Global Research News

Video: Survey on How 300,000 people from 175 countries have fared “without taking a COVID-19 vaccine” By Dr. Katarina Lindley and Reiner Fuellmich, July 29 2022

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Two Party Imperialism and War with Russia. A Historical Perspective By Donald Monaco, July 29 2022

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Rand Paul Demands Answers After NIH Admits Redacting COVID-19 Origins Emails ‘To Prevent Misinformation’ By Zero Hedge, July 29 2022

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Interest Rate Hikes Will Not Save Us from Inflation By Ellen Brown, July 29 2022

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Australia: Facial Recognition Technology Down Under By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 29 2022

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Reducing Nitrogen Output Destroys Farms: Ireland Joins Canada and the Netherlands in Contributing to World Famine By Andrea Widburg, July 29 2022

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Zelensky Poses for Magazine as His Country Collapses By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 29 2022

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Russia’s “Vostok 2022” War Games: Massive Military Exercise on “Invasion Scenarios” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 29 2022

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How Fauci and Grady Degraded the Standards of Ethical Requirements for Clinical Research in the US Compared to the Rest of the World By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, July 29 2022

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Pelosi to Taiwan an Affront to China’s Sovereignty By Stephen Lendman, July 29 2022

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How Medicine Was Corrupted: Difficult Times Ahead — How to Break Free From the System By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 29 2022

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History: How America Lost Its Anti-Imperial Foreign Policy Tradition, and How It Can be Recovered By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 28 2022

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“The WHO Review and Why it Matters to You?” Abir Balan By Dr. Robert Malone, July 28 2022

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Video: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Pretext for Launching A Global Economic and Social Crisis. Michel Chossudovsky and Ivaylo Grouev By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Prof. Ivaylo Grouev, July 28 2022

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The War on Syria, The Bab al Hawa Deception. “Humanitarian Aid” in Support of Al Qaeda Terrorists By Syria Support Movement, July 28 2022

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The Light and Shadows of the Korean Peninsula By Emanuel Pastreich, July 28 2022

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Russia to Exit WHO, WTO and Other UN Agencies? By Peter Koenig, July 28 2022

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DARPA, Insects, Mad Science, and Us: Nowhere to Hide By Tessa Lena, July 28 2022

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Prominent U.S. Official Told CNN that They’re Afraid Western Unity on Ukraine Is Weakening. “Economic Suicide” for the EU By Andrew Korybko, July 28 2022

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Boris Johnson Positioned as Next NATO Chief: Report By Zero Hedge, July 28 2022

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Ukraine Is Losing the War, and So Is Europe By Oscar Silva-Valladares, July 28 2022

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Iran’s Oil Revenues Soar by 580% as Crude Prices Rally By Tsvetana Paraskova, July 28 2022

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Did Wall Street Play a Role in this Year’s Wheat Price Crisis? By Ashoka Mukpo, July 28 2022

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CDC Official Used Flawed Data to Justify COVID Shots for Infants and Children, Analysis Shows By Megan Redshaw, July 28 2022

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Russia Scores Dismally in Oil and Gas Sector in Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 28 2022

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Will American Medical Science Follow the American Economy on the Road to Destruction? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 28 2022

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Video: COVID-19 Vaccine Induces a Profound Impairment in Type I Interferon Signaling, Which Has Diverse Adverse Consequences By Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Reiner Fuellmich, July 28 2022

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The Dangers of Military Escalation: Lessons from Vietnam for Ukraine By Rick Sterling, July 28 2022

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Global Research: If These Voices Get Silenced It Will Be Too Late By The Global Research Team, July 28 2022

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As the saying goes, “knowledge is power.” The more informed we are the harder it becomes to deceive us.

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Volcanoes, Oceans and Weather By Viv Forbes, July 28 2022

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The History of Cuba’s July 26 1953 Moncada Movement. Fidel and His Comrades By Arnold August, July 28 2022

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The Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900—According to Published Science By JB Handley, July 27 2022

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South Korea’s New President Playing Dangerous Game with Pyongyang By Ahmed Adel, July 27 2022

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The Vaccinated Are “Infecting” the Unvaccinated with Dangerous Graphene Oxide: Biomedicine Experts By Mary Villareal, July 27 2022

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Strained US-China Relations, Taiwan Spills Over into Ukraine: “A No-Win Situation” for Washington By Kim Petersen, July 27 2022

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Ugly COVID Lies. The Lockdown and the “Vaccine”. The Prime Instigators of This Infamy are Walking Free… By Rep. Ron Paul, July 27 2022

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Africa Remains at the Center of a 21st Century Cold War By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 27 2022

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Biden Should Remove Cuba from the Infamous State Sponsors of Terrorism List By Medea Benjamin and Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan, July 27 2022

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Black Sea and The Three Musketeers. Conflict Slouches Toward Odessa… By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 27 2022

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Dutch Farmers Versus the WEF: Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 27 2022

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The Manchester Arena Attack: “Blood on Their Hands” By Phil Miller, July 27 2022

