Global Research News

High Recorded Mortality in Countries Categorized as “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions”. The Vaccinated Suffer from Increased Risk of Mortality By Gérard Delépine, April 17 2022
This "health strategy" based on false simulations, lies, promises never kept, propaganda and the fear campaign has become unbearable. In turn it has been followed by the extortion of consent to be vaccinated, by outright blackmail.
The Great Reset: International Elitists Meet at 2022 “World Government Summit” By Derrick Broze, April 17 2022

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Propaganda 101: Ukraine 2022. “The Invasion of Ukraine by Russia did not Happen out of the Blue” By Colin Todhunter, April 17 2022

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Video: The Vaccine is More Dangerous than COVID-19: Dr. Peter McCullough By Dr. Peter McCullough and Michael Welch, April 17 2022

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Do Americans Really Want to Support the Neo-Nazi Filled Western Ukrainian Government? By John Potash, April 16 2022

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Will the Decline of the U.S. Empire Usher in a More Peaceful World Order, or Will New Empires Emerge that Are Just as Lethal and Exploitative? By Jeremy Kuzmarov, April 16 2022

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How the West Was Won: Counterinsurgency. “When Domestic Populations Become the Battlefield” By Dustin Broadbery, April 16 2022

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“Defending Democracy” Through Fascist Nationalism and Suicidal Military Spending? No, Thanks. By Enzo Pellegrin, April 16 2022

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The Destabilization of Pakistan By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 16 2022
Washington’s intent goes beyond the narrow objective of “regime change”. The thrust of US foreign policy consists in weakening the central government and fracturing the country. The ongoing US drone attacks under the banner of the “Global War on Terrorism” are part of that process.
Suddenly, Peak Oil and Gas! The Cataclysmic Result of Sanctions against Russia By Michael Welch and David Hughes, April 16 2022

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Eleven Years Ago: Hillary Clinton’s Emails Confirm The “Real Agenda” Behind the US-NATO War on Libya By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 16 2022

First published on January 20, 2016


Revelations that involve Hillary Clinton and her email scandal confirms what the real motives of the US-NATO led war on Libya to remove Muammar Gaddafi and it was not for democracy or to

The 1984 Bellyfeel of Paradise: Inside the Media Dome By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, April 16 2022

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India Refuses to Abandon Russia. Blinken Lambasts New Delhi’s Human Rights Record. By Paul Antonopoulos, April 16 2022

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Ukraine-Russia War: The Scuttled Istanbul “Peace Initiative”. The Dangers of Escalation By Nauman Sadiq, April 15 2022

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Ceasing NATO Expansion: The Shortest Way for Peace in Europe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 15 2022

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My Name Is Jeremy Brown. Open Letter From Jail By Jeremy Brown, April 15 2022

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“Light in Gaza – Writings Born of Fire” By Jim Miles, April 15 2022

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Video: Fauci Declares “You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated” By Steve Watson, April 15 2022

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Western Dissent from US/NATO Policy on Ukraine Is Small, Yet the Censorship Campaign Is Extreme By Glenn Greenwald, April 15 2022

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Escalation. Biden Calls Russia Military Operation in Ukraine “Genocide”, Commits Additional $800 Million in Weapons By Sundance, April 15 2022

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Russia’s Ukraine Operation Has No Deadline? “The Real Danger is that US-NATO May be Finding Itself at War with Russia” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 15 2022

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Germany Targeted for Not Capitulating to Anti-Russia Demands. Zelensky’s Refusal to Allow Germany’s President Steinmeier to visit Kiev By Paul Antonopoulos, April 15 2022

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You Cannot Boost Your Way Through COVID. Towards “Vaccine” Doses 4 and 5… By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 15 2022

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Reawakening of Consciences: “The Threat of a Third World War is Weighing on All of Us”. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, April 15 2022

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Video: ‘Bill Gates, you’re not welcome here’: Anti-globalism Rally Outside Vancouver TED Talk By Rebel News, April 15 2022

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NATO Weapons for Ukraine – Military Aid and Future Profits for US By Drago Bosnic, April 15 2022

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Pfizer to Ask FDA to Allow 3rd COVID Shot for Healthy 5- to 11-Year-Olds, Based on Study of 140 Kids By Megan Redshaw, April 15 2022

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Grand Jury: Revealing the Agenda for World Domination. “The Covid-19 Pandemic is a Criminal Operation” By Stop World Control, April 15 2022

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Taiwan Gives Citizens Survival Handbook in Case of Chinese Invasion By Zero Hedge, April 15 2022
What’s Happening in Sri Lanka and How Did the Economic Crisis Start? By Prof. R. Ramakumar, April 15 2022
Video: UK Media Hides Ukraine Nazis in Plain Sight By Brian Berletic, April 15 2022

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Ukraine-Russia: Towards a “Hot War”? Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset? By Peter Koenig, April 15 2022
After almost four decades of a Cold War and another 2 decades of Cold War 2.0, the US via NATO, and with her European vassals, are now engaged in a Hot War with Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy.
The Azov Battalion: Extremists Defending Mariupol: Deutsche Welle By Roman Goncharenko, April 14 2022

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Video: Nationwide Protest in Pakistan in Support of Imran Khan: Largest Rally in the History of Peshawar City, in the History of the Province of the Pashtun People By Junaid S. Ahmad, April 14 2022

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Mali’s Moura Massacre Instigated by Malian Forces and Foreign Fighters By Kester Kenn Klomegah, April 14 2022

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Sanctions Regime: Greek Businessmen Mull Ways to Continue Business with Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, April 14 2022

