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Death by Covid Vaccine By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., July 18 2022

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How the ‘Permanent Government’ Turned on Boris Johnson By Richard Norton-Taylor, July 18 2022

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UK National Security Bill 2022 Threatens Journalists with Life in Prison By Mohamed Elmaazi, July 18 2022

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Will the US Supreme Court Make It Illegal to Boycott Israel? By Azadeh Shahshahani and Dr. Assal Rad, July 18 2022

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Is It Time for Canada to Apologize to Libya? By Yves Engler, July 18 2022

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‘DOD Must End Vaccine Mandate,’ Says Army Doctor Suspended for Writing Exemptions By Dr. Samuel Sigoloff and Pam Long, July 18 2022

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Does the World Economic Forum Measure Up to Nicaragua? By Stephen Sefton, July 18 2022

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Corona Investigative Committee Session 113: Mycelium By Sonia Elijah and Corona Investigative Committee, July 18 2022

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Customary Barbarity: Britain’s SAS in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 18 2022

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The Church of Pfizer: D.C. promotes ‘Faith in Vaccine’ Initiative By Jordan Schachtel, July 18 2022

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Wind Energy or Whales? NGO Financial Conflicts Uncovered By Lisa Linowes, July 18 2022

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A Chaotic Upside Down World: Endless Wars, Food Shortages, Eugenics and the “Digitization of Everything”: The WEF Agenda 2030 By Peter Koenig, July 18 2022

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Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines By Brian Shilhavy, July 17 2022

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Listen to Kissinger and CIA’s William Burns and Compare with Populist Political Platitudes By Jan Oberg, July 17 2022

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Switzerland’s Secretive Banking System and the WEF’s “Great Reset”: First in “You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll be Happy”? By Peter Koenig, July 17 2022

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グローバリストが一線を越えた時: 安倍晋三の暗殺 By Emanuel Pastreich, July 17 2022

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Taiwan and the Making of an “Asian” NATO By Danny Haiphong, July 17 2022

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Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes Are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS By Brian Shilhavy, July 17 2022

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The WHO “Stealth Coup” to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma By F. William Engdahl, July 17 2022

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“Advocating for Palestine in Canada – Histories, Movements, Actions” By Jim Miles, July 17 2022

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Sri Lanka’s Gotabaya Rajapaksa: “Get Gota”, Holding a War Criminal Accountable By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 17 2022

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The Russia-China Polar Silk Road Speeds Ahead By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 17 2022

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In Eurasia, the War of Economic Corridors Is in Full Swing By Pepe Escobar, July 17 2022

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Bogus Report on Nicaragua by “60 Minutes” Exposed as Propaganda from CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy By Susan Lagos, July 17 2022

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‘You Don’t Got This’: Peace Group Blasts NYC’s New Nuclear Survival PSA By Brett Wilkins, July 17 2022

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Could Russia Avoid Sanctions with Its Own Oil Benchmark? By Tsvetana Paraskova, July 17 2022

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Macron’s Minority Government Defeated on Vaccine Passports By Paul Joseph Watson, July 17 2022

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Video: NATO and Global Empire By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, Tamara Lorincz, and Danny Haiphong, July 16 2022

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The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine” By Dr. Nicole Delépine, July 16 2022
Vaccinating cancer patients or former cancer patients may affect the mechanism of the gene injection on immunity. Several geneticists had expressed concerns about the possible interference between active or dormant cancer cells and the activity of gene therapy on lymphocytes in particular.
Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16 2022
The central question is the following: is there reliable evidence provided by the WHO and national health authorities that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated / purified from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”?
Kissinger and the War in Ukraine: The Messenger and the Master By Peter Koenig, July 16 2022

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Smoking Gun: Dr. Fauci States COVID Test Has Fatal Flaw; Confession from the “Beloved” Expert of Experts By Jon Rappoport, July 16 2022

This article was originally published on November 9. 2020

OK, here we go. Smoking gun. Jackpot.

Right from the horse’s mouth. Right from the man we’re told is the number-one COVID expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden

Do We Want Real Life? Or Live in the Delusion of a Dystopian Future: Virtual Beauty”, “Virtual Freedom”, “Virtual Love”… Is the WEF’s “All-Digital Metaverse Reality” Our Future? By Robert J. Burrowes, July 16 2022

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Video: Covid-19: Engineered Destruction of Civil Society: Prof Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, July 15 2022

First published on March 20, 2022


Video Caroline Mailloux interviews Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating the virus. But that was the imposed “solution” which

Destroying the Narrative: 20 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed By Jesse Smith, July 15 2022

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Video: Uruguay’s Decision to Suspend COVID Vaccination for Kids Under 13 Years. Corona Investigative Committee with Gaby Weber. By Gaby Weber and Corona Investigative Committee, July 15 2022

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Kiev’s High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Target Russia Controlled Areas By Uriel Araujo, July 15 2022

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Dare to Jump into the “Empire of Freedom”. Hannah Arendt’s Confession of the Ethically Justified Denial of the Individual By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 15 2022

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Over 40 Percent of World’s Rivers Contain Harmful Levels of Pharmaceutical Drug Pollution By Paul Anthony Taylor, July 15 2022

