Global Research News

German Domestic Intelligence Is Running Hundreds of Fake Right-wing Extremist Social Media Accounts By John Cody, September 21 2022

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State Department Stops Publishing Military Expenditures, Arms Transfer Report By Dave DeCamp, September 21 2022

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India’s Gaffe at Samarkand By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 21 2022

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The Global ‘Green Energy’ Push Is Causing Fertilizer Shortages and Threatening the Human Food Supply By Natalie Winters, September 21 2022

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How Billionaires Become Billionaires By Prof. James Petras, September 21 2022
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. One of the most likely sources of billionaire wealth is through tax evasion in all of its guises and forms.
Jackson Water Crisis Reflective of National Pattern in Urban Racism By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 21 2022

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More Disinformation From Israel. Biden Caves to Jewish Pressure, As Usual. By Philip Giraldi, September 21 2022

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Pakistan High Court Drops ‘Terrorism’ Charges Against Ex-PM Imran Khan By The Cradle, September 21 2022

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Cleaning Up Our Own Backyard: Racism, Speciesism and the Environmental Crises By Fanny Olsthoorn, September 21 2022

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Climate Change Skepticism Categorized as a Mental Disorder: Australian Study By James Murphy, September 20 2022

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The Shelling of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Takes Ukraine Side, Making UN Secretary-General Guterres Either a Liar or a Fool By John Helmer, September 20 2022

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Dr. Paul Offit, One of the World’s Most Respected Vaccine Experts, Is Now Officially an Anti-vaxxer! By Steve Kirsch, September 20 2022

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Latest COVID Shots Sold as Genetic Software Update. “Recharge Your Immunity” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 20 2022

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School Shutdowns Leave Children Behind By Rep. Ron Paul, September 20 2022

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Many Reasons Why Price Cap on Russian Oil Exports Cannot Work By Prof. Shirin Akhter and Prof. C. Saratchand, September 20 2022

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Putin: Terrorists Near Russian Nuclear Power Plants By Ray McGovern, September 20 2022

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Guantanamo: The White House Is Making a Quiet Effort at Closing America’s Infamous Torture Prison By Kyle Anzalone, September 20 2022

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Law of Neutrality: Just When Is a State a Belligerent in a War? By Michael Doliner, September 20 2022

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The Netherlands: Government Sponsored Behavioral Control and Social Engineering Experiments By Elze van Hamelen, September 20 2022

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Opening Boxes from 2019. Annals of Corruption: Objects from a Vanished World Reveal Rotten Institutions. Naomi Wolf By Dr. Naomi Wolf, September 20 2022

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United Nations, Democracy and Terrorism By Stephen Sefton, September 20 2022

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“I Do Not Think I Know”: Scott Morrison’s Submarine Deception By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20 2022
Dutch Farmers Resisting the Toxic Transition By Colin Todhunter, September 20 2022

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Back Door Proliferation: The IAEA, AUKUS and Nuclear Submarine Technology By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 19 2022

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The Money Economy Is Not the Real Economy: “The Global Banking and Financial System is Fatally Flawed” By Thomas H. Greco, Jr., September 19 2022

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Video: Medical Journals and Agencies Are Controlled by Big Pharma. Dissenting Opinions Will be Attacked. Corona Investigative Committee with Dr. Pierre Kory By Dr. Pierre Kory and Corona Investigative Committee, September 19 2022

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“Nagorno-Karabakh is not the property of the elected elite to be surrendered.” Interview with Abraham Gasparyan By Dr. Abraham Gasparyan and Steven Sahiounie, September 19 2022

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Queen Elizabeth Declined to Visit Israel Due to Its Violation of Human Rights By Hans Stehling, September 19 2022

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US Launched 251 Military Interventions Since 1991, and 469 Since 1798 By Ben Norton, September 19 2022

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Germany Seizes Russian Oil Firm Rosneft’s Refineries By Al-Jazeera, September 19 2022

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Colombia’s Quiet Revolution By Asad Ismi, September 19 2022

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COVID Vaccinations Now Prohibited in People Under 50 in Denmark By Ethan Huff, September 19 2022

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Russia Won’t Congratulate CIA on Its Diamond Jubilee By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 19 2022

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Biden Declares COVID Pandemic Is “Over” By Paul Joseph Watson, September 19 2022

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Mindspace – A Guide to Behavioral Manipulation By Elze van Hamelen, September 19 2022

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Documentary: “Obesity and Corporate Greed” By DW, September 19 2022

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Cool Observation of Mass Hysteria. Craig Murray By Craig Murray, September 19 2022

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CDC Reports 5,300 Errors in Vaccine Doses Given to Kids, as Latest VAERS Data Show 155 Reports of Deaths in Children 6 Months to 17 Years Old By Megan Redshaw, September 19 2022

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What Roles Do Psychologists and Sociologists Play in the COVID-19 Narrative? By Prof. Bill Willers, September 19 2022

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Corona Sleepwalkers Swallow Whatever the Authorities Tell Them By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, September 19 2022

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The Queen and Her Legacy: 21st Century Britain Has Never Looked So Medieval By Jonathan Cook, September 19 2022

