Global Research News

Southeast Asia Chooses to Work with China, What Will Happen Next? By Brian Berletic and Li Jingjing, November 22 2022
A World Ever More Dystopian. Klaus Schwab’s – WEF – Full Speech at G20 / B20 in Bali, Indonesia By Peter Koenig, November 22 2022

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The Covid-19 “Co-Conspiracy”: The Hidden Face of US-China Relations By Emanuel Pastreich and Joshua Jadwin, November 22 2022

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The New World War of the West. “Weapons of Mass Distraction” By Manlio Dinucci, November 22 2022

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“JFK: Destiny Betrayed” Leaves No Doubt That JFK Was Assassinated as Part of CIA Coup By John Potash, November 22 2022

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“The Assassination and Mrs. Paine”. The Last Link to the Murder of JFK. Review and Analysis by Edward Curtin By Edward Curtin, November 22 2022

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China’s Stated Desire for Military Talks with the US Signals Its Interest in a “New Détente” By Andrew Korybko, November 21 2022

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Biden Travels East in Clouds of Mistrust. Joe Biden Meets Xi Jinping. “Not to Seek a New Cold War” By Dee Knight, November 21 2022

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Lavrov Outlined the Priorities for Russian Regions’ International Economic Outreaches By Andrew Korybko, November 21 2022

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Armageddon in the Holy Land? Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Program, Mordechai Vanunu, and the Coming War on Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 21 2022

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Scotland’s Government Is Rolling Out a ‘Digital ID’ Platform, to be Connected to Social Security, NHS Health Services and Experian Credit Scoring Company By Sikh for Truth, November 21 2022

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France Exposed – Exploitation of West and Central Africa Continues Way Beyond Colonial Times By Peter Koenig, November 21 2022

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Leonard Cohen in Joy and Sorrow: “Hallelujah” By Edward Curtin, November 21 2022

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The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury. “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations” By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 21 2022

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Canadian Bank Launches Credit Card Linked to Carbon Emissions By Paul Joseph Watson, November 21 2022

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Video: New Zealand and the World: “No-jab, no-job policy kicked in and irretrievably changed our lives and our country” By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, November 21 2022

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New US B61-12 Nuclear Bombs Deployed in Europe: What Will Russia Do? “Much Worse than the Cold War” By Vladimir Kozin and PANGEA, November 21 2022

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Fedcoin: It Starts with a Trial Run By Robert Aro, November 21 2022

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War on Cash: New York Fed Launches “Digital Dollar” Pilot Program By Michael Maharrey, November 21 2022

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Why Is AP Still Protecting the Source Behind Its False Russia-Bombed-Poland Story? By Sam Husseini, November 21 2022

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The Polish Missile Incident Was a Close Brush with Nuclear Annihilation By Scott Ritter, November 21 2022

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Unregulated Digital Cryptocurrencies Versus Regulated National Currencies: Is There a Danger? By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, November 21 2022

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First published on May …

Ginger Sufferings: FIFA President Gianni Infantino’s Sportswashing Performance By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 21 2022

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VIDEO: Guerra entre China y EEUU By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 21 2022
The Never Ending Suppression of the Truth: Feds Sued for Withholding Records on JFK Assassination on November 22 1963 By Natalie Hanson, November 21 2022

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Science Journal Recognizes the Reality of COVID Censorship By Peter Biles, November 21 2022

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Too Little Too Late? Pfizer, Moderna to Study Long-Term Risk of Myocarditis After COVID Vaccines By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, November 21 2022

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Scientists Speak Out Against WHO Draft Guidelines for PFAS in Drinking Water By Shannon Kelleher, November 21 2022

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They Will Lock You Down Again By Jeffrey A. Tucker, November 21 2022

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“This Is Unprecedented”: Enron Liquidator Overseeing FTX Bankruptcy Speechless: “I Have Never Seen Anything Like This” By Zero Hedge, November 21 2022

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FAA Has Documented 100+ Incidents of Potential 5G Aviation Interference By B.N. Frank, November 21 2022

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Which Populations Feel Their Country Is on the Wrong Track? By Chris Dickert, November 21 2022

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CBDC: How COVID Became the Path to Global Financial Surveillance By Joshua Stylman, November 21 2022

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Were the 9/11 Aircraft Electronically Hijacked and Remotely Controlled? By Dan Hanley, November 20 2022

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“Veritocracy”: Casting a Mould for “Enlightened Governance”? By Julian Rose, November 20 2022

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It Took 64 Years for the U.S. Government to Admit to Its 1953 Coup that Grabbed Iran By Eric Zuesse, November 20 2022

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Video: 90 Sudden or Unexpected Canadian Doctor Deaths: Dr. William Markis Interview By William Markis, November 20 2022

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Maligned in Western Media, Donbass Forces Are Defending Their Future from Ukrainian Shelling and Fascism By Eva Bartlett, November 20 2022

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Thuggish Ways: Mike Pompeo, Punishing Leakers and Getting Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 20 2022

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Video: Ukraine’s Undeclared War Against NATO By South Front, November 20 2022

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Istanbul Terror Attack May Prompt Turkish Invasion and Deportations By Steven Sahiounie, November 20 2022

