Global Research News

Video: COVID, Mandatory Vaccinations and the University System By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, Dr. Valentina Capurri, and Dr. Angela Durante, January 06 2022

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Living in Epoch-Defining Times: Food, Agriculture and the New World Order By Colin Todhunter, January 06 2022

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FAA Warned by Doctors in Letter Describing Vaccine Hazard, Health, FAA Violations By Suzanne Downing, January 06 2022

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Diamond Mine of Data? Insurance Companies Report 40% Increase in Premature Non-COVID Deaths By Children’s Health Defense, January 06 2022

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The Pharma Cartel: America’s COVID-19 Vaccine Market Remains Closed Off to Outside Competition By Jordan Schachtel, January 06 2022

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Federal Judge Blocks DOD from Disciplining Navy SEALS Who Sued over Vaccine Mandate By Michael Nevradakis, January 06 2022

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Neocolonialism Haunts Horn of Africa By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 06 2022

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Probing the Depths of the CIA’s Misdeeds in Africa By Alex Park, January 06 2022

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Children Are Dying from COVID, Lockdowns and Overdoses By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 06 2022

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Stand for Truth in 2022 and Beyond. Help Global Research Stay Afloat By The Global Research Team, January 06 2022

Global Research wants to extend our best wishes to our readers for the New Year!

We are immensely grateful for the support we received in the past year. Albeit a bumpy journey, we are glad to have capped it off

The Politics of Abortion: Medical Science Advances Threaten Roe v. Wade By Renee Parsons, January 06 2022

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Narrative and Reality of the Libyan Crisis By Manlio Dinucci, January 06 2022

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Indonesia Export Ban Puts China in a Coal Bind By Jeff Pao, January 06 2022
Sir Tony Blair: Bloody Knight of the Realm By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 06 2022

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Video: Crisis in Kazakhstan Creates New Area of Instability By South Front, January 06 2022

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Video: The mRNA Vaccine Generates Microscopic Blood Clots: Dr. Charles Hoffe By Dr. Charles Hoffe, January 06 2022

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A Red Under Every Bed? Canada, Racial Profiling, and the “Five Eyes” Intelligence Apparatus By Prof. John Price, January 05 2022

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Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted. “Mass Formation Psychosis”. “You’re a Criminal Because You’re Unvaccinated” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 05 2022

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The COVID Crisis and America’s Democratic and Republican Governors. The 2022 Ballot By Renee Parsons, January 05 2022

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Dangerous Crossroads: Nuclear War over Ukraine? By Eric Margolis, January 05 2022

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Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine. “All Vaccinations Must be Stopped” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 05 2022

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Analysis of Batch-Specific Toxicity of COVID-19 Vaccine Products Using VAERS Data By Ontario Civil Liberties Association, January 05 2022

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New US Embargo on Cambodia over Friendship with China By Brian Berletic, January 05 2022
Qassem Soleimani’s Assassination Has Backfired on the US and Israel By Marco Carnelos, January 05 2022

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US Plays Tibet Card as India Seeks Modus Vivendi with China By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 05 2022
Canada’s Attack on Libya Helped Spread Terrorism Internationally By Asad Ismi, January 05 2022

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“Decarbonization Terraforming” of Planet Earth Is Now Under Way… Giant Machines to be Installed in Iowa to Suck “Life Molecules” Out of the Atmosphere and Cause Global Crops to Fail By Mike Adams, January 05 2022

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Lawsuit Filed against CDC for Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Data. “V Safe” Smartphone Application By Mary Villareal, January 05 2022

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EU: Number of Infections and COVID Deaths Hugely Manipulated By Free West Media, January 05 2022

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Dr. Robert Malone: What if the Largest Experiment on Human Beings in History is a Failure? “Surge in All Cause Mortality” By Dr. Robert Malone, January 05 2022

A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading.  What a headline.  “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages

In Search of Shallow “Presidential Doctrines”: Joe Biden and Trumpism Shorn By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05 2022

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What Does the Statement of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War Tell Us? By Kim Petersen, January 05 2022

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Video: Student Handcuffed, Dragged Out and Expelled from Western Ontario University By Dr. Julie Ponesse and Harry Wade, January 05 2022

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Killing the First Amendment: How “the Law” Fails to Deliver Justice By Philip Giraldi, January 05 2022

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The US Is Building, Rather than Tearing Down GTMO Prison Facilities By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, January 05 2022

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Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Children’s Education Program By Jamie White, January 05 2022

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9 Flu Vaccine Facts. Are Mandates Science-Based? By Physicians for Informed Consent, January 05 2022

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Biden Affirms US Readiness to Respond to Imaginary “Russian Invasion” of Ukraine By Paul Antonopoulos, January 05 2022

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Video: Development of a Mass Movement? People all Over Germany Protest Covid Tyranny. Dieses Video Geht Gerade Um Die Welt! By Chembuster, January 04 2022

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China Will Overtake the US In the Course of the Next Ten Years: Max Parry By Max Parry and Steven Sahiounie, January 04 2022

 The US is faced with a long list of hot-spots and tensions.  Beginning with the situation in Iraq, where the Parliament has asked the US troops to leave.  However, the US has refused a withdrawal, and instead has announced

The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of A “Universal Lockdown” By Peter Koenig, January 04 2022

In this incisive article first published on May 1, 2020, Peter Koenig foresaw what is now unfolding before our very eyes.


