi Prevail? Despite “Charges of Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust” By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2021

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Knesset coalitions run Israel. Multiple parties participate, at times new ones.

IBM Partners with Moderna for “COVID Reset”. “Health Passports Are Here” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 22 2021

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Better hang on folks, as technocracy’s plan to digitize you to

Ten Years On, Syria Is Almost Destroyed. Who’s to Blame? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 22 2021

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In George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm, the ruling pigs led by

Biden and Blinken’s Unprovoked Attacks on Russia and China Backfire… Because If You Live in a Glass House, Don’t Throw Stones By Scott Ritter, March 22 2021

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In attacking the moral character of Russia’s president and China’s human
Syria: The Price of Resistance By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 22 2021

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Few nations in recent decades have been targeted by a superpower

The Fauci Interview on the Pandemic You Won’t See on Mainstream Media. Mexico’s Eugenio Derbez By Dr. Anthony Fauci, Eugenio Derbez, and Children’s Health Defense, March 22 2021

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Dr. Anthony Fauci is no stranger to media interviews. Since the

Study Finds Glyphosate in More Than Half of All Sampled Florida Manatees By Center For Biological Diversity, March 22 2021

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A scientific study published this week concludes that Florida manatees are

Gov. Ron DeSantis Opposes Vaccine Passports in Florida By Adam Dick, March 22 2021

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Good for Governor Ron DeSantis. In sharp contrast with New

New US Defense Agreement: Free Entry of US Forces into Jordan By Middle East Eye, March 22 2021

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Jordan on Sunday made public a defence agreement with the United

CDC Ignores Inquiry into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines By Megan Redshaw, March 22 2021

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Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Terminate NATO By Jacob G. Hornberger, March 22 2021

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The Washington Post has published a long piece calling for NATO

Johnson Takes Britain into Dangerous New Cold War Against China By Fiona Edwards, March 22 2021

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Britain will be joining the US’s new cold war against China

Criticism of Canadian Policy in Haiti Growing By Yves Engler, March 22 2021

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A growing number of voices are criticizing Canadian policy in Haiti

Video: COVID-19 the “Pandemic” Is Over. “A Novel Virus Closely Related to Corona Viruses Which Contribute to the Common Cold” By Dr. Mike Yeadon and Julia Hartley-Brewer, March 22 2021

First published on September 14, 2020

Mike Yeadon, Pfizer former chief scientific advisor: Ferguson’s model has no validity in the view of most scientists: 

“Yes, its a novel virus but its very closely related to at least four other

Video: Dr. Mike Yeadon on COVID-19 Restrictions and Lockdown By Dr. Mike Yeadon, March 21 2021

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Watch Dr. Mike Yeadon as he talks about

Inside the Horror Show of Northern Uganda By Otim Tonny, March 21 2021

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The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) began as an evolution of the

The Case of Alexei Navalny. Reviving the Cold War By Prof. John Ryan, March 21 2021

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The mainstream media considers Alexei Navalny to be Vladimir Putin’s main

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks and Research By Nina Beety, March 21 2021

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COVID-19 and related policy steps are causing great suffering, devastation, and

Call for a Moratorium on COVID Jabs in North America By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, March 21 2021

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To Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta,

Justin Trudeau, Prime

Syrian Foreign Minister Arrives at Muscat… Will the Sultanate of Oman Play a Role in Resolving the Syrian Crisis? By Khaled Iskef, March 21 2021

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Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Miqdad arrived in the Sultanate of Oman,

Pfizer Executive: Shift from Pandemic to Endemic. “Hiking Vaccine Price after Pandemic Wanes” By Kim Iversen, March 21 2021

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According to CBS report

Pfizer execs discuss hiking vaccine price after

Eleven Years Ago: US-NATO Planned Invasion and Proxy War Against Syria By Shane Quinn, March 21 2021

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First published by Global Research on April 1, 2021


The Syrian

Turkey Refuses to Give Up on Its Interests in Northeastern Syria By South Front, March 21 2021

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Turkey and its proxies are rushing to defend Ankara’s interests in

John Magufuli: Death of an African Freedom Fighter, Confronted Big Pharma and the Corrupt Covid Cabal By Celia Farber, March 21 2021
With humor, cheek, and audacity, Magufuli had crossed a line—exposing the fraud and illegitimacy of the PCR testing apparatus that the WHO relied on to justify the global lockdown, the terror, and the vaccine rollouts.
Walmart, Amazon and the Colonial Deindustrialisation of India By Colin Todhunter, March 21 2021

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In June 2018, the Joint Action Committee against Foreign Retail and

The WHO and Big Pharma Rejected by Tanzania: President John Magufuli Says COVID-19 Vaccines Are “Dangerous and Unnecessary” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 21 2021

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President John Magufuli has passed away. The country has lost …

Lawsuit against Trudeau Government: Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati and the Lies and Crimes of the COVID Operation By Rocco Galati and Mark Taliano, March 21 2021

Celebrated Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati characterizes the COVID Operation as “the biggest example of misinformation and lies on a global scale that we’ve seen.”

