Global Research News

Geoff Young: Peace Candidate Who Wants to Abolish CIA Wins Democratic Primary in Kentucky By Jeremy Kuzmarov, June 02 2022

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Pilots Move to Sue Major Airlines, US Government Over COVID Vaccine Mandates By Kennedy Hall, June 02 2022

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Masking: More Harms Than Good? By Dr. Robert Malone, June 02 2022

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Fake Meat, Fake Breastmilk and Food Shortages By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 02 2022

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Biden Tweaks Ukraine Narrative By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 02 2022

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Seven Days in May. How the CIA and the Pentagon Took Hollywood By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 02 2022

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Turkey Spoils the Big NATO Party By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 02 2022

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Why Imran Khan Alleges the US for the Fall of His Government By Dr. Rahul Kumar, June 02 2022
Sunshine by Day, Water by Night: Indonesia Could Pair Its Vast Solar and Hydro Storage to Decarbonise the Country By David Firnando Silalahi, June 02 2022
China Prepares Launch of Most Advanced Aircraft Carrier on ‘Dragon Boat Festival’ By Zero Hedge, June 02 2022
Azovstal’s Neo-Nazi Fighters Will be Prosecuted as Criminals By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 02 2022

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How the Nixon Doctrine Blew Up the Persian Gulf, Undermined US Security By David Wight, June 01 2022

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EU Commission Studies Price Cap on Imported Russian Gas By Julianne Geiger, June 01 2022

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War Within the War: The Fight Over Land and Genetically Engineered Agriculture By Mitchel Cohen, June 01 2022

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Moldova Goes Full Zelensky: President Sandu Invites Nation’s Destruction! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, June 01 2022

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Charles Ray at the Metropolitan Museum of Art By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, June 01 2022

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Ukraine Fires Own Human Rights Chief for Perpetuating Russian Troop ‘Systematic Rape’ Stories By Zero Hedge, June 01 2022

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IEA: Current Energy Crisis Is “Much Bigger” Than 1970s Oil Crunch By Charles Kennedy, June 01 2022

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Ukraine Forces Continuous Shelling of Donbass Residential Areas. Results in 24 Casualties in a Single Day By Drago Bosnic, June 01 2022

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Monsanto’s Former CEO Testifies in Roundup Trial, Points to EPA Safety Findings By Carey Gillam, June 01 2022

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Dutton’s Record: Building the Surveillance State in Australia By Ugur Nedim, June 01 2022
Congress Passes Anti-Russia Bill Reinforcing Neo-colonialism in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 01 2022

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It’s Not Just Putin — British Politicians Are Also Complicit in War Crimes, in Yemen By Katie Fallon, May 31 2022

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Memorial Day 2022: America Remembers and Honors Those Who Died While Serving in the Military. For What Did They Die? By Robert Gore, May 31 2022

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Video: The 2020-2021 Economic Crisis. Global Poverty, Unemployment and Despair By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 31 2022

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If We Are to Survive We Must Learn to Ask the Right Questions By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 31 2022

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US Would be Maintaining Biolabs in Indonesia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 31 2022

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Global Food Security: Is America Illegally Importing Syrian Wheat, Smuggled Out of a War Zone By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 31 2022

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Pakistan’s Russian Wheat Import Deal: Business As Usual or Something Different this Time? By Andrew Korybko, May 31 2022

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“The Criminalization of Russian Music”: The Exclusion of Russian Violinists from the International Competition of Gorizia By Manlio Dinucci, May 31 2022

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A World at War? Biden Lashes Out Against “Enemies” as Our Country Declines By Philip Giraldi, May 31 2022

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Don’t Trade Real Liberty for Phony Security By Rep. Ron Paul, May 31 2022

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FDA Authorizes Pfizer Boosters for Kids 5 to 11 By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 31 2022

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Biden Is Fiddling as Jerusalem Burns By David Hearst, May 31 2022

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Pressure Builds on Biden to Investigate Israel over Abu Akleh Killing By Mitchell Plitnick, May 31 2022

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The EU Needs More Than $1 Trillion for Plan to Ditch Russian Oil and Gas By Rystad Energy, May 31 2022

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Ukraine Is a Millstone Around Europe’s Neck By M. K. Bhadrakumar, May 31 2022

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Pakistan on the Verge of Inflationary Collapse – Pleads for Larger IMF Bailout By Zero Hedge, May 31 2022
Election Gambit: Australia, Sri Lanka and Politicising Refugees By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 31 2022
Ukraine and Poland Nearer Confederation By Uriel Araujo, May 31 2022

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Armed Jewish Extremists May Ignite a Regional War By Steven Sahiounie, May 31 2022