First comes the farce, an (almost) universal government lie around the globe about a deadly virus, WHO named

Africa in Review 2021: Unification Is Essential to Progress and Development By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 04 2022

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Dangerous Crossroads: The World on the Brink of War. The New Cold War Goes Hot? By Wolfgang Effenberger, January 04 2022

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Five ‘Conspiracy Theories’ that Were Validated in 2021 By David Heller, January 04 2022

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Ethiopia’s Abiy Ahmed: From Poster-boy of the West to Poster-boy of the Left By John Young, January 04 2022

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Israeli Settler Violence in the West Bank Is Leading to an Armed Uprising By Robert Inlakesh, January 04 2022

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Two Years On, the Soleimani Spirit Gathers Clout By Pepe Escobar, January 04 2022

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Tara Henley: Why I Quit the CBC By Tara Henley, January 04 2022

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Palestine Tensions May Erupt in Escalation By Steven Sahiounie, January 04 2022

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Tony Blair: Canada’s Head-of-State Honours a War Criminal By Kim Petersen, January 04 2022

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How Will Unipolarists Respond to Putin’s Red Line? An Expert Round Table Discussion By Matthew Ehret-Kump, January 04 2022

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Video: Police State: Australians Mass Protest after Churches Raided, Moms Arrested, Citizen Snitches By The 700 Club, January 04 2022

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Fauci Lied and Thousands Died… RPI Year-End Update By Daniel McAdams, January 04 2022

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For Third Year, Committee to Protect Journalists Excludes Assange from Jailed Journalist Index By Kevin Gosztola, January 04 2022

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NATO-Exit under Art. 13: Dismantle NATO, Close Down 800 US Military Bases, Prosecute the War Criminals By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 04 2022
Washington's unspoken hegemonic objective is Worldwide militarization and economic conquest. This imperial design is carried out through acts of war, military intervention, coups d'Etat, regime change, US sponsored insurgencies, cyber-warfare, economic sabotage and destabilization. "All options are on the table".
Let Us Recall “The Criminalization of War Initiative” of former PM Dr. Mahathir By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, January 04 2022

First published by Global research on November 28, 2017

Global Research has received from Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia (1981-2003, 2018-2020) an important message, addressed to Muslims in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Yemen.

This message,

The Innate and Adaptive Immune Systems, The Vaccine and Spike Protein By Josh Mitteldorf, January 03 2022

One of the things that happens to our immune systems with age is that a preponderance of naïve B-cells (in youth) gives way to a diverse body of memory B-cells (in older adults), each trained to respond to a specific

A Myth is Born: How CDC, FDA, and Media Wove a Web of Ivermectin Lies That Outlives The Truth By Mary Beth Pfeiffer, January 03 2022
We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this outstanding article and carefully researched article by  Linda Bonvie and Mary Beth Pfeiffer which is part of a publishing collaboration between Rescue and Trial Site News.
Covid Jabs are an Example of “Cell and Gene Therapy”. Endorsed by the WHO, Big Pharma, the WEF and the EU By Free West Media, January 03 2022

It is no longer a conspiracy theory: In the course of this year’s World Health Summit, Stefan Oelrich, CEO of pharmaceutical giant Bayer, referred to the mRNA jabs as “cell and gene therapy” in his speech.

Mockingly, he explained

Biden Administration Begins Building Infrastructure for Permanent Pandemic, DoD Signs $137 Million Deal for Test Strip Facility to Complete in Late 2024 By Sundance, January 03 2022
The Biden administration is signaling that COVID-19, and all current and future variants therein, are part of the new and permanent way of life. 
COVID-19 is being codified in the permanent regulatory state. The contracts for the continuance of
A Magical Novella: Musings on Olympia by Emanuel Garcia By Edward Curtin, January 03 2022

If you are a lucky reader, you chance upon a book that makes your hair stand on end in wonder and sends a shiver down your spine.  This book does that, for it is deft, digressive, and capricious in ways

Why Covid-19 Testing has become a Money-Making Machine. The RT-PCR Test Fraud By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 03 2022

There is no doubt that the business model of today is driven by a fear campaign when it comes to the Covid-19 scamdemic.  The corona virus hysteria drives people who are scared to death of the many covid-19 variants in

History of World War II: The Red Army’s Winter Counteroffensive 80 years ago By Shane Quinn, January 03 2022

Beginning eight decades ago on 5 December 1941, the Soviet Army’s counterattack against the Wehrmacht, principally along the outskirts of Moscow, was a major event in the Second World War and a significant occurrence in modern history. The Red Army

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty M.D. Fired for Refusing the Vaccine: Challenged The University of California’s Mandate in Federal Court. By Global Research News, January 03 2022

In August I challenged the UC vaccine mandate in federal court. Yesterday the University fired me for refusing the vaccine.

