Global Research News

Video: The VAXXED Only Train By Social Experimentalist, August 12 2021

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Provocative video.

Is this …

President Pedro Castillo of Peru Comes Under Fire After Taking Office By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 12 2021

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Right-wing political interests

The Specter of Vaccine Fundamentalism: Bowing Down and Serving the “God of Vaccines” By Dr. Pascal Sacré, August 12 2021
Behind this specter of vaccine fundamentalism are cynical people, who go so far as to pretend that they are concerned about your well-being. If people want trustworthy rulers, honest politicians, they should always judge rulers, financial elites, politicians by their actions rather than by their words.
Targeting the Medical Evidence: The US Challenge on Assange’s Health By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 12 2021

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The desperate

The Danger of Anti-China Rhetoric By Li Zhou, August 12 2021
Biden Must Call Off the B-52s Bombing Afghan Cities By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 12 2021

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Nine provincial capitals

Why the Trudeau Government Should Release Meng Wanzhou Immediately By Ken Stone, August 12 2021

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Justice Holmes recently

Medical Fantasies, Fabrications and Deceptions: Anthony Fauci’s Unscientific Manifesto By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, August 11 2021

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“Formerly, when

After 20 Years, Pentagon Still Lacks Control Over Hired Guns By David Isenberg, August 11 2021

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One might reasonably

USA/UK: US Authorities Must Drop Politically Motivated Charges Against Assange By Amnesty International, August 11 2021

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Ahead of the

Taliban Takes Control of Two-thirds of Afghan Territory By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 11 2021

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Violence continues to

Fiscal Tyranny: Biden Threatens to Withhold Federal Funding from Universities, Nursing Homes and Other Federally-funded Institutions if They Don’t Hit Mandatory COVID Vaccination Quotas By Ethan Huff, August 11 2021

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In an effort

Amid Growing Calls for Vaccine Mandates, Employers and Employees Weigh Options By Megan Redshaw, August 11 2021

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It’s not just

Pentagon Pulls Trigger: Will Order All Troops to Get COVID Vaccine by Sept. 15 By Zero Hedge, August 11 2021

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The US military

Video: French Police Patrol Cafes Asking to See Citizens’ Vaccine Papers By Steve Watson, August 11 2021

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Video has emerged

Nicaragua: The Right to Live in Peace By Francisco Dominguez, August 11 2021

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Sovereignty is

Video: Mozambique to Finally Get Rid of Terrorists By South Front, August 11 2021

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After years of

‘Economic Warfare, Designed to Starve the Cuban People into Rebellion’ By Janine Jackson and James Early, August 11 2021

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Janine Jackson interviewed

T Is for Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z By John W. Whitehead, August 11 2021

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“Plays, farces, spectacles,

All Roads Lead to the Battle for Kabul By Pepe Escobar, August 11 2021

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The ever-elusive Afghan

Afghanistan: a Tale of never ending Tragedy By Prof. John Ryan, August 11 2021

This incisive and carefully research article was first published by Global Research on July 19, 2006

It’s now approaching five years since the Taliban government in Afghanistan was deposed by American bombing and the reoccupation of the country with the

In the Words of William Shakespeare: “Hell Is Empty and the Devils Are All Here”. Global Research Needs Your Support By The Global Research Team, August 11 2021

Dear Readers,

We are currently facing an unprecedented threat to the independent media and freedom on the internet. The ultimate goal is the silencing of any voice of opposition to the mainstream narrative.

We are  living one of the most

Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 10 2021

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Vaccine purchasers must

Video: Stop the Shot! International Leaders Disclose Medical Data on Vaccine Risks By Life Site News, August 10 2021

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LifeSite hosted a

From Shots to Clots: Science Shows COVID Vaccines Cause Blood Clots By Joel S. Hirschhorn, August 10 2021

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Americans who have

Truman’s War Crimes at Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Jacob G. Hornberger, August 10 2021

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This article was …

Spectre of Syria Haunts Afghanistan By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 10 2021

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The Moscow daily

African Faith Leaders Call on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Drop African “Green Revolution” By Food Tank, August 10 2021

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In August 2021,

Coronavirus Scandal Breaking in Merkel’s Germany. False Positives and the Drosten PCR Test By F. William Engdahl, August 10 2021

First posted by Global Research on December 11, 2020. Of relevance to the issue pertaining to the validity of the PCR test as well as to the “identity of the virus”.

The widely-praised German model of the Angela Merkel regime

Uber Asked Contractor to Allow Video Surveillance in Employee Homes, Bedrooms By Tim De Chant, August 10 2021

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For years, employers

A Chinese-US Military Conflict Can be Avoided if America Has the Will By Andrew Korybko, August 10 2021

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US Deputy Secretary

Dr. Cole on COVID Shots: “This Is a Poisonous Attack on Our Population and It Needs to Stop Now!” By Brian Shilhavy, August 10 2021

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Dr. Ryan Cole

Will RNA-Vaccines Gain FDA Approval or Turn Out to be a Catastrophe? By Bill Sardi, August 10 2021

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A 43-page

Digital Health Passports: The Snare that Will Lure Many into the One-world Cashless System By Leo Hohmann, August 10 2021

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Several new technologies

Never-Ending Tyranny: Unless You Take Five Vaccine Doses You’ll No Longer Qualify as ‘Fully Vaccinated’, According to Swedish Professor By Ramon Tomey, August 10 2021

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Many individuals worldwide

Biden Admin Offers Hand of Friendship to Bolsonaro By Nathalia Urban, August 10 2021

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US President Joe

Tyranny Comes to America: CDC Proposes Concentration Camps as a COVID Measure By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 10 2021