The Constitutional challenge that he is filing with the Ontario Superior Court seeks to pull …

AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Suspended Across Europe. “Possible Autoimmune Reactions, Blood Clotting, Stroke and Internal Bleeding” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 20 2021


France, Germany and Italy which had suspended the AstraZeneca vaccine, have resumed “after health officials sought to allay concerns it may cause blood clots” (VA Report)

This resumption of inoculations followed statements by the WHO and the European Medicines …

“Man Has Not Recognized Himself”. The Ideology of Power Threatens Humanity. Renouncing the Use of Violence By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 20 2021

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The title of this article is translated from German.

The concept of …

Aaugh! A Brief List of Official Russia Claims that Proved to be Bogus By Matt Taibbi, March 20 2021

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The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has released

Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Government in Afghanistan By Martin Sieff, March 20 2021

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The U.S.-created and supported government of Afghanistan is on the brink

The 2017 Raqqa Exodus: The US Coalition’s “Secret Deal” to Allow ISIS-Daesh Terrorists to Escape… By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 20 2021
US Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis confirmed in May Washington’s resolve to annihilate the ISIS-Daesh terrorists. That was the “political narrative” of the Pentagon. The unspoken truth is that Uncle Sam had come to the rescue of the Islamic State.
Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 20 2021
A historical reversal in Libya economic and social development has occurred. An entire country has been destroyed, its people driven into abysmal poverty.
The Ides of March 2011: NATO’s ‘Humanitarian’ War on Libya By Michael Welch, Abayomi Azikiwe, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 20 2021

“This is injustice, it is clear aggression, and it is uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe…We are confronting Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, nothing more. What would you do if you found them controlling American

Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 20 2021

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During the 20th century Cold War with the Soviet Union, there

Conspiracy Theory
The Puppet Masters: Is There Really a Deep State? By Philip Giraldi, March 19 2021

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As a former intelligence officer, I find it amusing to read

“The Russians Are Coming, Not Again…”: Biden Regime Imposes More Illegal Sanctions on Russia By Stephen Lendman, March 19 2021

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“When a Soviet submarine gets stuck on a sandbar off the

Frosty China-US Talks in Alaska By Stephen Lendman, March 19 2021

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US foreign policy isn’t pretty. Rhetoric suggesting otherwise is subterfuge.


Media Pseudo-Debates and the Silence of Leftist Critics By Edward Curtin, March 19 2021

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You’ve heard of them, no doubt, the U.S. rulers who can’t

Has Biden’s Description of Putin as a Killer Finally Dispelled Kremlin Hopes for Good Relations? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 19 2021

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Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to Biden’s unacceptable characterization of Russia’s

A Climate Change Vandal Goes to Paris: Mathias Cormann and the OECD By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 19 2021

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The hallmark of any institution is the ability to withstand ironic

Permanent Warfare and the “War On Terror” By Mark Taliano, March 19 2021

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The “War on Terror” is a fraud. Washington supports the very

Green Passes and Dark Inequalities: The Push for COVID Immunity Passports By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 19 2021

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Sensible, ideal, wonderful – if you happen to be in the

New Cold War Is Built on Humanitarian Interventionist Lies and Dismissal of Actual War Crimes By Danny Haiphong, March 19 2021

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To manufacture consent for its own constant aggressions the US claims

Biden’s Tough-guy Flexing at ‘Soulless Killer’ Putin Would be Funny if the Consequences Weren’t So Serious By Scott Ritter, March 19 2021

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Joe Biden’s effort to label Vladimir Putin as a “soulless killer”
Norwegian Experts Say Deadly Blood Clots Were Caused by the AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine By Ida Irene Bergstrøm, March 19 2021

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“Our theory that this is a powerful immune response most likely

Is Biden Using a Trump Card to Pressure Maduro Regime Change in Venezuela? By Barbara Boland, March 19 2021

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Six years of punishing economic sanctions have had a “devastating” humanitarian

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, March 19 2021
“We Don’t Do Body Counts”: The Iraq Death Toll 15 Years After the US Invasion By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 19 2021

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This article was originally published in March 2018.

March 19 2021

“Russia-AgainGate”: Dead-End In US-Russia Relations? Putin “Must Pay A Price” for Election Meddling, Says Biden By Stephen Lendman, March 18 2021

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In short order since replacing Trump two months ago by brazen

Using “Herd Immunity” Excuse for Gene Therapy Vaccine on Kids By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 18 2021

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In children and young adults from age birth to 19, the