Global Research News

Trump’s New Social Media Platform Signals His Intention for 2024 Election By Paul Antonopoulos, October 26 2021

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Canadian Public Health Report Reflects Increased Heart Condition Side Effects for 12-17 Year Old Males as Vaccination Rates Increase By Sundance, October 26 2021

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FDA Buries Data on Seriously Injured Child in Pfizer’s COVID-19 Clinical Trial By Aaron Siri, October 26 2021

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Must Watch: His 11-Yr-Old Daughter Inspired Him to Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates… And When He Did, His Powerful Story About Being Fired Went Viral By Patty McMurray, October 26 2021

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Will Biden Start Nuclear War with China over Taiwan? By Rep. Ron Paul, October 26 2021

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Canada Must Withdraw from Racist Core Group By Yves Engler, October 26 2021

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Morocco: Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Committed to Organic Farming and Poverty Alleviation By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, October 26 2021

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Monsanto Roundup & Dicamba Trial Tracker By Carey Gillam, October 26 2021

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Biden’s Forest Service Poised to Facilitate Quadrupling of Crude Oil Production in Utah’s Uinta Basin Days Before Glasgow Climate Summit By Center For Biological Diversity, October 26 2021

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What Next after Sudan Changes Guards at the Crossroad? By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 26 2021

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Pressure to Dissolve the UN Security Council: Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival. What Are the Implications? By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 26 2021

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1901-1934: “Yankee Imperialism” in Latin America By Roger Peace, October 26 2021

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Video: Turkey Desperately Trying to Justify Its Forthcoming Anti-Kurdish Operation in Northern Syria By South Front, October 26 2021

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Billions of Euros to “Innovate” the Nuclear NATO By Manlio Dinucci, October 26 2021

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Governor de Santis Says that If People Are Forced by Their Employer to be Vaccinated, and Then Become Ill, the Employer Will be Liable for Damages By Dr. Meryl Nass, October 26 2021

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In-N-Out Burger’s Explanation for Its Refusal to Enforce Vaccine Passports By Adam Dick, October 25 2021

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The World According to Vladimir Putin By Pepe Escobar, October 25 2021

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Natural Immunity is More Durable than Vaccine Immunity. Citizens Petition By Informed Consent Action Network, October 25 2021

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Mozambique: Samora Machel’s Heroism. His Legacy Will Live By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 25 2021

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There Is No Escape for Israel from Growing Palestinian Power By Rima Najjar, October 25 2021

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Exposing the Covid Lie: The Day When Podcaster Joe Rogan Confronted CNN’s Chief Medical Propagandist By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 25 2021

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The COVID-19 Pandemic in a Time of Moral and Spiritual Blackout By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, October 25 2021

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To Our Fellow Kenyans and People of Goodwill: Stopping the Ravages and Loss of Human Life from COVID-19 By Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, October 25 2021

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This …

Secret Documents Reveal FDA’s Attack on Ivermectin By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 25 2021

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Fate of Anti-War Journalism Lies in Upcoming Assange Hearings By Sam Carliner, October 25 2021

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Here Lies Colin Powell… Legacy of a War Criminal By Yvonne Ridley, October 25 2021

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Video: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Romania: “Should Deterrence Fail”, U.S. and NATO Positioned for War in Black Sea By Rick Rozoff, October 25 2021

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Do the …

White House to “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 as Deaths and Injuries Continue to Increase Among 12 to 19-Year-Olds Who Received a COVID-19 Shot By Brian Shilhavy, October 25 2021

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Germany Sees Rise in Excess Mortality in COVID-19 Vaccination Year By Free West Media, October 25 2021

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Why are Fossil Fuel Companies, Their Funders, and Others with Poor Environmental Credentials, on the List of COP26 Conference Sponsors? By Bill McGuire, October 25 2021

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Assange: A Threat to War Itself By Robert C. Koehler, October 25 2021

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‘An Outrage Against Democracy’: JFK’s Nephews Urge Biden to Reveal Assassination Records By Marc Caputo, October 25 2021

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Biden’s Taiwan Gaffe Meant No Harm By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 25 2021

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Management by Metrics Is Upending Newsrooms and Killing Journalism By Prof. Victor Pickard, October 25 2021

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The Prospect of Political Change in Japan – Elections 2021 By Gavan McCormack, October 25 2021
Washington Always Looking for Another War By Bruce K. Gagnon, October 25 2021

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The Fake “Delta Variant” and the Fourth Wave: Another Lockdown? Upcoming Financial Crash? Worldwide Economic and Social Sabotage? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 25 2021
The alleged dangers of the Delta Variant are being used to speed up the vaccination program and the imposition of the vaccine passport. The WEF has announced a scenario of a cyber attack "leading to a halt to power supply, transportation, hospital services"
WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid Is No More Dangerous than Flu By Kit Knightly, October 25 2021

First published by GR in October 2020

One year later, it is worth recalling the WHO’s historic statement, which was made one month prior to the launching of the Covid-19 vaccine on November 8, 2020.


