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What Would Happen If This Event of 41 Years Ago Happened Today? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 19, 2024
Unbecoming American: Judgement at Normandy. The History of the Good War By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, June 19, 2024
The Historical Role of Wisdom: Time to Invite “The Wise Women and Men” Back into American Society. The Insights of the Elders By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, June 19, 2024
Macron’s Political Bet Could Backfire with France One Step Closer to Leaving NATO By Uriel Araujo, June 19, 2024
Covering Ukraine: The Scott Ritter Interviews Through the Eyes of Ania K By Scott Ritter, June 19, 2024
Israeli Army Knew of Hamas’s Plans on 7 October, Report Finds By Middle East Eye, June 19, 2024
Video: Israel’s Zionist Lobby Control Over America. Philip Giraldi with Judge Napolitano By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, June 19, 2024
The American Amnesia — US War Policy By Chaitanya Davé, June 18, 2024
Trump Slams Zelensky: “He’s maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that’s ever lived” By Ahmed Adel, June 18, 2024
100 Recent Cases of Sudden and Unexpected Death. The Silent Epidemic No One Wants to Talk About By Dr. William Makis, June 18, 2024
The United States Is the Main Obstacle to Peace in Palestine By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, June 18, 2024
How Legitimate Are Western Leaders? By Drago Bosnic, June 18, 2024
Full Text of Hamas Reply to Israel’s Gaza Ceasefire Proposal By Middle East Eye, June 18, 2024
Is a New Cuban Missile Crisis Brewing Over Ukraine? Dangers of Nuclear War. John J. Mearsheimer By Steven Sahiounie, June 18, 2024
G7: O declínio do Império Americano Ocidental By Manlio Dinucci, June 18, 2024
Linking Ecologically Protective Farming with Consumers Who Value Healthy Food By Bharat Dogra, June 18, 2024
Selected Articles: ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for “Kidnapping Ukrainian Children”, Russia Accused of “Genocide-like Deportation” at the Switzerland Peace Conference By Global Research News, June 18, 2024
The Failure of Switzerland’s Burgenstock “War-Peace Conference”, Russia Not Invited By Peter Koenig, June 18, 2024
Video: Regenerative Agriculture. James Corbett By James Corbett, June 18, 2024
Up to Half a Million NATO Soldiers Waiting to Enter Ukraine. “Offensive Oriented”, Preparing for “A Large Confrontation”. Drago Bosnic By Drago Bosnic, June 18, 2024