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The adverse effects,

With COVID-19, World Health Organisation’s Fall from Grace Is Complete By Dr. David Bell and Prof. Toby Green, August 10 2021

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In recent decades,

Turning Flu Cases into COVID Through Manipulation—Easy as Pie By Jon Rappoport, August 10 2021

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Since 1988, I’ve

Was the Tanker Attack an Israeli False Flag? An Incident that Could Lead to a Much Bigger War By Philip Giraldi, August 10 2021

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In the United

Appeals Court Rejects Bayer Bid to Overturn Roundup Trial Loss; Cites Monsanto “Reckless Disregard” for Consumer Safety By Carey Gillam, August 10 2021

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Monsanto owner Bayer

Why So Many Dead Fish Are Washing Up on Florida’s Beaches By Benji Jones, August 10 2021

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The scenes from

Why Do So Many Believe the Official COVID Narratives? By Gary Weglarz, August 10 2021

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To understand how

Targeting Cuba and China: Disinformation and the “Fear of Communism” By Kim Petersen, August 10 2021

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I was the

What Will Segregated Society Look Like for the Unvaxxed? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 10 2021

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High-profile restaurant chains

Video: Taliban Tightens Its Grip in North While Kabul Retains Last Strongholds in South By South Front, August 10 2021

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The Taliban is

How Myanmar Fits into China’s New Silk Roads By Pepe Escobar, August 10 2021

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You don’t argue

Washington Wants Brazil to Become a NATO Partner, but this Does Not Favor Brazilian Interests By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 10 2021

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Brazil and the

Will India & Iran Ally with Kabul Against the Taliban? By Andrew Korybko, August 09 2021
US-led Information War Targets Southeast Asia (and China) By Brian Berletic, August 09 2021
Tyranny: The Deadliest Pandemic By Michael J. Talmo, August 09 2021

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Over the centuries

Video: Remember Hiroshima: “People Became Nothing, … People Dying All Around Me” By Sumner Jules Glimcher and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 09 2021

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First published on …

New Book: The Fatal Species: From Warlike Primates to Planetary Mass Extinction By Dr. Andrew Glikson, August 09 2021

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This book presents

Canada Adds Bell’s Palsy Warning to Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Great Game India, August 09 2021

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Health Canada,

Physician Speaks Out Against ‘Vaccine Mandates for All’ — Especially Children and Those with Natural Immunity By Megan Redshaw, August 09 2021

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In an

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is Defending Freedom by ‘Getting in the Way’ of COVID Authoritarians By Jordan Schachtel, August 09 2021

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In an ideal

The Vaccine: Experimental Times Two By Huck Davenport, August 09 2021

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If you don’t

The “COVID Pandemic” Is a Money-making Hoax and Perhaps Serves Darker Agendas By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 09 2021

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The Covid Deception

Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom By James Bovard, August 09 2021

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Shut up and

Turkey Objects US Plan on Resettlement of Afghans By Turkey News, August 09 2021

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Turkey will

The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine By Larry Sanger, August 09 2021

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It is an

False Solutions: To Achieve Net Zero, Carbon Offsetting Would Use Up All Global Farmland By Andy Rowell, August 09 2021

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In the coming

Nomad America? The Super Rich and the Brutality of Corporate Capitalism By Philip A Farruggio, August 09 2021

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Director Chloe Zhao

Video: COVID Is a Global Propaganda Operation. Prof. Piers Robinson By Professor Piers Robinson, August 09 2021

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Important interview with …

Data Reveal the Truth About COVID Countermeasures. “What’s Behind the Covid Jab Narrative” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 09 2021

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Data from Israel,

Humanity as a Species of the Stars or Lab Rats in Geopolitical Cage? By Matthew Ehret-Kump, August 09 2021

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Many of the

Dr. McCullough: COVID Vaccines Have Already Killed Up to 50,000 Americans, According to Whistleblowers By Debra Heine, August 09 2021

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In an extraordinary

An Urgent Reading Assignment for the Vaccinology-illiterate that Makes Vaccine-hesitancy Logical By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, August 09 2021

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Compiled by…

Video: Riots in South Africa: Causes, Interests and Consequences By South Front, August 09 2021

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In July 2021,

The Illusion of US and British Government Aid By Rod Driver, August 09 2021

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“Our so-called foreign

Major Health Care Provider Files Million Dollar Lawsuit in “Politically Motivated” Attempt to Silence Top COVID Doctor Peter A. McCullough By The Highwire, August 09 2021

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On July 28th,

German Chief Pathologist Sounds Alarm on Fatal Vaccine Injuries By Free West Media, August 09 2021

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The director of

South Korea to Compensate Nurse Paralysed after COVID-19 Shot By Sangmi Cha, August 09 2021

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For the first

Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated By Adan Salazar, August 09 2021

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Reports coming

Obama Did Not Kill Osama bin Laden By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 09 2021

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A decade ago

Video: Innumerable Ways Canada Supports Israeli Apartheid By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, and Yves Engler, August 08 2021

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New Book by the Late Glen Ford: “The Black Agenda”. His Legacy will Live By Glen Ford, August 08 2021

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Black politics are

Video: FBI Whistleblower Exposes Shocking Reasons Why Child Sex Abuse Crimes Are Not an FBI Priority By Jane Turner and Kristina Borjesson, August 08 2021

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Ex-special agent Turner,

Hiroshima-Nagasaki: The Story They Want Us to Forget By Bruce K. Gagnon, August 08 2021

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The world’s first

Syria-Jordan Border: Daraa Suffers Terrorist Occupation Again By Steven Sahiounie, August 08 2021

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On August 6,