Global Research News

The Police State’s Reign of Terror Continues … With Help from the Supreme Court By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 06 2021

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Video: Russian Warplanes Back in Idlib Signaling No Progress in Putin-Erdogan Negotiation By South Front, October 05 2021

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After a

The Monday October 4th Facebook Blackout Reveals Real Power of Big Tech Companies By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 05 2021

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This Monday,

Pfizer Scientists Caught Undercover Admitting Pfizer Is Evil and that Natural Immunity Is Better than the COVID-19 Vaccine By Brian Shilhavy, October 05 2021

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Project Veritas

Pope’s Swiss Guards Resign over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination By Paul Joseph Watson, October 05 2021

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Three Swiss

Pure Insanity: Now Anyone with Any Disease in Alberta Can be Counted as a “COVID” Case By Ethan Huff, October 05 2021

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In order

Spanish Government Says that the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated By Free West Media, October 05 2021

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The Spanish

Potentially Millions of First Responders, Police, Teachers, Healthcare Workers Will Soon be Out of a Job over COVID Vaccine Mandates By J. D. Heyes, October 05 2021

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Our country

Trump, Twitter and the Digital Town Hall By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 05 2021

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The merits

The 2021 World Nuclear Industry. Status Report By Dawn Stover, October 05 2021

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Although there

Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Don’t Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings By Brian Shilhavy, October 05 2021

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When the

Student Booted as Newspaper’s Editor-in-chief over Mask Mandate Editorial By Ben Zeisloft, October 05 2021

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Maddison Farris

EPA Exposed for Hiding Chemical Risks, Favoring Corporate Interests By Carey Gillam, October 05 2021

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The U.S.

The Brutality of Denying Water to Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills By Daphne Banai, October 05 2021

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Abu Hani

Addicted to Military Keynesianism: Why Can’t Even Our Most Progressive Politicians Break with the Military Industrial Complex? By Joan Roelofs, October 05 2021

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New Hampshire,

Huge Uptick in Ivermectin Use Is Causing Profit-driven Big Pharma to Sell Patented Copycat Pills By Joel S. Hirschhorn, October 05 2021

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I am

Forever Wars, Recaptured in Real Time By Pepe Escobar, October 05 2021

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The 21

Academic Freedom, Palestinian Rights and the “Zoomification” of University Education By Rima Najjar, October 05 2021

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“You cannot

Turkey, Israel, and Azerbaijan Create Tensions for Iran By Steven Sahiounie, October 05 2021

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Iran conducted

What Biden Told the Indians By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 05 2021
Are US War Plans with China Taking Shape? By Brian Berletic, October 05 2021
Video: Why Do So Many Still Buy the Covid Narrative? Prof. Mattias Desmet By Prof. Mattias Desmet and Dan Astin-Gregory, October 04 2021

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Does it

Video: Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Medicare and Pfizer Whistleblower Data: Vaccine Related Injuries and Deaths Far More Widespread Than Reported By Sundance, October 04 2021

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Thanks to

The Military and Intelligence Origins of Public Health. The Pharmaceutical Branch of the Military Industrial Complex By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, October 04 2021

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In November

U.S. Military Vaccine Mandate: A Teachable Moment. By Thomas L. Knapp, October 04 2021

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On August

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Historic and Legal Perspectives of the Pandemic By Robert F. Kennedy Jr, October 04 2021

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Robert F.

