Global Research News

Amish Farm Under Threat From U.S. Federal Government for Refusal to Abandon Traditional Farming Practices By Jeremy Loffredo, August 23 2022

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What Did the West Promise Russia on NATO Expansion? By Ted Snider, August 23 2022

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The US Must Compensate Burn Pit Victims in Iraq Too By Carly A. Krakow, August 23 2022

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The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, August 23 2022

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CIA Admits Role in 1953 Iran Coup By Al Jazeera America, August 23 2022

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Behind the Political Assassination of Daria Platonova Dugina By Manlio Dinucci and Zero Hedge, August 23 2022

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Europe Quietly Abandoning Ukraine, as for the First Time, No New Military Pledges Have Been Made By Uriel Araujo, August 23 2022

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Letter to the United Nations Chief on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant Situation By Bruce K. Gagnon, August 23 2022

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How Even a Limited Nuclear War Would Destroy the Planet By Jasmine Owens, August 23 2022

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The Only Thing Keeping US and China From War Is Running Dangerously Thin By Scott Ritter, August 23 2022

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After Nuking Japan, US Government Lied About Radioactive Fallout as Civilians Died By Ben Norton, August 23 2022

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Israel Blames Its Victims for the Violence It Causes By Miko Peled, August 23 2022

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The Hideous Assassination of Russian Journalist Daria Dugina, Designed to Enhance the Conflict? By Stephen Karganovic, August 22 2022

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“Tell Me, Mother, What does Peace Look Like?” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Ellen Rohlfs, August 22 2022

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NATO: By Making China the Enemy, the Alliance Is Threatening World Peace By Jonathan Cook, August 22 2022

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As the COVID Myths Explode, Delusions Are Shattering: Our Exit from Subservience Leads to Nuremberg 2.0 By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 22 2022

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Something Is Looming Geopolitically, and We Better Start Taking It Seriously By Sundance, August 22 2022

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Taking Back the Ocean, Inc. By Alexander Kozul-Wright, August 22 2022

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United Nations Recruited Over 100,000 ‘Digital First Responders’ to Push Establishment COVID Narrative By Paul Joseph Watson, August 22 2022

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COVID Vaccine Trials Led to Birth Defects and Terminated Pregnancies, FOIA Requests Show By Ethan Huff, August 22 2022

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The War on Food: Achieving Self-Funding Local Sovereignty as Global Food Systems Collapse By Ellen Brown, August 22 2022

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Democratizing the United Nations to Save the World. Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann By Prof. Sofia M. Clark, August 22 2022

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The Sword of Bolivar Is Wielded Again by the People of Latin America. Gustavo Petro Inauguration as President of Colombia By Daniel Kovalik, August 22 2022

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Countdown to the New Iranian Nuclear Deal By Steven Sahiounie, August 22 2022

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Liz Cheney: Goodbye and Good Riddance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 22 2022

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The Destabilization of Pakistan: The Media Regulator’s Ban on Imran Khan’s Live Broadcasts By Andrew Korybko, August 22 2022

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The Biden Administration’s “Disinformation Governance Board” By Scott C. Tips, August 22 2022

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Subverting Medicine: The Role of the Federation of State Medical Boards By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, August 22 2022

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Unlawful Pentagon Order Mandating mRNA Vaccine for Troops By Jordan Schachtel, August 22 2022

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By the Numbers: Keeping Track of the Single Largest Arms Transfer in US History By Connor Echols, August 22 2022

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Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 22 2022

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World-Class Ballerina and Twelve-Year-Old Protégé Among Those Murdered by Ukraine By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 22 2022

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Official Government Reports Prove the COVID Vaccines Cause Cancer By The Expose, August 22 2022

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Top Biden Official: US Would Overthrow Colombia’s New Left-wing President 40 Years Ago By Ben Norton, August 22 2022

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After Data Show Vaccinated at Higher Risk of Dying from COVID, Canadian Province Ends Monthly Reports By Dr. Julie Comber and Madhava Setty, August 22 2022

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Putin Warns Macron of ‘Large-Scale Catastrophe’ at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant By Connor Freeman, August 22 2022

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With Iran Deal Closer Than Ever Israel Presses for War By Mitchell Plitnick, August 22 2022

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US Military Still Stealing Oil in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, August 22 2022

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Note Found in a Bottle in the Age of COVID-19 By Emanuel Pastreich, August 21 2022

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The Collapse of America: What History Teaches Us About the Rise and Fall of Empires. Prof. Alfred McCoy By Michael Welch and Prof Alfred McCoy, August 21 2022

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Towards “Digital Tyranny”, Closing its Grips on Our Lives? How to Repeal It: “The Strength of Togetherness” By Peter Koenig, August 20 2022

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A Letter to UK’s Chief Coroners Office on Disturbing COVID and COVID Vaccination Deaths By John O'Looney, August 20 2022

