Global Research News

Lockheed Martin Is Lobbying Against Biden’s Reconciliation Bill While Pushing Targeted Bailout of Weapons Industry By Sarah Lazare, October 16 2021

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The weapons

“Lift Sanctions, Save Lives”: Time for Washington To Stop Sanctioning the World: US Arrogance Leaves Trail of Innocent Victims Behind By Doug Bandow, October 16 2021

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The “Lift

Why the Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline By Jacob G. Hornberger, October 16 2021

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With the …

Docs Show Fetal Organ Trafficking Horrors By Judicial Watch, October 16 2021

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Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Finances of the Global Elite Currying Influence in U.S. By Anna Massoglia, October 16 2021

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Why the Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline By Jacob G. Hornberger, October 16 2021

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Borrell ‘Interventionism’ Puts EU November Electoral Mission to Venezuela at Risk By Paul Dobson, October 16 2021

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“Lift Sanctions, Save Lives”. Time for Washington to Stop Sanctioning the World: US Arrogance Leaves Trail of Innocent Victims Behind By Doug Bandow, October 16 2021

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Afghanistan: Russia Draws Redlines for U.S. Moscow Will Not Accept U.S. Military Presence in Central Asia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 16 2021

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Moscow has

Biologist Tells RFK, Jr : Science Doesn’t Support Vaccine Mandates By Children’s Health Defense, October 15 2021

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Why does

The Vaccine Mandate: Is This Becoming a General Strike? By Jeffrey A. Tucker, October 15 2021

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Never in

Chicago Set to Lose 50% or More of Police Force at Midnight Tonight as Police Union Calls Mayor’s Bluff on Reporting COVID-19 Vaccine Status By Brian Shilhavy, October 15 2021

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Chicago police

Video: The Criminal Mindset of the Pentagon: “All Vietnamese Were ‘Gooks'”, “We Were The Civilized People” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 15 2021

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This video provides

Bank of Canada Moving Ahead on Preparing a Digital Currency By Lee Harding, October 15 2021

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The Bank

Video: Gruesome Warfare and Artificial Intelligence: Robot Dogs with Assault Rifles By South Front, October 15 2021

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The modern

Now it has Happened: Vaccinated Pilot Dies in Flight. Emergency Landing and Uproar in the Aviation Industry By Niki Vogt and Stew Peters, October 15 2021

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The American

Funeral Rites for COVID Zero By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 15 2021
The New American Leadership: Biden Tells the World What He Wants It to Know By Philip Giraldi, October 14 2021

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Analysis Warns Global Biodiversity Is Below ‘Safe Limit’ Ahead of COP 15 By James Ashworth, October 14 2021

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Ankara’s Penetration into Central Asia Threatens to Bring Pan-Turkic Extremism to Russia’s Border By Paul Antonopoulos, October 14 2021

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US Trying to Boycott Energy Cooperation Between Moscow and Europe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 14 2021

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Lies and Torture Cover-up: U.S. State Secrets Doctrine Is a Fraud By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, October 14 2021

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Blinken: US Policy Is to ‘Oppose the Reconstruction of Syria’ By Dave DeCamp, October 14 2021

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Confronting the Medical “Experts” Propaganda Ministry. The Italian Hippocratic Association Advocates for Treatment Instead of Profit By Dr. Robert Malone, Mauro Rango, and Costantino Ceoldo, October 14 2021

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Behind NATO’s ‘Cognitive Warfare’: ‘Battle for Your Brain’ Waged by Western Militaries By Ben Norton, October 14 2021

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Airline Industry Issues Dire Warning Against Vaxx Mandates: “We have all the Control – Aircraft Will Stop Moving” with Major Effects on Economy By Brian Shilhavy, October 14 2021

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Video: The War on Yemen. Houthis Military Operation against Saudi Coalition Forces. Edge Close to Marib City By South Front, October 14 2021

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Government Sponsored Experiments to Craft the Best Pro-vaccine Messages Five Months before COVID-19 Vaccines Became Available By Arsenio Toledo, October 14 2021

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“Police for Freedom”: Conscientious Resignation of Police Officer in Australia By Robert J. Burrowes and Police for Freedom, October 14 2021

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Engineered Economic Chaos, “Fake Shortages”. Collapse in Industrial Production By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Stew Peters, October 14 2021

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The global

10 Shortages that Are Getting Worse By Kerry Lutz, October 14 2021

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“Face Biometrics” to Streamline Airline Passengers By Alessandro Mascellino, October 13 2021

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Canada Bans Unvaccinated Travellers from Boarding Planes, Trains & Cruises By Joe Martino, October 13 2021

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GR editor’s …

Pfizer’s CEO Alfred Bourla: “We Are Very Proud of What We have Done”. Vaccine Triggers Countless Deaths and Wave of Hospitalizations By Vasko Kohlmayer, October 13 2021

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The Impacts of Ireland’s Data Centre Boom. Dublin is the Largest Data Centre in the EU By Alexandra Day, October 13 2021

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100-200 Members of Congress, Families and Staff Treated with Ivermectin. No Hospitalizations By Sundance, October 13 2021

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Cultural Warfare in the 20th Century: How Western Civilization Became Undone By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 13 2021

