Global Research News

Lockdown One Year On – It Doesn’t Work, It Never Worked & It Wasn’t Supposed to Work By Kit Knightly, March 29 2021

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And so we come to March 23rd, and lockdown’s first birthday.

We Stand in Solidarity with The People of Haiti. End Neocolonialism in Haiti By Global Research News, March 28 2021

17 years of a US-UN military occupation paved the way for 10 years of a US imposed dictatorship in our country, Haiti.

This regime has turned the police force into government death squads.

State corruption and land grabs are rampant.

Incredible Hulk “Virus Variants” and Other COVID Science Fiction Fantasies By John C. A. Manley, March 28 2021

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In a recent episode of the High Wire, host Del

North-Eastern Syria: “We Will Kill You, We Have Prepared Killings for Infidels.”: ISIS Childrens’ Vow By Steven Sahiounie, March 28 2021

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Rola Al-Khatib, a journalist for Al-Hadath, and Al-Arabiya, media outlets

Will a China Real Estate Collapse Trigger the Global Financial Meltdown? By F. William Engdahl, March 28 2021

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Prevailing financial sector “wisdom” holds that while the bond and stock

“Making Something Out of Nothing”: PCR Tests, CT Values and False Positives By Prof. Niels Harrit, March 28 2021

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The efficacy of the RT-PCR test used to identify infection by

High Probability Radio Frequency Radiation Causes Brain Tumors. Expert Report By Dr. Christopher J. Portier, March 28 2021

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Christopher J. Portier, Ph.D., former director of the National Center

Twenty-two Years Since the Launch of the NATO Aggression on Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia By Živadin Jovanović, March 28 2021

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The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, the Club of

Dangerous Crossroads: US-NATO vs. Russia-China in a “Hybrid War” to the Finish? By Pepe Escobar, March 28 2021

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Let’s start with comic relief: the “leader of the free world”

NATO Headquarters: Blinken Announces Last Global Crusade By Rick Rozoff, March 28 2021

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Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s address at North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Western Media Quick to Accuse Syria of ‘Bombing Hospitals’ – But When Terrorists Really Destroy Syrian Hospitals, They Are Silent By Eva Bartlett, March 28 2021

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As legacy media again bleat the unsubstantiated “Syria is bombing hospitals”
You Refuse to Get Vaccinated, But Are You Ready to be an Outcast? By Mike Whitney, March 28 2021

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“If behavioral psychologists helped to shape the government’s strategy on mass

Implanted “Vaccine Package” ID: Germany’s Parliament Has Ratified GAVI’s Digital “Agenda ID2020” By Peter Koenig, March 28 2021
This is a centralized general electronic data collection of every citizen to which every government agency, police – and possibly also the private sector would have access. It covers all that is known about an individual, from your bank account to your shopping habits, health records and entries into your private sphere.
Massive Backlash to ‘No Jab, No Pub’ Proposal By Paul Joseph Watson, March 28 2021

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There has been a massive backlash in the UK to a

Iran and China Sign 25-year Cooperation Deal By Heba Nasser, March 28 2021

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Iran and China on Saturday signed a 25-year “strategic cooperation” agreement

Libya – Why Was Muammar Gaddafi Killed – May We Never Forget By Peter Koenig and Russia-TV24, March 28 2021

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This article was originally published on GR in May 2017.


Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over” By Ralph Lopez, March 27 2021

First published by Global Research on September 24, 2020, this analysis of former Pfizer V-P Michael Yeadon has been the object of censorship.

In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is

War in Yemen: Grassroots Mobilization Pressured Biden Administration to Pledge End of U.S. Involvement By Ellie Baron and Isaac Evans-Frantz, March 27 2021

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Grassroots mobilization has led the Biden administration to pledge to end

Can Russia’s S-400 Sale to India Trigger the Collapse of the US-led anti-China “Quad Alliance” By Andrew Korybko, March 27 2021

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The US-led anti-Chinese Quad alliance of itself, Australia, India, and Japan

The Ides of March: False Pretexts Galore in the Wars on Yugoslavia and Iraq By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Scott Ritter, Živadin Jovanović, James Bissett, and Scott Taylor, March 27 2021

“Biden was a man who believed in regime change. Biden was a man who believed Saddam Hussein was the personification of evil. Biden was a man who believed that we had to use whatever means necessary up to and including

The “Corona Crisis” and the War of “The Super-Rich” against the Earth’s Citizens By Emanuel Pastreich, March 26 2021

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Corporations, multinational investment banks, and the super-rich that hide behind them

Welcome to the “COVID Testing Industrial Complex”, Which Is Fast Becoming a $100 Billion a Year Industry By Jordan Schachtel, March 26 2021

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This article was first published in December 2020.