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“Chaff Candidates”and the “Post Boris Era”: The Race for the UK Tory Leadership By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 27 2022

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Inflation? More Like CEO ‘Greedflation’. Collapse in Real Wages, Pay and Perks to America’s Billionaires By Mark Gruenberg, July 27 2022

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Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Holds Its Annual Strategic Private Meeting: “Shaping the Future of China”. Deep-seated Political Divisions within Chinese Leadership? By Tom Clifford, July 27 2022

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NATO Drones Murder Syrians at Church Inauguration in Hama By Miri Wood, July 27 2022

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Collapse of an Economic System: “The COVID-19 Crisis is not the Result of a Single Virus” By Emanuel Pastreich, July 27 2022

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Ukraine War: What the Vinnytsia Strike Signifies By William Walter Kay, July 27 2022

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Ich schreie es in die Welt hinaus: Stoppt den mörderischen Krieg in der Ukraine! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 27 2022

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Why the European Union Is Passive in the Extradition Case Against Julian Assange By Jezile Torculas, July 27 2022

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仕組まれたコロナ危機: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 27 2022


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Following Joe Biden’s Failed Middle East Diplomacy: Saudi Arabia is Now Importing and Re-Exporting Russian Oil to the EU By Drago Bosnic, July 26 2022

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UK Allegedly Trained Ukrainian Troops to Retake Snake Island By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 26 2022

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Video: Pfizer Trial Documents Speak of COVID Vaccine Safety Fraud. Sonia Elijah Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich By Sonia Elijah and Reiner Fuellmich, July 26 2022

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Doctors Died After Fourth Covid-19 Booster Shot. Where Are the Autopsies? By Mark Taliano, July 26 2022

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The Globalists’ Plan: “Illusions, Conquests, Schemes and Scams”. The Impacts on Mother Nature By Nowick Gray, July 26 2022

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Turkey-Supported Terrorists in North-West Syria Attack Church with Deaths and Injuries By Steven Sahiounie, July 26 2022

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The All-American Lie Factory. Philip Giraldi By Philip Giraldi, July 26 2022

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Engineered Inflation in the Eurozone and Worldwide: Are We in the Midst of WW-III: Execution of the Great Reset? By Peter Koenig and Jerome Hughes, July 26 2022

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The Big Lie Strategy in America of the Super-Rich. “Monopolizing the Resources and Assets of The Entire World” By Emanuel Pastreich, July 26 2022

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The Prime Movers behind the Global Warming Scare: Margaret Thatcher and the Rise of the Climate Ruse By William Walter Kay, July 26 2022

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The Hundred Year War on Palestine – A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017. By Jim Miles, July 26 2022

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Environmental Warfare and US Foreign Policy: The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction By Scott Gilbert, July 26 2022

This article of relevance to the debate on “Climate Change” was first published by GR in January 2004


Environmental warfare may sound new to some, but it has been researched extensively in military circles for years. The first public

Tehran Summit: Strategic Advancement of the Russia-Iran Alliance By Abdel Bari Atwan, July 26 2022

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Palestinian Authority Leader Mahmoud Abbas Is Endorsing an Altered Status Quo After Biden’s Visit By Ramona Wadi, July 26 2022

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全球主义者孤注一掷之时——安倍遇刺事件 By Emanuel Pastreich, July 25 2022

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Western Liberals Act as the Thought Police of American Imperialism When It Comes to the War in Ukraine By Dr. Leon Tressell, July 25 2022

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Day 150 of the Russia-Ukraine War By William Walter Kay, July 25 2022

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Plunder of Ukraine: Kiev Hands Over $12 Billion of Gold Reserves to the U.S. By Drago Bosnic, July 25 2022

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My Message to the World: Stop the Murderous War in Ukraine! By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 25 2022

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COVID Injections Contain Potassium Chloride Which Is Contraindicated for Cardiac Disorders By Rhoda Wilson and Jessica Rose, July 25 2022

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World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab: “We have the Means to Improve the State of the World.” The Pandemic Treaty By Peter Koenig, July 25 2022

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Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Battalions Indoctrinate Children in Summer Camps By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 25 2022

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Video: Why Is Bill Gates Buying All the Farmland? By reallygraceful, July 25 2022

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Video: COVID-19 and Poland’s Parliamentary Group Nuremberg 2.0. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Gzegorz Braun By Grzegorz Braun and Reiner Fuellmich, July 25 2022

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Russia Says Its Attack on Odesa Port Only Hit Military Targets By Dave DeCamp, July 25 2022

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COVID Jabs Impact Both Male and Female Fertility By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 25 2022

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Pelosi’s Expected Visit to Taiwan Challenges the “One China” Policy By Ahmed Adel, July 25 2022

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The War of Corporate Wealth Against Humanity and the “Covid-19 Scare” By Emanuel Pastreich, July 25 2022

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Assad and Zelenskyy – A Contrast in Media Coverage By Gavin OReilly, July 25 2022

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International Accountability: Myanmar, the ICJ and the Genocide Question By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 25 2022

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