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COVID-1984: Orwell’s Vision, Our Reality? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 30 2022

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CDC Plans to Stop Reporting Suspected COVID Cases to Ease Burden By Riley Griffin and Drew Armstrong, May 30 2022

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WHO Pandemic Treaty: Austria’s Minister of Health Admits to “Abolishing Democracy”. WHO as New World Government By, May 30 2022

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Mark Esper’s Tell-some Reveals US Plans for War and Terror Against Venezuela By Alan MacLeod, May 30 2022

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Reactionary Succession in Australia: Peter Dutton, New Opposition Leader By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 30 2022
Video: Russian Military Wins Battle for Liman. Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) Pockets in Donbass Diminishing By South Front, May 30 2022

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The Extradition Hearing of Julian Assange. The Power of Lies By Craig Murray, May 30 2022

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“Pot, Meet Kettle”: America’s Use of Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Weapons By Patrick MacFarlane, May 30 2022

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Scott Ritter & Ray McGovern on Ukraine, Russia, China By Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern, May 30 2022

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First They Came for the Foreigners’ Bank Accounts By Ted Rall, May 30 2022

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Looks Like Latin America Is Boycotting ‘Bad Neighbor’ Uncle Sam By Walt Zlotow, May 30 2022

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The US Has Had 214 Mass Shootings So Far in 2022. Here’s the Full List. By Shayanne Gal and Madison Hall, May 30 2022

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The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 30 2022

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Yes, the Government Really Does Stash Billions of Pounds of Cheese in Missouri Caves By Emily Baron Cadloff, May 30 2022

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NRA Convenes in Texas as Gun Stocks Soar on Wall Street By C.J. Atkins, May 30 2022

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Argentine Minister: ‘We can’t be sure there aren’t nuclear weapons in the Falklands.’ By Matt Kennard, May 30 2022

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Retired US General Calls for “Coalition of the Willing” for Naval Conflict with Russia By Andre Damon, May 30 2022

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Huawei Ban Undermines Canadian and World Security By Prof. John Price, May 30 2022

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Rand Paul: ‘Elitists want a One World Government; It’s not a conspiracy theory’ By Steve Watson, May 30 2022

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Africa’s Economic and Social Crisis and the War in Ukraine: African Union’s (OAU) Message By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 29 2022

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An Upbringing According to Strict Religious and Military Principles – And the Reflex of Absolute Spiritual Obedience: The Example of Auschwitz Commander Rudolf Höß By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, May 29 2022

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Because of the War in Ukraine, We Are Heading for a Global Food Catastrophe By Marc Vandepitte, May 29 2022

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What Does 5G Sound Like? Expert Investigation By Matt Cossey, May 29 2022

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Western Civilization at a Crossroads: Mythical Hegemony or Win-Win Paradigm? By Matthew Ehret-Kump and Edward Lozansky, May 29 2022

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The Eurasian Economic Union Steps Up By Pepe Escobar, May 29 2022

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Sweden Appears Poised to Join NATO as Part of Western Mobilization Against Russia By Andi Olluri, May 29 2022

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George W. Bush, Freudian Confessions and Foiled Assassinations By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 29 2022

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Video: “It is not a Case of Pandemic, This is a Case of Murder”: Dr. David E. Martin By Dr. David Martin and Alexandra Bruce, May 29 2022

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Erdogan Angers Biden but Holds the Keys to NATO Aggression Against Russia By Steven Sahiounie, May 29 2022

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Call on Israel to Demolish Apartheid, Not Palestinian Homes By Amnesty International Canada, May 29 2022

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The U.S. Unilateral Sanctions Against Russia Will Produce a Global Food Disaster By John Ross, May 29 2022

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World Economic Forum (WEF): Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Opening Speech, Money Weapons Advisors, — Standing Ovation By Peter Koenig, May 28 2022

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The Fauci/ COVID-19 Dossier. The 2002 SARS-CoV Patent. Dr. David Martin By Dr. David Martin, May 28 2022

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Overkill: The Deadly Illogical of Gun Rights By Greg Guma, May 28 2022

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Will Gates, Rockefeller, Musk and Klaus Schwab Prevail in the Class War? Activists and Thinkers Speak Out By Michael Welch and Prof. Anthony J. Hall, May 28 2022

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The Bush Doctrine and the US-NATO Encirclement of Russia By Shane Quinn, May 28 2022

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Dr. McCullough: ‘Medical Crisis’ Is Being Exploited to Push Global Government By Emily Mangiaracina, May 28 2022

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Was Ukraine Building A Dirty Bomb? By South Front, May 27 2022

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The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People By Tessa Lena, May 27 2022

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