NATO candidly acknowledges its war crimes: 3,438 sorties and 1,432 strike sorties since March 31

Global Research Editor’s Note

NATO candidly acknowledged its war crimes. Below is the NATO dispatch confirming the number of sorties: 3438 since March 31st, 1432 strike sorties, which means several strikes in terms of targets per sortie. 

How many civilian deaths per strike in the best case scenario? 

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
April 23, 2011

NATO and Libya

Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:

Air Operations

Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 08.00GMT) a total of 3,438 sorties and 1,432 strike sorties have been conducted.

Sorties conducted 22 April: 138

Strike sorties conducted 22 April: 59


Key Targets and Engagements

22 April: In Tripoli: 2 command and control bunkers.

In vicinity of Misurata:3 tanks, 1 bunker, 1 early warning radar, 1 surface to air radar.

In vicinity of Zintan: 2 tanks, 2 bunkers, buildings

In vicinity of Mizdah: 3 ammunition storage bunkers.

In vicinity of Ras Lanuf: 1 tank, 1 armoured vehicle.


A total of 18 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.

47 vessels were hailed on 22 April to determine destination and cargo. 1 boarding and 0 diversions were conducted.

A total of 571 vessels have been hailed, 14 boarded and 5 diverted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.

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