Sen. Ron Johnson: Pandemic of the Unvaxxed. “Data from England Show 63% of Delta Deaths in Last 7.5 Months Were Fully Vaxxed” By Senator Ron Johnson, October 04 2021

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What this suggests …

Corporate Media Stirred Global Terror Hysteria to Push Postwar Hostility Toward New Afghan Government By Gareth Porter, October 04 2021

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Following the

Video: Is the Corona Narrative Part of a Totalitarian Mass Hypnosis? Prof. Mattias Desmet By Prof. Mattias Desmet and Reiner Fuellmich, October 04 2021

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Prof. Mattias

Trump’s Decision to Reinforce Blockade and Dismantle US Embassy in Cuba: Declassified US Report Dismantles Story of Alleged “Acoustic Attacks” By Telesur, October 04 2021

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According to

President Biden Should Open and Publish All Files and Records Under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 By Charles Burris, October 04 2021

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President Joe

The Role of Mercenaries in Afghan Disaster By Yves Engler, October 04 2021

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The real

As Tories Fete Boris Johnson, a Social Catastrophe Looms By Peter Oborne, October 04 2021

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While the

Tory Secrecy Insults the Northern Irish Victims of the British State By Richard Rudkin, October 04 2021

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The decision

Venezuela: Monetary Reconversion Hit Hard by Currency Speculation By Ricardo Vaz, October 04 2021

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Venezuela’s national

Renewable Energy and Bottom-up Decentralization in Morocco By Jez, October 04 2021

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The Kingdom

India’s Ivermectin Blackout By Dr. Justus R. Hope, October 04 2021

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On May

Revolution at the United Nations? First Ministerial Meeting of the “Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations” By Carla Stea, October 04 2021

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Exclusive report from …

Scotland, Wales Won’t Follow UK Westminster Government on Gene Editing Deregulation By GMWatch, October 04 2021

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Although Boris

Booster Jab Every 6 Months? 1.5m Double-dosed & Recovered Israelis Lose Green Pass Privileges as Stricter COVID-19 Rules Kick In By RT News, October 04 2021

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Israel has
Azerbaijani-Iranian Tensions Will Have Far-Reaching Consequences for Eurasia By Andrew Korybko, October 04 2021

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Tensions recently

Who Is an Anti-vaxxer? By Kim Petersen, October 03 2021

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Governments in

Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, Horrific Findings Revealed By Dr. Carrie Madej and Stew Peters, October 03 2021

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Dr. Carrie

“We Are on the Edge of an Abyss—And Moving in the Wrong Direction.” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres By Carla Stea, October 03 2021

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At the

The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere By Edward Curtin, October 03 2021

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There was

“Big Money” and the “Water Barons”: A New Water Source That Could Make Drought a Thing of the Past By Ellen Brown, October 03 2021

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Lack of

Professor David Miller Fired after Israel Lobby Smear Campaign By Asa Winstanley, October 03 2021

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The University

US Navy Awards Boeing $220M Taiwan Harpoon Contract By Inder Singh Bisht, October 03 2021

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The US

Forced Vaccinations Get Worse – Louisiana Health System Now Requires Spouses of Employees to Get Vaccinated, or Pay a Non-Compliance Penalty for Vaxx Violations Every Pay Period By Sundance, October 03 2021

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This is

Video: ‘You Sir, Are the One Ignoring Science’: Rand Paul Battles Becerra over COVID-19 Rules By Sen. Rand Paul, October 03 2021

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Sen. Rand

Open Letter to Senator Ron Johnson on the COVID-19 Vaccines and Pandemic By Walt Gelles, October 03 2021

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Author’s Note:

1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot By Brian Shilhavy, October 03 2021

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CDC Allows Hospitals to Classify Dead Vaxxed People as “Unvaccinated” By Crack Newz, October 03 2021

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The Centers

Woman Injured by COVID Vaccine Pleads with Health Agencies for Help, as Local News Agency Kills Story after Pressure from Pfizer By Megan Redshaw, October 03 2021

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In an

Video: Attorney Thomas Renz Releases Stunning Data from Never Before Seen Vaccine Injury/Death Tracking System By Thomas Renz, October 03 2021

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Thanks to

America Confronts Japan: How U.S. Big Tech Nationalism Spawned a “Global Electronic Kraken” By Dr. Mathew Maavak, October 02 2021

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We may

How a Time Bomb Was Set to Usher in a Great Reset. And What to Do About It: 1923, 1929 and Today By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 02 2021

