Global Research News

Denying the Demonic By Edward Curtin, April 18 2021
RNA inoculations, misnamed vaccines. People are lined up for them now as they are being told incessantly to “get your shot.” The RNA inoculations are not vaccines. To call them vaccines is linguistic mind control.
Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for Agrifood Must Not Succeed By Colin Todhunter, April 18 2021

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We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of

Video: The Terrifying $1.2 Trillion Plan that Could Kill 90% of Humanity By Double Down News, April 18 2021

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The US will soon review its nuclear weapons programme.

Should it

A Brief Memory of (and Thanks to) Ramsey Clark (December 18, 1927 – April 9, 2021) By Leonard Eiger, April 18 2021

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Early on the morning of November 16, 2010 in front of

The Hawks Who Want War with Iran Are Working Overtime By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold, April 17 2021

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Last week’s cyberattack on an Iranian nuclear facility, reportedly by Israeli

Media Allegations of Genocide in Xinjiang By Kim Petersen, April 17 2021

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In February, I asked, “Does the West Repeating Claims of

Exiting Afghanistan: Biden Sets the Date By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 17 2021

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It had to be symbolic, and was represented as such.  Forces

“Shock and Awe” Is a State of Mind: Millions of Deaths Have Not Made Americans Safer By Philip Giraldi, April 17 2021

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That the United States likes to use expressions like “shock and

Ireland: Study of COVID-19 Deaths By Kieran Morrissey, April 17 2021

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The goal of this study is not to impress academics

Concerned Ontario Doctors: The Harms of Lockdowns and the Dangers of Censorship By Arjun Walia, April 17 2021

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President and Co-Founder of Your Ontario Doctors and frontline physician Dr.

Germany: The “Dictatorship of Democracy” Secretly Transformed into an “Open Dictatorship” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 17 2021

First published by Global Research on November 22, 2020

Author’s Note and Update

On 13 April 2021, the government of the Federal Republic of Germany amended or tightened the Infection Protection Act (§ 28b IfSG). It is the draft of

U.S. Joins Past Empires in Afghan Graveyard By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 16 2021

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An Afghan taxi-driver in Vancouver told one of us a decade

India’s Impending War on Crypto By Peter C. Earl, April 16 2021
CDC Admits 5,800 Fully Vaccinated People Became Infected with COVID-19 and 74 Died By Brian Shilhavy, April 16 2021

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In a clear example showing how the CDC and Big Pharma

US Withdrawal from Afghanistan May Lead to a Civil War and Proxy Struggle By Paul Antonopoulos, April 16 2021

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U.S. President Joe Biden officially announced the withdrawal of American troops

Labour Disclosure ‘Shows Antisemitism Was Weaponised Against Corbyn’, Activists Say By Jonathan Cook, April 16 2021

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A group of Labour activists fighting through the courts to discover

US to Withdraw from Afghanistan after Two Decades of War Leaving Behind a Tortured Wasteland and Having Accomplished… Nothing. By Scott Ritter, April 16 2021

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The US decision to leave Afghanistan without any conditions represents a
Biden Declares National Emergency: U.S. and NATO Brand Russia an International Pariah By Rick Rozoff, April 16 2021

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The thirty-member North Atlantic Council, the political decision-making body of NATO

White House Won’t Say If Special Forces Will Leave Afghanistan Under Biden’s Withdrawal Plan By Dave DeCamp, April 16 2021

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After President Biden formally announced his plan to withdraw from Afghanistan

This Week’s Most Popular Articles By Global Research News, April 16 2021
Hassan Diab’s French Lawyers Appeal to the Court of Cassation By Hassan Diab Support Committee, April 15 2021

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Thank you for your support following the shockingly unjust decision on

Woke Virus: COVID Is Sustainable, Equitable, Inclusive, Racially Unbiased and Climate Aware By Makia Freeman, April 15 2021

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Did you know that SARS-CoV-2 is a woke virus?

Did you

Russia-US Tensions at an Historic High: Biden Proposes an In-Person Meeting with Putin By Andrew Korybko, April 15 2021

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The American and Russian Presidents have a slew of issues to

Does Biden Want to Provoke Russia into A Rash Military Action, “Leading” the World to the Brink of Nuclear War? By Mark H. Gaffney, April 15 2021

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Scarcely three months into his presidency, Joe Biden is “leading” the

The Economic and Social Development of the African Continent. A Russian Perspective By Prof. Ksenia Tabarintseva-Romanova and Kester Kenn Klomegah, April 15 2021

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After the Soviet collapse, Russia has maintained strong and time-tested relations

Fukushima: Nuclear War without a War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 15 2021
Unimaginable” levels of radiation still prevail. In the words of Dr. Helen Caldicott, “one millionth of a gram of plutonium, if inhaled can cause cancer”. If not duly addressed, the continued dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination.
Florida, Texas, Idaho, Montana and Tennessee Have Banned So-called Vaccine Passports By Dr. Meryl Nass, April 15 2021

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The Indiana legislature debated the issue, but Democrats blocked a vote

Australia’s Self-Inflicted Economic Woes Continue By Joseph Thomas, April 15 2021
China Warns of Action over Japan’s Decision to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Water into the Sea By Catherine Wong, April 15 2021
The WHO’s Vaccine Experts Inadvertently Communicate to the World that “Vaccine Hesitancy” Makes Scientific Sense By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, April 15 2021

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This was first published in March 2020.

