New Book Investigates the Trudeau Government Response to the Freedom Convoy, by Using the Emergencies Act


Canadians who followed the Freedom Convoy and the government resorting to the Emergencies Act will be very interested to read this new book by Ray McGinnis, who has followed this story closely and went to Ottawa to observe the charade known as the Emergencies Act Inquiry.

Mr. McGinnis can be contacted for interviews via myself, at [email protected].









Unjustified: The Freedom Convoy, The Emergencies Act, And The Inquiry That Got It Wrong

by Ray McGinnis

Publisher: ‎Frontier Centre for Public Policy (Sept. 17 2024)

Paperback: ‎222 pages

ISBN-10: ‎1998365026


In January 2022, protesters travelled to Ottawa seeking to debate the Canadian government’s pandemic measures that had caused widespread bankruptcies, suicides, domestic abuse, addictions, and overdoses. They challenged the alarmist depiction of the virus as a clear and present danger to all. Media and politicians smeared the protesters as insurrectionists, homophobes, Nazis, anti-vaxxers, and arsonists. But was any of this true?

In Unjustified, Ray McGinnis examines testimony at the PublicOrder Emergency Commission that confirms the protesters were never dangerous as depicted. He chronicles court cases unfolding since the protests that raise questions about our judicial system, and details a recent federal court ruling that concluded the Emergencies Act invocation was unconstitutional and illegal. Unjustified is a call to readers to revisit assumptions about what happened at the Freedom Convoy. McGinnis invites us to question who benefits when media narratives are scaring us to death, and what is the cost to our democracy?


“Often, when momentous national events of questionable motivation occur, people simply want a down-to-earth common-sense assessment. Just give me the facts. In today’s world, objective[CE1]  facts are hard to come by as society spirals toward a totalitarian, hazy moral future.

Enter Ray McGinnis to the rescue. In a fast-paced yet methodical manner, Ray sifts through the political spin and facts and exposes the falsity of the Canadian federal government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to quell a fictitious national emergency supposedly created by a peaceful truckers’ protest. Along the way, he astutely implies and describes how the public were duped and science and our Constitution were hijacked by the high priests of leadership in government, health research and policy, big tech, and big media.

Ray’s credibility is enhanced by his own experience of being at the beginning on the ‘other side,’ and that he had already written a book on the 9/11 Commission Report entitled ‘Unanswered Questions.’

This book is a valuable contribution to the truth, hopefully assisting in restoring Canada’s democracy.”

Honourable A. Brian Peckford P.C., last living first minister who signed The Patriation Agreement, the basis of The Constitution Act 1982, which includes The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

“McGinnis has crafted the ultimate expose on the West’s campaign against dissent. With careful reporting, he blows up the false propaganda narrative that the trucker convoy was dangerous. But he also reveals a whitewash clean-up by the POEC on behalf of the government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act against peaceful protestors.”

Trish Wood, an award-winning investigative journalist with CBC’s The Fifth Estate and As It Happens, author of a critically acclaimed book on the Iraq War, and host of the podcast Trish Wood Is Critical.  

“I first met Ray in Ottawa during the POEC. We spoke at length about the things we had heard during the testimony, compared to what really happened during the Freedom Convoy. I’ve been following Ray’s work and sharing it on all of my social media. He has consistently captured the truth with an in-depth comparison of those in the federal government apparatus, who have painted a very different picture of the actual reality that happened on the ground in Ottawa last year. Ray’s work serves as a historical record of the catastrophic thinking of government officials, who from the very beginning of the Convoy aimed to demonize Canadians. The Convoy was filled by ordinary Canadians who only wanted to peacefully assemble and have their objections counted in a way envisioned by the Constitution and as members of a law-abiding citizenry.”

Tom Marazzo was a Freedom Convoy volunteer in daily contact with the Ottawa Police Service Police Liaison Teams during the protest. He testified at the POEC. His forthcoming book is The People’s Emergency Act: The Freedom Convoy

“Ray brilliantly illustrates how ordinary Canadians went to Ottawa to hold their government to account because the institutions designed to protect them, including the mainstream media, failed them. He further provides many examples where the government did everything in its power to divide, vilify, and crush its own citizens rather than speaking with them. He leaves the reader with many important questions that need to be answered about the strength of our democracy. He still has me questioning, ‘When did the government become so afraid of its own citizens?’”

