Global Research News

Financial Warfare, 25 Years Ago: The Recolonization of Korea. Seoul Black Monday, 1997. IMF Intervention in Korea By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 17 2022
Kim Dae jung, a former dissident, political prisoner and starch opponent of the US backed military regimes had caved in to Wall Street. Washington had demanded in no uncertain terms that all three candidates in the presidential race commit themselves to adopting the IMF programme.
America’s “Long War” against the Korean Nation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 17 2022

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‘Disability Culture’ and the Allure of Victimhood By Ben Bartee, December 16 2022

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White House Summit with African Leaders Result in More Promises By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 16 2022

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Space Debris Expert: Orbits Will be Lost—and People Will Die—Later this Decade By Eric Berger, December 16 2022

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The Pentagon Budget Normalizes War By Robert C. Koehler, December 16 2022

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“Israeli Exceptionalism” Is a Canadian Value that Forgives Apartheid Israel All Its Crimes By Khaled Mouammar, December 16 2022

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Putin’s Conundrum By Mike Whitney, December 16 2022

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People Died from mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German Study Provides Direct Evidence By Dr. Jennifer Margulis and Dr. Joe Wang, December 16 2022

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Putin Attempting to Prevent a Repeat of the Clinton-Yeltsin Destruction of Russia By Kurt Nimmo, December 16 2022

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UK Marines Conducted Covert Ops in Ukraine, General Claims By Will Porter, December 16 2022

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Is Russian Restraint Averting the Risk of Nuclear War – or Inviting It? By James George Jatras, December 16 2022

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Taking ‘Peace’ Out of the Nobel Peace Prize By Fredrik S. Heffermehl, December 16 2022

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The Activities of Far-right Death Squads in Interwar Germany By Shane Quinn, December 16 2022

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The Inflation Hoax By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 16 2022

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Patriot Missiles in Ukraine – NATO’s Bluff or Real Escalation? By Drago Bosnic, December 16 2022

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US Sanctions Are Killing Syrians and Are a Human Rights Violation By Steven Sahiounie, December 16 2022

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Existential Threat to Israel from Russian-Iranian Alliance By Hans Stehling, December 16 2022

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The Climate Farce and More By Peter Koenig and Daniel Estulin, December 16 2022

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This Is Britain’s War. “The Drive for Nuclear War” By Gretchen Small, December 16 2022

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“Recycled Food”: Black Market in Broad Daylight By Lauren Smith, December 16 2022

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Finland’s NBI Suspects Arms Sent to Ukraine Might be in Criminal Hands By Yle Uutiset, December 16 2022

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Why Putin Says Russia Could Adopt US-style Preemptive Strike Doctrine By Drago Bosnic, December 16 2022

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White House Flips Out After Musk Says Fauci-Funded Research “Killed Millions” By Zero Hedge, December 16 2022

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Cambridge University’s Course for Spooks By Mark Curtis, December 16 2022

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European Values: French General Suggests Bombing Russian Victory Parade By Kurt Nimmo, December 16 2022

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The Chains of the “Free Market”. The Prices of Petrol Continue to Rise By Manlio Dinucci, December 16 2022

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Zelensky Abolishes Court in Ukraine Prosecuting Neo-Nazism By Ahmed Adel, December 15 2022

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Another Political Framework Signed in Sudan By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 15 2022

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The World’s Largest Arms-Producing Companies By Martin Armstrong, December 15 2022

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COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries. U.S. Senator Johnson’s Roundtable By Senator Ron Johnson, December 15 2022

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FDA Records Show Significant Number of mRNA Test Rats Born with Skeletal Deformations By Judicial Watch, December 15 2022

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Sleeping with the Enemy? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 14 2022
Sucking the Qatar Emirate into becoming a “Major Non-Nato Ally” and “Friend of America” is intent upon eventually appropriating and/or exerting control through military means, corruption, regime change or otherwise over: THE LARGEST MARITIME GAS RESERVES ON THE PLANET.
Israeli Election Results Shatter Illusion About the Possibility of a Two Party State By John Kiriakou, December 14 2022

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You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, December 14 2022

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Protests Spread in Peru Demanding President Pedro Castillo be Reinstated By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 14 2022

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A Peek at Russia’s Response to the G7 Oil Price Cap By Tsvetana Paraskova, December 14 2022

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If They Get the Opportunity, They Will Transform Our Society Into a Dystopian Hellscape By Michael Snyder, December 14 2022

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‘Challenge the U.S. Justifications for This War’ By John Parker, December 14 2022