The COVID-19 Testing

Denmark Extends AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Suspension for Three Weeks By Euronews, March 26 2021

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Below is the report of EuroNews confirming Denmark’s Decision to Suspend …

Scientist to FDA: You Are Ignoring ‘Clear and Present Danger’ Associated with COVID Vaccine By Dr. Hooman Noorchashm and Children’s Health Defense, March 26 2021

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In an email to FDA officials, Pfizer executives and media, Dr.

AstraZeneca Vaccine Correlated to Blood Clots, Death. Norwegian Physician Pål Andre Holme By Line Fausko, Martha CS Holmes, and Oda Ording, March 26 2021

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Below is the Google Translation of the original article in Norwegian.

“Fraudulent Marketing”: The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Is an “Unapproved Product” which Is “Permitted for Use” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 26 2021

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First published on March 6, 2021

Should we trust Big Pharma …

Why Scottish Independence Could be Main Obstacle to ‘Global Britain’ By Johanna Ross, March 26 2021

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Last week the UK’s new Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development

Elephants in Africa Face Grave Extinction Threat, New Expert Assessment Finds By Center For Biological Diversity, March 26 2021

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In a long-awaited move, the International Union for Conservation of Nature

“Two Fatal Errors in its Assessment of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic”. What SAGE Has Got Wrong By Dr. Mike Yeadon, March 26 2021

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This article was first published in October 2020

Note: The Strategic Advisory

Rights of First Nations, Youth Unemployment, Imperialism: Peace Activist Ed Lehman Granted the “Lifetime Achievement Award” By Ed Lehman and Daniel Reech, March 26 2021

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Ed Lehman began protesting for peace during the Vietnam War —

Western Civilization: Method in Their Madness By S. M. Smyth, March 26 2021

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Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. — H.W.

U.S. Joins “Rules-Based World” on Afghanistan By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 26 2021

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On March 18, the world was treated to the spectacle of
Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s Interim President. Again. By Massoud Nayeri, March 26 2021

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Despite a failed military coup attempt by Guaido with Washington’s backing

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, March 26 2021
UK’s Baroness Caroline Cox Slams the “Undeclared Economic War” on Syria By Baroness Caroline Cox, March 26 2021

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Well, I’ve had personally the privilege of witnessing the poverty, the

Video: The Conflict in North Syria: US Continues to Smuggle Oil, While Turkey Complains to Russia It Can’t By South Front, March 25 2021

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The intensity of the conflict in Syria’s northeast refuses to die

Nawal El-Saadawi: (1931-2021) Radical Feminist, Writer, Critic By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 25 2021

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I often quote one simple statement by Nawal El-Saadawi– a

The Rise of the Eurasian Century. The China -India -Pakistan Triangle By Andrew Korybko, March 25 2021

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Fast-moving recent developments inspire hope that the Eurasian Century is rising

Anthony Blinken at NATO Summit: Nord Stream 2 Is “Bad for Europe”, “Bad for the US” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 25 2021

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was categorical; At the NATO

Does Weed-killing Chemical “Paraquat” Cause Parkinson’s Disease? Multiple Law Suits in the U.S. By U.S. Right to Know, March 25 2021

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Multiple lawsuits are pending in the United States alleging the

China Dominates Global Wind Power Industry By Telesur, March 25 2021

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The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) published a report showing that

“The One Who Accuses Is the One Who Is” – President Putin’s Response to Biden’s Calling Him a “Killer” By Peter Koenig, March 25 2021

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On March 16, 2021, ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos held an exclusive

Sowing The Seeds of War. China and Russia’s Lack of Trust. “Washington’s Hegemonic Aspirations Could Result in a Devastating War” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 25 2021

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China Is Losing Patience with Washington. “You wouldn’t like me when

Video: China’s COVID-19 Health Passport By Telesur, March 25 2021

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This is a report by TeleSur which points to the fact …

America Against the World: Everyone Is a “Frenemy”. Putin is a “Killer” Russia “Must Pay the Price” By Philip Giraldi, March 25 2021

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There are certainly a number of reasons why the United States

India: A Year of Pandemic, Deadlock, Disaster and Dissent By Adv Dr Shalu Nigam, March 25 2021
3,964 Dead 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, March 25 2021

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Note: the tables from the original source are not displaying …

The Many Variants of Fauci’s Mutating COVID Advice By Phillip W. Magness, March 25 2021

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In an explosive Senate hearing on March 18, Dr. Anthony Fauci

U.S. Health Officials Accuse AstraZeneca of Misrepresenting Efficacy Data By Megan Redshaw, March 25 2021

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In a “highly unusual” statement Tuesday, a U.S. health

The US Knew All About the 1976 Coup Plot in Argentina By Telesur, March 25 2021

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On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the military coup 

Russia, China to Resist US but Engagement Is Preferred Option By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 25 2021

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The US President Joe Biden’s “killer” remark about his “soulless”

New Details of US Drone Flights in UK this Summer Raise Concerns over Safety and Corporate Cronyism By Tim Street, March 25 2021

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New details about the British government’s plans to allow US defence