Eva Chipiuk is a Canadian civil liberties lawyer who represented a number of the lead Freedom Convoy participants in Ottawa and at the Public Order Emergency Commission, where she cross-examined Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 

“Ray McGinnis has done a great service in documenting the truth about the Canadian trucker’s convoy and Trudeau’s unjustified invocation of the Emergencies Act to forcefully suppress it. The picture that emerges from his careful analysis of the facts bears little resemblance to the propaganda deployed to vilify the truckers’ protest. This peaceful protest continued for weeks without a single violent incident. That is, until Canadian police roughed up some of the truckers in Ottawa when Trudeau sent in his shock troops to force the truckers out of the city. Corporatist and statist Canadian media labored to vilify the truckers, slandering them as at worst neo-Nazis and at best the unwashed refuse of society. The reality on the ground, as McGinnis documents here, belied these libelous smears. Even as authoritarian police confiscated fuel that the truckers were using to stay warm at night, the protestors’ responses remained uniformly nonviolent.

The protestors and their allies showed exceptional fortitude and restraint in response to the massive state and corporate powers arrayed against them. Unwilling to face the truckers himself and meet with his own aggrieved citizens, Prime Minister Trudeau invoked the Emergency Act for the first time in Canadian history. Armed thereby with unprecedented powers, he sent in police to forcibly remove the truckers from the city. In a move of astonishing hubris and overweening authoritarian control, without a court order Trudeau also froze the bank accounts of the protestors, and even of Canadians who donated money to the convoy.  Private banking and investment firms complied with this directive, not grudgingly but eagerly, turning on their own clients to do the government’s bidding and rid society of these “unclean” elements.

The true story of what happened to the truckers should not be forgotten. McGinnis’ Unjustified sets the record straight on an event that was of extraordinary importance not only for Canada but for the entire world. I warmly recommend this book to all who care about the protection of our civil liberties from authoritarian encroachments.”

Aaron Kheriaty, MD, Fellow and Director, Bioethics and American Democracy Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC. He formerly taught psychiatry at the UCI School of Medicine, was the director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health, and was the chairman of the ethics committee at the California Department of State Hospitals. He is the author of The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State

“20 years from now, when we look back on this moment in history, we will wish that more people wrote about what they were seeing, not just the facts of government collusion, institutional corruption, and our deep culture of silence, but how those things translated into our lived experiences as citizens, spouses, parents, and friends. Unjustified makes a valuable contribution to the record of events related to the Freedom Convoy. By offering a day-by-day, blow-by-blow account of the events of a month in 2022 that refused to be ignored, McGinnis brings to life the indomitable truth that freedom might be able to be suppressed for a while but there will always be people who are willing hold it in their hearts until the world is ready to listen.”

Julie Ponesse, PhD, is the author of My Choice: The Ethical Case Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates. For 20 years was a professor of ethics at Huron University College. She was placed on leave and banned from accessing her campus due to the vaccine mandate.

“Ray McGinnis was not convinced by the legacy media portrayal of the Trucker Convoy as a sinister crusade by seditious, ignorant racists. Disturbed by the inflammatory rhetoric, McGinnis made the decision to travel from his home in Vancouver to attend the November 2022 hearings of the Public Order Emergency Commission in person. McGinnis has written a comprehensive synopsis of the Commission hearings. In particular, he shines a spotlight on the testimony of the government agents responsible for intelligence gathering and public security during the weeks of the Convoy. That testimony, by the Ottawa Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, RCMP, Canada Border Services Agency, and Canadian Security Intelligence Service[CE7] [RM8] , corresponded to the experience of so many of us who were present in Ottawa in those days. The representation of the Convoy by politicians and journalists as violent and dangerous bore no resemblance to the reality on the ground.”

Anna Farrow is a columnist-correspondent for The Catholic Register. She has written for the C2C Journal and several other publications, including Catholic World Report and Convivium magazine. 

