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Energy Geopolitics By Konrad Rękas, May 01 2022

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Assassination of Burkina Faso’s Thomas Sankara (1987). The Che Guevara of Africa By Jeremy Kuzmarov, May 01 2022

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May 1: Making International Workers’ Day a Day of Action Against Imperialism By Black Alliance for Peace, May 01 2022

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Enormous U.S. Military Spending, EU Dragged into Abyss of War against Russia. Italy Out of the War! By Manlio Dinucci, May 01 2022

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Video: “These are Massive Crimes”. Congenital Malformations, Covid Vaccine Impacts on Pregnant Women. Naomi Wolf By Dr. Naomi Wolf, May 01 2022

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Elon Musk Buys Twitter By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 01 2022

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‘Enough is enough’: California Subpoenas ExxonMobil Over Plastic Pollution By Elizabeth Claire Alberts, May 01 2022

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1.2 Million Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show By Megan Redshaw, May 01 2022

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How “Science” Turned Into Religious Dogma During COVID By Arjun Walia, May 01 2022

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Three-headed Hydra Attack from 3 Drug Companies, Pfizer, Moderna, & Gilead on Our Children; This Drug and Vaccine Will Kill Your Healthy Child; Not Needed; Have Not Proven Needed; Say No! By Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, May 01 2022

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Video: “You all will have implants.” – Klaus Schwab and Google Co-Founder Look Ahead to Transhumanism By Klaus Schwab and Sergey Brin, May 01 2022

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Will Take Precedence over National Constitutions: WHO Establishes Global Agreement on “Pandemic Preparedness“! By UNSER MITTELEUROPA, May 01 2022

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Two Years Ago: May Day Under Lockdown. Millions Forced to Choose Between Hunger or COVID-19 By Grain, April 30 2022

On the eve of May Day 2020, in full coronavirus pandemic, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) released some hair raising statistics.

About 1.6 billion workers from the informal sector are in dire straits because of the lockdowns governments have imposed

U.S. and NATO Fuel War in Ukraine “To Make It Permanent” By Manlio Dinucci and Bruce Gagnon, April 30 2022

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Dangerous Crossroads: Putin Warns the US to Back Off in Ukraine By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 30 2022

The Western narrative of the two-month old war in Ukraine imbued with the rhetoric of “democracy versus autocracy,” has dramatically changed with the assertion by the US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin at a news conference in Poland Monday following

The Shanghai Covid Lockdown. Who Was Behind It? By Emanuel Pastreich, April 30 2022

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Video: America’s Intelligence Community and the Ukraine War. Philip Giraldi and Judge Napolitano By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano and Philip Giraldi, April 30 2022

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Canada’s Fight for Ukraine: Investing in Peace and Avoiding Illegal Recruitment to War By Michael Welch, Glenn Michalchuk, and Ken Stone, April 30 2022

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Governmental Dysfunction Rises with Time. “US Hegemony is Constrained by Two Powers, Russia and China” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 29 2022

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The War in Ukraine: Understanding and Resisting the Global Elite’s Deeper Agenda By Robert J. Burrowes, April 29 2022

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Poland Reportedly Interested in Annexing Part of Ukrainian Territories By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 29 2022

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Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, Transnistria: Escalation Towards a World War III Scenario? By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 29 2022

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Video: Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War By Richard H. Black and Mike Billington, April 29 2022

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How Ukraine’s Scorched-Earth Tactics Backfired Against Russia? By Nauman Sadiq, April 29 2022

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Deep State Response, Dept of Homeland Security Will Establish Disinformation Board with Obvious Agenda By Sundance, April 29 2022

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Here’s What I Found at the Reported ‘Mass Grave’ Near Mariupol By Eva Bartlett, April 29 2022

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Argentine Minister ‘Was Pissed’ When He Agreed Controversial Falklands Deal with UK By Matt Kennard, April 29 2022

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New Survey Finds Pharma CEOs, Government Leaders & Journalists Least Trusted on Health By Paul Anthony Taylor, April 29 2022

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Deadly Shots: Even Healthy Teenagers, Athletes and Doctors Are Not Safe with COVID-19 Vaccines By Mary Villareal, April 29 2022

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US Asks Germany to Hold Off on Russian Energy Sanctions Until Midterm Elections By Martin Armstrong, April 29 2022

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The AXIS Act, a Step toward World War III By Adam Dick, April 29 2022

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Diamond Traders and Manufacturers Unwilling to End Business with Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, April 29 2022

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Indirect Colonialism: U.S. Role in Triggering Pakistan’s Political Crisis By Prof. Abdul Jabbar, April 29 2022

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Bombing of Ukraine: Those Who Have Forgotten How to Cry Are Learning It Again… By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 29 2022

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Peace Movement Needs to Demand the Dismantling of NATO By Prof. Harry Targ, April 29 2022

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Nicaragua Formally Withdraws from the OAS By Brasil de Fato, April 29 2022

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Ukrainian TB2 Bayraktar Drone ‘Bombed Oil Depots Deep Inside Russia’ By Ragip Soylu, April 29 2022

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China: “No one wants a third world war” By Paul Joseph Watson, April 29 2022