In this expose, the

European Union Plans to Buy 4 mRNA Shots for Every Human in the EU in 2022. Why? By Dr. Meryl Nass, April 15 2021

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According to the Business Standard:

Later on Wednesday the President

British Columbia: One Dead, Three Neurologically Disabled, ‘Numerous’ Reactions from Vaccine in Tiny Indigenous Village By Celeste McGovern, April 15 2021

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One patient died, two suffered anaphylactic reactions, three have ongoing disabling

Denmark Becomes First Country to Permanently Stop Use of AstraZeneca Vaccine By Lina Saigol and Callum Keown, April 15 2021

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Denmark has become the first country to permanently halt the use

A Damned Murder Inc: Kennedy’s Battle Against the Leviathan By Cynthia Chung, April 15 2021

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The Eisenhower presidency would see Washington taken over by business executives,

Western Media Eager to See Ukraine Use US-Supplied Weapons Against Russia By Dave DeCamp, April 15 2021

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With tensions simmering in eastern Ukraine, US media outlets are happy

Personal Tribute to Ramsey Clark: Iraq and Rwanda By John Philpot, April 15 2021

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Our friend in struggle, Attorney Ramsey Clark, passed away on

False Perception Fabrication Inc. By Mark Taliano, April 15 2021

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Mainstream Everything can create a pandemic out of anything, even out

The Israeli Attack on Iran May Sabotage the US Goal of a New Nuclear Deal By Steven Sahiounie, April 15 2021

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On April 11, the Natanz uranium enrichment site was attacked. An

Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery By Jim Miles, April 15 2021

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The Doctrine of Discovery, created in a series of Papal Bulls

Denis Halliday: A Voice of Reason in an Insane World By Denis Halliday and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 15 2021

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Denis Halliday is an exceptional figure in the world of diplomacy.

Video: Afghanistan’s Holy Month of Celebration or Disappointment By South Front, April 15 2021

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The Holy month of Ramadan has begun in Afghanistan, and it

Washington Could Not be Happier with Ecuador’s New President By Paul Antonopoulos, April 14 2021

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Against all expectations, right-wing Guillermo Lasso won the Ecuadorean presidential election

Video: DARPA Is Working on COVID Vaccine, Implantable Microchip to Detect Virus By Steve Watson, April 14 2021

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The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is working on

Pfizer Vaccine May Put People at Higher Risk for COVID Variants, Israeli Study Shows By Megan Redshaw, April 14 2021

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Israeli researchers found people who received two doses of the Pfizer

Fearmongering Goes Nuclear — ‘We’re in Brand-New Pandemic’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 14 2021

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In some areas of the world, including Florida, where I live,

The Plot Against Jordan’s King Abdullah By David Hearst, April 14 2021

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For once, just for once, US President Joe Biden got something

Russia Deploys Two Armies, Three Airborne Units to Counter Threat from 40,000 NATO Troops on Its Border By Rick Rozoff, April 14 2021

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Major Russian officials today have warned of military threats posed by

Ecuador: From Rafael Correa to Guillermo Lasso via Lenin Moreno By Eric Toussaint, April 14 2021

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On 11 April 2021, Guillermo Lasso (52,4%), the right-wing candidate, defeated

Video: Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen is Failing. Houthi Counter-Attacks By South Front, April 14 2021

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Yemen’s Ansar Allah give the impression that it has an endless

Ramsey Clark, Former Attorney General of the United States and Principled Critic of the U.S. Warfare State, Dies at 93 By Frank Dorrel, April 14 2021

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On April 9th, Ramsey Clark passed away at his

Militarize the Southern Border: Joe Biden Strikes Deal with Mexico and Central American States to Curb Migration By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 14 2021

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A crisis of migration into the United States from Mexico, Guatemala

Cuba’s COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates: Soberana 2 and Abdala By Dr. Birsen Filip, April 14 2021

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‘Our doctors are not health care merchants.

