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What Is the Recent Reshuffling in Russia’s Ministry of Defense Really About? Strengthening the “Economic Aspects” By Drago Bosnic, June 24, 2024
Пакс Россия: “Pax Rossiya” Versus “A New American Century” By Peter Koenig, June 24, 2024
As alegações enganosas da vacina COVID da Pfizer ‘trouxeram descrédito’ às grandes farmacêuticas, conclui regulador do Reino Unido By Dr. Brenda Baletti, June 24, 2024
Kenyan Police Under Scrutiny After Crackdown on Demonstrations Opposing Tax Hikes By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 24, 2024
Video: What Is Causing “Unexplained” Vaccine Related Deaths? “An Injection of Truth” Conference By Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. William Makis, and et al., June 24, 2024
Quibbling About Killing: Netanyahu Is Unhappy with Washington By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 24, 2024
Heat Wave Response Must Improve Very Significantly to Protect Vulnerable People By Bharat Dogra, June 24, 2024
Thousands of Farmers Participate in Seed Festival Aimed at Protecting Diversity of Indigenous Seeds By Bharat Dogra, June 24, 2024
A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination By Nicolas Hulscher, Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, Richard Amerling, and et al., June 24, 2024
America’s Strategic Nightmare – Russia (Re)building Alliances Across the Globe By Drago Bosnic, June 24, 2024
Climate Change and C02: Fake Sustainability Versus Real Sustainability By Mark Keenan, June 24, 2024
Is the Bio/Nano/IT Axis Planning Total War on Humanity While Telling Us, “Keep your eyes focused on Gaza?” By Emanuel Pastreich, June 24, 2024
The Russia-Vietnam Strategic Partnership, Affects US Influence in Southeast Asia. “New Cold War Moves East” By Andrew Korybko, June 24, 2024
History: Clash Or Harmony of Civilisations? “Imperialist Intentions in the Background”. The Global Civilization Initiative By Hasan Erel, June 24, 2024
Will the US Replace Zelensky in the First Half of Next Year? By Andrew Korybko, June 24, 2024
Neo-Nazi Junta’s F-16s Flying From NATO Countries – Great Way to Start WW3 By Drago Bosnic, June 24, 2024
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Secures Second Term Under ANC-led Government of National Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 24, 2024
G7 Italy: A Summit of War. Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, June 24, 2024
Gaza and Gazans Can’t Disappear By Barbara Nimri Aziz, June 24, 2024
Germany Betting on ‘Hybrid Weapons’ to Disguise Its Inability to Keep Arming Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 24, 2024