Aaron Kheriaty, MD, December 17, 2021

Yesterday I received the following notice from the University of California, effective immediately, …

Ecological Civilization
California Court Rules Lawsuit Against State Oil Regulator. Thousands of Wells Didn’t Get Proper Environmental Reviews, Suit Says By Center For Biological Diversity, January 03 2022
A judge has ruled decisively in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity’s ability to proceed with a suit over California’s oil and gas regulator committing widespread violations of environmental laws. The regulator and an oil-industry lobbying group had
Poisoning Ourselves with War… And the Money is Always There. “We still have our Finger on the Nuclear Trigger”. By Robert C. Koehler, January 03 2022

War spews hell in all directions. Just ask the guys at Talon Anvil, a secret U.S. “strike cell” recently exposed by the New York Times as a unit with a reputation for ignoring the rules of engagement and killing lots

New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right? By Jon Rappoport, January 03 2022

Recently, I’ve been writing fiction, satire, parody, to expose the insanity of the pandemic scam. This article is not that. This article is fact. Buckle up.

Since the beginning of the so-called pandemic, I’ve been attacking the value of the

“Fact-Checking” British Media: No, 500 Children were NOT admitted to hospital with Covid this week By OffGuardian, January 03 2022

Coronavirus Fact-Check #14: No, 500 Children were NOT admitted to hospital with Covid this week.The press are reporting “worrying” figures in the headlines, but admit they are meaningless in the body of the text.

One of the older tricks

Washington State Department of Health Has launched a “Digital COVID-19 Verification” System By Informed Choice Washington, January 03 2022

On November 23, while the general public was busy preparing for Thanksgiving, the WA State Department of Health (DOH) issued a press release disclosing they had launched a Digital COVID-19 Verification system.

Without any legislative oversight or approval, without any

Again, Fear on the Run, “Catastrophic Contagion” By Peter Koenig, January 03 2022

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Bombshell. India’s “Shock” and Sudden Excess Mortality (April-July 2021), Caused by Covid Vaccine Rollout In its Early Stages? By Prof Denis Rancourt, January 03 2022

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Today the Threat of Nuclear War is Real: America’s 1945 Plan: “Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”, 204 Atomic Bombs against 66 Major Cities, US Nuclear Attack against USSR Planned During World War II By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 03 2022
According to a secret document dated September 15, 1945, “the Pentagon had envisaged blowing up the Soviet Union with a coordinated nuclear attack directed against 66 major urban areas.
Thirty Years On, I Miss the ‘Evil Empire’ By Scott Ritter, January 02 2022

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Research “Game-changer”: Spike Protein Increases Heart Attacks and Destroys Immune ​System By Mike Whitney, January 02 2022

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“The Numbers Killed by these Vaccines is Much Worse than What We Thought”. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Mike Yeadon By Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, January 02 2022

This is an important message which we just received from Dr.  Mike Yeadon, former Vice-president of Pfizer

Forward this message far and wide. 


My good friend Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, with whom we and others wrote a series

Video: Dr. Charles Hoffe Delivers A Dose Of Reality on mRNA Vaccine You Can’t Afford To Miss!!! By Dr. Charles Hoffe, January 02 2022
 First posted on Global Research on December 16, 2021
On Thursday December 16th in Pemberton BC,  Dr. Charles Hoffe gave a speech to about 100 people who braved the cold to hear his message and it certainly was loud
No gatherings of friends and families: the Covid Omicron fraud used to justify the “Christmas and New Year lockdown”: François Legault’s curfew By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 02 2022

Several Western governments have put in place curfews and restrictions that prevent families and friends from celebrating the New Year.

Absurd political statements abound. Politicians are emphasizing the looming dangers of the so-called “deadly Covid-19 Omicron variant”, despite the fact

Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030 By Colin Todhunter, January 02 2022

With foresight, this incisive article by Colin Todhunter was first published by Global Research on November 9, 2020


The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting at the end of January in Davos, Switzerland, brings together international business and political

ODMS: “Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome” Now Sweeping Across the Globe By S.D. Wells, January 02 2022

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Remember The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Was it a Dress Rehearsal? By Barbara Minton, January 02 2022

First published by Global Research on July 8, 2009

As the anticipated July release date for Baxter’s A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is