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“Vaccination Is Suicide”, Criminal Forced Vaccinations. Booster Farce Exposed By Rodney Atkinson, January 24 2022

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Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that More Than Half of Vaccinated Deaths Have Been Counted as Unvaccinated By Julian Conradson, January 24 2022

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Rockets Destroy Ozone and Cause Climate Change – Aerospace Programs’ Deadly Impacts to the Earth By Nina Beety, January 24 2022

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How The “Deep State” Brought Russia and US to Brink of War in Syria? By Nauman Sadiq, January 24 2022

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Video: Defeat the Covid Mandates, Worldwide Walkouts – An Ongoing Campaign By Children’s Health Defense, January 24 2022

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US Military Supports Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi National Guard. Are US Forces Involved in Combat Operations? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 24 2022

This article first published in April 2015 is of relevance to the current situation in Ukraine.

The influx of US and NATO Special Forces involved in the training of the Neo-Nazi Azov battalion has not been discontinued.

According to the 

Nicaragua Once Again Inaugurates the “People as President” By Nan McCurdy, January 24 2022

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‘Pandemic’ Narrative Over – False Flag in Ukraine Next? By Gavin OReilly, January 24 2022

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High Court Decision in USA v Julian Assange Extradition Proceedings. Explanatory Background Note By Don't Extradite Assange, January 24 2022

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Airstrikes on Yemen While Starvation and Pandemic Rages. “Sophisticated US, UK Bombs” By Steven Sahiounie, January 24 2022

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EU Diplomacy Chief Expresses Disinterest in Joining Biden’s Escalations Against Russia over Ukraine By Paul Antonopoulos, January 24 2022

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The Insanity of the West Accelerates By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 24 2022

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“Pivot to Asia 2.0”: Will India and Pakistan Serve as “Pressure Valves” for Balancing New Cold War Tensions By Andrew Korybko, January 24 2022

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What Is Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2 How Is It Tested? How Is It Measured? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 24 2022

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Nostalgia at the AUKMIN Talks: Britain’s Forces Eye Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 24 2022
The COVID Deception Is a Power Grab By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 23 2022

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Video: The CIA’s War on Democracy: Edward Curtin in Conversation with Robert F Kennedy Jr By Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Edward Curtin, January 23 2022

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Washington Pumping Up War Fever. The Western Media: “War with Russia is Coming” By Bruce Gagnon, January 23 2022

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Simulation of a Cyber Attack against the Global Financial System. Israel’s Operation “Collective Strength” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 23 2022

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Video: Dr. Robert Malone: There’s Gonna Have to be a Reckoning, the Science Is Settled on Forced Jabs By Dr. Robert Malone and Tucker Carlson, January 23 2022

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Is Perfidious Erdoğan Destroying Russia for the Great Turan Turkic Region of Influence? By F. William Engdahl, January 23 2022

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The Russia-US -Ukraine Debacle: The Dangers of a Full-Blown Global Conflict By Konrad Rękas, January 23 2022

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Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons By Mamer and Amar Goudjil, January 23 2022

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Countdown to Apocalypse: A Dark Future for Ukraine? By Michael Welch, Scott Ritter, Dmitriy Kovalevich, and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 23 2022

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Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About COVID Injections: Ignored by Government and Big Media By Joel S. Hirschhorn, January 22 2022

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If You Take the COVID Vax, You Can Never Achieve Full Immunity Again – Government Stats Unveil the Horrifying Truth By Ethan Huff, January 22 2022

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The COVID-Omicron Crisis: The Roadmap Towards a Worldwide Financial Crash, Inflation, Digitization By Peter Koenig, January 22 2022
First Delta, then Omicron. Neither one of the two has ever been isolated. The vast majority of people of the 193 UN member countries – swallow the lie with fear and respect, as if it were the truth
COVID-19 and the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative” By Elizabeth Woodworth, January 22 2022
Exposing this uncanny censorship of eminent voices is especially vital to the fate of children and youth, who are being aggressively targeted for low-benefit, sometimes lethal, inoculations.
Dangerous and Deadly: Over 1000 Scientific Studies Referencing Injuries and Deaths from COVID Vaccines By Vasko Kohlmayer, January 22 2022

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Biggest COVID Vaccine Scandal. “COVID Vaccine Batch Numbers and the Range of Adverse Impacts” By Joel S. Hirschhorn, January 22 2022

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The Global Capitalist Cage and the Corona Crisis: “Solutions” by Those Who Have Created “The Problems” By Hiroyuki Hamada, January 22 2022
It’s hard to talk about the myriad issues piled in our society in a cohesive way, and when we try, we often get the same response: “What is your solution?” People get frustrated and demand an instant solution to the structural problem they are very much a part of.
Video: Violation of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Rocco Galati By Rocco Galati, January 21 2022

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Turkey’s Neo-Ottoman Ambitions in the Middle East and Central Asia. “The Unrest in Kazakhstan Is a Threat for Both Russia and China” By Ararat Kostanian and Steven Sahiounie, January 21 2022

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Video: The Covid-19 Vaccine is under Police Criminal Investigation in the U.K. By pureblood, January 21 2022

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Medical Martial Law: Major Utah Newspaper Calling on Governor to Deploy National Guard Against Unvaccinated Citizens By J. D. Heyes, January 21 2022

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Bill Gates, Indian Government Targeted in Lawsuit Alleging AstraZeneca Vaccine Killed 23-Year-Old By Michael Nevradakis, January 21 2022