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NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson By Michael Welch, Prof Michael Hudson, and Scott Ritter, August 20 2022
“Joe Biden looked Vladimir Putin in the eye last June and threatened him with massive sanctions. He had months to sit down with his inner circle and say, “how do we prepare for this?” Nothing the U.S. and its allies are doing has taken the Russians by surprise.
Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine. The Imminent Danger of a Large Scale US-Russia War By Philip Giraldi, August 20 2022

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Life at the End of an Empire with St Augustine By Matthew Ehret-Kump, August 19 2022

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Russia’s Evolving Relations with Africa at the Crossroads of a Global Crisis By Kester Kenn Klomegah, August 19 2022

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Amidst Uproar Over Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan, Media Ignores Aggressive U.S. Navy Action in South China Sea By Sara Flounders, August 19 2022

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Europe Decreasing Military Aid to Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 19 2022

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Censorship and Global Information Control: Who Is Behind the “Trusted News Initiative”(TNI)? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 19 2022

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Escalation of Hybrid War Against El Salvador: US Senator Compares President Nayib Bukele to Hitler, Covert Support of Terrorist Gangs By Miguel Santos García, August 19 2022

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44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs for Expectant Mothers Anyway. Report By Debra Heine, August 19 2022

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Israeli Troops Forcibly Shut Down Six Palestinian NGOs, Designated as “Terrorist Organizations” By The Cradle, August 19 2022

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“Europe This Coming Winter”: Venezuela Stops Oil Shipments to Europe as Alternatives to Russian Energy Dry Up By Zero Hedge, August 19 2022

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CDC Is Quietly Altering Its Website, Now Admitting that mRNA Persists in the Body for an Extended Duration By Lance Johnson, August 19 2022

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China Record Heat Wave and Drought: Yangtze River Begins to Dry Up, Shooting Iodide Rods Into Sky to Increase Rains By Anwesha Majumdar, August 19 2022

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Video: Covid-19 Lawsuit (2020-21) on Charges of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: Canadian Lawyer Michael Swinwood By Michael Swinwood and FranceSoir, August 19 2022

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Reckless Anti-China Escalation: Taiwan Trade Talks the Latest Front in Washington’s Anti-China Offensive By Liberation, August 19 2022

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US Bombs Somalia for the Third Time this Summer By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, August 19 2022

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The Continuing Isolation of Russia? But Wait… By Ted Snider, August 19 2022

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Ukraine Claims It Needs $750 Billion More to ‘Build Back Better’ By Jordan Schachtel, August 19 2022

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Will Europe Easily Survive Next Winter? By Uriel Araujo, August 19 2022

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China’s Insight Into the “Kabul Moment”. “U.S. Invading Countries and Spreading Democracy” By Andrew Korybko, August 18 2022

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US to Curb China’s Semiconductor Technology Development By Ahmed Adel, August 18 2022

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Lab Rat Offspring Got Rib Malformations After COVID Vaccination: Moderna Trial Documents By Enrico Trigoso, August 18 2022

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Monkeypox Vaccine Insanity — Too Many Risks and Now, Liability-Free By Children’s Health Defense, August 18 2022

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Washington’s Fear of Non-Existent Chinese Bases By Daniel Larison, August 18 2022

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US-Iran Deal Dangling in the Air By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 18 2022

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Trump and the Department of Justice By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, August 18 2022

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Washington’s Sanctions on Chinese Solar Panels: US Domestic Deployment Falls by 50% – Global Prices Up by 30-40% By China Environment Net, August 18 2022

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Venezuela’s Gold Dispute in UK Courts Is a Battle for Sovereignty By Zoe Alexandra, August 18 2022

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Spain: Law Allows Geoengineering Experiments By Free West Media, August 18 2022

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Why Is Amnesty Apologising for Telling the Truth About Ukrainian War Crimes? By Jonathan Cook, August 18 2022

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上海、平壌の市民とともに立ち上がろう By Emanuel Pastreich, August 18 2022

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The Maybe Mob and the Rushdie Attack By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 18 2022

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Syria Suffers Under US Military Occupation By Steven Sahiounie, August 18 2022

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Assata Shakur, Black Liberation Struggles and the Cuban Revolution By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 18 2022

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Unspoken History: Early Fighting in World War I. France’s “Continental War Plan” Titled Plan XVII By Shane Quinn, August 18 2022

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Family Members of 9/11 Victims Tell Biden to Return Frozen Funds to Afghans By Dave DeCamp, August 18 2022

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Filipino Vice-Presidential Candidate Arrested Just Days After Secretary of State Antony Blinken Traveled to the Philippines To Pledge Greater U.S. Military Support By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 18 2022

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Video: A Review of What Occurred in Israel Since the Onset of the Corona Crisis By Corona Investigative Committee, August 18 2022

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