Global Research News

Civil Disobedience: As Long As I Breathe, I Hope By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 25 2021

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US-NATO Drums of War: From ‘Saddam’s WMDs’ to ‘Russia Is Preparing to Invade Ukraine’. Familiar “Regime Change” Propaganda Now Targets Moscow By Gavin OReilly, November 24 2021

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Release of Pfizer Vaccine Data. “FDA Wants 55 Years to Process FOIA Requests” By Zero Hedge, November 24 2021

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With Low Vaccination Rates, Africa’s Covid Deaths Remain Far Below Europe and the US By Ryan McMaken, November 24 2021

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A Pandemic of the Vaccinated By Jon Rappoport, November 24 2021

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The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, November 24 2021

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COVID Vaccines Are a War on Children By Stella Paul, November 24 2021

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Breaking: Australian Army Begins Transferring Contacts of COVID-19 Positive Cases to Quarantine Camps By Patricia Harrity, November 24 2021

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Establishment Journal The Lancet Publishes Rare Dissenting Voice on COVID-19 Vaccines By Calvin Freiburger, November 24 2021

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US, Australia, UK Sign Key Deal in Nuclear Sub Alliance By The Economic Times, November 24 2021

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Video: Saudi-led Coalition Intensifies Efforts to Counter Yemen’s Ansar Allah By South Front, November 24 2021

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A Memorial to the Terrorists. Michael Moore By Michael Moore, November 24 2021

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Elections in Honduras: The Challenge of Ending Twelve Years of Neoliberalism By Giorgio Trucchi, November 24 2021

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German States with a High Vaccination Rate Have the Highest Excess Mortality By Free West Media, November 24 2021

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Does Britain’s Sleepwalking into a Racist Two-tier Citizenship System Serve the UK’s Interest? By Nasim Ahmed, November 24 2021

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America’s Privileged Policy Elites and Their Lack of Accountability By Ted Galen Carpenter, November 24 2021

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30 Flights, Some Only 12 Miles Away: U.S. Bombers Practiced Nuclear Attacks on Russia By Rick Rozoff, November 24 2021

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NATO Conducting Provocative Drills in Latvia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 24 2021

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Sudanese Continue to Demonstrate for Democracy Despite Reinstalment of Hamdok as Prime Minister By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 24 2021

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Top Chinese Envoy Hits Back at US Demands to Follow White House ‘Rules of the Road’ By Shi Jiangtao, November 24 2021

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The Baghuz Massacre Underlines the Necessity for Freeing Julian Assange By Kim Petersen, November 24 2021

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Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness By Mike Whitney, November 23 2021

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The War on the ‘Unvaccinated’ Is a Desperate Attempt to Demonize and Destroy the Control Group By Jordan Schachtel, November 23 2021

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Justin Trudeau Served with Legal Paperwork. You Too Can Serve Your Own Notice of Liability Especially if You’re a Parent Wanting to Protect Your Child! By Howard Bertram, November 23 2021

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Sino-Russian Collusion over Taiwan, Ukraine Seems Improbable but Isn’t By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 23 2021

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Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, November 23 2021

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History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa, Analysis of Fighting, The Germans Surround Kiev and Leningrad By Shane Quinn, November 23 2021

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VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following All Vaccines for Past 30 Years By Brian Shilhavy, November 23 2021

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Biden’s Numbers Tank…as US Rattles Sabers at Russia By Rep. Ron Paul, November 23 2021

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At Arms, the Enemy Is at the Gates! Frenzied US-NATO Militarization Escalation against Russia By Manlio Dinucci, November 23 2021

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Picking Up Where Bush, Obama, and Trump Left Off, Biden Extends U.S. Campaign to Crush Venezuela By Jeremy Kuzmarov, November 23 2021

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Without Radical Action, There Is No “Reforming” Ingrained Issues of Supremacy and Racism in the US By Rima Najjar, November 23 2021

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“Death Sentence of WEF’s “Great Reset”: Uniting Local Farmers with Local Buyers. The Imperative of Our Time By Julian Rose, November 23 2021

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World-renowned ICU Doctor Sues Hospital for the Right to Use Safe and Effective COVID Treatments By Dr. Leon Tressell, November 23 2021

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Pushing for Regime Change in Ethiopia By Andrew Korybko, November 23 2021

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Will the Unvaccinated Become an Enemy of the State? Close to the Breaking Point of Total Tyranny By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 23 2021

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Turkey Propagates “Greater Turan” Map Stretching from Balkans to China By Paul Antonopoulos, November 23 2021

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The Fake “COVID Pandemic” Was Orchestrated in Order to Impose Tyranny By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 23 2021

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Remembering John F. Kennedy’s Vision for the Future that Should Have Been By Matthew Ehret-Kump, November 23 2021