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Video: The Covid-19 “Global Lockdown”. Destabilizing Planet Earth. Towards Worldwide Economic Collapse? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, April 28 2022

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The West Against Russia By Stephen Sefton, April 28 2022

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History Returns Again in Ukraine By William Hawes, April 28 2022

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“We Are Human, We Are Free”: “The Great Reset” Must Be Defeated By Anita McKone, April 28 2022

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“The Imperial Logic” of the Pakistani Left. Khan is “No Anti-imperialist Hero” By Azhar Imran, April 28 2022

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How Could the U.S. Help to Bring Peace to Ukraine? By Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 28 2022

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Sweden and Finland Hastily Preparing to Join NATO By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 28 2022

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Diplomacy, Not More Arms Is Needed to Avoid WWIII with Russia By Edward Lozansky and Matthew Ehret-Kump, April 28 2022

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$4 Billion and Counting: The D.C. War Machine Feasts on Ukraine By Jordan Schachtel, April 28 2022

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Former NATO Commander Disguises War Propaganda as Novel By Patrick MacFarlane, April 28 2022

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US Intel Helped Ukraine Shoot Down Russian Plane Carrying “Hundreds” of Paratroopers By Zero Hedge, April 28 2022

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Trudeau Government Cites ‘Confidentiality’ to Avoid Explaining Its Use of Rare Act to Quash Freedom Convoy By Anthony Murdoch, April 28 2022

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Young Children, Teenagers, Do Not Just Die in Their Sleep. One Death Is a Serious Enough Matter: “Another Two Boys Died in Their Sleep Days After Receiving Second COVID-19 Vaccine” By Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, April 28 2022

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Genetic Research and U.S. Bio-Agents: Harvard Team Collected and Transferred China Blood and DNA Samples Back to the U.S. By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Zhao Yandong, and Zhang Wenxia, April 28 2022


In the light of recent revelations pertaining to the U.S bio-labs situated in Ukraine focussing on the possible use of biological weapons against Russia and China, we bring to the attention of  Global Research readers, excerpts from an important

Must We Make a Case Against Dictatorship? By Jeffrey A. Tucker, April 28 2022

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Denmark Suspends COVID Vaccine Campaign, EU Set to End Mass Testing By Michael Nevradakis, April 28 2022

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The Guns of April By World Socialist Web Site, April 28 2022

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South African KwaZulu-Natal Province Imperiled by Flooding By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 28 2022

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Ukraine: “The Americans are in Charge” of the War on the Ground By Nauman Sadiq, April 28 2022

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Syria’s Long History of U.S. Interference and Meddling Dating to the Late 1940s By Shane Quinn, April 28 2022

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Slaying the Dragon of Net Zero Emissions By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 28 2022

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Americans Are “In Charge” of the War Says French Journalist Who Returned from Ukraine By Paul Joseph Watson, April 28 2022

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The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the Age of Bioweapons: 20 Years of Psychological Terror By Matthew Ehret-Kump, April 27 2022

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Uncle Sam’s Bio-Weapons Extravaganza By Mike Whitney, April 27 2022

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The Real Threat in the Ukraine Conflict: Crossing the “Red Line” Towards Nuclear War? “The Russians Have Never Read Machiavelli” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 27 2022

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The Dream of a Jewish State, and the Nightmare of Its Reality By Lillian Rosengarten, April 27 2022

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Poland Is Facilitating a US War Plan By Julian Rose, April 27 2022

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Covid Absurdity: Toronto Zoo Claims Its Animals Are Voluntarily Getting Injected with the COVID Vaccine By Ramon Tomey, April 27 2022

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Biden Having an Increasingly Difficult Time with G-20 Fissures. Hits a BRICS Wall By Mish, April 27 2022

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“We are Training Ukrainian Troops in Poland” Says Boris Johnson. “Reveals Military Secrets” to Russia By Nauman Sadiq, April 27 2022

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US Wants EU to Sanction China for Its Ukraine-Russia Policy By Paul Antonopoulos, April 27 2022

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Turkey and Russia Ready to Face-off in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, April 27 2022

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Pakistan: The Political Crisis Deepens By Sajjad Shaukat, April 27 2022

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Risking Nuclear War for a Corrupt, Increasingly Repressive Ukraine By Ted Galen Carpenter, April 27 2022

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Why Israel Is Suddenly Granting Gaza Thousands of Work Permits By Maha Hussaini, April 27 2022

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Army to Test Its Biggest Interactive Drone Swarm Ever Over Utah By Dan Parsons, April 27 2022

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Mindless Mask Mandates Are Over By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 27 2022

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Australia Recorded 1,700% Increase in COVID-19 Deaths as Vaccine Was Rolled Out By Zoey Sky, April 27 2022

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The Myth of the “Clean’’ Wehrmacht and the Emergence of Neo-fascism and Russophobia in Germany By Dr. Leon Tressell, April 27 2022

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Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, April 27 2022

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“Aux Armes, Citoyens”: The Stage-managed French Elections By Pepe Escobar, April 27 2022

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The COVID Lies By Dr. Mike Yeadon, April 27 2022

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