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Deadly Games: The Labour Casualties of Qatar’s FIFA World Cup By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 20 2022

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Twitter Users: A Choice for Elon Musk: Principles or Profit? Losing Money or Losing Face By Kim Petersen, November 20 2022

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The US-China Power Struggle, Two Decades of CIA Interference in Tibet By Shane Quinn, November 20 2022

Of relevance to the crisis in US-China relations, we bring to the attention of our readers this incisive historical analysis of CIA interference in Tibet by Shawn Quinn,  first published in January 2020


America’s position as the world’s

Coercive Mind Control and Brainwashing Tactics By Dr. Margaret Singer, November 20 2022

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Euthanasia and the Pandemic: Were “the Elderly… Being Killed in Hospitals, Care Homes, and Hospices” During the Pandemic? By Mike Whitney, November 20 2022

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First published on …

Video:. There is No “Alliance”, There is “Military Occupation” of both Western and Eastern Europe. The Solution is “NATO-EXIT” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 20 2022

First published by Global Research on April 4, 2019

70 years ago NATO was born. In April 1949, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established what was designated as the doctrine of “Collective Security” under Art. 5 of the Washington

Climate Change
Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change By Prof. Robert M. Carter, November 19 2022

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When Green Turns Brown – And Nobody Notices By Peter Koenig, November 19 2022

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Eight Years on from Malaysia Airlines MH17 Destruction: A Clear Lack of Evidence that Moscow Was Behind It By Shane Quinn, November 18 2022
The fighting that erupted in the east of Ukraine can be traced to a US-instituted coup d'état of February 2014 – confirmed by president Obama on CNN when he confided that Washington had “brokered a deal to transition power” in the country, forcing Viktor Yanukovych from office.
Is Your Body the Legal Property of Big Pharma? By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Whitney Webb, November 18 2022

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Israel’s Right Wing Religious Coalition Seeks to Annex West Bank Settlements By Ibrahim Husseini, November 18 2022

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US Expanding Its Military Presence in Syria By Free West Media, November 18 2022

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Poland WWIII Scare Shows Why Top US General Wants Peace By Douglas Macgregor and Aaron Mate, November 18 2022

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Signs of Diplomacy in Ukraine? Finding a Faint Pulse By Ted Snider, November 18 2022

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G20 Summit Closes Civic Space on Freedom of Speech By Jenny Tuazon, November 18 2022

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US Aid to Ukraine Invested in Corrupt Crypto FTX Scheme. “Instead of using funds to fight Russia, the money was invested in the FTX Ponzi scheme” By Free West Media, November 18 2022

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Saudi Arabia Signs $30 Billion Cooperation Agreement with South Korea By The Cradle, November 18 2022

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Crypto Fraud Exposes Woke Capitalism as a Scam By Michael Shellenberger, November 18 2022

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US FDA Willfully Blind on the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccination By Dr. Peter McCullough, November 18 2022

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Peru President Pedro Castillo Threatened by Attempts to Stage Right-wing Coup By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 18 2022

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The Rising Dollar Is Bringing the World Closer to Recession By Uriel Araujo, November 18 2022

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The “Informal Russia India Iran Troika” on Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, November 18 2022

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US-Dollar Dominance vs. China’s Yuan as an International Trading Currency By Peter Koenig and Global Times, November 18 2022

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From the History of Global Politics and International Relations: The Clausewitzian Viewpoint of War By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, November 18 2022

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Wars Tend to Bury Facts: The Polish Missile Narrative By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18 2022

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Terrifying Vision of a “Digital Gulag”: G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and ‘Digital Health’ Identity Scheme By Tom Ozimek, November 18 2022

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Regime Change in Iran: Gulf of Oman False Flag, Following the 2019 Script? By Gavin OReilly, November 18 2022

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48,817 Dead and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions By Brian Shilhavy, November 18 2022

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1 in 5 Young Adults Dies from Excessive Alcohol Consumption. Alcohol Intake Skyrocketed During Pandemic By Dr. Joseph Mercola, November 18 2022

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Governor DeSantis, Ban the Covid mRNA Jab! By Dr. Joseph Sansone, November 17 2022

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The War in Ukraine, Geopolitical Forecast. The Kremlin’s “Indecision” “The War Will Continue to Widen”: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and GEOFOR, November 17 2022

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The US Hinted that It Might Sanction Ethiopia on Human Rights and Military Pretexts By Andrew Korybko, November 17 2022

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The Church of Humanitarian Intervention Threatens the Survival of Our Species. The Destruction of Russia and China on the Drawing Board of the Pentagon By David Penner, November 17 2022

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Misinformation: AP Admits Erroneously Reporting Russian Attack on Poland By John Leake, November 17 2022

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Google Is Sued for Auto-installing COVID “Spyware” on People’s Phones By Didi Rankovic, November 17 2022

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The “Fact Check” Scam. Who Checks the “Fact Checkers?” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 17 2022

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Privacy Woes: Google’s “Location History” Settlement By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 17 2022

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Climate Change Hysteria and the Extinction Rebellion. Extinction Rebellion Activists Have Worn Out Their Welcome and the Public Is Angry By Zero Hedge, November 17 2022

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The FBI and “Zero-Click”. Surveillance Software Called Pegasus By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, November 17 2022

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