Our mission is loftier

Whither India-Russia Ties? By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 14 2021
Video: Iran’s Much-troubled Nuclear Program. Cyber-Attack against Natanz Facility By South Front, April 14 2021

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Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility is an incredibly important piece of infrastructure

Trudeau’s Refusal to Sign UN Nuclear Ban Is Hypocritical and Unpopular By Yves Engler, April 14 2021

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The Trudeau government’s refusal to sign the UN Nuclear Ban Treaty

Monsanto Fined $289 Million for Failing to Warn Users of Glyphosate-Cancer Link By GM Free Me, April 14 2021

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This article was originally published in 2018.

A San Francisco jury

Ramsey Clark – One of the Greatest By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 14 2021

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On the 9th of April 2021, Ramsey Clark passed away

CDC: 3,005 Recorded Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines” – More than Total Vaccine Deaths for Past 13+ Years By Brian Shilhavy, April 14 2021

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The CDC announced today that deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse

There is Hope. Coming to Grips with This Covid Chaos By Peter Koenig, April 14 2021

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There is hope that we may come to grips with this

Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan 2013 By Ramsey Clark, April 14 2021

Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark delivers an address on the threat of war in the Asia-Pacific at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on August 1, 2013.

The speech is part of a series of events held in Pyongyang,

Bill Gates’ Temporary Sterilization Microchip In Beta Female Testing. 2015 Report By Heather Callaghan, April 13 2021

First published by GR on July 3, 2015

Earlier this week, I wrote about a deal reached that would soon be pumping out medical microchip implants. Meet the new face of medicine that polygamously marries Big Pharma, biotech, nanotech

The U.N. System and the Debate on Reducing Global Population By Steven MacMillan, April 13 2021

First published by GR on August 8. 2015 reviews the history of eugenics and the role of the United Nations


From the ancient Acropolis in Athens, to the city in the sky in Peru; the only time many people

Banking Crisis: Fallout from Greensill Financial Collapse Splatters British Government, as Taxpayers Face Big Losses By Nick Corbishley, April 13 2021

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Downing Street’s dodgy dealings with Citigroup and Greensill show just how

Cold War on Trial: Truth Commission Details Horrible Crimes Akin to Native American Genocide and Slavery By Jeremy Kuzmarov, April 13 2021

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With a new Cold War heating up between the U.S. and

DNA/RNA Vaccines: “Can They Alter Our Own Genetic Codes” By Dr. Ken Biegeleisen, April 13 2021

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Everyone is talking about DNA/RNA vaccines. Can they alter our own

Economic Impacts of Russia’s Declining Population By Kester Kenn Klomegah, April 13 2021

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Despite various official efforts, including regular payment of maternal capital to

Total Lockdown, Everything Closed: Urgent Appeal by German Medical Lawyer Dr. Beate Bahner By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Dr. Beate Bahner, April 13 2021

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On Sunday 11 April 2021, Dr Beate Bahner, a lawyer,

“The Free World” Died of COVID-19 By Jordan Schachtel, April 13 2021

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As someone with a background in foreign policy and international affairs,

US-Iran Talks Undermined by Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) Presence By Massoud Khodabandeh, April 13 2021

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Iran has said talks will still go ahead in Vienna in

Sweden Axes Gates’s Mad Global Warming Scheme By F. William Engdahl, April 13 2021

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For more than a decade Bill Gates has funneled millions of

Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Resist His War on Life By Dr. Vandana Shiva, April 13 2021

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First published on Global Research on February 7, 2021

In March

UK Government Predicts ‘Third Wave’ of COVID Deaths ‘Dominated’ by Those Who Are Vaccinated By Michael Haynes, April 13 2021

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In official documents released by the U.K. government, models for the

Beautiful Plots: Israel Sabotages Iran’s Natanz Nuclear Facility By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 13 2021

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Over the weekend, Iran marked National Nuclear Technology Day.  The stars

Ramsey Clark, Human Rights Fighter – 1927-2021 By Sara Flounders, April 13 2021

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Ramsey Clark was a founder of the International Action Center and

Five Reasons Johnson & Johnson Is Having a Very Bad Month By Megan Redshaw, April 13 2021

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Concerns over adverse reactions, blood clots, reports of breakthrough COVID cases

Forecasting Biden’s Policy in Southeast Asia By Benjamin Zawacki, April 13 2021
“Symbolic Naval War” Is Emerging Between Israel and Iran By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 13 2021

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In the Middle East, tensions between Israel and Iran are escalating,

Blinken’s Winking and Nodding to the Neocons By Wayne Madsen, April 13 2021

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Like proverbial bad pennies, the neocon imperialists who plagued the Barack

Laos and the CIA: The Most Secret Place on Earth Revisited By Marc Eberle, April 13 2021

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We met before sunrise, just Richy, the cameraman, myself and Sousath,

The Shadowy Alliance Between Big Pharma and Big Tech: RFK, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 13 2021

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CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola discuss