Canadian Aid to Yemen Is a Humanitarian Band-aid By Yves Engler, March 25 2021

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Too often international “aid” seems to be like the rich and

In a Shift, Pakistan Suing for Peace with India By FM Shakil, March 25 2021
Increasing Nukes and Trimming the Military: Global Britain’s Skewed Vision By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 25 2021

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Campaigners for the abolition of nuclear weapons had every reason to

On 10th Anniversary of the U.S.-NATO Attack on Libya: Powerful Perpetrators Have Yet to Face Justice By Jeremy Kuzmarov, March 24 2021

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On this day ten years ago, the Obama administration launched air

Fauci and U.S. Officials Say AstraZeneca Released ‘Outdated Information’ from COVID-19 Vaccine Trial By Andrew Joseph, March 24 2021

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This Report by Stat News focusses on statements by Anthony Fauci …

Will Turkey Give Up and Bring Back the Syrian Militants from Libya? By Khaled Iskef, March 24 2021

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A security source in Tripoli said that all the Syrian mercenaries

Billionaire Wealth: Who Are the 10 Biggest Pandemic Profiteers? By Chuck Collins, March 24 2021

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A year ago, the Institute for Policy Studies published “Billionaire Bonanza

The China-Russia “Peaceful Proposal”. “Maintaining Global Stability” By Andrew Korybko, March 24 2021

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Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov

European Union to Vote this Week on Vaccination Travel Passport By Children’s Health Defense, March 24 2021

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The European Commission’s digital “Green Passport,” which would provide proof of

After a Year Under Lockdown, Will Our Freedoms Survive the Tyranny of COVID-19? By John W. Whitehead, March 24 2021

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“The remedy is worse than the disease.”—Francis Bacon

One way or

“The Big Picture” Is Ignored in the COVID Debate. What Is the End Game? By Peter Koenig, March 24 2021

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What is the “Big Picture” of Covid-19 (the disease), alias SARS-CoV-2

US Hypersonic Missiles in Europe Five Minutes from Moscow By Manlio Dinucci, March 24 2021

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About six years ago, when we titled “Are the missiles returning

Video: The Brand New Space Race. “Who Will Reach Mars First, Who Will Colonize the Moon” By South Front, March 24 2021

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The brand-new space race is upon us.

It moves into two

Confused in Afghanistan: The Biden Administration’s Latest Trick By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24 2021

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The Biden administration continues to engage in that favourite activity White

Successful Covid Treatments Censored: Testimony of Peter McCullough, MD to Texas Senate HHS Committee By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 24 2021

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Dr. Peter McCullough explains in testimony that known successful treatments of

Τhe West and Russia By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, March 24 2021

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Biden’s recent statements about Putin “killer without a soul” don’t teach

Silently Disciplining Research. “Freedom of Speech Is the Right to Scrutinize Power and Society” By Prof. Ola Tunander, March 24 2021

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Researchers who question the legitimacy of US wars, seem to experience

Welcome to “Shocked and Awed” 21st Century Geopolitics. A “Real Game-Changing Moment” By Pepe Escobar, March 24 2021

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It took 18 years after Shock and Awe unleashed on Iraq

Despite Official Denials Racist Violence Against Asians Continues in the United States By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 24 2021

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March is International Women’s History Month and the threats towards oppressed

“The Lion and the Eagle”: The Interaction of the British and American Empires (1783-1972) By Jim Miles, March 24 2021

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The 200 year historical span of Kathleen Burk’s “The Lion and

Terrorists Launch a Deadly Missile Attack on Aleppo By Steven Sahiounie, March 24 2021

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On Mother’s Day in Syria, Sunday, March 21, the terrorists in

Will Israel Use ‘Bunker-Buster’ Bombs Against Iran’s Nuclear Program? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 24 2021

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Israel is extremely worried that Iran would develop a nuclear bomb

Synthetic mRNA COVID Vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis By Dr. Sadaf Gilani, March 24 2021

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First published in February 2021

With a “vaccine” based on untested

Beware of RNA-based Vaccines. Potentially Serious Injuries. The Risk of Prion Disease By Peter Koenig, March 24 2021

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First published on March 1, 2021

Remember “The Coronavirus COVID-19

Video: Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth About the COVID-19 Vaccine By Dr. Simone Gold, March 24 2021

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Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors shared information about the 

Video: Bill Gates and “Philantro-Imperialism” By Dr. Vandana Shiva and Berenice Galli, March 24 2021

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The so-called philanthropists, Bill Gates in particular, are taking more and

American Encircling Strategy Forces Russia and China to Get Closer By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 24 2021

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The United States does not seem willing to change its policy

22 Years Ago: NATO’s Illegal and Criminal Invasion of Yugoslavia By Nebojsa Malic, March 23 2021
At the beginning of NATO's aggression, there were fewer dead, fewer refugees, less destruction, and more order than at any time since the beginning of the occupation. NATO has replaced a fabricated evil with a very real evil of its own.