“The confrontation between the Freedom Convoy and Canadian authorities in 2022 is a seminal event in the Covid-biosecurity regime saga. Powerfully and intelligently, McGinnis details the smears and the lies leveled at the protesters, the antidemocratic and disingenuous stance of the authorities, and the whitewashing of the Canadian government during the follow-up inquiry. Always rigorous and carefully argued, and always empathetic toward the people involved in these tumultuous events, McGinnis’ Unjustified tells the compelling story of what happens when democracy fails and the people rise. An essential contribution to the historical record and a warning as to where our democracies are heading.”

Dr. Piers Robinson, Organisation for Propaganda Studies, is lead author of Pockets of Resistance: British News Media, War and Theory in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq.

“During the pandemic, politicians around the world saw an opportunity to turn a legitimate public health emergency into an abuse of political power. Nowhere was this more evident than in Canada, where the Trudeau Government decided to stigmatize the Canadian Trucker Convoy. A spontaneous movement whose members protested forced vaccinations and violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms … McGinnis’s work during the pandemic is vital to bring to public attention the lies that were being told in Canada under the guise of media cover, the abuse of political power, the consequence of catastrophizing in politics, and the subsequent farce that was the Public Order Emergency Commission.”

Hügo Krüger is a structural nuclear engineer who has worked on nuclear, oil and gas, and renewable energy infrastructure projects. A Paris-based writer and YouTube podcaster, Hügo comments and interviews guests about engineering, energy, climate, propaganda, and geopolitics. His writing has appeared in RapportNewsweekUnherdSpikedQuilette, and Rational Standard

“If you’re looking for an authoritative account of the Freedom Convoy protest, and what the testimony at the Public Order Emergency Commission revealed regarding the government’s flawed justification for invoking the Emergencies Act, you’ve found it!”

Keith Wilson is an Alberta litigator who deals with cases involving land, the environment, oil and gas, water, compensation, and constitutional law. He testified before the Public Order Emergencies Commission and was part of the Freedom Corp. legal team at the inquiry. 

This brilliantly researched analysis of the propaganda surrounding the 2022 trucker freedom convoy shows how badly Canadians were misled by the bullying and cover-ups of the Trudeau administration.

When, in the depths of their January winter, Canadians lined the country’s major national highway to cheer on the beleaguered truck drivers who had been subjected to singularly punitive Covid-19 mandates, “the mainstream media told Canadians the protesters were white supremacist, Nazi, insurrectionists and hillbillies. Politicians claimed the protesters were converging in Ottawa to overthrow the government. The CBC told its viewers that “Russian actors” were instigating the protest.”

When the trucks arrived in Ottawa, the federal government, instead of rising to the occasion and negotiating with the organized, disciplined, and safety-conscious convoy leaders, chose to invoke and mis-apply the Emergencies Act, which is authorized to deal with threats to national security and sovereignty.

By statute, the use of the Emergencies Act legally requires a public inquiry after the fact. Author Ray McGinnis travelled to Ottawa to directly witness testimony of the extensive evidence of administrative cowardice and incompetence during the six weeks of the hearing.

McGinnis’s book belatedly reveals to Canadians the unreported facts of the whole disgraceful saga:  the shameful disregard for Canadian political traditions, and the failure of Trudeau’s bought-off media — especially the CBC — to investigate and report both sides of the protest.

Elizabeth Woodworth is a former medical librarian, and author/co-author of books and articles on nuclear disarmament, climate policy, 9/11 evidence, Covid-19 policy, and corporate control of the media.

“Unjustified is one of the most important books of our time.  Ray does a deep dive into the false narratives created and perpetrated by the Canadian ruling Liberal Party in partnership with the legacy media, and shows how the judiciary system is being weaponized against everyday Canadian citizens who voice their concerns. It’s a must read for anyone seeking the jaw dropping truth around the Freedom Convoy, the POEC, and the ongoing persecution of Canadian political prisoners.”

Tamara Lich is author of Hold The Line: My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy. As a volunteer with the Freedom Convoy Tamara was in frequent contact with members of the Ottawa Police Service.

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