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Germany and Peru Coup Attempts? WEF Engineered False Flags? By Peter Koenig, December 14 2022

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The Globalists’ Secret Tool to Undermine National Sovereignty: The Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) By Ben Bartee, December 13 2022

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The US Unveils Its New Bomber but the Real Future Is Next Door By Miriam Pemberton, December 13 2022

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How to Trash a Movie in Support of a Lie By Philip Giraldi, December 13 2022

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Giving Young Kids Smartphones or Tablets to Calm Them Down Can Stunt Emotional Development By Study Finds, December 13 2022

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Escalating Crisis in Kosovo By Drago Bosnic, December 13 2022

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Rapprochement Between Superpowers? Towards A US-China “New Détente”? By Andrew Korybko, December 13 2022

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US-NATO is at War with Russia? Military Experts By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 13 2022

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New Study Details Coca-Cola’s Big Influence on Public Health Organizations, Conferences and Events By Brian Bienkowski, December 13 2022

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Conservative Risk Benefit Analyses Decide Against COVID-19 Vaccination By Dr. Peter McCullough, December 13 2022

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Drone Attacks on Russian Airbases: A Major Escalation in the War Authored in Washington By Chris Marsden, December 13 2022

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BABY-CIDE Jabs: Dr. Cole Receiving Placentas from COVID-jabbed Women That Are Inflamed, Calcified and Full of Spike Proteins By Ethan Huff, December 13 2022

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UN: More Than 11,000 Children Killed or Maimed in Yemen War By Middle East Monitor, December 13 2022

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British Empire Killed 165 Million Indians in 40 Years: How Colonialism Inspired Fascism By Ben Norton, December 13 2022

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The Mother of All Economic Crises By Rep. Ron Paul, December 13 2022

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Putin Shrugs-Off Washington’s Provocations and ‘Sticks to Business’ By Mike Whitney, December 13 2022

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Peruvian President Pedro Castillo Ousted and Jailed in Political Coup By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 13 2022

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“Violence will escalate as long as extremists are allied to Netanyahu”: Interview with Tawfieq Toameh By Tawfieq Toameh and Steven Sahiounie, December 13 2022

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Did Baby Will of New Zealand Receive Blood from the Unjabbed After All? By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, December 13 2022

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US-Africa Leaders Summit: Biden to Announce Support for African Union’s Admission to G20? By Kester Kenn Klomegah, December 13 2022

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Execution of a Protester Intensifies Opposition to Clerical Rule in Iran By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, December 12 2022

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The 2002 Bush Junior Doctrine and the Pandora Box of “Preemptive Warfare” By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, December 12 2022

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A Hair Trigger on Endgame By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 12 2022

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A Looming Elephant in the Room: Inflation By Connor Vasile, December 12 2022

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Ukrainian Forces Continue Shelling Donetsk By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 12 2022

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Defense Bill Includes Massive Military Land Grab in Nevada By Center For Biological Diversity, December 12 2022

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Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism By André Marques, December 12 2022

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Almost a Third of Wildlife Species at Risk of Extinction By Center For Biological Diversity, December 12 2022

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Global Central Banks Racing to Implement Digital Currencies as Cities Convert to ‘Smart’ Infrastructure By Leo Hohmann, December 12 2022

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End the U.S. Empire! By Eric Zuesse, December 12 2022

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15-Minute City Insanity Is Only ‘Climate Change’ Lockdown Madness By Gary D. Barnett, December 12 2022

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New Autopsy Report Reveals Those Who Died Suddenly Were Likely Killed by the COVID Vaccine By Will Jones, December 12 2022

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“Inside the COVID-19 Global Coup d’état” By Emanuel Pastreich and Hrvoje Morić, December 12 2022

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EU Chooses Digital ID Contractor Associated with the UK’s COVID Trace System By Didi Rankovic, December 12 2022

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How WikiLeaks Revolutionised the World of Journalism By Eresh Omar Jamal, December 12 2022

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Video: On Destroying Our Health System and Big Pharma Capture By Dr. Emanuel Garcia and Maajid Nawaz, December 12 2022

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Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 12 2022

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Israel Strikes Southern Syria, Drops Threatening Leaflets By Dave DeCamp, December 12 2022

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All Korean Tanks to be Deployed in North-eastern Poland Says MoD By Polish Press Agency, December 12 2022

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Record US Military Budget Prepares for “Future Conflict with China” By Andre Damon, December 12 2022

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Eighteen Years Ago: Journalist Gary Webb Was Murdered After Exposing CIA Drug Trafficking By Jeremy Kuzmarov, December 12 2022

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