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Blinken’s Africa Visit Failed to Turn Countries Against China By Paul Antonopoulos, November 23 2021

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Global Organization Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 23 2021

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The High Stakes of the US-Russia Confrontation over Ukraine By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, November 23 2021

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Dilma Rousseff
Lula Willing to Establish Automatic Alignment with EU in Possible New Term By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 23 2021

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Don’t Give Up on the Blessings of Freedom. “Give Peace a Chance” John Lennon By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, November 23 2021

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Video: US-NATO Setting the Stage? Internal Issues in Ukraine Suggest Donbass Escalation Is Imminent By South Front, November 23 2021

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Five Reasons the Left Won in Venezuela By Leonardo Flores, November 23 2021

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mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: A Warning By Steven R Gundry, November 22 2021

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The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality By Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer and Dr. Gregor Kappler, November 22 2021

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Israel’s November Joint Naval Drill with the UAE and Bahrain Is Clear Message to Iran By Uriel Araujo, November 22 2021

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Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 Are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age By Alex Berenson, November 22 2021

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String of Pearls: Yemen Could be the Arab Hub of the Maritime Silk Road By Pepe Escobar, November 22 2021

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Sleepwalking into a “Dangerous Conflict”: Russia-NATO War over Ukraine Is Becoming Increasingly Unavoidable By Prof. Glenn Diesen, November 22 2021

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Red Alert: Renowned Cardiac Surgeon Steven Gundry Warns mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines More Than Double The Risk of Heart Attack By Bill Sardi, November 22 2021

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NIH Director Calls for COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice” By Paul Joseph Watson, November 22 2021

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Reap What You Sow? Doctors Dropping in Deaths Described as “Died Unexpectedly” and “Died Suddenly” Since Mid-October By, November 22 2021

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2,620 Dead Babies in VAERS after COVID Shots – More Fetal Deaths in 11 Months than Past 30 Years Following All Vaccines as Scotland Begins Investigation By Brian Shilhavy, November 22 2021

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A Rock and a Hard Place in India By Colin Todhunter, November 22 2021

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Why Marib’s Liberation Will Break the Saudis and Shake West Asia By Karim Shami, November 22 2021

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“We’ll Never Give Up” – Protests Erupt Across World over Government COVID Tyranny By Zero Hedge, November 22 2021

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Korea, A Unique Colony: Last to be Colonized and First to Revolt By Bruce Cumings, November 22 2021
Video: Tensions Along Belarus-Poland Border Ease as Cold Begins to Bite By South Front, November 22 2021

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Video: Attorney Harrison: Tackling Explosive 9/11 Crimes the Government Has Ignored By Mick Harrison and Kristina Borjesson, November 22 2021

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Canadian Doctors Say Government Data Point to Spike in COVID Cases after Jab, Suppressed Immune System By Anthony Murdoch, November 22 2021

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COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle By Whitney Webb, November 20 2021

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World War III: The Global War on Health and Freedom By Stephen Lendman, November 20 2021

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Argentina ‘Dirty War’ Accusations Haunt Pope Francis By Vladimir Hernandez, November 20 2021

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Video: Saudi-backed Forces’ Surprise Withdrawal from Several Yemeni Positions By South Front, November 19 2021

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Is Biden Looking to Reignite a Dirty War in Ukraine? By Russell Bentley, November 19 2021

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Phoney “Tribunals” Perpetuate Historical Fictions. The Process of Judicial Lynching By Stephen Karganovic, November 19 2021

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Cross-Canada Protest Movement against $100 Billion Procurement for New Fighter Jets and Warships By Ken Stone, November 19 2021

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Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19 By Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, November 19 2021

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CDC Forced to Admit It Doesn’t Collect Data on Natural Immunity to COVID By Michael Nevradakis, November 19 2021

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South Korean Seongnamgate: Will There be a Sequel? By Dr. Konstantin Asmolov, November 19 2021
FDA Asks Federal Judge for 55 Years to Complete FOIA Request for Pfizer Vaccine Information By Chris Pandolfo, November 19 2021

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“The U.S. Empire is the Largest Empire The World has Ever Known”: The Russia-China-Iran Alliance By Eric Zuesse, November 19 2021

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The Awake Versus the Unawake: When Fear Destroys Common Sense By MB Bose, November 19 2021

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Edmonton City Workers Threaten Lawsuit if ‘Discriminatory’ Jab Mandate Isn’t Abolished By Anthony Murdoch, November 19 2021

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The Warmongers Who Endanger Life on Our Planet. Stop the “Lockdowns” and “Pandemics” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, November 19 2021

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There Is One Place in Cuba Where Torture Occurs By Raúl Capote, November 19 2021

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The Oklahoma National Guard Refused the Vax Mandate. The Pentagon Is Not Pleased. By Ryan McMaken, November 19 2021

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