Monetary Reform Conference Challenges Dominant Institutions and Myths

Chicago September 30- October 3


 The American Monetary Institute (AMI) will host its 6th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference featuring many of the world’s finest experts and actors on financial reform from September 30th through October 3rd at the University Center in Chicago. 
The solution to American financialization is straightforward.  One need not be a policy wonk nor a Wall St. insider to understand and take action upon the simple concept of monetary power.  Today, the power to conceive new money is largely concentrated in few private hands.  Yet Article I, §8 of the Constitution reads “The Congress shall have Power…To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.”  Were these powers to be monopolized by Congress, the root of the nation’s systematic monetary and fiscal problems would be eliminated.  The American Monetary Institute has authored the American Monetary Act, which would implement three key reforms- nationalizing the Federal Reserve, eliminating the private sector’s ability to create money, reclaiming the government’s ability to create money and invest it in infrastructure, including people. Founder of the American Monetary Institute, Stephen Zarlenga, details the reforms in the last chapter of his book The Lost Science of Money– the Mythology of Money and the Story of Power.
The Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference has served to further the discussion of solutions to the monetary system since its inception in 1996.  Mr. Zarlenga will open with a presentation of AMI’s recent work.  Other notable speakers include top Australian monetary economist Steve Keen who won the inaugural (Paul) Revere Award for giving an early warning (2005) of the present debt-deflation collapse;  Prof. Michael Hudson, author of Super Imperialism and Global Fracture; editor, Debt and Economic Renewal in the Ancient Near East; distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Missouri, the first to publicly identify the mechanism of “Dollar Imperialism” through the U.S. balance of payments deficits; Dr. Michael Clark, of the United Nations, is the man who earlier this year sparked the recent issue of 240 billion new SDRs by the International Monetary Fund, though they had only issued 21 billion of them since inception in January 1970; Richard C. (Rick) Cook, a former federal government analyst, author of We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform; William Bergman, Federal Reserve whistleblower, who was a financial market analyst for the Federal Reserve, until he noticed an unusual surge in the currency component of the M1 money supply just prior to the 9/11 attacks, and raised a taboo question about it in the performance of his assigned counter-terrorism investigation, will speak on the present condition of banking after the massive bailouts- “Who won? At whose expense? Why won’t the banks lend? What must be done now to get money into circulation?” Geraldine Perry, who was on the organizing committee for the breakthrough 9/11 Revealing the Truth- Reclaiming the Future Conference and co-authored The Two Faces of Money (, will be on the Non- Partisan Efforts in Monetary Reform panel.  Carol Brouillet, publisher of the Deception Dollars, will speak on Strategy for the Monetary Reform Movement, looking at the movement through the lens of Bill Moyer’s MAP model, as she did for Truth Movement in Chicago in 2006. Speakers, panels, and social events will explore a number of issues and facets of monetary reform including understanding money creation, who should receive the seigniorage involved in a society’s money creation process, banking, the current international situation with a focus on Brazil, Britain, Latvia, and Iceland, actions and strategies for genuine reform, monetary effects on health and nutrition.
See the entire schedule and description of speakers, talks, panels at the America  Monetary Institute’s website ( A recent interview with Stephen Zarlenga on Carol Brouillet’s weekly Community Currency Radio Show is posted at  

People must pre-register via the website to attend, and contact [email protected] or (224) 805-2200.

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