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540 Athletes Die After Receiving COVID Injections, Hundreds More Develop Serious Health Conditions By Kevin Hughes, April 14 2022

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The Music of Forgetting By Mr. Z, April 14 2022

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US-engineered Regime Change in Pakistan Lands Corrupt Leader in Office. Interview with Sabtain Ahmed Dar By Sabtain Ahmed Dar and Steven Sahiounie, April 14 2022

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“Ukraine’s Fate Is Now in Russia’s Hands”: Mike Whitney Interviews Marko Marjanovic By Mike Whitney and Marko Marjanović, April 14 2022

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Kyiv Independent Deep Dive: The West’s In-Kind Answer to Putin’s Propaganda By Alan MacLeod, April 14 2022

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Dutch Journalist: ‘We are here, in Donbass, to awaken Westerners deluded by propaganda’ By Ekaterina Blinova, April 14 2022

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The Next ‘Great Pandemic:’ Astronomical Death Counts Now Being Telegraphed and Marketed to the Public By Gary D. Barnett, April 14 2022

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FDA and Pfizer Knew COVID Shot Caused Immunosuppression By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 14 2022

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Bill C-11 to Regulate Canada’s Internet By Keean Bexte, April 14 2022

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WHO Pandemic Treaty Submissions. Here Is My Researched Submission Which Anyone May Use By Elizabeth Woodworth, April 14 2022

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The More You Vax, the Weaker Your Immune System Becomes By Steve Kirsch, April 14 2022

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Israel Setting Gazans Adrift from National Identity, Nullifying Their Claim to Palestine By Michael Jansen, April 14 2022

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The “China Threat” and the Solomon Islands By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 14 2022
Video: Canada PM Justin Trudeau Seeking to Forcibly Silence News Outlet By Tucker Carlson and Ezra Levant, April 14 2022

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Dubious Allegations: NATO Accuses Russia of Attacking the People of Mariupol With Chemical Weapons By Nauman Sadiq, April 13 2022

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Russia-Africa Relations, Against Neo-Colonialism? By Konrad Rękas, April 13 2022

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Mainstream Media
How the U.S. Regime Lies About Its Lying By Eric Zuesse, April 13 2022

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Bang, Bang, Bang—Terrifying Here; Heroic Over There. More Weapons for Ukraine vs. Mass Shootings in NYC By Barbara Nimri Aziz, April 13 2022

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Ukraine: Bucha “False Flag” Falling Apart: “International Community” Calling ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan … No Response By Stephen Karganovic, April 13 2022

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The Collapse of America: Distant Early Warning Signs of Uncle Sam’s Demise. Andrei Martyanov. By Michael Welch, April 13 2022

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“No matter what happens, we will continue to buy Russian fertilizers” – Brazilian Businessman By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 13 2022

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India Contributes to Alternative Payment Mechanism for Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, April 13 2022

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Julian Assange Has Been Imprisoned in British Guantanamo for Three Years. It’s a Crime Against Us All By DiEM25, April 13 2022

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The Pimps of War: Chris Hedges By Chris Hedges, April 13 2022

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The Safety of Others. “They call us antisemitic because we demand that Palestinians be entitled to the same rights we possess” By Elsa Auerbach, Sara Roy, and Eve Spangler, April 13 2022

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Epidemic: German and Austrian Mayors Under 60 Are ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ Dropping Dead By Amy Mek, April 13 2022

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The Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach By Rebecca Strong, April 13 2022

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US’s Flaunting of Diplomatic Immunity Challenged in Court – Imprisoned Venezuelan Diplomat Contests Extraterritorial Judicial Abuse By Roger D. Harris, April 13 2022

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Why Zelensky’s Dream of Ukraine Becoming ‘Big Israel’ Makes Moscow Nervous By Jonathan Cook, April 13 2022

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NATO Admits It Wants ‘Ukrainians to Keep Dying’ to Bleed Russia, Not Peace By Ben Norton, April 13 2022

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Freeland Speech Disrupted Over War Escalation, Military Spending By Yves Engler, April 13 2022

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Costa Rica’s ‘Leave It in the Ground’ Policy in Doubt After Election By Joe Lo, April 13 2022

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Asian Fault Lines of Biden’s War on Russia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 13 2022
Western Sanctions Against Russia Create Food Deficits Globally By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 13 2022

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US Deploys Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Off Korean Coast By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter, April 12 2022

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Bhakdi/Burkhardt Pathology Results Show 93% of People Who Died After Being Vaccinated Were Killed by the Vaccine By Steve Kirsch, April 12 2022

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From Mosul to Raqqa to Mariupol, Killing Civilians Is a Crime By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 12 2022

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USA Admits Fake News: Railway Station Bombing by Ukrainian Forces. By Rodney Atkinson, April 12 2022

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US-NATO Sanctions and the Coming Global Diesel Fuel Disaster By F. William Engdahl, April 12 2022
The sanctions against Russia are impacting the economies of the EU and USA. A closer look at the state of the global supply of diesel fuel is alarming. But Western sanctions planners at the US Treasury and the EU know fully well what they are doing. And it bodes ill for the world economy.
Giving Weapons to Ukraine Endangers Global Peace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 12 2022

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833 Athlete Cardiac Arrests and Serious Issues, 540 Dead, Following COVID Injection By Rhoda Wilson, April 12 2022

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Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID Jab Death Count ‘Is Worse Than a War’ By, April 12 2022

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“Bride and Boom!” We’re Number One… In Obliterating Wedding Parties By Tom Engelhardt, April 12 2022

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Searching for War Criminals By Philip Giraldi, April 12 2022

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