The World Health Organization

Bastille 2.0: “Real Regime Change”: Building Protest and Resistance Against the COVID-19 Agenda By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 24 2021

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COVID and Zero Tolerance for the Unvaccinated By Peter Koenig, October 24 2021

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Will this Conference that Celebrates the Palestinian Revolutionary Struggle Cut Through the Still Deafening Media Static of Israel’s “Narrative?” By Rima Najjar, October 24 2021

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China and the British Empire’s Opium Wars: The Role of Synthetic Cults and the Haunting of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 24 2021

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Child Deaths Are 52% Higher than the 5-year-average Since They Were Offered the COVID-19 Vaccine, after Previously Being 14% Down According to ONS Data By The Expose, October 24 2021

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Fauci Earns More Than Any Other Federal Employee. His Job? ‘Prevent Pandemics’ By Jeremy Loffredo, October 24 2021

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The Dangers of Human Gene Editing By Ulson Gunnar, October 24 2021

This incisive article published by Global Research on June 5, 2015 outlines what we are living now, with the introduction of the mRNA vaccine which modifies the human genome.


“Perhaps no technology yet has been poised to change the

‘It’s Absolutely Appalling’: Unvaccinated Canadians Become Social Outcasts and the New Persecuted Minority By Eva Bartlett, October 24 2021

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Taliban Is the Winner at Moscow Conference By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 24 2021

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Sinister Rockefeller Food System Agenda — They Created It and Now Want to Destroy It By F. William Engdahl, October 24 2021

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US: Religious Leaders Urge Biden to End Blockade Against Cuba By Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca, Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, and et al., October 24 2021

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The Jerusalem Report: ‘We Are the Lab Rats of the World’ By Children’s Health Defense, October 24 2021

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Testaments and Blood Samples to Establish a “Global DNA Data Bank”? By Peter Koenig, October 24 2021
To make sure that you have had your mRNA gene-modifying killer-shot, in the form of one of the multiple boosters that will soon become compulsory, there will be blood-sample spots around countries. So as to extend your covid-vaxx certificate, you will have to give a blood sample.
COVID-19: Pandemic? Or Cult? By Michael J. Talmo, October 24 2021

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For the overwhelming majority of people, COVID-19 is a religion.

Handing Out Sweets: How British Propaganda Steers Events in West Asia By Kit Klarenberg, October 23 2021

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How ‘Green’ Are Lithium Batteries? Rio Tinto Driving Ecological Destruction in Serbia’s Jadar Valley By Corporate Watch, October 23 2021

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Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival: A Conversation with Richard Heinberg By Michael Welch and Richard Heinberg, October 23 2021


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“I gave

Will Vaccine-Linked Deaths Rise Sharply this Winter? By Mike Whitney, October 23 2021

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First published on …

Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable By Joachim Hagopian, October 23 2021

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First published …

U.S Air Transportation in Crisis: Pilots Taking a Bold Stand against “Killer Vaccine” By Joachim Hagopian, October 23 2021

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The Spike Protein Is the Killer – Beware of mRNA “Vaccines” By Peter Koenig, October 23 2021

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First published by Global …

Pfizer’s Power: “Pfizer Reserves the Right to Silence Governments” By Zain Rizvi, October 22 2021

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Why Defending Nicaragua Is Important By Stephen Sefton, October 22 2021

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Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity By Makia Freeman, October 22 2021

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EU Threatens Poland with Retaliations for Its “Direct Challenges” Against the Bloc’s Unity By Paul Antonopoulos, October 22 2021

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NATO’s Annual Nuclear Strike Exercise Underway in Southern Europe By David Cenciotti, October 22 2021

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This …

PhD Researcher’s Analysis of VAERS Data Reveals 5,427% Increase in Deaths Following COVID Shots Compared to All Vaccines the Past 10 Years By Brian Shilhavy, October 22 2021

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Harvard Study Finds COVID-19 Surged Most Among Vaxxed Communities By Adan Salazar, October 22 2021

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Germans Increasingly Distrust Official Corona Figures, Fear a Health Dictatorship By Free West Media, October 22 2021

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Big Pharma Owns the World By Bill Sardi, October 22 2021

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The Impending Mass Firing of America’s Unvaccinated By Pedro Gonzalez, October 22 2021

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Do You Want a New Cold War? By David Vine, October 22 2021

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Video: A Day of Violent Escalation and Expectation in Syria By South Front, October 22 2021

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From Russia, with (Taliban) Love By Pepe Escobar, October 22 2021

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CDC: 16,310 Dead 778,685 Injured Following COVID-19 Shots – 2.5X More Deaths than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years – 2,102 Fetal Deaths By Brian Shilhavy, October 22 2021

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The Noose is Tightening, the Clock is Ticking: Justin Trudeau’s “Covid Mandate” against Canadians, Both “Unvaccinated” and “Vaccinated” By Marina Bulatović, October 22 2021

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Video: Nurse Whistleblower: Vaccines & Remdesivir Are Killing and Maiming, Not Fake Variant By The Liberty Beacon, October 21 2021

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An anonymous nurse

Poland Threw Down the Gauntlet to the EU By Andrew Korybko, October 21 2021

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Boris’ Bridge Between Scotland and Northern Ireland Cancelled before It Began By Johanna Ross, October 21 2021

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Victoria Police Use of Anti-riot Weapons Condemned By Shane Pemmelaar, October 21 2021
Video: Is All Hell Breaking Loose in Syria’s North? By South Front, October 21 2021

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Melbourne: The Longest in Lockdown By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 21 2021