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‘Cost-Free’: Biden Admin May Soon Infuse the IMF with $650 Billion ‘for Ukraine’, on Behalf of “Globalist Billionaires” By Jordan Schachtel, July 15 2022

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Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey Could Join BRICS By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 15 2022

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Western Media and Military Analysts Still Dazed and Confused About the War in Ukraine By Larry Johnson, July 15 2022

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More Deaths, Injuries Revealed in Latest Pfizer Vaccine Trial Document Dump By Michael Nevradakis, July 15 2022

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‘Hunting Elites’: Armenian Citizens Rise Up Against WEF-Controlled Government By Baxter Dmitry, July 15 2022

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Putin’s Summits Next Week Will Strengthen Ties with Iran, Turkey By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 15 2022

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‘Break the Taboo – We Need to Talk About NATO’ By Ben Chacko, July 15 2022

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Calgary Firefighters Launch $38 Million Lawsuit Against City and Fire Department Over COVID Jab Mandates By Anthony Murdoch, July 15 2022

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Japan: Shinzo Abe’s Assassination – A Hidden Agenda? Enforce a One World Order (OWO) By Peter Koenig, July 15 2022

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Rwanda. Understanding the Growth of an Economy at War During the Last Thirty Years By Augustin Ngirabatware, July 15 2022

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“Iran and the US should negotiate face to face to make a new nuclear deal”, Says Mohammad Hatami Milanlou By Mohammad Hatami Milanlou and Steven Sahiounie, July 15 2022

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Neocon John Bolton Admits that America “Plans Coups d’état” By Drago Bosnic, July 14 2022

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Biden’s Middle East Visit, and Israel’s New Shopping List By Jamal Kanj, July 14 2022

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New Zealand: A Study Finds a 10% Rise in Excess Mortality in Age Groups Who Have Had Booster COVID Injections By Rhoda Wilson, July 14 2022

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June 14, 2022 Is the Tenth Anniversary of Rosalie Bertell’s Passing. The Planetary Movement for Mother Earth (PBME) Commemorates Her with Respect, Appreciation and Gratitude! By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, July 14 2022

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Whilst You Were Distracted by Boris Resigning, the UK Gov. Published a Report Confirming Fully Vaccinated Children Are 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID Than Unvaccinated Children By The Expose, July 14 2022

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Video: Schizer – We Make Sh*t. Satire: “The Vaccines are Safe and Effective. They are Not of Course” By Strong and Free Canada, July 14 2022

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Tanks Deployed Near Parliament and State of Emergency Declared in Sri Lanka By, July 14 2022
Sri Lanka: A Victory for a Non-violent People’s Movement By Janaka Biyanwila, July 14 2022
Russia and the World. History and Geopolitical Analysis. “What Would Happen to Russia Without the United States and Europe?” By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 14 2022

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Russia and China Haven’t Even Started to Ratchet Up the Pain Dial. Pepe Escobar By Pepe Escobar, July 14 2022

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Feeding a Stalemate in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, July 14 2022

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The Passing of Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos (1979-2017). From a Wartime President to Leading Energy Producer By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 14 2022

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Amazon Deforestation Is Off to the Fastest Start to a Year Since 2008 By Mongabay, July 14 2022

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Toxicology vs Virology: The Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud By F. William Engdahl, July 14 2022

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Biden Says US Willing to Use Force Against Iran as ‘Last Resort’ By Dave DeCamp, July 14 2022

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Economy Expert Explains the Impending ‘Polycrisis of Doom’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 14 2022

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“The Conspiratorial Movement in Quebec”, Published by the UNESCO Chair in the Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism. By Guy Boulianne, July 14 2022

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White House to Offer Second Booster to All Adults in Plan Announced One Week After $3.2 Billion Deal with Pfizer By Megan Redshaw, July 14 2022

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Appeals Court Overturns a Monsanto Win on Roundup Cancer Issue By Carey Gillam, July 14 2022

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Current Thing Chaos: Biden Sanctions Collapse, as Ukraine Piles Up Losses & Hemorrhages Cash By Jordan Schachtel, July 14 2022

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The Colonization of the American Psyche. The Manipulation of Sensitivities, Weaponizing Tensions to Keep Conflicts Alive By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, July 14 2022

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Video: The Devastating Effects of Pfizer COVID Vaccine on Toddlers and Infants. Corona Investigative Committee with Karen Kingston By Karen Kingston and Corona Investigative Committee, July 14 2022

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Handling International Crises: From JFK to Biden By Rick Sterling, July 13 2022

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“Regime Rotation” in the U.K.? Boris Johnson’s “Forced Resignation” By Konrad Rękas, July 13 2022

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Putin Extends Fast-Track Russian Citizenship to All Ukrainians By Dave DeCamp, July 13 2022

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Alert: New York State Sets Dangerous Precedent for Draconian Quarantine Regulations By Sara Middleton, July 13 2022

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Video: Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System ‘Reset’ By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 13 2022

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EU Freezes Russian Assets Worth €13.8 Billion, but Struggles to Move Towards Seizure By Alexandra Brzozowski, July 13 2022

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Soaring Energy Exports Send Russia’s Account Surplus to Record High By Julianne Geiger, July 13 2022

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Vicarious Zeal: Fighting to the Last Ukrainian By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 13 2022

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