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Video: Turkey Attempts to Impede Syrian Military Operation to Regain Greater Idlib By South Front, October 13 2021

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Mexican President AMLO Pleads with Biden to End Failed Trillion Dollar “War on Drugs”—But Powerful U.S. Interests Prefer Deadly Status Quo By Jeremy Kuzmarov, October 13 2021

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Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates: Tyrants of the “Nanny State”. When the Government Thinks It Knows Best By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, October 13 2021

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Over 7,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ By Debra Heine, October 13 2021

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A “Physicians’

Video: Joe Biden’s Divisive ‘Purge’ of Unvaccinated Americans from Society. Tucker Carlson By Tucker Carlson and Kyle Becker, October 13 2021

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“Dare to be Wise!”: How Free-thinking and Courageous Citizens will Steer the World on a Different Course By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, October 13 2021

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Uyghur Tribunal: US Lawfare at Its Lowest By Brian Berletic, October 13 2021
The Biden China Initiative, a Flawed and Dysfunctional Policy By Prof. Mel Gurtov, October 13 2021
US, Iran Exchanging Glances By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 13 2021

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No Jab, No Wedding: Canadian Town Requires Vaccine Proof to Get Married By Matt Lamb, October 13 2021

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New Evidence Showing Harmfulness of Corona Vaccinations Presented to International Criminal Court By Free West Media, October 13 2021

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COVID Totalitarianism: The Deification of Error By John Waters, October 13 2021

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Southwest Airlines Is Collapsing – A Glimpse of the Future and Hope By Charles "Sam" Faddis, October 13 2021

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Video: US Geopolitical Sense of Urgency Pushed Victoria Nuland to Moscow By South Front, October 13 2021

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Economic and Social Chaos in America. Public Transportation Cuts Leave Millions Stranded By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 13 2021

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New Documentary: The Man Who Knew Too Much By Michael Oswald, October 13 2021

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Iraq Elections: Muqtada the Conqueror Gains Ground in Iraqi Poll By Pepe Escobar, October 13 2021

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Havana’s Response to COVID-19: Has Socialist Cuba Fallen for Big Pharma’s “False Narrative”? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 12 2021

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Prices Explode in the Gas Battle By Manlio Dinucci, October 12 2021

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Build Back Better Legislation: New Keynesianism or Neoliberal Public Relations Stunt? By Ajamu Baraka, October 12 2021

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COVIDSafe: The Failure of an App By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 12 2021
Labor Rights: The Great Strike of 2021 By Dr. Jack Rasmus, October 12 2021

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Merrick Garland’s America. The US Department of Justice Targets Dissenters By Philip Giraldi, October 12 2021

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The Curious Case of Haitian Pigs and Canadian Imperialism By Yves Engler, October 12 2021

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Argentinian Doctor Shares His Ivermectin Experience By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 12 2021

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Will US Require Shots for Flying? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 12 2021

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Investigative Journalist Analyses Pentagon-funded Study: COVID-19 Vaccines “Do More Harm than Good” By Nolan Barton, October 12 2021

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Cracks in the “System” Appearing? Texas Governor Issues Order Prohibiting Mandatory Vaccinations for Those Who Object By Alex Nitzberg, October 12 2021

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Custom Officials Seize Small Packages of Lifesaving Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Chicago While Record Amounts of Fentanyl Continue to Flow Across Southern Border By Jim Hoft, October 12 2021

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Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl Confronted with His Admission on Video that Natural Immunity Is Better than Vaccines By S.D. Wells, October 12 2021

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Learning to Fear Free Speech: How Politicians Are Moving to Protect Us from Our Unhealthy Reading Choices By Jonathan Turley, October 12 2021

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Thousands of Police Killings Are Unreported By Margaret Kimberley, October 12 2021

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NATO Honors Nancy Pelosi with First-ever “Women for Peace” Award By Rick Rozoff, October 12 2021

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International Coalition Petitions Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Investigate Factory Farm Abuses By Center For Biological Diversity, October 12 2021

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Azerbaijan Induced Its Isolation When It Had Potential to be Regional Hub By Paul Antonopoulos, October 12 2021

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Federal Rental Assistance Funding Belongs to the Millions Facing Evictions By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 12 2021

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The People Are Unaware of the War Being Conducted Against Them By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 12 2021

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Pfizer CEO—Biden’s ‘Good Friend’—Is Privately Working to Tank Drug Price Reforms By Jake Johnson, October 11 2021

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Breaking: AI-powered DoD Data Analysis Program Named “Project Salus” Shatters Official Vaccine Narrative, Shows A.D.E. Accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated with Each Passing Week By Mike Adams, October 11 2021

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Holocaust Survivors Join Lawyers: “Request for Investigation” to the ICC. Charge World Governments with Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, and Breaches of the Nuremberg Code By The Expose, October 11 2021

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UCLA Doctor ‘Willing to Lose Everything’ Escorted from Work for Refusing COVID Vaccine By Katie Camero, October 11 2021

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Florida Nightmare — Federal Air Traffic Controllers Conduct ‘Mass Sickout’ to Protest Vaccine Mandate… By Citizen Free Press, October 11 2021

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The United Nations Endorses “The Great Reset”: Has Global Capitalism Become a Time Bomb? By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 11 2021

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