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Putin’s Strategic Blunder By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 20, 2024
Fighting Back Against A Historical Racist Genocide. Mike Whitney By Mike Whitney and Michael Welch, May 20, 2024
University Professors Are Losing Their Jobs Over “New Mccarthyism” on Gaza By Natasha Lennard, May 20, 2024
Video: Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story By Al-Jazeera, May 20, 2024
Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s President, Dies in Helicopter Crash Aged 63. “It Was Not Us” said Israeli Official “Who requested Anonymity” By Al-Jazeera, May 20, 2024
Russia’s Evolving Africa Agenda, Post-Soviet Players. Prof. Alexey Vasilyev By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 20, 2024
The WHO Health Tyranny – Or Not? By Peter Koenig, May 20, 2024
Ecological Disruption and Militarization of Antarctica Will Push the Planet Closer to Tipping Points By Bharat Dogra, May 20, 2024
Transcending the Simplistic Binaries: ‘Pros-and-Cons’, ‘Risks-and-Benefits’ of Artificial Intelligence (AI) By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu, May 20, 2024
First World War and Imperialism. Dr. Jacques Pauwels By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, May 20, 2024
Two Economic and Financial Periods with Similarities, But with Different International Monetary Systems: 1920-1929 and 2008-2024 By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, May 20, 2024
Will the Sinai Peninsula See an Influx of Palestinians? What Will be Its Impact? By Bharat Dogra, May 20, 2024
The Blood-Red Sunset of the West. Strengthening of the Sino-Russian Relations By Manlio Dinucci, May 20, 2024
Behold the Real “Axis of Evil”. Option C of Israel’s “Secret Intelligence Memorandum.” By Mark Taliano, May 20, 2024
Died Suddenly: High School Sports Coaches and Other Athletic Coaches Whose Deaths Were Unexpected By Dr. William Makis, May 20, 2024
The COVID-19 Endgame: Global Governance, “Digital Tyranny” and the Depopulation Agenda By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 20, 2024
Il Tramonto Rosso Sangue dell’occidente By Manlio Dinucci, May 19, 2024
Pfizer in Ritirata: Paga per Evitare le Cause Contro il Cancro By Andrea Murgia, May 19, 2024
The Collapse of Dollar Hegemony Could Lead to World War III. Richard C. Cook By Richard C. Cook and Ahmed Danyal Arif, May 19, 2024
Biden Rewards Bibi’s Genocide with $1 Billion More in Weapons. “There’s Nowhere to Go”. 300,000 Palestinians Fleeing Rafah By Joachim Hagopian, May 19, 2024