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Months before

All Out War: Towards A Multi Pronged Attack against Humanity By Julian Rose, October 02 2021

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‘Guile’ and

It Was a Con: The White House Has No Idea When, or Even if: Rules to Support Legally Enforceable Worker Vaccine Mandate By Sundance, October 02 2021

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On September

Destroying the Narrative: Twenty More Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed By Jesse Smith, October 02 2021

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The following text …

The War on COVID-19: Man’s Final Conquest of Nature. The Great Reset Requires “Merging Humans with the Machine” By Dr. Nozomi Hayase, October 02 2021

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In 1943,

Pfizer Launches Final Study for COVID Drug that’s Suspiciously Similar to ‘Horse Paste’ By Zero Hedge, October 02 2021

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Another piece

The Entire Korean Peninsula as an American Satrapy? By Kim Petersen, October 02 2021

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“Don’t Buy Into Occupation” Coaltion: Billions in European Financial Support to Companies in Illegal Israeli Settlements. Report By Europal Forum, October 02 2021

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672 European
India’s Covid-19 Task Force and “Experts” Exposed. Conflicts of Interest in Our Public Health System By Yohan Tengra, October 02 2021

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We bring to …

Breakthroughs in Space Craft, 5G, and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Pathways Toward a Digital Dictatorship By Michael Welch, Bruce Gagnon, and Patrick Wood, October 02 2021

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“That is the

The History of World War II: The War Started in October 1938 By Ivan Daraktchiev, October 01 2021
World War II started in October of 1938 by Germany, with the support of Poland and Hungary invading, & eventually annihilating the sovereign republic of Czechoslovakia! The Munich Agreement signed by Chamberlain, Daladier, Mussolini & Hitler, called for the break up Czechoslovakia of which Sudetenland was to be annexed by Germany
Timeline and Early Chronology of Covid-19 “Pandemic”, PCR Assay and Sequencing By Chiron Return, October 01 2021

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The …

For Some Nursing Students, Vaccine Mandate Is a Deal Breaker By Annmarie Timmins, October 01 2021

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As the

CIA Plan to Poison Assange Wasn’t Needed. The US Found a ‘Lawful’ Way to Disappear Him By Jonathan Cook, October 01 2021

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A Yahoo

What Could It be? UK Newspaper Reports, “Mystery Rise in Heart Attacks from Blocked Arteries” By Adan Salazar, October 01 2021

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The Times

Army Physician and Aerospace Medicine Specialist Calls on Pentagon to Order All Pilots Who Have Received COVID-19 Vaccine to be Grounded By J. D. Heyes, October 01 2021

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A U.S.

Safety Signals for COVID Vaccines Are Loud and Clear. Why Is Nobody Listening? By Dr. Josh Guetzkow, October 01 2021

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The public

Nearly 50,000 Medicare Patients Died Soon after Getting COVID Shot: Whistleblower By Patrick Delaney, October 01 2021

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A whistleblower

An Autonomous Robot May Have Already Killed People – Here’s How the Weapons Could be More Destabilizing than Nukes By Prof. James Dawes, October 01 2021

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Autonomous weapon

There Are Positive Developments on the Ground in Syria, but for America It’s Sanctions and Suffering as Usual By Eva Bartlett, October 01 2021

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Jordan is
Imperialist Tensions: AUKUS Makes Workers Pay for War with China By Mick Armstrong, October 01 2021

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We are

Video: War on Syria: Greater Idlib Moving Towards a Cliff after Failed Putin Erdogan Meeting By South Front, October 01 2021

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Russian President

If There’s No Proof the Virus Exists, End All Lockdowns, Masks, Trax and Vax Actions By Dr. Kevin Corbett, October 01 2021

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First published on …

Friday October 1, 2021 – Saskatchewan Workers Submit to Mass Injections By William Walter Kay, October 01 2021

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A September