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Rapidly Growing Economic Inequalities in India By Dr. Gian Singh, January 21 2022
Video: Devastated Parents Talk About How COVID Vaccines Killed or Crippled Their Children By Humanity's Vault, January 21 2022

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The Death Document – Evidence the UK Government Authorised “Mass Murder” of the Elderly and Vulnerable by Midazolam Injection and Then Blamed COVID-19 By The Expose, January 21 2022

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Dr. Meryl Nass’ Testimony Against Vaccine Mandates By Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 21 2022

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‘Unconstitutional’: Co-author of Canada’s 1982 Charter of Rights Rebukes ‘Illegal’ COVID Policies: Brian Peckford By Jack Bingham, January 21 2022

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Parasite Empire Unravelled By Hiroyuki Hamada, January 21 2022

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Massive Protests Worldwide. The Czech Republic Scraps Mandatory Vaccination Requirements By Arjun Walia, January 21 2022

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Biden Says There’s ‘Room to Work’ with Russia on Ukraine Issues By Dave DeCamp, January 21 2022

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Video: Professor Perronne at Luxembourg Parliament Hearing on Vaccinating Children By Dr. Christian Perronne, January 21 2022

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Video: Fighting Continues in Yemen. Saudi and UAE Air Strikes By South Front, January 21 2022

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COVIDLAND, a Documentary Film: Review and Analysis by Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig, January 21 2022

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Monsanto Now Part of Bayer: May Lose a Few Court Fights —But Will Keep on Poisoning People with Its Carcinogenic Pesticide ‘Roundup’ By Mitchel Cohen, January 20 2022

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Divisions with US Government: Biden’s “Minor Incursion” Remark Reveals a Lot About His Team’s Russia Strategy By Andrew Korybko, January 20 2022

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UK to End “Mask” and “Vaccine” Mandates, and More, Immediately By Dr. Mark Trozzi, January 20 2022

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554 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Ordered by German Government for 83 Million People: Seven Doses Per Person! By Jens Bernert, January 20 2022

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Blinken Delays US Response to Russia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 20 2022

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The “How Bad Is My Batch” Website Provides Access to Data on Vaccine Deaths and Disabilities associated with Each Batch / Lot Number By How Bad Is My Batch, January 20 2022

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Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths Among Pro-Footballers in 2021 Were 300% Higher Than the 12-year Average By The Expose, January 20 2022

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What People in India Have Received to Battle COVID Successfully. Ivermectin By Joel S. Hirschhorn, January 20 2022

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Totalitarian Paranoia Run Amok: Pandemics, Lockdowns and Martial Law By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, January 20 2022

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Washington’s Intrusion in the Republic of Sudan, “Seeks to Maintain Hegemony in Region” By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 20 2022

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Peeking Past the Pall Put Over Arms Talks with Russia By Ray McGovern, January 20 2022

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Why Do NATO States Commit “Energy Hara Kiri”? Green Zero Carbon Madness. Industrial Collapse? By F. William Engdahl, January 19 2022

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Why the Corporate State Doesn’t Target the American Left By Ben Bartee, January 19 2022

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The Dangers of the Covid “Vaccine” to Pregnant Women: Do Not be a Lab Rat. The Untested Experimentation on Babies and the Unborn By John Goss, January 19 2022

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Video: Ukraine: Calm Before the Storm? By South Front, January 19 2022

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ASEAN’s Discord Over Myanmar, Could Expose Association to External Dominance By Paul Antonopoulos, January 19 2022

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History of World War II: The Soviet Red Army’s Winter Campaign 80 Years Ago By Shane Quinn, January 19 2022

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The Globalization of Human Rights Violations: “The Right to Live a Dignified and Decent Living” By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, January 19 2022

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“False Propaganda” against China: Excellent Xinjiang Health Statistics vs US Alliance Lies By Gideon Polya, January 19 2022

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Biden Lies (Again) as He Covertly Continues the U.S. Forever War Against the Afghan People By Zachary Scott, January 19 2022

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US Could be Planning False Flag Operation in Ukraine to Blame Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, January 19 2022

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Who Will be the Next King of Saudi Arabia? By Steven Sahiounie, January 19 2022

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Arise, Pandemic Profiteers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 19 2022

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The US Plan of an Afghanistan Inside Europe By Manlio Dinucci, January 19 2022

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Dr. Meryl Nass: My Side of the Story, and the Constitutional protections that I believe are being abridged by the Misinformation Witch Hunt By Dr. Meryl Nass, January 18 2022

The Constitutional amendments I have excerpted below are the premier law of the land. 

States and state agencies are not allowed to abridge these rights, which have been granted to all US citizens.  However, my state’s Medical Board is trying

Up to 65% Increase in Deaths Among 18-49 Year Olds in the U.S. During 2021, the Year of the Experimental COVID “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, January 18 2022

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Farmer’s Movement in India: Looking at the Larger Picture By Biju Negi, January 18 2022
In Kathmandu, a Struggle for Water Amid Worsening Floods By Johan Augustin, January 18 2022
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Latest Bombshell About COVID “Vaccines” Will Dismantle Big Pharma By Planet Today, Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and Kevin Hughes, January 18 2022

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“One Drinks Party Too Many” at 10 Downing Street: Boris Johnson and Breaching the Lockdowns By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 18 2022

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Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in Its Omnipotence? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 18 2022

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As Protests Erupt, Some Countries Backtrack on COVID Mandates While Others Double Down By Michael Nevradakis, January 18 2022

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Cyberspace Close to Become New Focus for NATO-Ukraine Joint Actions Against Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 18 2022

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