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Die Linke Lawmaker: Russia Sanctions Causing ‘Social and Economic Catastrophe’ in Germany By People’s World, September 19 2022

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Chinese Factory Produces Thousands of British Flags After Queen’s Death By AP, September 19 2022

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When Zelensky Entourage Depicts Nazism, Photos Vanish Into Thin Air By Al Mayadeen, September 19 2022

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Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine By Michael Nevradakis, September 19 2022

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The Military-Industrial Complex Offensive By Manlio Dinucci, September 19 2022

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Assange Awarded the ‘Keys’ to Mexico City in Recognition for Uncovering the Truth By Morning Star, September 19 2022

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Laval University Professor Suspended for Child COVID Vaccination Criticism Faces New Disciplinary Threat By Noé Chartier, September 19 2022

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Video: The Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice. Reiner Fuellmich and Michael Swinwood By Reiner Fuellmich, Michael Swinwood, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18 2022

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Dangerous Crossroads: America’s Plan to Wage Nuclear War against Non-Nuclear States By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18 2022

First published on September 9, 2022


The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads. 

Nuclear war threatens the future of humanity. We are no longer dealing with a hypothetical scenario. The threat of World War III is real.  

Successive US 

Young Doctors in Canada Are Dying at Rate 23x Normal After the Second Booster By Steve Kirsch, September 18 2022

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Video: “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda”: The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 18 2022

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Video: Reiner Füllmich and 50 Lawyers: “Different Batches” and “Lethal Doses”, ”The Vaccines Are Designed to Kill” By Reiner Fuellmich and Perspektiv, September 18 2022

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Land Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as ‘Feeding the World’ By Colin Todhunter, September 18 2022

Incisive article by Colin Todhunter first published on Global Research on November 30, 2020.

See section below pointing to Western agri-business control over Ukraine agriculture: “the toppling of Ukraine’s government in early 2014 paved the way for foreign investors and

The Coming Food Apocalypse, and the Global Attempt at a Take-Over By Michael Welch and Kit Knightly, September 17 2022

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COVID as a “Political Gift”? Stillborn from COVID-injected Mothers, Heart Attacks in Children… By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 17 2022

In the course of the rigged presidential election of 2020 Jane Fonda declared “COVID is God’s Gift to the Left.” See this.

Will Jane Fonda’s “Left” own God’s Gift of COVID now that there is so much news associating

Forcing an Experimental Gene Therapy on Everyone: Do Authoritarians ‘Care’ About You? By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 17 2022

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Planet Royal: “The Royal family are the galvanising force of colonialism” By Megan Sherman, September 17 2022

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The High-Speed Bivalent COVID Boosters Are Here By Dr. Meryl Nass, September 17 2022

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Video: The Covid-19 “Killer Vaccine”, Devastating Social and Economic Impacts of the Lockdown. Join Hands and Break “The Covid Consensus” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux, September 17 2022

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The COVID-19 Power Grab: “Our Governments are Working to Harm Us” By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 16 2022

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Colombia and Venezuela Announce Reopening of Border By Peoples Dispatch, September 16 2022

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Trust in the Feelings of Solidarity of Fellow Human Beings in the Face of “The Demons of Human History” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 16 2022

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Massive Human Rights Abuses in America’s Prison System By Lauren Smith, September 16 2022

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US Pledges New $600 Million Weapons Package for Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, September 16 2022

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Apartheid Israel Requires Palestinians to Report “Romantic Relationships” to Regime By Ben Norton, September 16 2022

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Experts: Some Cancers Have Exploded by 1,000% Since the Release of COVID “Vaccines” By Ethan Huff, September 16 2022

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Trilogy of Disaster – The Global Reset on Display By Peter Koenig, September 16 2022

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Hollywood’s New Captain America Film that Will Reintroduce Sabra, Marvel’s Israeli Superhero and Mossad Agent By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 16 2022

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Video: Worldwide COVID-19 Shots, Genocide: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Stew Peters By Reiner Fuellmich and Stew Peters, September 16 2022

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Ukraine Sliding Into a Real War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 16 2022

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Eyewitness: Human Toll of Eight-Year Ukrainian Army Onslaught in Eastern Ukraine is Shocking By John Parker, September 16 2022

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Overthrow the Government: All the Ways in Which Our Rights Have Been Usurped By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, September 16 2022

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Asia’s Future Takes Shape in Vladivostok, the Russian Pacific By Pepe Escobar, September 16 2022
India-China Border Dispute: Big Picture of Disengagement in Ladakh By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 16 2022
Falling FX Reserves Herald Asia Financial Crisis 2.0 By William Pesek, September 16 2022
Denmark Bars COVID Vaccines for Almost Everyone Under Age 50 By Jim Hoft, September 16 2022

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Collusion Between Government and “Big Tech” To Suppress Free Speech: Illegal Censorship of Stories involving Covid Jab Refusal By Dr. Joseph Mercola, September 15 2022

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ISIS Rises from the Dust in the Syrian Desert. A Surge of Violence and Terror By Ahmad Al Khaled, September 15 2022

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Catholic School Board Warns Ontario Parents About Children Dying From Cardiac Arrest By Kennedy Hall, September 15 2022

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